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Example 41 with Network

use of in project photon-model by vmware.

the class NetworkDeviceBackingFactory method getOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo.

 * Backing info for an opaque network which is managed by a management plane outside vSphere.
private static VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo getOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo(CustomProperties props) {
    VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo backing = new VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo();
    return backing;
Also used : VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo)

Example 42 with Network

use of in project vsphere-cloud-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class ReconfigureNetworkAdapters method reconfigureNetwork.

public boolean reconfigureNetwork(final Run<?, ?> run, final Launcher launcher, final TaskListener listener) throws VSphereException {
    PrintStream jLogger = listener.getLogger();
    String expandedDeviceLabel = deviceLabel;
    String expandedMacAddress = macAddress;
    String expandedPortGroup = portGroup;
    String expandedDistributedPortGroup = distributedPortGroup;
    String expandedDistributedPortId = distributedPortId;
    EnvVars env;
    try {
        env = run.getEnvironment(listener);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new VSphereException(e);
    if (run instanceof AbstractBuild) {
        // Add in matrix axes..
        env.overrideAll(((AbstractBuild) run).getBuildVariables());
        expandedDeviceLabel = env.expand(deviceLabel);
        expandedMacAddress = env.expand(macAddress);
        expandedPortGroup = env.expand(portGroup);
        expandedDistributedPortGroup = env.expand(distributedPortGroup);
        expandedDistributedPortId = env.expand(distributedPortId);
    VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Preparing reconfigure: " + deviceAction.getLabel() + " Network Adapter \"" + expandedDeviceLabel + "\"");
    VirtualEthernetCard vEth = null;
    if (deviceAction == DeviceAction.ADD) {
        vEth = new VirtualE1000();
        vEth.setBacking(new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo());
        Description description = vEth.getDeviceInfo();
        if (description == null) {
            description = new Description();
    } else {
        vEth = findNetworkDeviceByLabel(vm.getConfig().getHardware().getDevice(), expandedDeviceLabel);
    if (vEth == null) {
        throw new VSphereException("Could not find network device named " + expandedDeviceLabel);
    // change mac address
    if (!expandedMacAddress.isEmpty()) {
        VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Reconfiguring MAC Address -> " + expandedMacAddress);
    // extract backing from ethernet virtual card, always available
    VirtualDeviceBackingInfo virtualDeviceBackingInfo = vEth.getBacking();
    // change our port group
    if (standardSwitch && !expandedPortGroup.isEmpty()) {
        VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Reconfiguring Network Port Group -> " + expandedPortGroup);
        if (virtualDeviceBackingInfo instanceof VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo) {
            VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo backing = (VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo) virtualDeviceBackingInfo;
            Network networkPortGroup = getVsphere().getNetworkPortGroupByName(getVM(), expandedPortGroup);
            if (networkPortGroup != null) {
                backing.deviceName = expandedPortGroup;
            } else {
                VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Failed to find Network for Port Group -> " + expandedPortGroup);
        } else {
            VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Network Device -> " + expandedDeviceLabel + " isn't standard switch");
    } else // change out distributed switch port group
    if (distributedSwitch && !expandedDistributedPortGroup.isEmpty()) {
        VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Reconfiguring Distributed Switch Port Group -> " + expandedDistributedPortGroup + " Port Id -> " + expandedDistributedPortId);
        if (virtualDeviceBackingInfo instanceof VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo) {
            VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo virtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo = (VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo) virtualDeviceBackingInfo;
            DistributedVirtualPortgroup distributedVirtualPortgroup = getVsphere().getDistributedVirtualPortGroupByName(getVM(), expandedDistributedPortGroup);
            if (distributedVirtualPortgroup != null) {
                DistributedVirtualSwitch distributedVirtualSwitch = getVsphere().getDistributedVirtualSwitchByPortGroup(distributedVirtualPortgroup);
                DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection distributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection();
                VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Distributed Switch Port Group -> " + expandedDistributedPortGroup + "Port Id -> " + expandedDistributedPortId + " successfully configured!");
            } else {
                VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Failed to find Distributed Virtual Portgroup for Port Group -> " + expandedDistributedPortGroup);
        } else {
            VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Network Device -> " + expandedDeviceLabel + " isn't distributed switch");
    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec vdspec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
    if (deviceAction == DeviceAction.EDIT) {
    } else if (deviceAction == DeviceAction.REMOVE) {
    // add change into config spec
    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecs = spec.getDeviceChange();
    if (deviceConfigSpecs == null) {
        deviceConfigSpecs = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1];
    } else {
        deviceConfigSpecs = Arrays.copyOf(deviceConfigSpecs, deviceConfigSpecs.length + 1);
    deviceConfigSpecs[deviceConfigSpecs.length - 1] = vdspec;
    VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Finished!");
    return true;
Also used : PrintStream( AbstractBuild(hudson.model.AbstractBuild) DistributedVirtualSwitch( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) VSphereException( IOException( DistributedVirtualPortgroup( Network( VSphereException(

Example 43 with Network

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmwareResource method execute.

