Search in sources :

Example 61 with Project

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIDynamicInvoke method getTargetSharedAction.

public UIActionStack getTargetSharedAction() {
    try {
        String qname = getSharedActionQName();
        if (qname != null && qname.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String p_name = qname.substring(0, qname.indexOf('.'));
            Project project = this.getProject();
            Project p = Engine.theApp.referencedProjectManager.importProjectFrom(project, p_name);
            if (p != null) {
                ApplicationComponent app = (ApplicationComponent) p.getMobileApplication().getApplicationComponent();
                for (UIActionStack uias : app.getSharedActionList()) {
                    if (uias.getQName().equals(qname)) {
                        return uias;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
Also used : Project(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project)

Example 62 with Project

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIUseShared method getTargetSharedComponent.

public UISharedComponent getTargetSharedComponent() {
    String qname = getSharedComponentQName();
    if (target == null || !target.getQName().equals(qname)) {
        target = null;
        if (qname.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String p_name = qname.substring(0, qname.indexOf('.'));
            Project project = this.getProject();
            if (project != null) {
                Project p = null;
                try {
                    p = Engine.theApp.referencedProjectManager.importProjectFrom(project, p_name);
                    if (p == null) {
                        throw new Exception();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted project \"" + p_name + "\" is missing !");
                if (p != null) {
                    if (p.getMobileApplication() != null) {
                        try {
                            ApplicationComponent app = (ApplicationComponent) p.getMobileApplication().getApplicationComponent();
                            if (app != null) {
                                for (UISharedComponent uisc : app.getSharedComponentList()) {
                                    if (uisc.getQName().equals(qname)) {
                                        target = uisc;
                        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                            Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted component \"" + qname + "\" is not compatible !");
                    } else {
                        Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted project \"" + p_name + "\" does not contain any mobile application !");
                    if (target == null) {
                        Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted component \"" + qname + "\" is missing !");
        } else {
            Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) Component \"" + this.toString() + "\" has no target shared component defined !");
    return target;
Also used : Project(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project) JSONException(org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException) EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)

Example 63 with Project

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Migration7_0_0 method migrate.

public static void migrate(final String projectName) {
    try {
        Map<String, Reference> referenceMap = new HashMap<String, Reference>();
        XmlSchema projectSchema = null;
        Project project = Engine.theApp.databaseObjectsManager.getOriginalProjectByName(projectName, false);
        // Copy all xsd files to project's xsd directory
        File destDir = new File(project.getXsdDirPath());
        copyXsdOfProject(projectName, destDir);
        String projectWsdlFilePath = Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + projectName + "/" + projectName + ".wsdl";
        File wsdlFile = new File(projectWsdlFilePath);
        String projectXsdFilePath = Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + projectName + "/" + projectName + ".xsd";
        File xsdFile = new File(projectXsdFilePath);
        if (xsdFile.exists()) {
            // Load project schema from old XSD file
            XmlSchemaCollection collection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            collection.setSchemaResolver(new DefaultURIResolver() {

