use of com.vodafone360.people.engine.presence.User in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class PeopleContactsApiTest method testGetNativeContactsIdsMerge.
* Tests the getNativeContactsIds() method when a merge has to be performed.
public void testGetNativeContactsIdsMerge() {
final long[] NATIVE_IDS = { 10, 85, 12, 103, 44, 38 };
final long[] DELETED_IDS = { NATIVE_IDS[0], NATIVE_IDS[5], NATIVE_IDS[3] };
PeopleContactsApi pca = new PeopleContactsApi(mDatabaseHelper);
// the database is empty, it shall not return any ids
// let's add the contacts
for (int i = 0; i < NATIVE_IDS.length; i++) {
ContactChange[] contact = filterContactChanges(ContactChangeHelper.randomContact(ContactChange.INVALID_ID, ContactChange.INVALID_ID, NATIVE_IDS[i]));
// check that they exist and in the right order (ascending)
long[] ids = pca.getNativeContactsIds();
assertEquals(NATIVE_IDS.length, ids.length);
assertTrue(checkExistAndAscendingOrder(NATIVE_IDS, ids));
// delete them from CAB as it was coming from backend or user
// this has to be done without PeopleContactsApi wrapper as it does not support
// operations for Contacts not related to the native address book
List<ContactIdInfo> ciiList = new ArrayList<ContactIdInfo>(DELETED_IDS.length);
final SQLiteDatabase readableDb = mDatabaseHelper.getReadableDatabase();
try {
final SQLiteStatement nativeToLocalId = ContactsTable.fetchLocalFromNativeIdStatement(readableDb);
for (int i = 0; i < DELETED_IDS.length; i++) {
final ContactIdInfo cii = new ContactIdInfo();
cii.localId = ContactsTable.fetchLocalFromNativeId((int) DELETED_IDS[i], nativeToLocalId);
cii.nativeId = (int) DELETED_IDS[i];
} finally {
mDatabaseHelper.syncDeleteContactList(ciiList, false, true);
// check the returned list of ids which should be similar as before
ids = pca.getNativeContactsIds();
assertEquals(NATIVE_IDS.length, ids.length);
assertTrue(checkExistAndAscendingOrder(NATIVE_IDS, ids));
// check that the deleted ids have the deleted flag
for (int i = 0; i < DELETED_IDS.length; i++) {
final ContactChange[] cc = pca.getContact(DELETED_IDS[i]);
assertEquals(cc[0].getType(), ContactChange.TYPE_DELETE_CONTACT);
use of com.vodafone360.people.engine.presence.User in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class NowPlusDBHelperLoginTest method testSetFetchOption.
* set and fetch option
public void testSetFetchOption() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** EXECUTING testAddDeleteContactsDetails *****");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test contact functionality (add delete contacts details)");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test 1a: Initialise test environment and load database");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test 1b: Remove user data");
ServiceStatus status = mTestUtility.waitForEvent(WAIT_EVENT_TIMEOUT_MS, DbTestUtility.CONTACTS_INT_EVENT_MASK);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
PersistSettings setting = new PersistSettings();
status = mDatabaseHelper.setOption(setting);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
PersistSettings fetchedSetting = mDatabaseHelper.fetchOption(PersistSettings.Option.INTERNETAVAIL);
assertEquals(fetchedSetting.toString(), setting.toString());
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "*************************************");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "testModifyFetchCredentials has completed successfully");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "**************************************");
use of com.vodafone360.people.engine.presence.User in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class NowPlusDBHelperLoginTest method testModifyFetchCredentials.
