Search in sources :

Example 91 with ReadOnlyEntry

use of com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class GenerateSourceFromSchema method generateSourceFile.

 * Generates the source file using the information in the provided schema.
 * @param  schema  The schema to use to generate the source file.
 * @param  terse   Indicates whether to use terse mode when generating the
 *                 source file.  If this is {@code true}, then all optional
 *                 elements will be omitted from annotations.
 * @return  A result code obtained for the processing.
private ResultCode generateSourceFile(@NotNull final Schema schema, final boolean terse) {
    // Retrieve and process the structural object class.
    final TreeMap<String, AttributeTypeDefinition> requiredAttrs = new TreeMap<>();
    final TreeMap<String, AttributeTypeDefinition> optionalAttrs = new TreeMap<>();
    final TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> requiredAttrOCs = new TreeMap<>();
    final TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> optionalAttrOCs = new TreeMap<>();
    final TreeMap<String, String> types = new TreeMap<>();
    final String structuralClassName = structuralClassArg.getValue();
    final ObjectClassDefinition structuralOC = schema.getObjectClass(structuralClassName);
    if (structuralOC == null) {
        return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
    if (structuralOC.getObjectClassType(schema) != ObjectClassType.STRUCTURAL) {
        return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
    processObjectClass(structuralOC, schema, requiredAttrs, requiredAttrOCs, optionalAttrs, optionalAttrOCs, types);
    // Retrieve and process the auxiliary object classes.
    final TreeMap<String, ObjectClassDefinition> auxiliaryOCs = new TreeMap<>();
    if (auxiliaryClassArg.isPresent()) {
        for (final String s : auxiliaryClassArg.getValues()) {
            final ObjectClassDefinition oc = schema.getObjectClass(s);
            if (oc == null) {
                return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
            if (oc.getObjectClassType(schema) != ObjectClassType.AUXILIARY) {
                return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
            auxiliaryOCs.put(StaticUtils.toLowerCase(s), oc);
            processObjectClass(oc, schema, requiredAttrs, requiredAttrOCs, optionalAttrs, optionalAttrOCs, types);
    // Determine the appropriate set of superior object classes.
    final TreeMap<String, ObjectClassDefinition> superiorOCs = new TreeMap<>();
    for (final ObjectClassDefinition s : structuralOC.getSuperiorClasses(schema, true)) {
        superiorOCs.put(StaticUtils.toLowerCase(s.getNameOrOID()), s);
    for (final ObjectClassDefinition d : auxiliaryOCs.values()) {
        for (final ObjectClassDefinition s : d.getSuperiorClasses(schema, true)) {
            superiorOCs.put(StaticUtils.toLowerCase(s.getNameOrOID()), s);
    for (final String s : auxiliaryOCs.keySet()) {
    // Retrieve and process the operational attributes.
    final TreeMap<String, AttributeTypeDefinition> operationalAttrs = new TreeMap<>();
    if (operationalAttributeArg.isPresent()) {
        for (final String s : operationalAttributeArg.getValues()) {
            final AttributeTypeDefinition d = schema.getAttributeType(s);
            if (d == null) {
                return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
            } else if (!d.isOperational()) {
                return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
            } else {
                final String lowerName = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(s);
                operationalAttrs.put(lowerName, d);
                types.put(lowerName, getJavaType(schema, d));
    // Make sure all of the configured RDN attributes are allowed by at least
    // one of the associated object classes.
    final TreeSet<String> rdnAttrs = new TreeSet<>();
    for (final String s : rdnAttributeArg.getValues()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = schema.getAttributeType(s);
        if (d == null) {
            return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
        final String lowerName = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(d.getNameOrOID());
        if (requiredAttrs.containsKey(lowerName)) {
        // No action required.
        } else if (optionalAttrs.containsKey(lowerName)) {
            // Move the attribute to the required set.
            requiredAttrs.put(lowerName, optionalAttrs.remove(lowerName));
            requiredAttrOCs.put(lowerName, optionalAttrOCs.remove(lowerName));
        } else {
            return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
    // Make sure all of the configured lazily-loaded attributes are allowed by
    // at least one of the associated object classes or matches a configured
    // operational attribute.
    final TreeSet<String> lazyAttrs = new TreeSet<>();
    for (final String s : lazyAttributeArg.getValues()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = schema.getAttributeType(s);
        if (d == null) {
            return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
        final String lowerName = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(d.getNameOrOID());