                public InputSource resolveEntity(String targetNamespace, String schemaLocation, String baseUri) {
                    // Case of a c8o project location
                    if (schemaLocation.startsWith("../") && schemaLocation.endsWith(".xsd")) {
                        try {
                            String targetProjectName = schemaLocation.substring(3, schemaLocation.indexOf("/", 3));
                            File pDir = new File(Engine.projectDir(targetProjectName));
                            if (pDir.exists()) {
                                File pFile = new File(Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + schemaLocation.substring(2));
                                // Case c8o project is already migrated
                                if (!pFile.exists()) {
                                    Document doc = Engine.theApp.schemaManager.getSchemaForProject(targetProjectName).getSchemaDocument();
                                    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
                                    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                                    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
                                    TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(source, result);
                                    StringReader reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());
                                    return new InputSource(reader);
                            return null;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Engine.logDatabaseObjectManager.warn("[Migration 7.0.0] Unable to find schema location \"" + schemaLocation + "\"", e);
                            return null;
                    } else if (schemaLocation.indexOf("://") == -1 && schemaLocation.endsWith(".xsd")) {
                        return super.resolveEntity(targetNamespace, schemaLocation, Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + projectName);
                    return super.resolveEntity(targetNamespace, schemaLocation, baseUri);
            projectSchema = SchemaUtils.loadSchema(new File(projectXsdFilePath), collection);
            SchemaMeta.setCollection(projectSchema, collection);
            for (Connector connector : project.getConnectorsList()) {
                for (Transaction transaction : connector.getTransactionsList()) {
                    try {
                        // Migrate transaction in case of a Web Service consumption project
                        if (transaction instanceof XmlHttpTransaction) {
                            XmlHttpTransaction xmlHttpTransaction = (XmlHttpTransaction) transaction;
                            String reqn = xmlHttpTransaction.getResponseElementQName();
                            if (!reqn.equals("")) {
                                boolean useRef = reqn.indexOf(";") == -1;
                                // Doc/Literal case
                                if (useRef) {
                                    try {
                                        String[] qn = reqn.split(":");
                                        QName refName = new QName(projectSchema.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceURI(qn[0]), qn[1]);
                                        xmlHttpTransaction.setXmlElementRefAffectation(new XmlQName(refName));
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                } else // RPC case
                                    int index, index2;
                                    try {
                                        index = reqn.indexOf(";");
                                        String opName = reqn.substring(0, index);
                                        if ((index2 = reqn.indexOf(";", index + 1)) != -1) {
                                            String eltName = reqn.substring(index + 1, index2);
                                            String eltType = reqn.substring(index2 + 1);
                                            String[] qn = eltType.split(":");
                                            QName typeName = new QName(projectSchema.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceURI(qn[0]), qn[1]);
                                            String responseElementQName = opName + ";" + eltName + ";" + "{" + typeName.getNamespaceURI() + "}" + typeName.getLocalPart();
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // Retrieve required XmlSchemaObjects for transaction
                        QName requestQName = new QName(project.getTargetNamespace(), transaction.getXsdRequestElementName());
                        QName responseQName = new QName(project.getTargetNamespace(), transaction.getXsdResponseElementName());
                        LinkedHashMap<QName, XmlSchemaObject> map = new LinkedHashMap<QName, XmlSchemaObject>();
                        XmlSchemaWalker dw = XmlSchemaWalker.newDependencyWalker(map, true, false);
                        dw.walkByElementRef(projectSchema, requestQName);
                        dw.walkByElementRef(projectSchema, responseQName);
                        // Create transaction schema
                        String targetNamespace = projectSchema.getTargetNamespace();
                        String prefix = projectSchema.getNamespaceContext().getPrefix(targetNamespace);
                        XmlSchema transactionSchema = SchemaUtils.createSchema(prefix, targetNamespace,,;
                        // Add required prefix declarations
                        List<String> nsList = new LinkedList<String>();
                        for (QName qname : map.keySet()) {
                            String nsURI = qname.getNamespaceURI();
                            if (!nsURI.equals(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD)) {
                                if (!nsList.contains(nsURI)) {
                            String nsPrefix = qname.getPrefix();
                            if (!nsURI.equals(targetNamespace)) {
                                NamespaceMap nsMap = SchemaUtils.getNamespaceMap(transactionSchema);
                                if (nsMap.getNamespaceURI(nsPrefix) == null) {
                                    nsMap.add(nsPrefix, nsURI);
                        // Add required imports
                        for (String namespaceURI : nsList) {
                            XmlSchemaObjectCollection includes = projectSchema.getIncludes();
                            for (int i = 0; i < includes.getCount(); i++) {
                                XmlSchemaObject xmlSchemaObject = includes.getItem(i);
