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Example 6 with Show

use of com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.

the class TraktTools method downloadShowRatings.

     * Downloads trakt show ratings and applies the latest ones to the database.
     * <p> To apply all ratings, set {@link TraktSettings#KEY_LAST_SHOWS_RATED_AT} to 0.
public UpdateResult downloadShowRatings(@Nullable DateTime ratedAt) {
    if (ratedAt == null) {
        Timber.e("downloadShowRatings: null rated_at");
        return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    long lastRatedAt = TraktSettings.getLastShowsRatedAt(context);
    if (!ratedAt.isAfter(lastRatedAt)) {
        // not initial sync, no ratings have changed
        Timber.d("downloadShowRatings: no changes since %tF %tT", lastRatedAt, lastRatedAt);
        return UpdateResult.SUCCESS;
    if (!TraktCredentials.get(context).hasCredentials()) {
        return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    // download rated shows
    List<RatedShow> ratedShows;
    try {
        Response<List<RatedShow>> response = traktSync.get().ratingsShows(RatingsFilter.ALL, Extended.DEFAULT_MIN).execute();
        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            ratedShows = response.body();
        } else {
            if (SgTrakt.isUnauthorized(context, response)) {
                return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
            SgTrakt.trackFailedRequest(context, "get show ratings", response);
            return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        SgTrakt.trackFailedRequest(context, "get show ratings", e);
        return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    if (ratedShows == null) {
        Timber.e("downloadShowRatings: null response");
        return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    if (ratedShows.isEmpty()) {
        Timber.d("downloadShowRatings: no ratings on trakt");
        return UpdateResult.SUCCESS;
    // trakt last activity rated_at timestamp is set after the rating timestamp
    // so include ratings that are a little older
    long ratedAtThreshold = lastRatedAt - 5 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;
    // go through ratings, latest first (trakt sends in that order)
    ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = new ArrayList<>();
    for (RatedShow show : ratedShows) {
        if (show.rating == null || == null || == null || == null) {
            // skip, can't handle
        if (show.rated_at != null && show.rated_at.isBefore(ratedAtThreshold)) {
            // no need to apply older ratings again
        // if a show does not exist, this update will do nothing
        ContentProviderOperation op = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(SeriesGuideContract.Shows.buildShowUri(, show.rating.value).build();
    // apply database updates
    try {
        DBUtils.applyInSmallBatches(context, batch);
    } catch (OperationApplicationException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "downloadShowRatings: database update failed");
        return UpdateResult.INCOMPLETE;
    // save last rated instant
    PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putLong(TraktSettings.KEY_LAST_SHOWS_RATED_AT, ratedAt.getMillis()).commit();
    Timber.d("downloadShowRatings: success, last rated_at %tF %tT", ratedAt.getMillis(), ratedAt.getMillis());
    return UpdateResult.SUCCESS;
Also used : ContentProviderOperation(android.content.ContentProviderOperation) RatedShow(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.RatedShow) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) IOException( OperationApplicationException(android.content.OperationApplicationException)

Example 7 with Show

use of com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.

the class TraktTools method processTraktSeasons.

     * Sync the watched/collected episodes of the given trakt show with the local episodes. The
     * given show has to be watched/collected on trakt.
     * @param isInitialSync If {@code true}, will upload watched/collected episodes that are not
     * watched/collected on trakt. If {@code false}, will set them not watched/collected (if not
     * skipped) to mirror the trakt episode.
public int processTraktSeasons(boolean isInitialSync, int localShow, @NonNull BaseShow traktShow, @NonNull Flag flag) {
    HashMap<Integer, BaseSeason> traktSeasons = buildTraktSeasonsMap(traktShow.seasons);
    Cursor localSeasonsQuery = context.getContentResolver().query(SeriesGuideContract.Seasons.buildSeasonsOfShowUri(localShow), new String[] { SeriesGuideContract.Seasons._ID, SeriesGuideContract.Seasons.COMBINED }, null, null, null);
    if (localSeasonsQuery == null) {
        return FAILED;
    final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = new ArrayList<>();
    List<SyncSeason> syncSeasons = new ArrayList<>();
    while (localSeasonsQuery.moveToNext()) {
        String seasonId = localSeasonsQuery.getString(0);
        int seasonNumber = localSeasonsQuery.getInt(1);
        if (traktSeasons.containsKey(seasonNumber)) {
            // season watched/collected on trakt
            if (!processTraktEpisodes(isInitialSync, seasonId, traktSeasons.get(seasonNumber), syncSeasons, flag)) {
                return FAILED;
        } else {
            // season not watched/collected on trakt
            if (isInitialSync) {
                // schedule all watched/collected episodes of this season for upload
                SyncSeason syncSeason = buildSyncSeason(seasonId, seasonNumber, flag);
                if (syncSeason != null) {
            } else {
                // set all watched/collected episodes of season not watched/collected
                batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(SeriesGuideContract.Episodes.buildEpisodesOfSeasonUri(seasonId)).withSelection(flag.clearFlagSelection, null).withValue(flag.databaseColumn, flag.notFlaggedValue).build());
    try {
        DBUtils.applyInSmallBatches(context, batch);
    } catch (OperationApplicationException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "Setting seasons unwatched failed.");
    if (syncSeasons.size() > 0) {
        // upload watched/collected episodes for this show
        Integer showTraktId = ShowTools.getShowTraktId(context, localShow);
        if (showTraktId == null) {
            // show should have a trakt id, give up
            return FAILED;
        return uploadEpisodes(showTraktId, syncSeasons, flag);
    } else {
        return SUCCESS;
Also used : ContentProviderOperation(android.content.ContentProviderOperation) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) BaseSeason(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.BaseSeason) OperationApplicationException(android.content.OperationApplicationException) SyncSeason(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncSeason)

Example 8 with Show

use of com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.

the class TraktTools method uploadEpisodes.