        if (requiredAttrs.containsKey(lowerName) || optionalAttrs.containsKey(lowerName) || operationalAttrs.containsKey(lowerName)) {
        // No action required.
        } else {
            return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
    final String className;
    if (classNameArg.isPresent()) {
        className = classNameArg.getValue();
        final StringBuilder invalidReason = new StringBuilder();
        if (!PersistUtils.isValidJavaIdentifier(className, invalidReason)) {
            err(ERR_GEN_SOURCE_INVALID_CLASS_NAME.get(className, invalidReason.toString()));
            return ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR;
    } else {
        className = StaticUtils.capitalize(PersistUtils.toJavaIdentifier(structuralClassName));
    final File sourceFile = new File(outputDirectoryArg.getValue(), className + ".java");
    final PrintWriter writer;
    try {
        writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(sourceFile));
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        err(ERR_GEN_SOURCE_CANNOT_CREATE_WRITER.get(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)));
        return ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR;
    if (packageNameArg.isPresent()) {
        final String packageName = packageNameArg.getValue();
        if (!packageName.isEmpty()) {
            writer.println("package " + packageName + ';');
    boolean javaImports = false;
    if (needArrays) {
        writer.println("import " + Arrays.class.getName() + ';');
        javaImports = true;
    if (needDate) {
        writer.println("import " + Date.class.getName() + ';');
        javaImports = true;
    if (javaImports) {
    if (needDN) {
        writer.println("import " + DN.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + Entry.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + Filter.class.getName() + ';');
    if (needDN) {
        writer.println("import " + LDAPException.class.getName() + ';');
        writer.println("import " + LDAPInterface.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + ReadOnlyEntry.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + DefaultObjectEncoder.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + FieldInfo.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + FilterUsage.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPEntryField.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPField.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPObject.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPObjectHandler.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPPersister.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + LDAPPersistException.class.getName() + ';');
    if (needPersistedObjects) {
        writer.println("import " + PersistedObjects.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println("import " + PersistFilterType.class.getName() + ';');
    if (needDN) {
        writer.println("import " + PersistUtils.class.getName() + ';');
    writer.println(" * This class provides an implementation of an object " + "that can be used to");
    writer.println(" * represent " + structuralClassName + " objects in the directory.");
    writer.println(" * It was generated by the " + getToolName() + " tool provided with the");
    writer.println(" * UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java.  It " + "may be customized as desired to better suit");
    writer.println(" * your needs.");
    writer.println(" */");
    writer.println("@LDAPObject(structuralClass=\"" + structuralClassName + "\",");
    switch(auxiliaryOCs.size()) {
        case 0:
            // No action required.
        case 1:
            writer.println("            auxiliaryClass=\"" + auxiliaryOCs.values().iterator().next().getNameOrOID() + "\",");
            final Iterator<ObjectClassDefinition> iterator = auxiliaryOCs.values().iterator();
            writer.println("            auxiliaryClass={ \"" + + "\",");
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                final String ocName =;
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    writer.println("                             \"" + ocName + "\",");
                } else {
                    writer.println("                             \"" + ocName + "\" },");
    switch(superiorOCs.size()) {
        case 0:
            // No action required.
        case 1:
            writer.println("            superiorClass=\"" + superiorOCs.values().iterator().next().getNameOrOID() + "\",");
            final Iterator<ObjectClassDefinition> iterator = superiorOCs.values().iterator();
            writer.println("            superiorClass={ \"" + + "\",");
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                final String ocName =;
                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    writer.println("                             \"" + ocName + "\",");
                } else {
                    writer.println("                             \"" + ocName + "\" },");
    if (defaultParentDNArg.isPresent()) {
        writer.println("            defaultParentDN=\"" + defaultParentDNArg.getValue() + "\",");
    writer.println("            postDecodeMethod=\"doPostDecode\",");
    writer.println("            postEncodeMethod=\"doPostEncode\")");
    writer.println("public class " + className);