                                if (xmlSchemaObject instanceof XmlSchemaImport) {
                                    if (((XmlSchemaImport) xmlSchemaObject).getNamespace().equals(namespaceURI)) {
                                        // do not allow import with same ns !
                                        if (namespaceURI.equals(project.getTargetNamespace()))
                                        String location = ((XmlSchemaImport) xmlSchemaObject).getSchemaLocation();
                                        // This is a convertigo project reference
                                        if (location.startsWith("../")) {
                                            // Copy all xsd files to xsd directory
                                            String targetProjectName = location.substring(3, location.indexOf("/", 3));
                                            copyXsdOfProject(targetProjectName, destDir);
                                        // Add reference
                                        addReferenceToMap(referenceMap, namespaceURI, location);
                                        // Add import
                                        addImport(transactionSchema, namespaceURI, location);
                        QName responseTypeQName = new QName(project.getTargetNamespace(), transaction.getXsdResponseTypeName());
                        // Add required schema objects
                        for (QName qname : map.keySet()) {
                            if (qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(targetNamespace)) {
                                XmlSchemaObject ob = map.get(qname);
                                if (qname.getLocalPart().startsWith("ConvertigoError"))
                                // Add missing response error element and attributes
                                if (qname.equals(responseTypeQName)) {
                                    Transaction.addSchemaResponseObjects(transactionSchema, (XmlSchemaComplexType) ob);
                        // Add missing ResponseType (with document)
                        if (map.containsKey(responseTypeQName)) {
                            Transaction.addSchemaResponseType(transactionSchema, transaction);
                        // Add everything
                        if (map.isEmpty()) {
                            Transaction.addSchemaObjects(transactionSchema, transaction);
                        // Add c8o error objects (for internal xsd edition only)
                        // Save schema to file
                        String transactionXsdFilePath = transaction.getSchemaFilePath();
                        new File(transaction.getSchemaFileDirPath()).mkdirs();
                        SchemaUtils.saveSchema(transactionXsdFilePath, transactionSchema);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Engine.logDatabaseObjectManager.error("[Migration 7.0.0] An error occured while migrating transaction \"" + transaction.getName() + "\"", e);
                    if (transaction instanceof TransactionWithVariables) {
                        TransactionWithVariables transactionVars = (TransactionWithVariables) transaction;
                        // Change SQLQuery variables : i.e. {id} --> {{id}}
                        if (transaction instanceof SqlTransaction) {
                            String sqlQuery = ((SqlTransaction) transaction).getSqlQuery();
                            sqlQuery = sqlQuery.replaceAll("\\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\}", "{{$1}}");
                            ((SqlTransaction) transaction).setSqlQuery(sqlQuery);
        } else {
            // Should only happen for projects which version <= 4.6.0
            XmlSchemaCollection collection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            String prefix = project.getName() + "_ns";
            projectSchema = SchemaUtils.createSchema(prefix, project.getNamespaceUri(),,;
            SchemaMeta.setCollection(projectSchema, collection);
            for (Connector connector : project.getConnectorsList()) {
                for (Transaction transaction : connector.getTransactionsList()) {
                    if (transaction instanceof TransactionWithVariables) {
                        TransactionWithVariables transactionVars = (TransactionWithVariables) transaction;
        // Handle sequence objects
        for (Sequence sequence : project.getSequencesList()) {
            handleSteps(projectSchema, referenceMap, sequence.getSteps());
        // Add all references to project
        if (!referenceMap.isEmpty()) {
            for (Reference reference : referenceMap.values()) project.add(reference);
        // Delete XSD file
        if (xsdFile.exists())
        // Delete WSDL file
        if (wsdlFile.exists())
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Engine.logDatabaseObjectManager.error("[Migration 7.0.0] An error occured while migrating project \"" + projectName + "\"", e);
Also used : Connector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Connector) InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) XmlSchemaWalker(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.XmlSchemaWalker) StringWriter( XmlSchemaObject( DefaultURIResolver( StringReader( XmlSchemaImport( XmlSchemaObjectCollection( StreamResult( Reference(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Reference) ProjectSchemaReference(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.references.ProjectSchemaReference) ImportXsdSchemaReference(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.references.ImportXsdSchemaReference) XmlHttpTransaction(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.XmlHttpTransaction) XmlQName(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XmlQName) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) SqlTransaction(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.SqlTransaction) XmlSchemaSequence( Sequence(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Sequence) XmlSchemaCollection( EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException) IOException( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Project(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project) XmlQName(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XmlQName) SqlTransaction(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.SqlTransaction) XmlHttpTransaction(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.XmlHttpTransaction) Transaction(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Transaction) XmlSchema( NamespaceMap( TransactionWithVariables(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.TransactionWithVariables) File(

