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Example 6 with ASN1Long

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Long in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class DeliverSingleUseTokenExtendedRequest method encodeValue.

 * Encodes the provided information into an ASN.1 octet string suitable for
 * use as the value of the extended request.
 * @param  userDN                       The DN of the user for whom the token
 *                                      should be generated and delivered.  It
 *                                      must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  tokenID                      An identifier for the token, which can
 *                                      differentiate between separate uses of
 *                                      this extended operation for different
 *                                      purposes.  This token ID should be
 *                                      provided in the request to consume the
 *                                      token that has been delivered.  It
 *                                      must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  validityDurationMillis       The maximum length of time in
 *                                      milliseconds that the generated token
 *                                      should be considered valid.  It may be
 *                                      {@code null} if the server should
 *                                      determine the token validity duration.
 *                                      If it is non-{@code null}, then the
 *                                      value must be greater than zero.
 * @param  messageSubject               The text (if any) that should be used
 *                                      as the message subject if the delivery
 *                                      mechanism accepts a subject.  This may
 *                                      be {@code null} if no subject is
 *                                      required or a subject should be
 *                                      automatically generated.
 * @param  fullTextBeforeToken          The text (if any) that should appear
 *                                      before the generated single-use token
 *                                      in the message delivered to the user
 *                                      via a delivery mechanism that does not
 *                                      impose significant constraints on
 *                                      message size.  This may be
 *                                      {@code null} if no text is required
 *                                      before the token.
 * @param  fullTextAfterToken           The text (if any) that should appear
 *                                      after the generated single-use token
 *                                      in the message delivered to the user
 *                                      via a delivery mechanism that does not
 *                                      impose significant constraints on
 *                                      message size.  This may be
 *                                      {@code null} if no text is required
 *                                      after the token.
 * @param  compactTextBeforeToken       The text (if any) that should appear
 *                                      before the generated single-use token
 *                                      in the message delivered to the user
 *                                      via a delivery mechanism that imposes
 *                                      significant constraints on message
 *                                      size.  This may be {@code null} if no
 *                                      text is required before the token.
 * @param  compactTextAfterToken        The text (if any) that should appear
 *                                      after the generated single-use token
 *                                      in the message delivered to the user
 *                                      via a delivery mechanism that imposes
 *                                      significant constraints on message
 *                                      size.  This may be {@code null} if no
 *                                      text is required after the token.
 * @param  preferredDeliveryMechanisms  An optional list of the preferred
 *                                      delivery mechanisms that should be
 *                                      used to convey the token to the target
 *                                      user.  It may be {@code null} or empty
 *                                      if the server should determine the
 *                                      delivery mechanisms to attempt.  If
 *                                      a list of preferred delivery
 *                                      mechanisms is provided, the server
 *                                      will only attempt to deliver the token
 *                                      through these mechanisms, with
 *                                      attempts made in the order specified
 *                                      in this list.
 * @param  deliverIfPasswordExpired     Indicates whether to generate and
 *                                      deliver a token if the target user's
 *                                      password is expired.
 * @param  deliverIfAccountLocked       Indicates whether to generate and
 *                                      deliver a token if the target user's
 *                                      account is locked for some reason
 *                                      (e.g., too many failed authentication
 *                                      attempts, the account has been idle
 *                                      for too long, the user failed to
 *                                      change his/her password in a timely
 *                                      manner after an administrative reset,
 *                                      etc.).
 * @param  deliverIfAccountDisabled     Indicates whether to generate and
 *                                      deliver a token if the target user's
 *                                      account has been disabled by an
 *                                      administrator.
 * @param  deliverIfAccountExpired      Indicates whether to generate and
 *                                      deliver a token if the target user's
 *                                      account has expired.
 * @return  An ASN.1 octet string containing the encoded value.
private static ASN1OctetString encodeValue(@NotNull final String userDN, @NotNull final String tokenID, @Nullable final Long validityDurationMillis, @Nullable final String messageSubject, @Nullable final String fullTextBeforeToken, @Nullable final String fullTextAfterToken, @Nullable final String compactTextBeforeToken, @Nullable final String compactTextAfterToken, @Nullable final List<ObjectPair<String, String>> preferredDeliveryMechanisms, final boolean deliverIfPasswordExpired, final boolean deliverIfAccountLocked, final boolean deliverIfAccountDisabled, final boolean deliverIfAccountExpired) {
    if (validityDurationMillis != null) {
        Validator.ensureTrue(validityDurationMillis > 0L);
    final ArrayList<ASN1Element> elements = new ArrayList<>(13);
    elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(userDN));
    elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(tokenID));
    if (validityDurationMillis != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Long(VALIDITY_DURATION_MILLIS_BER_TYPE, validityDurationMillis));
    if (messageSubject != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(MESSAGE_SUBJECT_BER_TYPE, messageSubject));
    if (fullTextBeforeToken != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(FULL_TEXT_BEFORE_TOKEN_BER_TYPE, fullTextBeforeToken));
    if (fullTextAfterToken != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(FULL_TEXT_AFTER_TOKEN_BER_TYPE, fullTextAfterToken));
    if (compactTextBeforeToken != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(COMPACT_TEXT_BEFORE_TOKEN_BER_TYPE, compactTextBeforeToken));
    if (compactTextAfterToken != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(COMPACT_TEXT_AFTER_TOKEN_BER_TYPE, compactTextAfterToken));
    if ((preferredDeliveryMechanisms != null) && (!preferredDeliveryMechanisms.isEmpty())) {
        final ArrayList<ASN1Element> pdmElements = new ArrayList<>(preferredDeliveryMechanisms.size());
        for (final ObjectPair<String, String> p : preferredDeliveryMechanisms) {
            final ArrayList<ASN1Element> l = new ArrayList<>(2);
            l.add(new ASN1OctetString(p.getFirst()));
            if (p.getSecond() != null) {
                l.add(new ASN1OctetString(p.getSecond()));
            pdmElements.add(new ASN1Sequence(l));
        elements.add(new ASN1Sequence(PREFERRED_DELIVERY_MECHANISM_BER_TYPE, pdmElements));
    if (deliverIfPasswordExpired) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(DELIVER_IF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED_TYPE, true));
    if (deliverIfAccountLocked) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(DELIVER_IF_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_TYPE, true));
    if (deliverIfAccountDisabled) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(DELIVER_IF_ACCOUNT_DISABLED_TYPE, true));
    if (deliverIfAccountExpired) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(DELIVER_IF_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_TYPE, true));
    return new ASN1OctetString(new ASN1Sequence(elements).encode());
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1Long(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Long) ASN1Sequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Sequence) ASN1Element(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1Boolean(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Boolean) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 7 with ASN1Long