    if (!terse) {
        writer.println("  /*");
        writer.println("   * NOTE:  This class includes a number of annotation " + "elements which are not");
        writer.println("   * required but have been provided to make it easier " + "to edit the resulting");
        writer.println("   * source code.  If you want to exclude these " + "unnecessary annotation");
        writer.println("   * elements, use the '--terse' command-line argument.");
        writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  // The field to use to hold a read-only copy of the " + "associated entry.");
    writer.println("  @LDAPEntryField()");
    writer.println("  private ReadOnlyEntry ldapEntry;");
    // attributes, and finally any operational attributes.
    for (final String lowerName : rdnAttrs) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = requiredAttrs.get(lowerName);
        final TreeSet<String> ocNames = requiredAttrOCs.get(lowerName);
        writeField(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), ocNames, true, true, structuralClassName, false, terse);
    for (final String lowerName : requiredAttrs.keySet()) {
        if (rdnAttrs.contains(lowerName)) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = requiredAttrs.get(lowerName);
        final TreeSet<String> ocNames = requiredAttrOCs.get(lowerName);
        writeField(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), ocNames, false, true, structuralClassName, lazyAttrs.contains(lowerName), terse);
    for (final String lowerName : optionalAttrs.keySet()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = optionalAttrs.get(lowerName);
        final TreeSet<String> ocNames = optionalAttrOCs.get(lowerName);
        writeField(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), ocNames, false, false, structuralClassName, lazyAttrs.contains(lowerName), terse);
    for (final String lowerName : operationalAttrs.keySet()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = operationalAttrs.get(lowerName);
        final TreeSet<String> ocNames = EMPTY_TREE_SET;
        writeField(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), ocNames, false, false, structuralClassName, lazyAttrs.contains(lowerName), terse);
    // Add the default constructor.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Creates a new instance of this object.  All fields " + "will be uninitialized,");
    writer.println("   * so the setter methods should be used to assign " + "values to them.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  public " + className + "()");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    // No initialization will be performed by default.  " + "Note that if you set");
    writer.println("    // values for any fields marked with an @LDAPField, " + "@LDAPDNField, or");
    writer.println("    // @LDAPEntryField annotation, they will be " + "overwritten in the course of");
    writer.println("    // decoding initializing this object from an LDAP " + "entry.");
    writer.println("  }");
    // Add a static decode method that can create an instance of the object
    // from a given entry.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Creates a new " + className + " object decoded");
    writer.println("   * from the provided entry.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @param  entry  The entry to be decoded.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @return  The decoded " + className + " object.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @throws  LDAPPersistException  If a problem occurs " + "while attempting to");
    writer.println("   *                                decode the provided " + "entry.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  public static " + className + " decode(final Entry entry)");
    writer.println("         throws LDAPPersistException");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    return getPersister().decode(entry);");
    writer.println("  }");
    // Add the getPersister method.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Retrieves an {@code LDAPPersister} instance that " + "may be used to interact");
    writer.println("   * with objects of this type.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @return  An {@code LDAPPersister} instance that may " + "be used to interact");
    writer.println("   *          with objects of this type.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @throws  LDAPPersistException  If a problem occurs " + "while creating the");
    writer.println("   *                                " + "{@code LDAPPersister} instance.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  public static LDAPPersister<" + className + "> getPersister()");
    writer.println("         throws LDAPPersistException");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    return LDAPPersister.getInstance(" + className + ".class);");
    writer.println("  }");
    // Add the post-decode and post-encode methods.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Performs any processing that may be necessary after " + "initializing this");
    writer.println("   * object from an LDAP entry.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @throws  LDAPPersistException  If there is a " + "problem with the object after");