Example 64 with Project

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class NgxBuilder method updateConsumers.

// for created or modified files
private void updateConsumers(UISharedComponent uisc, Project to) {
    String compName = uisc.getName();
    String compQName = uisc.getQName();
    for (String useQName : ComponentRefManager.get(Mode.use).getAllConsumers(compQName)) {
        if (projectName(useQName).equals(project.getName()))
        if (to != null && !to.getName().equals(projectName(useQName)))
        try {
            File dest = new File(Engine.projectDir(projectName(useQName)), "_private/ionic/src/app/components/" + compName.toLowerCase());
            File src = new File(project.getDirPath(), "_private/ionic/src/app/components/" + compName.toLowerCase());
            if (src.exists() && shouldUpdate(src, dest)) {
                Engine.logEngine.debug("(MobileBuilder) Copying " + src + " to " + dest);
                FileUtils.copyDirectory(src, dest, true);
                Project dest_project = Engine.theApp.databaseObjectsManager.getOriginalProjectByName(projectName(useQName), false);
                if (dest_project != null && dest_project.isMobileBuilderInitialized()) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Engine.logEngine.warn("Unable to update consumers for " + projectName(useQName) + ": " + e.getMessage());
Also used : Project(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project) File( IOException( EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)

Example 65 with Project

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIUseShared method getTargetSharedComponent.

public UISharedComponent getTargetSharedComponent() {
    String qname = getSharedComponentQName();
    if (target == null || !target.getQName().equals(qname)) {
        target = null;
        if (qname.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String p_name = qname.substring(0, qname.indexOf('.'));
            Project project = this.getProject();
            if (project != null) {
                Project p = null;
                try {
                    p = Engine.theApp.referencedProjectManager.importProjectFrom(project, p_name);
                    if (p == null) {
                        throw new Exception();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted project \"" + p_name + "\" is missing !");
                if (p != null) {
                    if (p.getMobileApplication() != null) {
                        ApplicationComponent app = (ApplicationComponent) p.getMobileApplication().getApplicationComponent();
                        if (app != null) {
                            for (UISharedComponent uisc : app.getSharedComponentList()) {
                                if (uisc.getQName().equals(qname)) {
                                    target = uisc;
                        if (target == null) {
                            Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted component \"" + qname + "\" is missing !");
                    } else {
                        Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) For \"" + this.toString() + "\", targeted project \"" + p_name + "\" does not contain any mobile application !");
        } else {
            Engine.logBeans.warn("(UIUseShared) Component \"" + this.toString() + "\" has no target shared component defined !");
    return target;
Also used : Project(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project) EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)


Project (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project)148 EngineException (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)56 DatabaseObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject)47 IOException ( File ( Sequence (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Sequence)35 Connector (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Connector)33 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)29 ProjectExplorerView (com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.ProjectExplorerView)26 JSONException (org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException)26 Transaction (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Transaction)24 TreeObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.model.TreeObject)22 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)21 CoreException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException)20 Step (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Step)19 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)19 Shell (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)18 JSONObject (org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject)17 IProject (org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject)17 Cursor (