protected StartAnswer execute(StartCommand cmd) {
    VirtualMachineTO vmSpec = cmd.getVirtualMachine();
    boolean vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter = false;
    String existingVmName = null;
    VirtualMachineFileInfo existingVmFileInfo = null;
    VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx existingVmFileLayout = null;
    List<DatastoreMO> existingDatastores = new ArrayList<DatastoreMO>();
    String diskStoragePolicyId = null;
    String vmStoragePolicyId = null;
    VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec diskProfileSpec = null;
    VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec vmProfileSpec = null;
    DeployAsIsInfoTO deployAsIsInfo = vmSpec.getDeployAsIsInfo();
    boolean deployAsIs = deployAsIsInfo != null;
    Pair<String, String> names = composeVmNames(vmSpec);
    String vmInternalCSName = names.first();
    String vmNameOnVcenter = names.second();
    DiskTO rootDiskTO = null;
    String bootMode = getBootModeFromVmSpec(vmSpec, deployAsIs);
    Pair<String, String> controllerInfo = getControllerInfoFromVmSpec(vmSpec);
    Boolean systemVm = vmSpec.getType().isUsedBySystem();
    // Thus, vmInternalCSName always holds i-x-y, the cloudstack generated internal VM name.
    VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
    DatacenterMO dcMo = null;
    try {
        VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
        VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context);
        dcMo = new DatacenterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter());
        // Validate VM name is unique in Datacenter
        VirtualMachineMO vmInVcenter = dcMo.checkIfVmAlreadyExistsInVcenter(vmNameOnVcenter, vmInternalCSName);
        if (vmInVcenter != null) {
            vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter = true;
            String msg = "VM with name: " + vmNameOnVcenter + " already exists in vCenter.";
            throw new Exception(msg);
        DiskTO[] specDisks = vmSpec.getDisks();
        String guestOsId = getGuestOsIdFromVmSpec(vmSpec, deployAsIs);
        DiskTO[] disks = validateDisks(vmSpec.getDisks());
        assert (disks.length > 0);
        NicTO[] nics = vmSpec.getNics();
        HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> dataStoresDetails = inferDatastoreDetailsFromDiskInfo(hyperHost, context, disks, cmd);
        if ((dataStoresDetails == null) || (dataStoresDetails.isEmpty())) {
            String msg = "Unable to locate datastore details of the volumes to be attached";
            throw new Exception(msg);
        VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder = null;
        VirtualDevice[] nicDevices = null;
        VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName);
        DiskControllerType systemVmScsiControllerType = DiskControllerType.lsilogic;
        int firstScsiControllerBusNum = 0;
        int numScsiControllerForSystemVm = 1;
        boolean hasSnapshot = false;
        List<Pair<Integer, ManagedObjectReference>> diskDatastores = null;
        if (vmMo != null) {
  "VM " + vmInternalCSName + " already exists, tear down devices for reconfiguration");
            if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff)
            // retrieve disk information before we tear down
            diskDatastores = vmMo.getAllDiskDatastores();
            diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder();
            hasSnapshot = vmMo.hasSnapshot();
            nicDevices = vmMo.getNicDevices();
            tearDownVmDevices(vmMo, hasSnapshot, deployAsIs);
            ensureDiskControllersInternal(vmMo, systemVm, controllerInfo, systemVmScsiControllerType, numScsiControllerForSystemVm, firstScsiControllerBusNum, deployAsIs);
        } else {
            ManagedObjectReference morDc = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter();
            assert (morDc != null);
            vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmInternalCSName);
            if (vmMo != null) {
                if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "Found vm " + vmInternalCSName + " at other host, relocate to " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName());
                takeVmFromOtherHyperHost(hyperHost, vmInternalCSName);
                if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff)
                diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder();
                hasSnapshot = vmMo.hasSnapshot();
                diskDatastores = vmMo.getAllDiskDatastores();
                tearDownVmDevices(vmMo, hasSnapshot, deployAsIs);
                ensureDiskControllersInternal(vmMo, systemVm, controllerInfo, systemVmScsiControllerType, numScsiControllerForSystemVm, firstScsiControllerBusNum, deployAsIs);
            } else {
                // If a VM with the same name is found in a different cluster in the DC, unregister the old VM and configure a new VM (cold-migration).
                VirtualMachineMO existingVmInDc = dcMo.findVm(vmInternalCSName);
                if (existingVmInDc != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Found VM: " + vmInternalCSName + " on a host in a different cluster. Unregistering the exisitng VM.");
                    existingVmName = existingVmInDc.getName();
                    existingVmFileInfo = existingVmInDc.getFileInfo();
                    existingVmFileLayout = existingVmInDc.getFileLayout();
                    existingDatastores = existingVmInDc.getAllDatastores();
                if (deployAsIs) {
                    vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName);
                    if (vmMo == null) {
              "Cloned deploy-as-is VM " + vmInternalCSName + " is not in this host, relocating it");
                        vmMo = takeVmFromOtherHyperHost(hyperHost, vmInternalCSName);
                } else {
                    DiskTO rootDisk = null;
                    for (DiskTO vol : disks) {
                        if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
                            rootDisk = vol;
                    Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> rootDiskDataStoreDetails = getDatastoreThatDiskIsOn(dataStoresDetails, rootDisk);
                    assert (vmSpec.getMinSpeed() != null) && (rootDiskDataStoreDetails != null);
                    DatastoreMO dsRootVolumeIsOn = rootDiskDataStoreDetails.second();
                    if (dsRootVolumeIsOn == null) {
                        String msg = "Unable to locate datastore details of root volume";
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                    if (rootDisk.getDetails().get(DiskTO.PROTOCOL_TYPE) != null && rootDisk.getDetails().get(DiskTO.PROTOCOL_TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(Storage.StoragePoolType.DatastoreCluster.toString())) {
                        if (diskInfoBuilder != null) {
                            DatastoreMO diskDatastoreMofromVM = getDataStoreWhereDiskExists(hyperHost, context, diskInfoBuilder, rootDisk, diskDatastores);
                            if (diskDatastoreMofromVM != null) {
                                String actualPoolUuid = diskDatastoreMofromVM.getCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID);
                                if (!actualPoolUuid.equalsIgnoreCase(rootDisk.getData().getDataStore().getUuid())) {
                                    dsRootVolumeIsOn = diskDatastoreMofromVM;
                    boolean vmFolderExists = dsRootVolumeIsOn.folderExists(String.format("[%s]", dsRootVolumeIsOn.getName()), vmNameOnVcenter);
                    String vmxFileFullPath = dsRootVolumeIsOn.searchFileInSubFolders(vmNameOnVcenter + ".vmx", false, VmwareManager.s_vmwareSearchExcludeFolder.value());
                    if (vmFolderExists && vmxFileFullPath != null) {
                        // VM can be registered only if .vmx is present.