    writer.println("   *                                it has been decoded " + "from an LDAP entry.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  private void doPostDecode()");
    writer.println("          throws LDAPPersistException");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    // No processing is needed by default.  You may " + "provide an implementation");
    writer.println("    // for this method if custom post-decode processing " + "is needed.");
    writer.println("  }");
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Performs any processing that may be necessary after " + "encoding this object");
    writer.println("   * to an LDAP entry.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @param  entry  The entry that has been generated.  " + "It may be altered if");
    writer.println("   *                desired.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @throws  LDAPPersistException  If the generated " + "entry should not be used.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  private void doPostEncode(final Entry entry)");
    writer.println("          throws LDAPPersistException");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    // No processing is needed by default.  You may " + "provide an implementation");
    writer.println("    // for this method if custom post-encode processing " + "is needed.");
    writer.println("  }");
    // Add a method for getting a read-only copy of the associated entry.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Retrieves a read-only copy of the entry with which " + "this object is");
    writer.println("   * associated, if it is available.  It will only be " + "available if this object");
    writer.println("   * was decoded from or encoded to an LDAP entry.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @return  A read-only copy of the entry with which " + "this object is");
    writer.println("   *          associated, or {@code null} if it is not " + "available.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  public ReadOnlyEntry getLDAPEntry()");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    return ldapEntry;");
    writer.println("  }");
    // Add a method for getting the DN of the associated entry.
    writer.println("  /**");
    writer.println("   * Retrieves the DN of the entry with which this " + "object is associated, if it");
    writer.println("   * is available.  It will only be available if this " + "object was decoded from or");
    writer.println("   * encoded to an LDAP entry.");
    writer.println("   *");
    writer.println("   * @return  The DN of the entry with which this object " + "is associated, or");
    writer.println("   *          {@code null} if it is not available.");
    writer.println("   */");
    writer.println("  public String getLDAPEntryDN()");
    writer.println("  {");
    writer.println("    if (ldapEntry == null)");
    writer.println("    {");
    writer.println("      return null;");
    writer.println("    }");
    writer.println("    else");
    writer.println("    {");
    writer.println("      return ldapEntry.getDN();");
    writer.println("    }");
    writer.println("  }");
    // the optional attributes.
    for (final String lowerName : rdnAttrs) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = requiredAttrs.get(lowerName);
        writeFieldMethods(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), true);
    for (final String lowerName : requiredAttrs.keySet()) {
        if (rdnAttrs.contains(lowerName)) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = requiredAttrs.get(lowerName);
        writeFieldMethods(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), true);
    for (final String lowerName : optionalAttrs.keySet()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = optionalAttrs.get(lowerName);
        writeFieldMethods(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), true);
    for (final String lowerName : operationalAttrs.keySet()) {
        final AttributeTypeDefinition d = operationalAttrs.get(lowerName);
        writeFieldMethods(writer, d, types.get(lowerName), false);
    writeToString(writer, className, requiredAttrs.values(), optionalAttrs.values(), operationalAttrs.values());
    return ResultCode.SUCCESS;
Also used : FileWriter( DN(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN) AttributeTypeDefinition(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.AttributeTypeDefinition) LDAPInterface(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPInterface) Entry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry) ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) ObjectClassDefinition(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.ObjectClassDefinition) PrintWriter( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ArgumentException(com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException) LDAPException(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException) Date(java.util.Date) ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) LDAPException(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException) Filter(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Filter) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) File( NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 92 with ReadOnlyEntry

