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Example 21 with IonBean

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIDynamicAction method computeActionContent.

protected String computeActionContent() {
    if (isEnabled()) {
        IonBean ionBean = getIonBean();
        if (ionBean != null) {
            int numThen = numberOfActions();
            String actionName = getActionName();
            String inputs = computeActionInputs(false);
            StringBuilder sbCatch = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbThen = new StringBuilder();
            Iterator<UIComponent> it = getUIComponentList().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                UIComponent component = (UIComponent);
                if (component.isEnabled()) {
                    String sCatch = "", sThen = "";
                    if (component instanceof UIDynamicAction) {
                        sThen = ((UIDynamicAction) component).computeActionContent();
                    if (component instanceof UICustomAction) {
                        sThen = ((UICustomAction) component).computeActionContent();
                    if (component instanceof UIActionFailureEvent) {
                        sCatch = ((UIActionFailureEvent) component).computeEvent();
                    if (!sCatch.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!sThen.isEmpty()) {
                        sbThen.append(sbThen.length() > 0 && numThen > 1 ? "\t\t," + System.lineSeparator() : "").append(sThen);
            String tsCode = "";
            tsCode += "\t\tnew Promise((resolve, reject) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            // tsCode += "\t\tlet self: any = stack[\""+ getName() +"\"] = {};"+ System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tlet self: any = stack[\"" + getName() + "\"] = stack[\"" + priority + "\"] = {};" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\ = " + inputs + ";" + System.lineSeparator();
            if ("InvokeAction".equals(ionBean.getName())) {
                if (isBroken()) {
                    tsCode += "\t\treturn this.actionBeans." + actionName + "(this, {, ...{message: 'Invoke source is broken'}}, " + "{...stack[\"root\"].in,})" + System.lineSeparator();
                } else {
                    if (getSharedAction() != null) {
                        tsCode += "\t\treturn this.actionBeans." + actionName + "(this, {...{stack: stack, parent: parent, out: out},}, " + "{...stack[\"root\"].in, ...params,}, event)" + System.lineSeparator();
                    } else {
                        tsCode += "\t\treturn this.actionBeans." + actionName + "(this, {...{stack: stack, parent: parent, out: out},}, " + "{...stack[\"root\"].in,}, event)" + System.lineSeparator();
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\treturn this.actionBeans." + actionName + "(this,, {...stack[\"root\"].in,})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.catch((error:any) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent = self;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent.out = error;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tout = parent.out;" + System.lineSeparator();
            if (sbCatch.length() > 0) {
                tsCode += "\t\t" + sbCatch.toString();
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.reject(error);" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.then((res:any) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent = self;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent.out = res;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tout = parent.out;" + System.lineSeparator();
            if (sbThen.length() > 0) {
                if (numThen > 1) {
                    tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.all([" + System.lineSeparator();
                    tsCode += sbThen.toString();
                    tsCode += "\t\t])" + System.lineSeparator();
                } else {
                    tsCode += "\t\treturn " + sbThen.toString().replaceFirst("\t\t", "");
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.resolve(res);" + System.lineSeparator();
            if ("IfAction".equals(ionBean.getName())) {
                tsCode += "\t\t}, (error: any) => {if (\"c8oSkipError\" === error.message) {resolve(false);} else {this.c8o.log.debug(\"[MB] " + actionName + " : \", error.message);throw new Error(error);}})" + System.lineSeparator();
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\t}, (error: any) => {this.c8o.log.debug(\"[MB] " + actionName + " : \", error.message);throw new Error(error);})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.then((res:any) => {resolve(res)}).catch((error:any) => {reject(error)})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t})" + System.lineSeparator();
            return tsCode;
    return "";
Also used : IonBean(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean)

Example 22 with IonBean

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIDynamicAction method computeTemplate.

public String computeTemplate() {
    if (isEnabled()) {
        String formIdentifier = null;
        if (underSubmitEvent()) {
            UIForm uiForm = getUIForm();
            if (uiForm != null) {
                if (!uiForm.getIdentifier().isBlank()) {
                    formIdentifier = uiForm.getIdentifier();
        String scope = getScope();
        String in = formIdentifier == null ? "{}" : "merge({}," + formIdentifier + ".value)";
        if (isStacked()) {
            return getFunctionName() + "({root: {scope:" + scope + ", in:" + in + ", out:$event}})";
        } else {
            IonBean ionBean = getIonBean();
            if (ionBean != null) {
                String actionName = getActionName();
                String props = "{}", vars = "{}";
                String inputs = computeActionInputs(true);
                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{props:(\\{.*\\}), vars:(\\{.*\\})\\}");
                Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputs);
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    props =;
                    vars =;
                if (formIdentifier != null) {
                    vars = "merge(merge({}," + formIdentifier + ".value), " + vars + ")";
                String stack = "{stack:{root: {scope:" + scope + ", in:" + in + ", out:$event}}}";
                props = "merge(merge({}," + props + "), " + stack + ")";
                if (compareToTplVersion("1.0.91") >= 0) {
                    return "resolveError(actionBeans." + actionName + "(this," + props + "," + vars + ", $event))";
                } else {
                    return "actionBeans." + actionName + "(this," + props + "," + vars + ", $event)";
    return "";
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) IonBean(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean)