                        registerVm(vmNameOnVcenter, dsRootVolumeIsOn);
                        vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName);
                        if (vmMo != null) {
                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                s_logger.debug("Found registered vm " + vmInternalCSName + " at host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName());
                    } else if (!hyperHost.createBlankVm(vmNameOnVcenter, vmInternalCSName, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed().intValue(), getReservedCpuMHZ(vmSpec), vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse(), (int) (vmSpec.getMaxRam() / ResourceType.bytesToMiB), getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec), guestOsId, rootDiskDataStoreDetails.first(), false, controllerInfo, systemVm)) {
                        throw new Exception("Failed to create VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName);
            vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName);
            if (vmMo == null) {
                throw new Exception("Failed to find the newly create or relocated VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName);
        if (deployAsIs) {
  "Mapping VM disks to spec disks and tearing down datadisks (if any)");
            mapSpecDisksToClonedDisksAndTearDownDatadisks(vmMo, vmInternalCSName, specDisks);
        int disksChanges = getDisksChangesNumberFromDisksSpec(disks, deployAsIs);
        int totalChangeDevices = disksChanges + nics.length;
        if (deployAsIsInfo != null && deployAsIsInfo.getProperties() != null) {
        DiskTO volIso = null;
        if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
            // system VM needs a patch ISO
        } else {
            volIso = getIsoDiskTO(disks);
            if (volIso == null && !deployAsIs) {
        VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
        int i = 0;
        int ideUnitNumber = !deployAsIs ? 0 : vmMo.getNextIDEDeviceNumber();
        int scsiUnitNumber = !deployAsIs ? 0 : vmMo.getNextScsiDiskDeviceNumber();
        int ideControllerKey = vmMo.getIDEDeviceControllerKey();
        int scsiControllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKeyNoException();
        VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[totalChangeDevices];
        DiskTO[] sortedDisks = sortVolumesByDeviceId(disks);
        VmwareHelper.setBasicVmConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed(), getReservedCpuMHZ(vmSpec), (int) (vmSpec.getMaxRam() / (1024 * 1024)), getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec), guestOsId, vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse(), deployAsIs);
        // Check for multi-cores per socket settings
        int numCoresPerSocket = 1;
        String coresPerSocket = vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.CPU_CORE_PER_SOCKET);
        if (coresPerSocket != null) {
            String apiVersion = HypervisorHostHelper.getVcenterApiVersion(vmMo.getContext());
            // Property 'numCoresPerSocket' is supported since vSphere API 5.0
            if (apiVersion.compareTo("5.0") >= 0) {
                numCoresPerSocket = NumbersUtil.parseInt(coresPerSocket, 1);
        // Check for hotadd settings
        vmConfigSpec.setMemoryHotAddEnabled(vmMo.isMemoryHotAddSupported(guestOsId) && vmSpec.isEnableDynamicallyScaleVm());
        String hostApiVersion = ((HostMO) hyperHost).getHostAboutInfo().getApiVersion();
        if (numCoresPerSocket > 1 && hostApiVersion.compareTo("5.0") < 0) {
            s_logger.warn("Dynamic scaling of CPU is not supported for Virtual Machines with multi-core vCPUs in case of ESXi hosts 4.1 and prior. Hence CpuHotAdd will not be" + " enabled for Virtual Machine: " + vmInternalCSName);
        } else {
            vmConfigSpec.setCpuHotAddEnabled(vmMo.isCpuHotAddSupported(guestOsId) && vmSpec.isEnableDynamicallyScaleVm());
        if (!vmMo.isMemoryHotAddSupported(guestOsId) && vmSpec.isEnableDynamicallyScaleVm()) {
            s_logger.warn("hotadd of memory is not supported, dynamic scaling feature can not be applied to vm: " + vmInternalCSName);
        if (!vmMo.isCpuHotAddSupported(guestOsId) && vmSpec.isEnableDynamicallyScaleVm()) {
            s_logger.warn("hotadd of cpu is not supported, dynamic scaling feature can not be applied to vm: " + vmInternalCSName);
        configNestedHVSupport(vmMo, vmSpec, vmConfigSpec);
        // prepare systemvm patch ISO
        if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
            // attach ISO (for patching of system VM)
            Pair<String, Long> secStoreUrlAndId = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrlAndId(Long.parseLong(_dcId));
            String secStoreUrl = secStoreUrlAndId.first();
            Long secStoreId = secStoreUrlAndId.second();
            if (secStoreUrl == null) {
                String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            mgr.prepareSecondaryStorageStore(secStoreUrl, secStoreId);
            ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl);
            if (morSecDs == null) {
                String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl;
                throw new Exception(msg);
            DatastoreMO secDsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morSecDs);
            deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
            Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, String.format("[%s] systemvm/%s", secDsMo.getName(), mgr.getSystemVMIsoFileNameOnDatastore()), secDsMo.getMor(), true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1);
            if (isoInfo.second()) {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
            } else {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
        } else if (!deployAsIs) {
            // Note: we will always plug a CDROM device
            if (volIso != null) {
                for (DiskTO vol : disks) {
                    if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
                        configureIso(hyperHost, vmMo, vol, deviceConfigSpecArray, ideUnitNumber++, i);
            } else {
                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, null, null, true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1);
                if (isoInfo.second()) {
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                } else {
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
        int controllerKey;
        if (multipleIsosAtached(sortedDisks) && deployAsIs) {
            sortedDisks = getDisks(sortedDisks);
        for (DiskTO vol : sortedDisks) {
            if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
                if (deployAsIs) {
                    configureIso(hyperHost, vmMo, vol, deviceConfigSpecArray, ideUnitNumber++, i);
            if (deployAsIs && vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
                rootDiskTO = vol;
                resizeRootDiskOnVMStart(vmMo, rootDiskTO, hyperHost, context);
            VirtualMachineDiskInfo matchingExistingDisk = getMatchingExistingDisk(diskInfoBuilder, vol, hyperHost, context);
            String diskController = getDiskController(vmMo, matchingExistingDisk, vol, controllerInfo, deployAsIs);
            if (DiskControllerType.getType(diskController) == DiskControllerType.osdefault) {
                diskController = vmMo.getRecommendedDiskController(null);
            if (DiskControllerType.getType(diskController) == DiskControllerType.ide) {
                controllerKey = vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber);
                if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.DATADISK) {
                    // Ensure maximum of 2 data volumes over IDE controller, 3 includeing root volume
                    if (vmMo.getNumberOfVirtualDisks() > 3) {
