Search in sources :

Example 26 with IntegerArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class TestLDAPSDKPerformance method addToolArguments.

 * Adds the command-line arguments supported for use with this tool to the
 * provided argument parser.  The tool may need to retain references to the
 * arguments (and/or the argument parser, if trailing arguments are allowed)
 * to it in order to obtain their values for use in later processing.
 * @param  parser  The argument parser to which the arguments are to be added.
 * @throws  ArgumentException  If a problem occurs while adding any of the
 *                             tool-specific arguments to the provided
 *                             argument parser.
public void addToolArguments(@NotNull final ArgumentParser parser) throws ArgumentException {
    toolArg = new StringArgument(null, "tool", true, 1, "{searchrate|modrate|authrate|search-and-mod-rate}", "The tool to invoke against the LDAP listener.  It may be one of " + "searchrate, modrate, authrate, or search-and-mod-rate.  If " + "this is not provided, then the searchrate tool will be invoked.", StaticUtils.setOf(TOOL_NAME_SEARCHRATE, TOOL_NAME_MODRATE, TOOL_NAME_AUTHRATE, TOOL_NAME_SEARCH_AND_MOD_RATE), TOOL_NAME_SEARCHRATE);
    toolArg.addLongIdentifier("toolName", true);
    toolArg.addLongIdentifier("tool-name", true);
    numThreadsArg = new IntegerArgument('t', "numThreads", true, 1, "{num}", "The number of concurrent threads (each using its own connection) " + "to use to process requests.  If this is not provided, then a " + "single thread will be used.", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
    numThreadsArg.addLongIdentifier("num-threads", true);
    numThreadsArg.addLongIdentifier("threads", true);
    entriesPerSearchArg = new IntegerArgument(null, "entriesPerSearch", true, 1, "{num}", "The number of entries to return in response to each search " + "request.  If this is provided, the value must be between 0 " + "and 100.  If it is not provided, then a single entry will be " + "returned.", 0, 100, 1);
    entriesPerSearchArg.addLongIdentifier("entries-per-search", true);
    entriesPerSearchArg.addLongIdentifier("numEntries", true);
    entriesPerSearchArg.addLongIdentifier("num-entries", true);
    entriesPerSearchArg.addLongIdentifier("entries", true);
    bindOnlyArg = new BooleanArgument(null, "bindOnly", 1, "Indicates that the authrate tool should only issue bind requests.  " + "If this is not provided, the authrate tool will perform both " + "search and bind operations.  This argument will only be used " + "in conjunction with the authrate tool.");
    bindOnlyArg.addLongIdentifier("bind-only", true);
    resultCodeArg = new IntegerArgument(null, "resultCode", true, 1, "{intValue}", "The integer value for the result code to return in response to " + "each request.  If this is not provided, then a result code of " + "0 (success) will be returned.", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ResultCode.SUCCESS_INT_VALUE);
    resultCodeArg.addLongIdentifier("result-code", true);
    diagnosticMessageArg = new StringArgument(null, "diagnosticMessage", false, 1, "{message}", "The diagnostic message to return in response to each request.  If " + "this is not provided, then no diagnostic message will be " + "returned.");
    diagnosticMessageArg.addLongIdentifier("diagnostic-message", true);
    diagnosticMessageArg.addLongIdentifier("errorMessage", true);
    diagnosticMessageArg.addLongIdentifier("error-message", true);
    diagnosticMessageArg.addLongIdentifier("message", true);
    useSSLArg = new BooleanArgument('Z', "useSSL", 1, "Encrypt communication with SSL.  If this argument is not provided, " + "then the communication will not be encrypted.");
    useSSLArg.addLongIdentifier("use-ssl", true);
    useSSLArg.addLongIdentifier("ssl", true);
    useSSLArg.addLongIdentifier("useTLS", true);
    useSSLArg.addLongIdentifier("use-tls", true);
    useSSLArg.addLongIdentifier("tls", true);
    numIntervalsArg = new IntegerArgument('I', "numIntervals", false, 1, "{num}", "The number of intervals to use when running the performance " + "measurement tool.  If this argument is provided in " + "conjunction with the --warmUpIntervals argument, then the " + "warm-up intervals will not be included in this count, and the " + "total number of intervals run will be the sum of the two " + "values.  If this argument is not provided, then the tool will " + "run until it is interrupted (e.g., by pressing Ctrl+C or by " + "killing the underlying Java process).", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    numIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("num-intervals", true);
    numIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("intervals", true);
    intervalDurationSecondsArg = new IntegerArgument('i', "intervalDurationSeconds", true, 1, "{num}", "The length of time in seconds to use for each tool interval (that " + "is, the length of time between each line of output giving " + "statistical information for operations processed in that " + "interval).  If this is not provided, then a default interval " + "duration of five seconds will be used.", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5);
    intervalDurationSecondsArg.addLongIdentifier("interval-duration-seconds", true);
    intervalDurationSecondsArg.addLongIdentifier("intervalDuration", true);
    intervalDurationSecondsArg.addLongIdentifier("interval-duration", true);
    warmUpIntervalsArg = new IntegerArgument(null, "warmUpIntervals", true, 1, "{num}", "The number of intervals to run before starting to actually " + "collect statistics to include in the final result.  This can " + "give the JVM and JIT a chance to identify and optimize " + "hotspots in the code for the best and most stable " + "performance.  If this is not provided, then no warm-up " + "intervals will be used and the tool will start collecting " + "statistics right away.", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);
    warmUpIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("warm-up-intervals", true);
    warmUpIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("warmup-intervals", true);
    warmUpIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("warmUp", true);
    warmUpIntervalsArg.addLongIdentifier("warm-up", true);
Also used : IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) BooleanArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)