     * Uploads all watched/collected episodes for the given show to trakt.
     * @return Any of the {@link TraktTools} result codes.
private int uploadEpisodes(int showTvdbId, int showTraktId, Flag flag) {
    // query for watched/collected episodes
    Cursor localEpisodes = context.getContentResolver().query(SeriesGuideContract.Episodes.buildEpisodesOfShowUri(showTvdbId), EpisodesQuery.PROJECTION, flag.flagSelection, null, SeriesGuideContract.Episodes.SORT_SEASON_ASC);
    if (localEpisodes == null) {
        Timber.e("uploadEpisodes: query failed");
        return FAILED;
    // build a list of watched/collected episodes
    List<SyncSeason> syncSeasons = new LinkedList<>();
    buildEpisodeList(localEpisodes, syncSeasons);
    if (syncSeasons.size() == 0) {
        // nothing to upload for this show
        return SUCCESS;
    return uploadEpisodes(showTraktId, syncSeasons, flag);
Also used : Cursor(android.database.Cursor) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) SyncSeason(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncSeason)

Example 9 with Show

use of com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.

the class TraktTools method uploadEpisodes.

     * Uploads all the given watched/collected episodes of the given show to trakt.
     * @return Any of the {@link TraktTools} result codes.
private int uploadEpisodes(int showTraktId, List<SyncSeason> syncSeasons, Flag flag) {
    SyncShow syncShow = new SyncShow();;
    syncShow.seasons = syncSeasons;
    // upload
    SyncItems syncItems = new SyncItems().shows(syncShow);
    try {
        Response<SyncResponse> response;
        if (flag == Flag.WATCHED) {
            // uploading watched episodes
            response = traktSync.get().addItemsToWatchedHistory(syncItems).execute();
        } else {
            // uploading collected episodes
            response = traktSync.get().addItemsToCollection(syncItems).execute();
        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            return SUCCESS;
        } else {
            if (SgTrakt.isUnauthorized(context, response)) {
                return FAILED_CREDENTIALS;
            SgTrakt.trackFailedRequest(context, "add episodes to " +, response);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        SgTrakt.trackFailedRequest(context, "add episodes to " +, e);
    return FAILED_API;
Also used : SyncItems(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncItems) SyncResponse(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncResponse) SyncShow(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncShow) IOException(

Example 10 with Show

use of com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show in project SeriesGuide by UweTrottmann.

the class TraktRatingsTask method doInBackground.

protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
    long ratingId = createUniqueId(showTvdbId, episodeTvdbId);
    // avoid saving ratings too frequently
    // (network requests are cached, but also avoiding database writes)
    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
    synchronized (sCache) {
        Long lastUpdateMillis = sCache.get(ratingId);
        // if the ratings were just updated, do nothing
        if (lastUpdateMillis != null && lastUpdateMillis > currentTimeMillis - MAXIMUM_AGE) {
            Timber.d("Just loaded rating for %s, skip.", ratingId);
            return null;
    if (isCancelled() || !AndroidUtils.isNetworkConnected(context)) {
        return null;
    // look up show trakt id
    Integer showTraktId = ShowTools.getShowTraktId(context, showTvdbId);
    if (showTraktId == null) {
        Timber.d("Show %s has no trakt id, skip.", showTvdbId);
        return null;
    String showTraktIdString = String.valueOf(showTraktId);
    boolean isShowNotEpisode = episodeTvdbId == 0;
    Ratings ratings;
    if (isShowNotEpisode) {
        ratings = SgTrakt.executeCall(context, traktShows.get().ratings(showTraktIdString), "get show rating");
    } else {
        ratings = SgTrakt.executeCall(context, traktEpisodes.get().ratings(showTraktIdString, season, episode), "get episode rating");
    if (ratings != null && ratings.rating != null && ratings.votes != null) {
        if (isShowNotEpisode) {
        } else {
    // cache download time to avoid saving ratings too frequently
    synchronized (sCache) {
        sCache.put(ratingId, currentTimeMillis);
    return null;
Also used : Ratings(com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Ratings)


BaseShow (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.BaseShow)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 ContentProviderOperation (android.content.ContentProviderOperation)5 Show (com.battlelancer.seriesguide.dataliberation.model.Show)5 NonNull ( HistoryEntry (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.HistoryEntry)4 IOException ( OperationApplicationException (android.content.OperationApplicationException)3 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)3 SearchResult (com.battlelancer.seriesguide.items.SearchResult)3 Show (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Show)3 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 NowAdapter (com.battlelancer.seriesguide.adapters.NowAdapter)2 TvdbException (com.battlelancer.seriesguide.thetvdbapi.TvdbException)2 TraktTools (com.battlelancer.seriesguide.util.TraktTools)2 Ratings (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.Ratings)2 SyncItems (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncItems)2 SyncResponse (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncResponse)2 SyncSeason (com.uwetrottmann.trakt5.entities.SyncSeason)2 ContentValues (android.content.ContentValues)1