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Example 31 with DNArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument in project ssam by pingidentity.

the class SSAMInstaller method addToolArguments.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void addToolArguments(ArgumentParser argumentParser) throws ArgumentException {
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // Required arguments.                                                    //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    serverRootArg = new FileArgument(null, "serverRoot", true, 1, "[directory]", "Absolute or relative path to the server to host SSAM, or path to a" + " Directory Server whose tools will be used to configure a backend server" + " server for SSAM access.", true, true, false, true);
    ldapPortArg = new IntegerArgument('p', "ldapPort", true, 1, "[port]", "LDAP or LDAPS port for communicating with the server.");
    bindDNArg = new DNArgument('D', "bindDN", true, 1, "[dn]", "DN of an account used to manage the server's configuration.");
    bindPasswordArg = new StringArgument('w', "bindPassword", true, 1, "[password]", "Password of the account used to manage the server's configuration.");
    peopleBaseDNArg = new DNArgument(null, "peopleBaseDN", true, 1, "[dn]", "The pre-configured server base DN for user entries.");
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // SMTP arguments.                                               //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Required when configuring SSAM access.
    smtpServerHostnameArg = new StringArgument(null, "smtpServerHostname", true, 1, "[hostname]", "Name of the SMTP host used to deliver email notifications.");
    // Required when configuring SSAM access.
    smtpSenderEmailAddressArg = new StringArgument(null, "smtpSenderEmailAddress", true, 1, "[email address]", "Email address used as the sender, when notifying users.");
    smtpServerUsernameArg = new StringArgument(null, "smtpServerUsername", false, 1, "[username]", "Username of the SMTP server account, if required by the SMTP server.");
    smtpServerPasswordArg = new StringArgument(null, "smtpServerPassword", false, 1, "[password]", "Password of the SMTP server account, if required by the SMTP server.");
    // SMTP username and password must be specified together.
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(smtpServerUsernameArg, smtpServerPasswordArg);
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(smtpServerPasswordArg, smtpServerUsernameArg);
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // Optional connection arguments.                                         //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    useSSLArg = new BooleanArgument('Z', "useSSL", "Specifies use of SSL to secure communication with the server by" + " this tool, and also for SSAM.");
    useStartTLSArg = new BooleanArgument('q', "useStartTLS", "Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server by this tool," + " and also for SSAM.");
    trustAllArg = new BooleanArgument('X', "trustAll", "Trust all server SSL certificates.");
    trustStorePathArg = new FileArgument('P', "trustStorePath", false, 1, "[file]", "Path to the keystore used to establish trust between this tool" + " and the server.  You can use /server-root/config/keystore.", true, true, true, false);
    ssamUserDNArg = new DNArgument(null, "ssamUserDN", false, 1, "[dn]", "DN of SSAM user account used to bind to the server.");
    // Hidden for now until credentials management support is addressed.
    ssamUserPasswordArg = new StringArgument(null, "ssamUserPassword", false, 1, "[password]", "Password for the SSAM user. If not specified in this option, nor " + "in a password file, a password will be generated if the SSAM user account " + "does not already exist.");
    // todo: add to argument description later for proxy support
    // "A specified password is required for Proxy installs."
    ssamUserPasswordFileArg = new FileArgument(null, "ssamUserPasswordFile", false, 1, "[file]", "Path to the SSAM user password file.", true, true, true, false);
    // todo: add to argument description later for proxy support-- ", required for Proxy installs"
    // Hidden for now to obfuscate passwords being written to files in clear-text,
    // since a generated password looks less like a password than a generated one.
    argumentParser.addExclusiveArgumentSet(ssamUserPasswordArg, ssamUserPasswordFileArg);
    resetSSAMUserPasswordArg = new BooleanArgument(null, "resetSSAMUserPassword", "Force a password reset of the SSAM user account if the SSAM user DN entry exists. " + "Not recommended if the SSAM user account is replicated, because the same password " + "must be used in all installations, instead the correct user password or the pin " + "file should be obtained from another server.");
    // SSL method and trust arguments are exclusive.
    argumentParser.addExclusiveArgumentSet(useSSLArg, useStartTLSArg);
    // If using StartTLS or SSL, if a trust store path is not specified,
    // a trust-all trust manager will be used by this tool and configured
    // for SSAM.
    argumentParser.addExclusiveArgumentSet(trustAllArg, trustStorePathArg);
    // The user must specify a trust argument if using SSL.
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(useSSLArg, trustAllArg, trustStorePathArg);
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(useStartTLSArg, trustAllArg, trustStorePathArg);
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // Optional reCAPTCHA arguments.                                          //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Optional site key used for the Google reCAPTCHA human verification.
    reCaptchaSiteKeyArg = new StringArgument(null, "reCaptchaSiteKey", false, 1, "[key]", "Optional site key used for the Google reCAPTCHA human verification.");
    // The secret key used for the Google reCAPTCHA human verification. May be empty.
    reCaptchaSecretKeyArg = new StringArgument(null, "reCaptchaSecretKey", false, 1, "[key]", "Optional secret key used for the Google reCAPTCHA human verification.");
    // Both must be specified, or neither.
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(reCaptchaSiteKeyArg, reCaptchaSecretKeyArg);
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(reCaptchaSecretKeyArg, reCaptchaSiteKeyArg);
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // Optional Ping arguments.                                               //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    pingAccessLogoutURLArg = new StringArgument(null, "pingAccessLogoutURL", false, 1, "[url]", "Optional URL used for logging out of PingAccess, for example https://<hostname>/pa/oidc/logout." + " Required if deploying SSAM with Ping. Note that the full URL must be used.");
    pingFederateLogoutURLArg = new StringArgument(null, "pingFederateLogoutURL", false, 1, "[url]", "optional URL used for logging out of PingFederate, for example https://<hostname>:<PingFederatePort>/ext/logout." + " Required if deploying SSAM with Ping. Note that the full URL must be used.");
    // Both must be specified, or neither.
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(pingAccessLogoutURLArg, pingFederateLogoutURLArg);
    argumentParser.addDependentArgumentSet(pingFederateLogoutURLArg, pingAccessLogoutURLArg);
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //
    // Miscellaneous optional arguments.                                      //
    // //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    noDeployArg = new BooleanArgument(null, "noDeploy", "Indicates that the server will be configured for" + " SSAM access, but SSAM will not be deployed on the server.");
    debugArg = new BooleanArgument(null, "debug", "Debug this installer application.");
Also used : DNArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument) IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) BooleanArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument) FileArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)


DNArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument)31 StringArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)28 BooleanArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument)25 FileArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument)24 IntegerArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument)23 FilterArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.FilterArgument)11 ControlArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.ControlArgument)8 ScopeArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.ScopeArgument)6 ASN1OctetString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString)5 DN (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN)5 LDAPException (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException)5 BooleanValueArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanValueArgument)5 DurationArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.DurationArgument)5 ArgumentException (com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException)4 ArgumentParser (com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser)4 TimestampArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.TimestampArgument)4 NotNull (com.unboundid.util.NotNull)3 SubCommand (com.unboundid.util.args.SubCommand)3 File ( ASN1BitString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1BitString)2