Example 27 with IntegerArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class IdentifyReferencesToMissingEntries method addNonLDAPArguments.

 * Adds the arguments needed by this command-line tool to the provided
 * argument parser which are not related to connecting or authenticating to
 * the directory server.
 * @param  parser  The argument parser to which the arguments should be added.
 * @throws  ArgumentException  If a problem occurs while adding the arguments.
public void addNonLDAPArguments(@NotNull final ArgumentParser parser) throws ArgumentException {
    String description = "The search base DN(s) to use to find entries with " + "references to other entries.  At least one base DN must be " + "specified.";
    baseDNArgument = new DNArgument('b', "baseDN", true, 0, "{dn}", description);
    baseDNArgument.addLongIdentifier("base-dn", true);
    description = "The attribute(s) for which to find missing references.  " + "At least one attribute must be specified, and each attribute " + "must be indexed for equality searches and have values which are DNs.";
    attributeArgument = new StringArgument('A', "attribute", true, 0, "{attr}", description);
    description = "The maximum number of entries to retrieve at a time when " + "attempting to find entries with references to other entries.  This " + "requires that the authenticated user have permission to use the " + "simple paged results control, but it can avoid problems with the " + "server sending entries too quickly for the client to handle.  By " + "default, the simple paged results control will not be used.";
    pageSizeArgument = new IntegerArgument('z', "simplePageSize", false, 1, "{num}", description, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pageSizeArgument.addLongIdentifier("simple-page-size", true);
Also used : DNArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument) IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)

Example 28 with IntegerArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class IdentifyUniqueAttributeConflicts method addNonLDAPArguments.