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Found more than 3 virtual disks attached to this VM [" + vmMo.getVmName() + "]. Unable to implement the disks over " + diskController + " controller, as maximum number of devices supported over IDE controller is 4 includeing CDROM device.");
            } else {
                if (VmwareHelper.isReservedScsiDeviceNumber(scsiUnitNumber)) {
                controllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDiskControllerKeyNoException(diskController, scsiUnitNumber);
                if (controllerKey == -1) {
                    // This may happen for ROOT legacy VMs which doesn't have recommended disk controller when global configuration parameter 'vmware.root.disk.controller' is set to "osdefault"
                    // Retrieve existing controller and use.
                    Ternary<Integer, Integer, DiskControllerType> vmScsiControllerInfo = vmMo.getScsiControllerInfo();
                    DiskControllerType existingControllerType = vmScsiControllerInfo.third();
                    controllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDiskControllerKeyNoException(existingControllerType.toString(), scsiUnitNumber);
            if (!hasSnapshot) {
                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO) vol.getData();
                DataStoreTO primaryStore = volumeTO.getDataStore();
                Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails();
                boolean managed = false;
                String iScsiName = null;
                if (details != null) {
                    managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED));
                    iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN);
                String primaryStoreUuid = primaryStore.getUuid();
                // if the storage is managed, iScsiName should not be null
                String datastoreName = managed ? VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(iScsiName) : primaryStoreUuid;
                Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> volumeDsDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(datastoreName);
                assert (volumeDsDetails != null);
                if (volumeDsDetails == null) {
                    throw new Exception("Primary datastore " + primaryStore.getUuid() + " is not mounted on host.");
                if (vol.getDetails().get(DiskTO.PROTOCOL_TYPE) != null && vol.getDetails().get(DiskTO.PROTOCOL_TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase("DatastoreCluster")) {
                    if (diskInfoBuilder != null && matchingExistingDisk != null) {
                        String[] diskChain = matchingExistingDisk.getDiskChain();
                        if (diskChain != null && diskChain.length > 0) {
                            DatastoreFile file = new DatastoreFile(diskChain[0]);
                            if (!file.getFileBaseName().equalsIgnoreCase(volumeTO.getPath())) {
                                if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
                          "Detected disk-chain top file change on volume: " + volumeTO.getId() + " " + volumeTO.getPath() + " -> " + file.getFileBaseName());
                        DatastoreMO diskDatastoreMofromVM = getDataStoreWhereDiskExists(hyperHost, context, diskInfoBuilder, vol, diskDatastores);
                        if (diskDatastoreMofromVM != null) {
                            String actualPoolUuid = diskDatastoreMofromVM.getCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID);
                            if (actualPoolUuid != null && !actualPoolUuid.equalsIgnoreCase(primaryStore.getUuid())) {
                                volumeDsDetails = new Pair<>(diskDatastoreMofromVM.getMor(), diskDatastoreMofromVM);
                                if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
                          "Detected datastore uuid change on volume: " + volumeTO.getId() + " " + primaryStore.getUuid() + " -> " + actualPoolUuid);
                                ((PrimaryDataStoreTO) primaryStore).setUuid(actualPoolUuid);
                String[] diskChain = syncDiskChain(dcMo, vmMo, vol, matchingExistingDisk, volumeDsDetails.second());
                int deviceNumber = -1;
                if (controllerKey == vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber)) {
                    deviceNumber = ideUnitNumber % VmwareHelper.MAX_ALLOWED_DEVICES_IDE_CONTROLLER;
                } else {
                    deviceNumber = scsiUnitNumber % VmwareHelper.MAX_ALLOWED_DEVICES_SCSI_CONTROLLER;
                VirtualDevice device = VmwareHelper.prepareDiskDevice(vmMo, null, controllerKey, diskChain, volumeDsDetails.first(), deviceNumber, i + 1);
                diskStoragePolicyId = volumeTO.getvSphereStoragePolicyId();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(diskStoragePolicyId)) {
                    PbmProfileManagerMO profMgrMo = new PbmProfileManagerMO(context);
                    diskProfileSpec = profMgrMo.getProfileSpec(diskStoragePolicyId);
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        s_logger.debug(String.format("Adding vSphere storage profile: %s to virtual disk [%s]", diskStoragePolicyId, _gson.toJson(device)));
                if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
                    rootDiskTO = vol;
                    vmStoragePolicyId = diskStoragePolicyId;
                    vmProfileSpec = diskProfileSpec;
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(device));
            } else {
                if (controllerKey == vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber))
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(guestOsId) && guestOsId.startsWith("darwin")) {
            // Mac OS
            VirtualDevice[] devices = vmMo.getMatchedDevices(new Class<?>[] { VirtualUSBController.class });
            if (devices.length == 0) {
                s_logger.debug("No USB Controller device on VM Start. Add USB Controller device for Mac OS VM " + vmInternalCSName);
                // For Mac OS X systems, the EHCI+UHCI controller is enabled by default and is required for USB mouse and keyboard access.
                VirtualDevice usbControllerDevice = VmwareHelper.prepareUSBControllerDevice();
                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare USB controller at new device " + _gson.toJson(deviceConfigSpecArray[i]));
            } else {
                s_logger.debug("USB Controller device exists on VM Start for Mac OS VM " + vmInternalCSName);
        // Setup NIC devices
        VirtualDevice nic;
        int nicMask = 0;
        int nicCount = 0;
        VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType;
        Map<String, String> nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (NicTO nicTo : sortNicsByDeviceId(nics)) {
  "Prepare NIC device based on NicTO: " + _gson.toJson(nicTo));
            String adapterTypeStr = deployAsIs ? mapAdapterType(deployAsIsInfo.getNicAdapterMap().get(nicTo.getDeviceId())) : vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.NIC_ADAPTER);
            nicDeviceType = VirtualEthernetCardType.valueOf(adapterTypeStr);
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("VM " + vmInternalCSName + " will be started with NIC device type: " + nicDeviceType + " on NIC device " + nicTo.getDeviceId());
            boolean configureVServiceInNexus = (nicTo.getType() == TrafficType.Guest) && (vmSpec.getDetails().containsKey("ConfigureVServiceInNexus"));
            VirtualMachine.Type vmType = cmd.getVirtualMachine().getType();
            Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(vmMo.getRunningHost(), nicTo, configureVServiceInNexus, vmType);
            if ((nicTo.getBroadcastType() != BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) || (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch && NiciraNvpApiVersion.isApiVersionLowerThan("4.2"))) {
