use of com.twitter.heron.spi.statemgr.SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor in project heron by twitter.
the class RuntimeManagerRunner method restartTopologyHandler.
* Handler to restart a topology
void restartTopologyHandler(String topologyName) throws TopologyRuntimeManagementException {
Integer containerId = Context.topologyContainerId(config);
Scheduler.RestartTopologyRequest restartTopologyRequest = Scheduler.RestartTopologyRequest.newBuilder().setTopologyName(topologyName).setContainerIndex(containerId).build();
// i.e. TMasterLocation does not exist
if (containerId == -1 || containerId == 0) {
// get the instance of state manager to clean state
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor stateManager = Runtime.schedulerStateManagerAdaptor(runtime);
Boolean result = stateManager.deleteTMasterLocation(topologyName);
if (result == null || !result) {
throw new TopologyRuntimeManagementException("Failed to clear TMaster location. Check whether TMaster set it correctly.");
if (!schedulerClient.restartTopology(restartTopologyRequest)) {
throw new TopologyRuntimeManagementException(String.format("Failed to restart topology '%s'", topologyName));
// Clean the connection when we are done.
LOG.fine("Scheduler restarted topology successfully.");
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.statemgr.SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor in project heron by twitter.
the class RuntimeManagerRunner method updateTopologyHandler.
* Handler to update a topology
void updateTopologyHandler(String topologyName, String newParallelism) throws TopologyRuntimeManagementException, PackingException, UpdateDryRunResponse {
LOG.fine(String.format("updateTopologyHandler called for %s with %s", topologyName, newParallelism));
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor manager = Runtime.schedulerStateManagerAdaptor(runtime);
TopologyAPI.Topology topology = manager.getTopology(topologyName);
Map<String, Integer> changeRequests = parseNewParallelismParam(newParallelism);
PackingPlans.PackingPlan currentPlan = manager.getPackingPlan(topologyName);
if (!changeDetected(currentPlan, changeRequests)) {
throw new TopologyRuntimeManagementException(String.format("The component parallelism request (%s) is the same as the " + "current topology parallelism. Not taking action.", newParallelism));
PackingPlans.PackingPlan proposedPlan = buildNewPackingPlan(currentPlan, changeRequests, topology);
if (Context.dryRun(config)) {
PackingPlanProtoDeserializer deserializer = new PackingPlanProtoDeserializer();
PackingPlan oldPlan = deserializer.fromProto(currentPlan);
PackingPlan newPlan = deserializer.fromProto(proposedPlan);
throw new UpdateDryRunResponse(topology, config, newPlan, oldPlan, changeRequests);
Scheduler.UpdateTopologyRequest updateTopologyRequest = Scheduler.UpdateTopologyRequest.newBuilder().setCurrentPackingPlan(currentPlan).setProposedPackingPlan(proposedPlan).build();
LOG.fine("Sending Updating topology request: " + updateTopologyRequest);
if (!schedulerClient.updateTopology(updateTopologyRequest)) {
throw new TopologyRuntimeManagementException(String.format("Failed to update topology with Scheduler, updateTopologyRequest=" + updateTopologyRequest));
// Clean the connection when we are done.
LOG.fine("Scheduler updated topology successfully.");
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.statemgr.SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor in project heron by twitter.
the class SchedulerMain method runScheduler.
* Run the scheduler.
* It is a blocking call, and it will return in 2 cases:
* 1. The topology is requested to kill
* 2. Unexpected exceptions happen
* @return true if scheduled successfully
public boolean runScheduler() {
IScheduler scheduler = null;
String statemgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(config);
IStateManager statemgr;
try {
// create an instance of state manager
statemgr = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(statemgrClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to instantiate instances using config: " + config, e);
return false;
SchedulerServer server = null;
boolean isSuccessful = false;
// Put it in a try block so that we can always clean resources
try {
// initialize the state manager
// TODO(mfu): timeout should read from config
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor adaptor = new SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor(statemgr, 5000);
// get a packed plan and schedule it
PackingPlans.PackingPlan serializedPackingPlan = adaptor.getPackingPlan(topology.getName());
if (serializedPackingPlan == null) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to fetch PackingPlan for topology:{0} from the state manager", topology.getName());
return false;
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Packing plan fetched from state: {0}", serializedPackingPlan);
PackingPlan packedPlan = new PackingPlanProtoDeserializer().fromProto(serializedPackingPlan);
// build the runtime config
LauncherUtils launcherUtils = LauncherUtils.getInstance();
Config runtime = Config.newBuilder().putAll(launcherUtils.createPrimaryRuntime(topology)).putAll(launcherUtils.createAdaptorRuntime(adaptor)).put(Key.SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN, getShutdown()).put(Key.SCHEDULER_PROPERTIES, properties).build();
Config ytruntime = launcherUtils.createConfigWithPackingDetails(runtime, packedPlan);
// invoke scheduler
scheduler = launcherUtils.getSchedulerInstance(config, ytruntime);
if (scheduler == null) {
return false;
isSuccessful = scheduler.onSchedule(packedPlan);
if (!isSuccessful) {
LOG.severe("Failed to schedule topology");
return false;
// Failures in server initialization throw exceptions
// get the scheduler server endpoint for receiving requests
server = getServer(ytruntime, scheduler, schedulerServerPort);
// start the server to manage runtime requests
// write the scheduler location to state manager
// Make sure it happens after IScheduler.onScheduler
isSuccessful = SchedulerUtils.setSchedulerLocation(runtime, String.format("%s:%d", server.getHost(), server.getPort()), scheduler);
if (isSuccessful) {
// wait until kill request or some interrupt occurs if the scheduler starts successfully"Waiting for termination... ");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to start server", e);
return false;
} finally {
// Clean the resources
if (server != null) {
// 4. Close the resources
return isSuccessful;
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.statemgr.SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor in project heron by twitter.