 * Adds the arguments needed by this command-line tool to the provided
 * argument parser which are not related to connecting or authenticating to
 * the directory server.
 * @param  parser  The argument parser to which the arguments should be added.
 * @throws ArgumentException  If a problem occurs while adding the arguments.
public void addNonLDAPArguments(@NotNull final ArgumentParser parser) throws ArgumentException {
    String description = "The search base DN(s) to use to find entries with " + "attributes for which to find uniqueness conflicts.  At least one " + "base DN must be specified.";
    baseDNArgument = new DNArgument('b', "baseDN", true, 0, "{dn}", description);
    baseDNArgument.addLongIdentifier("base-dn", true);
    description = "A filter that will be used to identify the set of " + "entries in which to identify uniqueness conflicts.  If this is not " + "specified, then all entries containing the target attribute(s) " + "will be examined.";
    filterArgument = new FilterArgument('f', "filter", false, 1, "{filter}", description);
    description = "The attributes for which to find uniqueness conflicts.  " + "At least one attribute must be specified, and each attribute " + "must be indexed for equality searches.";
    attributeArgument = new StringArgument('A', "attribute", true, 0, "{attr}", description);
    description = "Indicates the behavior to exhibit if multiple unique " + "attributes are provided.  Allowed values are '" + BEHAVIOR_UNIQUE_WITHIN_ATTR + "' (indicates that each value only " + "needs to be unique within its own attribute type), '" + BEHAVIOR_UNIQUE_ACROSS_ATTRS_INCLUDING_SAME + "' (indicates that " + "each value needs to be unique across all of the specified " + "attributes), '" + BEHAVIOR_UNIQUE_ACROSS_ATTRS_EXCEPT_SAME + "' (indicates each value needs to be unique across all of the " + "specified attributes, except that multiple attributes in the same " + "entry are allowed to share the same value), and '" + BEHAVIOR_UNIQUE_IN_COMBINATION + "' (indicates that every " + "combination of the values of the specified attributes must be " + "unique across each entry).";
    multipleAttributeBehaviorArgument = new StringArgument('m', "multipleAttributeBehavior", false, 1, "{behavior}", description, allowedValues, BEHAVIOR_UNIQUE_WITHIN_ATTR);
    multipleAttributeBehaviorArgument.addLongIdentifier("multiple-attribute-behavior", true);
    description = "The maximum number of entries to retrieve at a time when " + "attempting to find uniqueness conflicts.  This requires that the " + "authenticated user have permission to use the simple paged results " + "control, but it can avoid problems with the server sending entries " + "too quickly for the client to handle.  By default, the simple " + "paged results control will not be used.";
    pageSizeArgument = new IntegerArgument('z', "simplePageSize", false, 1, "{num}", description, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pageSizeArgument.addLongIdentifier("simple-page-size", true);
    description = "The time limit in seconds that will be used for search " + "requests attempting to identify conflicts for each value of any of " + "the unique attributes.  This time limit is used to avoid sending " + "expensive unindexed search requests that can consume significant " + "server resources.  If any of these search operations fails in a " + "way that indicates the requested time limit was exceeded, the " + "tool will abort its processing.  A value of zero indicates that no " + "time limit will be enforced.  If this argument is not provided, a " + "default time limit of " + DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT_SECONDS + " will be used.";
    timeLimitArgument = new IntegerArgument('l', "timeLimitSeconds", false, 1, "{num}", description, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT_SECONDS);
    timeLimitArgument.addLongIdentifier("timeLimit", true);
    timeLimitArgument.addLongIdentifier("time-limit-seconds", true);
    timeLimitArgument.addLongIdentifier("time-limit", true);
Also used : DNArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument) FilterArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.FilterArgument) IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)

Example 29 with IntegerArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class ValidateLDIF method addNonLDAPArguments.