                if (VmwareHelper.isDvPortGroup(networkInfo.first())) {
                    String dvSwitchUuid;
                    ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter();
                    DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(context, dcMor);
                    ManagedObjectReference dvsMor = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchMor(networkInfo.first());
                    dvSwitchUuid = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchUuid(dvsMor);
          "Preparing NIC device on dvSwitch : " + dvSwitchUuid);
                    nic = VmwareHelper.prepareDvNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), dvSwitchUuid, nicTo.getMac(), i + 1, true, true);
                    if (nicTo.getUuid() != null) {
                        nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid.put(nicTo.getUuid(), dvSwitchUuid);
                } else {
          "Preparing NIC device on network " + networkInfo.second());
                    nic = VmwareHelper.prepareNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), nicTo.getMac(), i + 1, true, true);
            } else {
                // if NSX API VERSION >= 4.2, connect to br-int (, do not create portgroup else previous behaviour
                nic = VmwareHelper.prepareNicOpaque(vmMo, nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), nicTo.getMac(), i + 1, true, true);
            deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                s_logger.debug("Prepare NIC at new device " + _gson.toJson(deviceConfigSpecArray[i]));
            // this is really a hacking for DomR, upon DomR startup, we will reset all the NIC allocation after eth3
            if (nicCount < 3)
                nicMask |= (1 << nicCount);
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpecArray[j]);
        // Setup VM options
        // pass boot arguments through & perform customized options to VMX
        ArrayList<OptionValue> extraOptions = new ArrayList<OptionValue>();
        configBasicExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec);
        if (deployAsIs) {
            setDeployAsIsProperties(vmMo, deployAsIsInfo, vmConfigSpec, hyperHost);
        configNvpExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec, nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid);
        configCustomExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec);
        // config for NCC
        VirtualMachine.Type vmType = cmd.getVirtualMachine().getType();
        if (vmType.equals(VirtualMachine.Type.NetScalerVm)) {
            NicTO mgmtNic = vmSpec.getNics()[0];
            OptionValue option = new OptionValue();
            option.setValue("ip=" + mgmtNic.getIp() + "&netmask=" + mgmtNic.getNetmask() + "&gateway=" + mgmtNic.getGateway());
        configureVNC(vmSpec, extraOptions, vmConfigSpec, hyperHost, vmInternalCSName);
        // config video card
        configureVideoCard(vmMo, vmSpec, vmConfigSpec);
        setBootOptions(vmSpec, bootMode, vmConfigSpec);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(vmStoragePolicyId)) {
            if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                s_logger.trace(String.format("Configuring the VM %s with storage policy: %s", vmInternalCSName, vmStoragePolicyId));
        if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to configure VM before start. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName);
        if (vmSpec.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) {
            hyperHost.setRestartPriorityForVM(vmMo, DasVmPriority.HIGH.value());
        // Resizing root disk only when explicit requested by user
        final Map<String, String> vmDetails = cmd.getVirtualMachine().getDetails();
        if (!deployAsIs && rootDiskTO != null && !hasSnapshot && (vmDetails != null && vmDetails.containsKey(ApiConstants.ROOT_DISK_SIZE))) {
            resizeRootDiskOnVMStart(vmMo, rootDiskTO, hyperHost, context);
        // Post Configuration
        vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK, String.valueOf(nicMask));
        postNvpConfigBeforeStart(vmMo, vmSpec);
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> iqnToData = new HashMap<>();
        postDiskConfigBeforeStart(vmMo, vmSpec, sortedDisks, ideControllerKey, scsiControllerKey, iqnToData, hyperHost, context);
        if (!vmMo.powerOn()) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to start VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName + " with hostname " + vmNameOnVcenter);
        StartAnswer startAnswer = new StartAnswer(cmd);
        // Since VM was successfully powered-on, if there was an existing VM in a different cluster that was unregistered, delete all the files associated with it.
        if (existingVmName != null && existingVmFileLayout != null) {
            List<String> vmDatastoreNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (DatastoreMO vmDatastore : vmMo.getAllDatastores()) {
            // Don't delete files that are in a datastore that is being used by the new VM as well (zone-wide datastore).
            List<String> skipDatastores = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (DatastoreMO existingDatastore : existingDatastores) {
                if (vmDatastoreNames.contains(existingDatastore.getName())) {
            deleteUnregisteredVmFiles(existingVmFileLayout, dcMo, true, skipDatastores);
        return startAnswer;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        StartAnswer startAnswer = new StartAnswer(cmd, createLogMessageException(e, cmd));
        if (vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter) {
            startAnswer.setContextParam("stopRetry", "true");
        if (existingVmName != null && existingVmFileInfo != null) {
            s_logger.debug(String.format("Since VM start failed, registering back an existing VM: [%s] that was unregistered.", existingVmName));
            try {
                DatastoreFile fileInDatastore = new DatastoreFile(existingVmFileInfo.getVmPathName());
                DatastoreMO existingVmDsMo = new DatastoreMO(dcMo.getContext(), dcMo.findDatastore(fileInDatastore.getDatastoreName()));
                registerVm(existingVmName, existingVmDsMo);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                String message = String.format("Failed to register an existing VM: [%s] due to [%s].", existingVmName, VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(ex));
                s_logger.error(message, ex);
        return startAnswer;
Also used : StartAnswer( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VirtualMachineTO( DatastoreFile( VolumeObjectTO( VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx) NicTO( PrimaryDataStoreTO( DataStoreTO( VmwareManager( VirtualMachineMO( VirtualDevice(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDevice) VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder( VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec) DatastoreMO( VmwareContext( PbmProfileManagerMO( Map(java.util.Map) EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DeployAsIsInfoTO( DatacenterMO( ManagedObjectReference(com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference) VirtualMachine( VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec) DiskControllerType( VirtualMachineConfigSpec(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) CloudRuntimeException( VirtualMachineDiskInfo(org.apache.cloudstack.utils.volume.VirtualMachineDiskInfo) OptionValue(com.vmware.vim25.OptionValue) Pair( VirtualEthernetCardType( VmwareHypervisorHost( ConnectException( IOException( RemoteException(java.rmi.RemoteException) InternalErrorException( CloudException( CloudRuntimeException( UnsupportedEncodingException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) PrimaryDataStoreTO( VirtualMachineFileInfo(com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineFileInfo) DiskTO(

