use of com.twosigma.beakerx.widget.IntSlider in project beakerx by twosigma.
the class DirectionalLinkTest method createWithFourParams_shouldSendCommOpenMessage.
public void createWithFourParams_shouldSendCommOpenMessage() throws Exception {
// given
Widget source = new IntSlider();
Widget target = new Text();
// when
new DirectionalLink(source, "source", target, "target");
// then
Assertions.assertThat(SearchMessages.getListWidgetsByModelName(kernel.getPublishedMessages(), DirectionalLink.MODEL_NAME_VALUE)).isNotEmpty();
use of com.twosigma.beakerx.widget.IntSlider in project beakerx by twosigma.
the class DisplayTest method shouldSendMessageForWidget.
public void shouldSendMessageForWidget() {
// given
// when
Display.display(new IntSlider());
// then
use of com.twosigma.beakerx.widget.IntSlider in project beakerx by twosigma.
the class AccordionTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
kernel = new KernelTest();
children = Arrays.asList(new IntSlider(), new Text());
use of com.twosigma.beakerx.widget.IntSlider in project beakerx by twosigma.
the class IntSliderTest method shouldSendCommMsgWhenValueChange.
public void shouldSendCommMsgWhenValueChange() throws Exception {
// given
IntSlider intSlider = intSlider();
// when
// then
verifyMsgForProperty(groovyKernel, IntSlider.VALUE, 11);
use of com.twosigma.beakerx.widget.IntSlider in project beakerx by twosigma.
the class IntSliderTest method shouldSendCommMsgWhenMsg_throttleChange.
public void shouldSendCommMsgWhenMsg_throttleChange() throws Exception {
// given
IntSlider intSlider = intSlider();
// when
// then
verifyMsgForProperty(groovyKernel, Widget.MSG_THROTTLE, 12);