use of com.unboundid.util.json.JSONObject in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class PasswordPolicyStateJSON method getPasswordQualityRequirements.
* Retrieves a list of the password quality requirements that are contained in
* the JSON object in which the indicated Boolean field is present and set to
* {@code true}.
* @param booleanFieldName The name of the field that is expected to be
* present with a Boolean value of true for each
* requirement to be included in the list that is
* returned.
* @return The appropriate list of password quality requirements, or an empty
* list if no requirements will be imposed.
private List<PasswordQualityRequirement> getPasswordQualityRequirements(@NotNull final String booleanFieldName) {
final List<JSONValue> requirementObjectLst = passwordPolicyStateObject.getFieldAsArray(PASSWORD_QUALITY_REQUIREMENTS.getFieldName());
if ((requirementObjectLst == null) || requirementObjectLst.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final List<PasswordQualityRequirement> requirements = new ArrayList<>(requirementObjectLst.size());
for (final JSONValue requirementObjectValue : requirementObjectLst) {
if (!(requirementObjectValue instanceof JSONObject)) {
final JSONObject requirementObject = (JSONObject) requirementObjectValue;
final Boolean include = requirementObject.getFieldAsBoolean(booleanFieldName);
if ((include == null) || (!include.booleanValue())) {
final String description = requirementObject.getFieldAsString(REQUIREMENT_FIELD_DESCRIPTION);
if (description == null) {
final String clientSideValidationType = requirementObject.getFieldAsString(REQUIREMENT_FIELD_CLIENT_SIDE_VALIDATION_TYPE);
final Map<String, String> clientSideValidationProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final List<JSONValue> propertyValues = requirementObject.getFieldAsArray(REQUIREMENT_FIELD_CLIENT_SIDE_VALIDATION_PROPERTIES);
if (propertyValues != null) {
for (final JSONValue propertyValue : propertyValues) {
if (!(propertyValue instanceof JSONObject)) {
final JSONObject propertyObject = (JSONObject) propertyValue;
final String name = propertyObject.getFieldAsString(REQUIREMENT_FIELD_CLIENT_SIDE_VALIDATION_PROPERTY_NAME);
final String value = propertyObject.getFieldAsString(REQUIREMENT_FIELD_CLIENT_SIDE_VALIDATION_PROPERTY_VALUE);
if ((name != null) && (value != null)) {
clientSideValidationProperties.put(name, value);
requirements.add(new PasswordQualityRequirement(description, clientSideValidationType, clientSideValidationProperties));
return requirements;
use of com.unboundid.util.json.JSONObject in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class LDAPResultCode method doToolProcessing.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResultCode doToolProcessing() {
// Get all result codes that should be included in the output.
final Map<Integer, ResultCode> resultCodesByIntValue = new TreeMap<>();
final Map<String, ResultCode> resultCodesByName = new TreeMap<>();
if ((intValueArg != null) && intValueArg.isPresent()) {
final int intValue = intValueArg.getValue();
final ResultCode rc = ResultCode.valueOf(intValue, null, false);
if (rc != null) {
resultCodesByIntValue.put(intValue, rc);
resultCodesByName.put(StaticUtils.toLowerCase(rc.getName()), rc);
} else {
final String searchString;
if ((searchArg != null) && searchArg.isPresent()) {
searchString = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(searchArg.getValue());
} else {
searchString = null;
for (final ResultCode rc : ResultCode.values()) {
final String name = rc.getName();
final String lowerName = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(name);
if (searchString != null) {
if (!lowerName.contains(searchString)) {
resultCodesByIntValue.put(rc.intValue(), rc);
resultCodesByName.put(lowerName, rc);
// exit with an error.
if (resultCodesByIntValue.isEmpty()) {
return ResultCode.NO_RESULTS_RETURNED;
// Iterate through the matching result codes and figure out how many
// characters are in the longest name and
final String nameLabel = INFO_LDAP_RC_NAME_LABEL.get();
final String intValueLabel = INFO_LDAP_RC_INT_VALUE_LABEL.get();
int numCharsInLongestName = nameLabel.length();
int numCharsInLongestIntValue = intValueLabel.length();
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, ResultCode> e : resultCodesByIntValue.entrySet()) {
final String intValueString = String.valueOf(e.getKey());
numCharsInLongestIntValue = Math.max(numCharsInLongestIntValue, intValueString.length());
final String name = e.getValue().getName();
numCharsInLongestName = Math.max(numCharsInLongestName, name.length());
// Construct the column formatter that will be used to generate the output.
final boolean json;
final OutputFormat outputFormat;
final boolean scriptFriendly = ((scriptFriendlyArg != null) && scriptFriendlyArg.isPresent());
if (scriptFriendly) {
json = false;
outputFormat = OutputFormat.TAB_DELIMITED_TEXT;
} else if ((outputFormatArg != null) && outputFormatArg.isPresent()) {
final String outputFormatValue = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(outputFormatArg.getValue());
if (outputFormatValue.equals(OUTPUT_FORMAT_CSV)) {
json = false;
outputFormat = OutputFormat.CSV;
} else if (outputFormatValue.equals(OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON)) {
json = true;
outputFormat = null;
} else if (outputFormatValue.equals(OUTPUT_FORMAT_TAB_DELIMITED)) {
json = false;
outputFormat = OutputFormat.TAB_DELIMITED_TEXT;
} else {
json = false;
outputFormat = OutputFormat.COLUMNS;
} else {
json = false;
outputFormat = OutputFormat.COLUMNS;
final ColumnFormatter formatter;
if (json) {
formatter = null;
} else {
formatter = new ColumnFormatter(false, null, outputFormat, " | ", new FormattableColumn(numCharsInLongestName, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, nameLabel), new FormattableColumn(numCharsInLongestIntValue, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, intValueLabel));
// Display the table header, if appropriate.