Example 44 with Network

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmwareServerDiscoverer method find.

public Map<? extends ServerResource, Map<String, String>> find(long dcId, Long podId, Long clusterId, URI url, String username, String password, List<String> hostTags) throws DiscoveryException {
    if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())"Discover host. dc: " + dcId + ", pod: " + podId + ", cluster: " + clusterId + ", uri host: " + url.getHost());
    if (podId == null) {
        if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "No pod is assigned, assuming that it is not for vmware and skip it to next discoverer");
        return null;
    boolean failureInClusterDiscovery = true;
    String vsmIp = "";
    ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
    if (cluster == null || cluster.getHypervisorType() != HypervisorType.VMware) {
        if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "invalid cluster id or cluster is not for VMware hypervisors");
        return null;
    Map<String, String> clusterDetails = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetails(clusterId);
    boolean legacyZone = _vmwareMgr.isLegacyZone(dcId);
    boolean usernameNotProvided = (username == null || username.isEmpty());
    boolean passwordNotProvided = (password == null || password.isEmpty());
    // Check if NOT a legacy zone.
    if (!legacyZone) {
        // Retrieve VMware DC associated with specified zone
        VmwareDatacenterVO vmwareDc = fetchVmwareDatacenterByZone(dcId);
        // If either or both not provided, try to retrieve & use the credentials from database, which are provided earlier while adding VMware DC to zone.
        if (usernameNotProvided || passwordNotProvided) {
            // Retrieve credentials associated with VMware DC
  "Username and/or Password not provided while adding cluster to cloudstack zone. " + "Hence using both username & password provided while adding VMware DC to CloudStack zone.");
            username = vmwareDc.getUser();
            password = vmwareDc.getPassword();
            clusterDetails.put("username", username);
            clusterDetails.put("password", password);
            _clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterId, clusterDetails);
        String updatedInventoryPath = validateCluster(url, vmwareDc);
        try {
            if (!URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath(), "UTF-8").equals(updatedInventoryPath)) {
                // If url from API doesn't specify DC then update url in database with DC associated with this zone.
                clusterDetails.put("url", url.getScheme() + "://" + url.getHost() + updatedInventoryPath);
                _clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterId, clusterDetails);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new DiscoveredWithErrorException("Unable to decode URL path, URL path : " + url.getPath(), e);
    } else {
        // For legacy zones insist on the old model of asking for credentials for each cluster being added.
        if (usernameNotProvided) {
            if (passwordNotProvided) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide username & password to add this cluster to zone");
            } else {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide username to add this cluster to zone");
        } else if (passwordNotProvided) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide password to add this cluster to zone");
    List<HostVO> hosts = _resourceMgr.listAllHostsInCluster(clusterId);
    if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) {
        int maxHostsPerCluster = _hvCapabilitiesDao.getMaxHostsPerCluster(hosts.get(0).getHypervisorType(), hosts.get(0).getHypervisorVersion());
        if (hosts.size() >= maxHostsPerCluster) {
            String msg = "VMware cluster " + cluster.getName() + " is too big to add new host, current size: " + hosts.size() + ", max. size: " + maxHostsPerCluster;
            throw new DiscoveredWithErrorException(msg);
    String privateTrafficLabel = null;
    String publicTrafficLabel = null;
    String guestTrafficLabel = null;
    Map<String, String> vsmCredentials = null;
    VirtualSwitchType defaultVirtualSwitchType = VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch;
    String paramGuestVswitchType = null;
    String paramGuestVswitchName = null;
    String paramPublicVswitchType = null;
    String paramPublicVswitchName = null;
    VmwareTrafficLabel guestTrafficLabelObj = new VmwareTrafficLabel(TrafficType.Guest);
    VmwareTrafficLabel publicTrafficLabelObj = new VmwareTrafficLabel(TrafficType.Public);
    DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(dcId);
    NetworkType zoneType = zone.getNetworkType();
    // Private traffic will be only on standard vSwitch for now.
    if (useDVS) {
        // Parse url parameters for type of vswitch and name of vswitch specified at cluster level
        paramGuestVswitchType = _urlParams.get(ApiConstants.VSWITCH_TYPE_GUEST_TRAFFIC);
        paramGuestVswitchName = _urlParams.get(ApiConstants.VSWITCH_NAME_GUEST_TRAFFIC);
        paramPublicVswitchType = _urlParams.get(ApiConstants.VSWITCH_TYPE_PUBLIC_TRAFFIC);
        paramPublicVswitchName = _urlParams.get(ApiConstants.VSWITCH_NAME_PUBLIC_TRAFFIC);
        defaultVirtualSwitchType = getDefaultVirtualSwitchType();
    // Zone level vSwitch Type depends on zone level traffic labels
    // User can override Zone wide vswitch type (for public and guest) by providing following optional parameters in addClusterCmd
    // param "guestvswitchtype" with valid values vmwaredvs, vmwaresvs, nexusdvs
    // param "publicvswitchtype" with valid values vmwaredvs, vmwaresvs, nexusdvs
    // Format of label is <VSWITCH>,<VLANID>,<VSWITCHTYPE>
    // If a field <VLANID> OR <VSWITCHTYPE> is not present leave it empty.
    // Ex: 1) vswitch0
    // 2) dvswitch0,200,vmwaredvs
    // 3) nexusepp0,300,nexusdvs
    // 4) vswitch1,400,vmwaresvs
    // 5) vswitch0
    // default vswitchtype is 'vmwaresvs'.
    // <VSWITCHTYPE> 'vmwaresvs' is for vmware standard vswitch
    // <VSWITCHTYPE> 'vmwaredvs' is for vmware distributed virtual switch
    // <VSWITCHTYPE> 'nexusdvs' is for cisco nexus distributed virtual switch
    // Get zone wide traffic labels for Guest traffic and Public traffic
    guestTrafficLabel = _netmgr.getDefaultGuestTrafficLabel(dcId, HypervisorType.VMware);
    // Process traffic label information provided at zone level and cluster level
    guestTrafficLabelObj = getTrafficInfo(TrafficType.Guest, guestTrafficLabel, defaultVirtualSwitchType, paramGuestVswitchType, paramGuestVswitchName, clusterId);
    if (zoneType == NetworkType.Advanced) {
        // Get zone wide traffic label for Public traffic
        publicTrafficLabel = _netmgr.getDefaultPublicTrafficLabel(dcId, HypervisorType.VMware);
        // Process traffic label information provided at zone level and cluster level
        publicTrafficLabelObj = getTrafficInfo(TrafficType.Public, publicTrafficLabel, defaultVirtualSwitchType, paramPublicVswitchType, paramPublicVswitchName, clusterId);
        // Configuration Check: A physical network cannot be shared by different types of virtual switches.
        // Check if different vswitch types are chosen for same physical network
        // 1. Get physical network for guest traffic - multiple networks
        // 2. Get physical network for public traffic - single network
        // See if 2 is in 1
        // if no - pass
        // if yes - compare publicTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType() == guestTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType()
        // true  - pass
        // false - throw exception - fail cluster add operation
        List<? extends PhysicalNetwork> pNetworkListGuestTraffic = _netmgr.getPhysicalNtwksSupportingTrafficType(dcId, TrafficType.Guest);
        List<? extends PhysicalNetwork> pNetworkListPublicTraffic = _netmgr.getPhysicalNtwksSupportingTrafficType(dcId, TrafficType.Public);
        // Public network would be on single physical network hence getting first object of the list would suffice.
        PhysicalNetwork pNetworkPublic = pNetworkListPublicTraffic.get(0);
        if (pNetworkListGuestTraffic.contains(pNetworkPublic)) {
            if (publicTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType() != guestTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType()) {