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Long in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class GetChangelogBatchExtendedRequest method encodeValue.

 * Encodes the value for this extended request using the provided information.
 * @param  startingPoint                   An object which indicates the
 *                                         starting point for the batch of
 *                                         changes to retrieve.  It must not
 *                                         be {@code null}.
 * @param  maxChanges                      The maximum number of changes that
 *                                         should be retrieved before the
 *                                         server should return the
 *                                         corresponding extended result.  A
 *                                         value less than or equal to zero
 *                                         may be used to indicate that the
 *                                         server should not return any
 *                                         entries but should just return a
 *                                         result containing a token which
 *                                         represents the starting point.
 * @param  maxWaitTimeMillis               The maximum length of time in
 *                                         milliseconds to wait for changes.
 *                                         A value less than or equal to zero
 *                                         indicates that there should not be
 *                                         any wait and the result should be
 *                                         returned as soon as all
 *                                         immediately-available changes (up
 *                                         to the specified maximum count)
 *                                         have been returned.
 * @param  waitForMaxChanges               Indicates whether the server should
 *                                         wait for up to the maximum length
 *                                         of time for up to the maximum
 *                                         number of changes to be returned.
 *                                         If this is {@code false}, then the
 *                                         result will be returned as soon as
 *                                         any changes are available (after
 *                                         sending those changes), even if the
 *                                         number of available changes is less
 *                                         than {@code maxChanges}.
 *                                         Otherwise, the result will not be
 *                                         returned until either the maximum
 *                                         number of changes have been
 *                                         returned or the maximum wait time
 *                                         has elapsed.
 * @param  includeBaseDNs                  A list of base DNs for entries to
 *                                         include in the set of changes to be
 *                                         returned.
 * @param  excludeBaseDNs                  A list of base DNs for entries to
 *                                         exclude from the set of changes to
 *                                         be returned.
 * @param  changeTypes                     The types of changes that should be
 *                                         returned.  If this is {@code null}
 *                                         or empty, then all change types
 *                                         will be included.
 * @param  continueOnMissingChanges        Indicates whether the server should
 *                                         make a best-effort attempt to
 *                                         return changes even if the starting
 *                                         point represents a point that is
 *                                         before the first available change
 *                                         in the changelog and therefore the
 *                                         results returned may be missing
 *                                         changes.
 * @param  pareEntriesForUserDN            The DN of a user for whom to pare
 *                                         down the contents of changelog
 *                                         entries based on the access control
 *                                         and sensitive attribute
 *                                         restrictions defined for that user.
 *                                         It may be {@code null} if changelog
 *                                         entries should not be pared down
 *                                         for any user, an empty string if
 *                                         changelog entries should be pared
 *                                         down to what is available to
 *                                         anonymous users, or a user DN to
 *                                         pare down entries for the specified
 *                                         user.
 * @param  changeSelectionCriteria         The optional criteria to use to
 *                                         pare down the changelog entries