Example 23 with IonBean

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class UIDynamicIterate method computeActionContent.

protected String computeActionContent() {
    if (isEnabled()) {
        IonBean ionBean = getIonBean();
        if (ionBean != null) {
            int numThen = numberOfActions();
            String actionName = getActionName();
            String inputs = computeActionInputs(false);
            StringBuilder sbLoop = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbCatch = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbThen = new StringBuilder();
            Iterator<UIComponent> it = getUIComponentList().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                UIComponent component = (UIComponent);
                if (component.isEnabled()) {
                    String sLoop = "", sCatch = "", sThen = "";
                    if (component instanceof UIDynamicAction) {
                        sThen = ((UIDynamicAction) component).computeActionContent();
                    if (component instanceof UICustomAction) {
                        sThen = ((UICustomAction) component).computeActionContent();
                    if (component instanceof UIActionFailureEvent) {
                        sCatch = ((UIActionFailureEvent) component).computeEvent();
                    if (component instanceof UIActionLoopEvent) {
                        sLoop = ((UIActionLoopEvent) component).computeEvent();
                    if (!sLoop.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!sCatch.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!sThen.isEmpty()) {
                        sbThen.append(sbThen.length() > 0 && numThen > 1 ? "\t\t," + System.lineSeparator() : "").append(sThen);
            String tsCode = "";
            tsCode += "\t\tnew Promise((resolve, reject) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t" + System.lineSeparator();
            if (sbLoop.length() > 0) {
                tsCode += sbLoop.toString();
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\tconst doLoop = (c8oPage : C8oPageBase, item : any, index : number) : Promise<any> => {" + System.lineSeparator();
                tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.reject('no loop handler');" + System.lineSeparator();
                tsCode += "\t\t}" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t" + System.lineSeparator();
            // tsCode += "\t\tlet self: any = stack[\""+ getName() +"\"] = {};"+ System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tlet self: any = stack[\"" + getName() + "\"] = stack[\"" + priority + "\"] = {};" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\ = " + inputs + ";" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\treturn this.actionBeans." + actionName + "(this,, {...stack[\"root\"].in,}, doLoop)" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.catch((error:any) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent = self;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent.out = error;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tout = parent.out;" + System.lineSeparator();
            if (sbCatch.length() > 0) {
                tsCode += "\t\t" + sbCatch.toString();
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.reject(error);" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.then((res:any) => {" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent = self;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tparent.out = res;" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\tout = parent.out;" + System.lineSeparator();
            if (sbThen.length() > 0) {
                if (numThen > 1) {
                    tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.all([" + System.lineSeparator();
                    tsCode += sbThen.toString();
                    tsCode += "\t\t])" + System.lineSeparator();
                } else {
                    tsCode += "\t\treturn " + sbThen.toString().replaceFirst("\t\t", "");
            } else {
                tsCode += "\t\treturn Promise.resolve(res);" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t}, (error: any) => {this.c8o.log.debug(\"[MB] " + actionName + " : \", error.message);throw new Error(error);})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t.then((res:any) => {resolve(res)}).catch((error:any) => {reject(error)})" + System.lineSeparator();
            tsCode += "\t\t})" + System.lineSeparator();
            return tsCode;
    return "";
Also used : IonBean(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean)


IonBean (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonBean)23 DatabaseObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject)9 EngineException (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)9 IonProperty (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.dynamic.IonProperty)8 JSONObject (org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject)8 JSONException (org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException)6 UIDynamicAction (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIDynamicAction)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 UIActionStack (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIActionStack)3 UISharedComponent (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UISharedComponent)3 UIUseShared (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIUseShared)3 File ( Project (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project)2 ApplicationComponent (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.ApplicationComponent)2 MobileSmartSourceType (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.MobileSmartSourceType)2 UICompVariable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UICompVariable)2 UIControlVariable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIControlVariable)2 UIDynamicElement (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIDynamicElement)2 UIDynamicInvoke (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIDynamicInvoke)2 UIStackVariable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.ngx.components.UIStackVariable)2