                String msg = "Both public traffic and guest traffic is over same physical network " + pNetworkPublic + ". And virtual switch type chosen for each traffic is different" + ". A physical network cannot be shared by different types of virtual switches.";
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(msg);
    privateTrafficLabel = _netmgr.getDefaultManagementTrafficLabel(dcId, HypervisorType.VMware);
    if (privateTrafficLabel != null) {"Detected private network label : " + privateTrafficLabel);
    Pair<Boolean, Long> vsmInfo = new Pair<Boolean, Long>(false, 0L);
    if (nexusDVS && (guestTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType() == VirtualSwitchType.NexusDistributedVirtualSwitch) || ((zoneType == NetworkType.Advanced) && (publicTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType() == VirtualSwitchType.NexusDistributedVirtualSwitch))) {
        // 2) Atleast 1 traffic type uses Nexus distributed virtual switch as backend.
        if (zoneType != NetworkType.Basic) {
            publicTrafficLabel = _netmgr.getDefaultPublicTrafficLabel(dcId, HypervisorType.VMware);
            if (publicTrafficLabel != null) {
      "Detected public network label : " + publicTrafficLabel);
        // Get physical network label
        guestTrafficLabel = _netmgr.getDefaultGuestTrafficLabel(dcId, HypervisorType.VMware);
        if (guestTrafficLabel != null) {
  "Detected guest network label : " + guestTrafficLabel);
        // Before proceeding with validation of Nexus 1000v VSM check if an instance of Nexus 1000v VSM is already associated with this cluster.
        boolean clusterHasVsm = _vmwareMgr.hasNexusVSM(clusterId);
        if (!clusterHasVsm) {
            vsmIp = _urlParams.get("vsmipaddress");
            String vsmUser = _urlParams.get("vsmusername");
            String vsmPassword = _urlParams.get("vsmpassword");
            String clusterName = cluster.getName();
            try {
                vsmInfo = _nexusElement.validateAndAddVsm(vsmIp, vsmUser, vsmPassword, clusterId, clusterName);
            } catch (ResourceInUseException ex) {
                DiscoveryException discEx = new DiscoveryException(ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ". The resource is " + ex.getResourceName());
                throw discEx;
        vsmCredentials = _vmwareMgr.getNexusVSMCredentialsByClusterId(clusterId);
    VmwareContext context = null;
    try {
        context = VmwareContextFactory.create(url.getHost(), username, password);
        if (privateTrafficLabel != null)
            context.registerStockObject("privateTrafficLabel", privateTrafficLabel);
        if (nexusDVS) {
            if (vsmCredentials != null) {
      "Stocking credentials of Nexus VSM");
                context.registerStockObject("vsmcredentials", vsmCredentials);
        List<ManagedObjectReference> morHosts = _vmwareMgr.addHostToPodCluster(context, dcId, podId, clusterId, URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath(), "UTF-8"));
        if (morHosts == null)
  "Found 0 hosts.");
        if (privateTrafficLabel != null)
        if (morHosts == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to find host or cluster based on url: " + URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath(), "UTF-8"));
            return null;
        ManagedObjectReference morCluster = null;
        clusterDetails = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetails(clusterId);
        if (clusterDetails.get("url") != null) {
            URI uriFromCluster = new URI(UriUtils.encodeURIComponent(clusterDetails.get("url")));
            morCluster = context.getHostMorByPath(URLDecoder.decode(uriFromCluster.getPath(), "UTF-8"));
            if (morCluster == null || !morCluster.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("ClusterComputeResource")) {
                s_logger.warn("Cluster url does not point to a valid vSphere cluster, url: " + clusterDetails.get("url"));
                return null;
            } else {
                ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(context, morCluster);
                if (clusterMo.isHAEnabled()) {
                    clusterDetails.put("NativeHA", "true");
                    _clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterId, clusterDetails);
        if (!validateDiscoveredHosts(context, morCluster, morHosts)) {
            if (morCluster == null)
                s_logger.warn("The discovered host is not standalone host, can not be added to a standalone cluster");
                s_logger.warn("The discovered host does not belong to the cluster");
            return null;
        Map<VmwareResource, Map<String, String>> resources = new HashMap<VmwareResource, Map<String, String>>();
        for (ManagedObjectReference morHost : morHosts) {
            Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>();
            Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(context, morHost);
            details.put("url", hostMo.getHostName());
            details.put("username", username);
            details.put("password", password);
            boolean uefiLegacySupported = hostMo.isUefiLegacySupported();
            if (uefiLegacySupported) {
                details.put(Host.HOST_UEFI_ENABLE, "true");
            String guid = morHost.getType() + ":" + morHost.getValue() + "@" + url.getHost();
            details.put("guid", guid);
            params.put("url", hostMo.getHostName());
            params.put("username", username);
            params.put("password", password);
            params.put("zone", Long.toString(dcId));
            params.put("pod", Long.toString(podId));
            params.put("cluster", Long.toString(clusterId));
            params.put("guid", guid);
            if (privateTrafficLabel != null) {
                params.put("", privateTrafficLabel);
            params.put("guestTrafficInfo", guestTrafficLabelObj);
            params.put("publicTrafficInfo", publicTrafficLabelObj);
            params.put("router.aggregation.command.each.timeout", _configDao.getValue(Config.RouterAggregationCommandEachTimeout.toString()));
            VmwareResource resource = new VmwareResource();
            try {
                resource.configure("VMware", params);
            } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                _alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_HOST, dcId, podId, "Unable to add " + url.getHost(), "Error is " + e.getMessage());
                s_logger.warn("Unable to instantiate " + url.getHost(), e);
            resources.put(resource, details);
        // place a place holder guid derived from cluster ID
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new DiscoveredWithErrorException("Unable to create UUID based on string " + String.valueOf(clusterId) + ". Bad clusterId or UTF-8 encoding error.");
        _clusterDao.update(clusterId, cluster);
        // Flag cluster discovery success
        failureInClusterDiscovery = false;
        return resources;
    } catch (DiscoveredWithErrorException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to connect to Vmware vSphere server. service address: " + url.getHost() + ". " + e);
        return null;
    } finally {
        if (context != null)
        if (failureInClusterDiscovery && vsmInfo.first()) {
            try {
                s_logger.debug("Deleting Nexus 1000v VSM " + vsmIp + " because cluster discovery and addition to zone has failed.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                s_logger.warn("Deleting Nexus 1000v VSM " + vsmIp + " failed.");
Also used : VmwareTrafficLabel( VmwareResource( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HostMO( ClusterMO( URI( InvalidParameterValueException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) NetworkType( PhysicalNetwork( ResourceInUseException( DiscoveryException( Pair( DataCenterVO( ClusterVO( UnsupportedEncodingException( DiscoveredWithErrorException( HostVO( DiscoveredWithErrorException( DiscoveryException( InvalidParameterValueException( UnsupportedEncodingException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) UnableDeleteHostException( ResourceInUseException( VmwareContext( VirtualSwitchType( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ManagedObjectReference(com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference)