 *                                         that should be returned.  It may be
 *                                         {@code null} if all changelog
 *                                         entries should be returned.
 * @param  includeSoftDeletedEntryMods     Indicates whether to include
 *                                         changelog entries that represent
 *                                         changes to soft-deleted entries.
 * @param  includeSoftDeletedEntryDeletes  Indicates whether to include
 *                                         changelog entries that represent
 *                                         deletes of soft-deleted entries.
 * @return  The value for the extended request.
private static ASN1OctetString encodeValue(@NotNull final ChangelogBatchStartingPoint startingPoint, final int maxChanges, final long maxWaitTimeMillis, final boolean waitForMaxChanges, @Nullable final List<String> includeBaseDNs, @Nullable final List<String> excludeBaseDNs, @Nullable final Set<ChangeType> changeTypes, final boolean continueOnMissingChanges, @Nullable final String pareEntriesForUserDN, @Nullable final ChangelogBatchChangeSelectionCriteria changeSelectionCriteria, final boolean includeSoftDeletedEntryMods, final boolean includeSoftDeletedEntryDeletes) {
    final ArrayList<ASN1Element> elements = new ArrayList<>(12);
    if (maxChanges > 0) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Integer(maxChanges));
    } else {
        elements.add(new ASN1Integer(0));
    if (maxWaitTimeMillis > 0L) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Long(TYPE_MAX_TIME, maxWaitTimeMillis));
    if (waitForMaxChanges) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(TYPE_WAIT_FOR_MAX_CHANGES, true));
    if ((includeBaseDNs != null) && (!includeBaseDNs.isEmpty())) {
        final ArrayList<ASN1Element> l = new ArrayList<>(includeBaseDNs.size());
        for (final String s : includeBaseDNs) {
            l.add(new ASN1OctetString(s));
        elements.add(new ASN1Sequence(TYPE_INCLUDE_BASE, l));
    if ((excludeBaseDNs != null) && (!excludeBaseDNs.isEmpty())) {
        final ArrayList<ASN1Element> l = new ArrayList<>(excludeBaseDNs.size());
        for (final String s : excludeBaseDNs) {
            l.add(new ASN1OctetString(s));
        elements.add(new ASN1Sequence(TYPE_EXCLUDE_BASE, l));
    if ((changeTypes != null) && (!changeTypes.isEmpty()) && (!changeTypes.equals(EnumSet.allOf(ChangeType.class)))) {
        final ArrayList<ASN1Element> l = new ArrayList<>(changeTypes.size());
        for (final ChangeType t : changeTypes) {
            switch(t) {
                case ADD:
                    l.add(new ASN1Enumerated(CHANGE_TYPE_ADD));
                case DELETE:
                    l.add(new ASN1Enumerated(CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE));
                case MODIFY:
                    l.add(new ASN1Enumerated(CHANGE_TYPE_MODIFY));
                case MODIFY_DN:
                    l.add(new ASN1Enumerated(CHANGE_TYPE_MODIFY_DN));
        elements.add(new ASN1Set(TYPE_CHANGE_TYPES, l));
    if (continueOnMissingChanges) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(TYPE_CONTINUE_ON_MISSING_CHANGES, true));
    if (pareEntriesForUserDN != null) {
        elements.add(new ASN1OctetString(TYPE_PARE_ENTRIES_FOR_USER_DN, pareEntriesForUserDN));
    if (changeSelectionCriteria != null) {
    if (includeSoftDeletedEntryMods) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(TYPE_INCLUDE_SOFT_DELETED_ENTRY_MODS, true));
    if (includeSoftDeletedEntryDeletes) {
        elements.add(new ASN1Boolean(TYPE_INCLUDE_SOFT_DELETED_ENTRY_DELETES, true));
    return new ASN1OctetString(new ASN1Sequence(elements).encode());
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1Long(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Long) ASN1Sequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Sequence) ASN1Set(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Set) ChangeType(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ChangeType) ASN1Enumerated(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Enumerated) ASN1Element(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASN1Integer(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Integer) ASN1Boolean(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Boolean) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)


ASN1Long (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Long)7 ASN1OctetString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString)7 ASN1Sequence (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Sequence)7 ASN1Element (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Element)6 NotNull (com.unboundid.util.NotNull)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ASN1Boolean (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Boolean)3 ASN1Enumerated (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Enumerated)3 ASN1Integer (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Integer)2 ASN1Set (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Set)2 Attribute (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Attribute)1 ChangeType (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ChangeType)1 ExtendedRequest (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ExtendedRequest)1 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)1