 * Adds the arguments used by this program that aren't already provided by the
 * generic {@code LDAPCommandLineTool} framework.
 * @param  parser  The argument parser to which the arguments should be added.
 * @throws  ArgumentException  If a problem occurs while adding the arguments.
public void addNonLDAPArguments(@NotNull final ArgumentParser parser) throws ArgumentException {
    String description = "The path to the LDIF file to process.  The tool " + "will automatically attempt to detect whether the file is " + "encrypted or compressed.";
    ldifFile = new FileArgument('f', "ldifFile", true, 1, "{path}", description, true, true, true, false);
    ldifFile.addLongIdentifier("ldif-file", true);
    // Add an argument that makes it possible to read a compressed LDIF file.
    // Note that this argument is no longer needed for dealing with compressed
    // files, since the tool will automatically detect whether a file is
    // compressed.  However, the argument is still provided for the purpose of
    // backward compatibility.
    description = "Indicates that the specified LDIF file is compressed " + "using gzip compression.";
    isCompressed = new BooleanArgument('c', "isCompressed", description);
    isCompressed.addLongIdentifier("is-compressed", true);
    // Add an argument that indicates that the tool should read the encryption
    // passphrase from a file.
    description = "Indicates that the specified LDIF file is encrypted and " + "that the encryption passphrase is contained in the specified " + "file.  If the LDIF data is encrypted and this argument is not " + "provided, then the tool will interactively prompt for the " + "encryption passphrase.";
    encryptionPassphraseFile = new FileArgument(null, "encryptionPassphraseFile", false, 1, null, description, true, true, true, false);
    encryptionPassphraseFile.addLongIdentifier("encryption-passphrase-file", true);
    encryptionPassphraseFile.addLongIdentifier("encryptionPasswordFile", true);
    encryptionPassphraseFile.addLongIdentifier("encryption-password-file", true);
    description = "The path to the file to which rejected entries should be " + "written.";
    rejectFile = new FileArgument('R', "rejectFile", false, 1, "{path}", description, false, true, true, false);
    rejectFile.addLongIdentifier("reject-file", true);
    description = "The path to a directory containing one or more LDIF files " + "with the schema information to use.  If this is provided, " + "then no LDAP communication will be performed.";
    schemaDirectory = new FileArgument(null, "schemaDirectory", false, 1, "{path}", description, true, true, false, true);
    schemaDirectory.addLongIdentifier("schema-directory", true);
    description = "The number of threads to use when processing the LDIF file.";
    numThreads = new IntegerArgument('t', "numThreads", true, 1, "{num}", description, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
    numThreads.addLongIdentifier("num-threads", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries containing " + "duplicate values for the same attribute.";
    ignoreDuplicateValues = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreDuplicateValues", description);
    ignoreDuplicateValues.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreDuplicateValues.addLongIdentifier("ignore-duplicate-values", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to object classes not " + "defined in the schema.";
    ignoreUndefinedObjectClasses = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreUndefinedObjectClasses", description);
    ignoreUndefinedObjectClasses.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreUndefinedObjectClasses.addLongIdentifier("ignore-undefined-object-classes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to attributes not defined " + "in the schema.";
    ignoreUndefinedAttributes = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreUndefinedAttributes", description);
    ignoreUndefinedAttributes.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreUndefinedAttributes.addLongIdentifier("ignore-undefined-attributes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with malformed " + "DNs.";
    ignoreMalformedDNs = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreMalformedDNs", description);
    ignoreMalformedDNs.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreMalformedDNs.addLongIdentifier("ignore-malformed-dns", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with RDN " + "attribute values that are missing from the set of entry " + "attributes.";
    ignoreMissingRDNValues = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreMissingRDNValues", description);
    ignoreMissingRDNValues.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreMissingRDNValues.addLongIdentifier("ignore-missing-rdn-values", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries without exactly " + "structural object class.";
    ignoreStructuralObjectClasses = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreStructuralObjectClasses", description);
    ignoreStructuralObjectClasses.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreStructuralObjectClasses.addLongIdentifier("ignore-structural-object-classes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with object " + "classes that are not allowed.";
    ignoreProhibitedObjectClasses = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreProhibitedObjectClasses", description);
    ignoreProhibitedObjectClasses.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreProhibitedObjectClasses.addLongIdentifier("ignore-prohibited-object-classes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries that are " + "one or more superior object classes.";
    ignoreMissingSuperiorObjectClasses = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreMissingSuperiorObjectClasses", description);
    ignoreMissingSuperiorObjectClasses.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreMissingSuperiorObjectClasses.addLongIdentifier("ignore-missing-superior-object-classes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with attributes " + "that are not allowed.";
    ignoreProhibitedAttributes = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreProhibitedAttributes", description);
    ignoreProhibitedAttributes.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreProhibitedAttributes.addLongIdentifier("ignore-prohibited-attributes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries missing " + "required attributes.";
    ignoreMissingAttributes = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreMissingAttributes", description);
    ignoreMissingAttributes.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreMissingAttributes.addLongIdentifier("ignore-missing-attributes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with multiple " + "values for single-valued attributes.";
    ignoreSingleValuedAttributes = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreSingleValuedAttributes", description);
    ignoreSingleValuedAttributes.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreSingleValuedAttributes.addLongIdentifier("ignore-single-valued-attributes", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with attribute " + "values that violate their associated syntax.  If this is " + "provided, then no attribute syntax violations will be " + "flagged.  If this is not provided, then all attribute " + "syntax violations will be flagged except for violations " + "in those attributes excluded by the " + "--ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute argument.";
    ignoreAttributeSyntax = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreAttributeSyntax", description);
    ignoreAttributeSyntax.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreAttributeSyntax.addLongIdentifier("ignore-attribute-syntax", true);
    description = "The name or OID of an attribute for which to ignore " + "validation failures due to violations of the associated " + "attribute syntax.  This argument can only be used if the " + "--ignoreAttributeSyntax argument is not provided.";
    ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute = new StringArgument(null, "ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute", false, 0, "{attr}", description);
    ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute.addLongIdentifier("ignore-syntax-violations-for-attribute", true);
    description = "Ignore validation failures due to entries with RDNs " + "that violate the associated name form definition.";
    ignoreNameForms = new BooleanArgument(null, "ignoreNameForms", description);
    ignoreNameForms.setArgumentGroupName("Validation Strictness Arguments");
    ignoreNameForms.addLongIdentifier("ignore-name-forms", true);
    // The ignoreAttributeSyntax and ignoreAttributeSyntaxForAttribute arguments
    // cannot be used together.
    parser.addExclusiveArgumentSet(ignoreAttributeSyntax, ignoreSyntaxViolationsForAttribute);
Also used : BooleanArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument) IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) FileArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)