the class SubmitterMain method submitTopology.
* Submit a topology
* 1. Instantiate necessary resources
* 2. Valid whether it is legal to submit a topology
* 3. Call LauncherRunner
public void submitTopology() throws TopologySubmissionException {
// build primary runtime config first
Config primaryRuntime = Config.newBuilder().putAll(LauncherUtils.getInstance().createPrimaryRuntime(topology)).build();
// call launcher directly here if in dry-run mode
if (Context.dryRun(config)) {
// 1. Do prepare work
// create an instance of state manager
String statemgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(config);
IStateManager statemgr;
// Create an instance of the launcher class
String launcherClass = Context.launcherClass(config);
ILauncher launcher;
// create an instance of the uploader class
String uploaderClass = Context.uploaderClass(config);
IUploader uploader;
// create an instance of state manager
try {
statemgr = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(statemgrClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new TopologySubmissionException(String.format("Failed to instantiate state manager class '%s'", statemgrClass), e);
// create an instance of launcher
try {
launcher = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(launcherClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new LauncherException(String.format("Failed to instantiate launcher class '%s'", launcherClass), e);
// create an instance of uploader
try {
uploader = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(uploaderClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Failed to instantiate uploader class '%s'", uploaderClass), e);
// Put it in a try block so that we can always clean resources
try {
// initialize the state manager
// TODO(mfu): timeout should read from config
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor adaptor = new SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor(statemgr, 5000);
// Check if topology is already running
validateSubmit(adaptor, topology.getName());
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Topology {0} to be submitted", topology.getName());
Config runtimeWithoutPackageURI = Config.newBuilder().putAll(primaryRuntime).putAll(LauncherUtils.getInstance().createAdaptorRuntime(adaptor)).put(Key.LAUNCHER_CLASS_INSTANCE, launcher).build();
PackingPlan packingPlan = LauncherUtils.getInstance().createPackingPlan(config, runtimeWithoutPackageURI);
// The packing plan might call for a number of containers different than the config
// settings. If that's the case we need to modify the configs to match.
runtimeWithoutPackageURI = updateNumContainersIfNeeded(runtimeWithoutPackageURI, topology, packingPlan);
// If the packing plan is valid we will upload necessary packages
URI packageURI = uploadPackage(uploader);
// Update the runtime config with the packageURI
Config runtimeAll = Config.newBuilder().putAll(runtimeWithoutPackageURI).put(Key.TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE_URI, packageURI).build();
} catch (LauncherException | PackingException e) {
// we undo uploading of topology package only if launcher fails to
// launch topology, which will throw LauncherException or PackingException
throw e;
} finally {
use of com.twitter.heron.spi.statemgr.SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor in project heron by twitter.
the class SchedulerClientFactory method getSchedulerClient.
* Implementation of getSchedulerClient - Used to create objects
* Currently it creates either HttpServiceSchedulerClient or LibrarySchedulerClient
* @return getSchedulerClient created. return null if failed to create ISchedulerClient instance
public ISchedulerClient getSchedulerClient() throws SchedulerException {
LOG.fine("Creating scheduler client");
ISchedulerClient schedulerClient;
if (Context.schedulerService(config)) {
// get the instance of the state manager
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor statemgr = Runtime.schedulerStateManagerAdaptor(runtime);
Scheduler.SchedulerLocation schedulerLocation = statemgr.getSchedulerLocation(Runtime.topologyName(runtime));
if (schedulerLocation == null) {
throw new SchedulerException("Failed to get scheduler location from state manager");
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Scheduler is listening on location: {0} ", schedulerLocation.toString());
schedulerClient = new HttpServiceSchedulerClient(config, runtime, schedulerLocation.getHttpEndpoint());
} else {
// create an instance of scheduler
final IScheduler scheduler = LauncherUtils.getInstance().getSchedulerInstance(config, runtime);
LOG.fine("Invoke scheduler as a library");
schedulerClient = new LibrarySchedulerClient(config, runtime, scheduler);
return schedulerClient;