use of com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class SoftDeletedEntry method getUndeletedEntry.

 * Retrieves a copy of the original entry as it appeared before the soft
 * delete operation was processed.  It will have its original DN and all
 * soft delete metadata attributes and auxiliary object class removed.
 * @return  A copy of the original entry as it appeared before the soft delete
 *          operation was processed.
public ReadOnlyEntry getUndeletedEntry() {
    final Entry e = duplicate();
    e.removeAttributeValue("objectClass", OC_SOFT_DELETED_ENTRY);
    return new ReadOnlyEntry(e);
Also used : ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) Entry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry) ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 93 with ReadOnlyEntry

use of com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class AuditLogMessage method decodeCommentedEntry.

 * Decodes an entry (or list of attributes) from the commented header
 * contained in the log message lines.
 * @param  header           The header line that appears before the encoded
 *                          entry.
 * @param  logMessageLines  The lines that comprise the audit log message.
 * @param  entryDN          The DN to use for the entry that is read.  It
 *                          should be {@code null} if the commented entry
 *                          includes a DN, and non-{@code null} if the
 *                          commented entry does not include a DN.
 * @return  The entry that was decoded from the commented header, or
 *          {@code null} if it is not included in the header or if it cannot
 *          be decoded.  If the commented entry does not include a DN, then
 *          the DN of the entry returned will be the null DN.
protected static ReadOnlyEntry decodeCommentedEntry(@NotNull final String header, @NotNull final List<String> logMessageLines, @Nullable final String entryDN) {
    List<String> ldifLines = null;
    StringBuilder invalidLDAPNameReason = null;
    for (final String line : logMessageLines) {
        final String uncommentedLine;
        if (line.startsWith("# ")) {
            uncommentedLine = line.substring(2);
        } else {
        if (ldifLines == null) {
            if (uncommentedLine.equalsIgnoreCase(header)) {
                ldifLines = new ArrayList<>(logMessageLines.size());
                if (entryDN != null) {
                    ldifLines.add("dn: " + entryDN);
        } else {
            final int colonPos = uncommentedLine.indexOf(':');
            if (colonPos <= 0) {
            if (invalidLDAPNameReason == null) {
                invalidLDAPNameReason = new StringBuilder();
            final String potentialAttributeName = uncommentedLine.substring(0, colonPos);
            if (PersistUtils.isValidLDAPName(potentialAttributeName, invalidLDAPNameReason)) {
            } else {
    if (ldifLines == null) {
        return null;
    try {
        final String[] ldifLineArray = ldifLines.toArray(StaticUtils.NO_STRINGS);
        final Entry ldifEntry = LDIFReader.decodeEntry(ldifLineArray);
        return new ReadOnlyEntry(ldifEntry);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        return null;
Also used : ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) Entry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry) ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Nullable(com.unboundid.util.Nullable)

Example 94 with ReadOnlyEntry

use of com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class LDAPDiffProcessor method process.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public LDAPDiffProcessorResult process(@NotNull final LDAPDiffCompactDN compactDN) throws LDAPException {
    // Convert the provided compact DN to a full DN.
    final DN dn = compactDN.toDN(baseDN, schema);
    final String dnString = dn.toString();
    // Retrieve the entry from the source and target servers.
    final ReadOnlyEntry sourceEntry;
    try {
        sourceEntry = sourcePool.getEntry(dnString, attributes);
    } catch (final LDAPException e) {
        throw new LDAPException(e.getResultCode(), ERR_LDAP_DIFF_PROCESSOR_ERROR_GETTING_ENTRY_FROM_SOURCE.get(dnString, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
    final ReadOnlyEntry targetEntry;
    try {
        targetEntry = targetPool.getEntry(dnString, attributes);
    } catch (final LDAPException e) {
        throw new LDAPException(e.getResultCode(), ERR_LDAP_DIFF_PROCESSOR_ERROR_GETTING_ENTRY_FROM_TARGET.get(dnString, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
    // Otherwise, it needs to be added.
    if (sourceEntry == null) {
        if (targetEntry == null) {
            return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createEntryMissingResult(dnString);
        } else {
            return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createAddResult(targetEntry);
    // If the target entry is null, then the entry needs to be removed.
    if (targetEntry == null) {
        return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createDeleteResult(sourceEntry);
    // perform a diff to see if the entries are the same or different.
    if (missingOnly) {
        return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createNoChangesResult(sourceEntry.getDN());
    } else {
        final List<Modification> mods = Entry.diff(sourceEntry, targetEntry, DO_NOT_IGNORE_RDN, USE_REVERSIBLE_MODE, byteForByte);
        if (mods.isEmpty()) {
            return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createNoChangesResult(sourceEntry.getDN());
        } else {
            return LDAPDiffProcessorResult.createModifyResult(sourceEntry.getDN(), mods);
Also used : ReadOnlyEntry(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry) Modification(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Modification) LDAPException(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException) DN(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)


ReadOnlyEntry (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyEntry)94 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)64 ASN1OctetString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString)41 Entry (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry)29 DN (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN)27 Attribute (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Attribute)25 Modification (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Modification)21 LDAPException (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException)18 ChangeLogEntry (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ChangeLogEntry)16 Control (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control)14 SearchResultEntry (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchResultEntry)14 NotNull (com.unboundid.util.NotNull)14 RDN (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.RDN)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 LDAPResult (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPResult)9 PostReadResponseControl (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.PostReadResponseControl)8 PreReadResponseControl (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.PreReadResponseControl)8 Schema (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.Schema)8 AuthorizationIdentityResponseControl (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.AuthorizationIdentityResponseControl)7 ServerSideSortResponseControl (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.ServerSideSortResponseControl)7