Example 30 with IntegerArgument

use of com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class MoveSubtree method addNonLDAPArguments.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void addNonLDAPArguments(@NotNull final ArgumentParser parser) throws ArgumentException {
    baseDN.addLongIdentifier("entryDN", true);
    baseDNFile = new FileArgument('f', "baseDNFile", false, 1, INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_BASE_DN_FILE_PLACEHOLDER.get(), INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_BASE_DN_FILE_DESCRIPTION.get(), true, true, true, false);
    baseDNFile.addLongIdentifier("entryDNFile", true);
    sizeLimit = new IntegerArgument('z', "sizeLimit", false, 1, INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT_PLACEHOLDER.get(), INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT_DESCRIPTION.get(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);
    purpose = new StringArgument(null, "purpose", false, 1, INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_PURPOSE_PLACEHOLDER.get(), INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_PURPOSE_DESCRIPTION.get());
    verbose = new BooleanArgument('v', "verbose", 1, INFO_MOVE_SUBTREE_ARG_VERBOSE_DESCRIPTION.get());
    parser.addRequiredArgumentSet(baseDN, baseDNFile);
    parser.addExclusiveArgumentSet(baseDN, baseDNFile);
Also used : DNArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument) IntegerArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument) BooleanArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument) FileArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument) StringArgument(com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)


IntegerArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.IntegerArgument)38 BooleanArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanArgument)35 StringArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.StringArgument)34 FileArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument)29 DNArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.DNArgument)23 FilterArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.FilterArgument)13 ControlArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.ControlArgument)11 ScopeArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.ScopeArgument)9 ASN1OctetString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString)6 DurationArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.DurationArgument)6 LDAPException (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException)5 NotNull (com.unboundid.util.NotNull)5 ArgumentException (com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException)5 BooleanValueArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.BooleanValueArgument)5 TimestampArgument (com.unboundid.util.args.TimestampArgument)5 File ( ASN1BitString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1BitString)4 DN (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN)3 ArgumentParser (com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser)3 SubCommand (com.unboundid.util.args.SubCommand)3