use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class CommonPackingTests method testScaleDownOneComponentRemoveContainer.
* Test the scenario where scaling down removes instances from containers that are most imbalanced
* (i.e., tending towards homogeneity) first. If there is a tie (e.g. AABB, AB), chooses from the
* container with the fewest instances, to favor ultimately removing containers. If there is
* still a tie, favor removing from higher numbered containers
public void testScaleDownOneComponentRemoveContainer() throws Exception {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] initialComponentInstances = new Pair[] { new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 1, 0)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 2, 1)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(B, 3, 0)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 4, 1)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 5, 2)), new Pair<>(4, new InstanceId(B, 6, 3)), new Pair<>(4, new InstanceId(B, 7, 4)) };
Map<String, Integer> componentChanges = new HashMap<>();
componentChanges.put(B, -2);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] expectedComponentInstances = new Pair[] { new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 1, 0)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 2, 1)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(B, 3, 0)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 4, 1)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 5, 2)) };
doScaleDownTest(initialComponentInstances, componentChanges, expectedComponentInstances);
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class RoundRobinPacking method packInternal.
private PackingPlan packInternal(int numContainer, Map<String, Integer> parallelismMap) {
// Get the instances' round-robin allocation
Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> roundRobinAllocation = getRoundRobinAllocation(numContainer, parallelismMap);
// Get the ram map for every instance
Map<Integer, Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount>> instancesRamMap = getInstancesRamMapInContainer(roundRobinAllocation);
ByteAmount containerDiskInBytes = getContainerDiskHint(roundRobinAllocation);
double containerCpu = getContainerCpuHint(roundRobinAllocation);
ByteAmount containerRamHint = getContainerRamHint(roundRobinAllocation);"Pack internal: container cpu hint: %f, ram hint: %s, disk hint: %s.", containerCpu, containerDiskInBytes.toString(), containerRamHint.toString()));
// Construct the PackingPlan
Set<PackingPlan.ContainerPlan> containerPlans = new HashSet<>();
for (int containerId : roundRobinAllocation.keySet()) {
List<InstanceId> instanceList = roundRobinAllocation.get(containerId);
// Calculate the resource required for single instance
Map<InstanceId, PackingPlan.InstancePlan> instancePlanMap = new HashMap<>();
ByteAmount containerRam = containerRamPadding;
for (InstanceId instanceId : instanceList) {
ByteAmount instanceRam = instancesRamMap.get(containerId).get(instanceId);
// Currently not yet support disk or cpu config for different components,
// so just use the default value.
ByteAmount instanceDisk = instanceDiskDefault;
double instanceCpu = instanceCpuDefault;
Resource resource = new Resource(instanceCpu, instanceRam, instanceDisk);
// Insert it into the map
instancePlanMap.put(instanceId, new PackingPlan.InstancePlan(instanceId, resource));
containerRam =;
Resource resource = new Resource(containerCpu, containerRam, containerDiskInBytes);
PackingPlan.ContainerPlan containerPlan = new PackingPlan.ContainerPlan(containerId, new HashSet<>(instancePlanMap.values()), resource);
PackingPlan plan = new PackingPlan(topology.getId(), containerPlans);
// Check whether it is a valid PackingPlan
return plan;
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class RoundRobinPacking method getInstancesRamMapInContainer.
* Calculate the ram required by any instance in the container
* @param allocation the allocation of instances in different container
* @return A map: (containerId -> (instanceId -> instanceRequiredRam))
private Map<Integer, Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount>> getInstancesRamMapInContainer(Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> allocation) {
Map<String, ByteAmount> ramMap = TopologyUtils.getComponentRamMapConfig(topology);
Map<Integer, Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount>> instancesRamMapInContainer = new HashMap<>();
ByteAmount containerRamHint = getContainerRamHint(allocation);
for (int containerId : allocation.keySet()) {
List<InstanceId> instanceIds = allocation.get(containerId);
Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount> ramInsideContainer = new HashMap<>();
instancesRamMapInContainer.put(containerId, ramInsideContainer);
List<InstanceId> instancesToBeAccounted = new ArrayList<>();
// Calculate the actual value
ByteAmount usedRam = ByteAmount.ZERO;
for (InstanceId instanceId : instanceIds) {
String componentName = instanceId.getComponentName();
if (ramMap.containsKey(componentName)) {
ByteAmount ram = ramMap.get(componentName);
ramInsideContainer.put(instanceId, ram);
usedRam =;
} else {
// Now we have calculated ram for instances specified in ComponentRamMap
// Then to calculate ram for the rest instances
int instancesToAllocate = instancesToBeAccounted.size();
if (instancesToAllocate != 0) {
ByteAmount individualInstanceRam = instanceRamDefault;
// If container ram is specified
if (!containerRamHint.equals(NOT_SPECIFIED_NUMBER_VALUE)) {
// remove ram for heron internal process
ByteAmount remainingRam = containerRamHint.minus(containerRamPadding).minus(usedRam);
// Split remaining ram evenly
individualInstanceRam = remainingRam.divide(instancesToAllocate);
// Put the results in instancesRam
for (InstanceId instanceId : instancesToBeAccounted) {
ramInsideContainer.put(instanceId, individualInstanceRam);
return instancesRamMapInContainer;
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class AssertPacking method assertPackingPlan.