Example 45 with Network

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmwareResource method areVMsOnNetwork.

private boolean areVMsOnNetwork(DatacenterMO dcMO, NetworkDetails netDetails) throws Exception {
    if (netDetails == null || netDetails.getName() == null) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unspecified network details / port group, couldn't check VMs on network port group");
    List<HostMO> hosts = dcMO.getAllHostsOnDatacenter();
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(hosts)) {
        for (HostMO host : hosts) {
            NetworkMO networkMo = new NetworkMO(host.getContext(), netDetails.getNetworkMor());
            List<ManagedObjectReference> vms = networkMo.getVMsOnNetwork();
            if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(vms)) {
                s_logger.debug("Network port group: " + netDetails.getName() + " is in use");
                return true;
    return false;
Also used : HostMO( NetworkMO( CloudRuntimeException( ManagedObjectReference(com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference)


ManagedObjectReference (com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference)39 CloudRuntimeException ( IOException ( CloudException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 PropertyFilterSpec (com.vmware.vim25.PropertyFilterSpec)14 TraversalSpec (com.vmware.vim25.TraversalSpec)14 ObjectSpec (com.vmware.vim25.ObjectSpec)13 PropertySpec (com.vmware.vim25.PropertySpec)13 RemoteException (java.rmi.RemoteException)13 Pair ( ObjectContent (com.vmware.vim25.ObjectContent)12 UnsupportedEncodingException ( InternalErrorException ( VmwareContext ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)11 HostMO ( DynamicProperty (com.vmware.vim25.DynamicProperty)10 VirtualDevice (com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDevice)10 ConnectException (