if ((formatter != null) && (outputFormat == OutputFormat.COLUMNS)) {
for (final String line : formatter.getHeaderLines(true)) {
// Display the main output.
final Collection<ResultCode> resultCodes;
if ((alphabeticOrderArg != null) && alphabeticOrderArg.isPresent()) {
resultCodes = resultCodesByName.values();
} else {
resultCodes = resultCodesByIntValue.values();
for (final ResultCode rc : resultCodes) {
if (formatter == null) {
final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(new JSONField(JSON_FIELD_NAME, rc.getName()), new JSONField(JSON_FIELD_INT_VALUE, rc.intValue()));
} else {
out(formatter.formatRow(rc.getName(), rc.intValue()));
return ResultCode.SUCCESS;
use of com.unboundid.util.json.JSONObject in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class FilterTestCase method testMatchesEntryJSONObjectExtensibleMatch.
* Tests the behavior of the matchesEntry method when the provided filter uses
* the jsonObjectFilterExtensibleMatch matching rule.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testMatchesEntryJSONObjectExtensibleMatch() throws Exception {
final Entry entry = new Entry("dn: uid=test.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: ubidPerson", "uid: test.user", "givenName: Test", "sn: User", "cn: Test User", "ubidEmailJSON: not-a-valid-json-object", "ubidEmailJSON: " + new JSONObject(new JSONField("type", "personal"), new JSONField("value", ""), new JSONField("primary", true)).toSingleLineString());
JSONObjectFilter jsonObjectFilter = new EqualsJSONObjectFilter("value", "");
Filter filter = jsonObjectFilter.toLDAPFilter("ubidEmailJSON");
jsonObjectFilter = new EqualsJSONObjectFilter("value", "");
filter = jsonObjectFilter.toLDAPFilter("ubidEmailJSON");
filter = jsonObjectFilter.toLDAPFilter("nonexistentAttribute");
try {
filter = Filter.createExtensibleMatchFilter("ubidEmailJSON", "", false, "not-a-valid-json-object");
fail("Expected an exception when trying to use a JSON object filter " + "whose assertion value is not a valid JSON object");
} catch (final LDAPException e) {
assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING);
try {
filter = Filter.createExtensibleMatchFilter("ubidEmailJSON", "", false, "{}");
fail("Expected an exception when trying to use a JSON object filter " + "whose assertion value is a valid JSON object but not a valid " + "JSON object filter");
} catch (final LDAPException e) {
assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING);
use of com.unboundid.util.json.JSONObject in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerTestCase method testModifyWithAllDetailsIncluded.
* Provides coverage for the case in which a modify request log message
* contains modifications and both names and values are to be logged.
* Tests the behavior when logging search operations.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyWithAllDetailsIncluded() throws Exception {
// Get the in-memory directory server instance.
final InMemoryDirectoryServer ds = getTestDS(false, false);
// Create a logger to use for the test.
final TestLogHandler logHandler = new TestLogHandler();
final JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerProperties properties = new JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerProperties();
final JSONLDAPConnectionLogger logger = new JSONLDAPConnectionLogger(logHandler, properties);
final LDAPConnectionOptions options = new LDAPConnectionOptions();
// Generate a log message.
try (LDAPConnection connection = ds.getConnection()) {
connection.setConnectionName("The connection name");
connection.setConnectionPoolName("The connection pool name");
final ModifyRequest modifyRequest = new ModifyRequest("dn: uid=test.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "changetype: modify", "replace: userPassword", "userPassword: newPassword", "-", "replace: authpassword", "authpassword: anotherNewPassword", "-", "replace: description", "-", "delete: givenName", "-", "add: givenName", "givenName: Foo", "-", "delete: givenName", "givenName: Foo", "-", "add: givenName", "givenName: Test", "-", "increment: intValueAttr", "intValueAttr: 1", "-");
logger.logModifyRequest(connection, 1, modifyRequest);
// Make sure that we can decode the message.
assertEquals(logHandler.getMessageCount(), 1, logHandler.getMessagesString());
final List<JSONObject> logMessages = parseLogMessages(logHandler);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(0), "request", OperationType.MODIFY);
use of com.unboundid.util.json.JSONObject in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerTestCase method testModifyLogging.
* Tests the behavior when logging modify operations.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyLogging() throws Exception {
// Get the in-memory directory server instance.
final InMemoryDirectoryServer ds = getTestDS(true, false);
// Create a logger to use for the test.
final TestLogHandler logHandler = new TestLogHandler();
final JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerProperties properties = new JSONLDAPConnectionLoggerProperties();
final JSONLDAPConnectionLogger logger = new JSONLDAPConnectionLogger(logHandler, properties);
final LDAPConnectionOptions options = new LDAPConnectionOptions();
// Establish a connection and send a modify request on it.
try (LDAPConnection connection = new LDAPConnection(options, "localhost", ds.getListenPort())) {
connection.modify("dn: dc=example,dc=com", "changetype: modify", "replace: description", "description: foo");
// Make sure that there were five log messages:
// - Connect
// - Modify request
// - Modify result
// - Unbind
// - Disconnect
assertEquals(logHandler.getMessageCount(), 5, logHandler.getMessagesString());
final List<JSONObject> logMessages = parseLogMessages(logHandler);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(0), "connect", null);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(1), "request", OperationType.MODIFY);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(2), "result", OperationType.MODIFY);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(3), "request", OperationType.UNBIND);
assertMessageIs(logMessages.get(4), "disconnect", null);