public static void assertPackingPlan(String expectedTopologyName, Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] expectedComponentInstances, PackingPlan plan) {
assertEquals(expectedTopologyName, plan.getId());
assertEquals("Unexpected number of instances: " + plan.getContainers(), expectedComponentInstances.length, plan.getInstanceCount().intValue());
// for every instance on a given container...
Set<Integer> expectedContainerIds = new HashSet<>();
for (Pair<Integer, InstanceId> expectedComponentInstance : expectedComponentInstances) {
// verify the expected container exists
int containerId = expectedComponentInstance.first;
InstanceId instanceId = expectedComponentInstance.second;
assertTrue(String.format("Container with id %s not found", containerId), plan.getContainer(containerId).isPresent());
// and that the instance exists on it
boolean instanceFound = false;
PackingPlan.ContainerPlan containerPlan = plan.getContainer(containerId).get();
for (PackingPlan.InstancePlan instancePlan : containerPlan.getInstances()) {
if (instancePlan.getTaskId() == instanceId.getTaskId()) {
instanceFound = true;
assertEquals("Wrong componentName for task " + instancePlan.getTaskId(), instanceId.getComponentName(), instancePlan.getComponentName());
assertEquals("Wrong getComponentIndex for task " + instancePlan.getTaskId(), instanceId.getComponentIndex(), instancePlan.getComponentIndex());
assertTrue(String.format("Container (%s) did not include expected instance with taskId %d", containerPlan, instanceId.getTaskId()), instanceFound);
Map<Integer, PackingPlan.InstancePlan> taskIds = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Set<PackingPlan.InstancePlan>> componentInstances = new HashMap<>();
for (PackingPlan.ContainerPlan containerPlan : plan.getContainers()) {
for (PackingPlan.InstancePlan instancePlan : containerPlan.getInstances()) {
// check for taskId collisions
PackingPlan.InstancePlan collisionInstance = taskIds.get(instancePlan.getTaskId());
assertNull(String.format("Task id collision between instance %s and %s", instancePlan, collisionInstance), collisionInstance);
taskIds.put(instancePlan.getTaskId(), instancePlan);
// check for componentIndex collisions
Set<PackingPlan.InstancePlan> instances = componentInstances.get(instancePlan.getComponentName());
if (instances != null) {
for (PackingPlan.InstancePlan instance : instances) {
assertTrue(String.format("Component index collision between instance %s and %s", instance, instancePlan), instance.getComponentIndex() != instancePlan.getComponentIndex());
if (componentInstances.get(instancePlan.getComponentName()) == null) {
componentInstances.put(instancePlan.getComponentName(), new HashSet<PackingPlan.InstancePlan>());
assertEquals(expectedContainerIds.size(), plan.getContainers().size());
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class PackingPlanBuilderTest method testAddToPackingPlan.
public void testAddToPackingPlan() throws ResourceExceededException {
PackingPlan plan = doCreatePackingPlanTest(testContainerInstances);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] added = new Pair[] { new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId("componentB", 4, 1)), new Pair<>(4, new InstanceId("componentA", 5, 2)) };
PackingPlan updatedPlan = PackingTestHelper.addToTestPackingPlan(TOPOLOGY_ID, plan, PackingTestHelper.toContainerIdComponentNames(added), 0);
Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] expected = concat(testContainerInstances, added);
AssertPacking.assertPackingPlan(TOPOLOGY_ID, expected, updatedPlan);