* Modify and fetch credentials
public void testModifyFetchCredentials() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** EXECUTING testAddDeleteContactsDetails *****");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test contact functionality (add delete contacts details)");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test 1a: Initialise test environment and load database");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Test 1b: Remove user data");
ServiceStatus status = mTestUtility.waitForEvent(WAIT_EVENT_TIMEOUT_MS, DbTestUtility.CONTACTS_INT_EVENT_MASK);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
RegistrationDetails registrationDetails = new RegistrationDetails();
registrationDetails.mUsername = TestModule.generateRandomString();
registrationDetails.mPassword = TestModule.generateRandomString();
registrationDetails.mMsisdn = TestModule.generateRandomString();
LoginDetails loginDetails = new LoginDetails();
loginDetails.mUsername = registrationDetails.mUsername;
loginDetails.mPassword = registrationDetails.mPassword;
loginDetails.mAutoConnect = TestModule.generateRandomBoolean();
loginDetails.mRememberMe = TestModule.generateRandomBoolean();
loginDetails.mMobileNo = registrationDetails.mMsisdn;
loginDetails.mSubscriberId = TestModule.generateRandomString();
LoginDetails fetchedLogin = new LoginDetails();
status = mDatabaseHelper.fetchLogonCredentials(fetchedLogin);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
status = mDatabaseHelper.modifyCredentials(loginDetails);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
status = mDatabaseHelper.fetchLogonCredentials(fetchedLogin);
assertEquals(ServiceStatus.SUCCESS, status);
assertEquals(loginDetails.mUsername, fetchedLogin.mUsername);
if (loginDetails.mRememberMe) {
assertEquals(loginDetails.mPassword, fetchedLogin.mPassword);
assertEquals(loginDetails.mAutoConnect, fetchedLogin.mAutoConnect);
assertEquals(loginDetails.mRememberMe, fetchedLogin.mRememberMe);
assertEquals(loginDetails.mMobileNo, fetchedLogin.mMobileNo);
assertEquals(loginDetails.mSubscriberId, fetchedLogin.mSubscriberId);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "*************************************");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "testModifyFetchCredentials has completed successfully");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "**************************************");
use of com.vodafone360.people.engine.presence.User in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class NowPlusPresenceTableTest method testSetAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe.
public void testSetAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** testSetAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe() *****");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** testSetAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe(): table created*****");
assertTrue("The method adds a null user and returns true", PresenceTable.updateUser(null, null, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase()) == PresenceTable.USER_NOTADDED);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** testUpdateUser: NULL test SUCCEEDED *****");
// 1
Hashtable<String, String> status = new Hashtable<String, String>();
status.put("google", "online");
status.put("microsoft", "online");
status.put("mobile", "online");
// status.put("pc", "online");
User user = new User("", status);
assertTrue("the user was not added to DB", PresenceTable.updateUser(user, null, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase()) == PresenceTable.USER_ADDED);
LogUtils.logE("User1:" + user.toString());
user = null;
// 4
user = new User("12345678", status);
assertTrue("the NowplusUser user was not added to DB", PresenceTable.updateUser(user, null, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase()) == PresenceTable.USER_ADDED);
// user = null;
// 8
// status.put("pc", "offline");
// user = new User("12345678", status);
LogUtils.logE("User2:" + user.toString());
assertTrue("the Existing NowplusUser might be duplicated to DB", PresenceTable.updateUser(user, null, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase()) == PresenceTable.USER_UPDATED);
// 8
int count = PresenceTable.setAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe(12L, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase());
assertTrue("The count of deleted rows is not the expected one:" + count, count == 3);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** testSetAllUsersOfflineExceptForMe() test SUCCEEDED*****");
use of com.vodafone360.people.engine.presence.User in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class ContactsTable method syncSetServerIds.
* Updates the server and user IDs for a list of contacts. Also prepares a
* list of duplicates which will be filled with the Ids for contacts already
* present in the table (i.e. server ID has already been used). In the case
* that a duplicate is found, the ContactIdInfo object will also include the
* local ID of the original contact (see {@link ContactIdInfo#mergedLocalId}
* ).
* @param serverIdList A list of ServerIdInfo objects. For each object, the
* local ID must match a local contact ID in the table. The
* Server ID and User ID will be used for the update.
* @param dupList On return this will be populated with a list of contacts
* which have server IDs already present in the table.
* @param writeableDb Writeable SQLite database
* @return SUCCESS or a suitable error code
public static ServiceStatus syncSetServerIds(List<ServerIdInfo> serverIdList, List<ContactIdInfo> dupList, SQLiteDatabase writableDb) {
DatabaseHelper.trace(true, "ContactsTable.syncSetServerIds()");
if (serverIdList.size() == 0) {
return ServiceStatus.SUCCESS;
SQLiteStatement statement1 = null;
SQLiteStatement statement2 = null;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < serverIdList.size(); i++) {
final ServerIdInfo info = serverIdList.get(i);
try {
if (info.serverId != null) {
if (info.userId == null) {
if (statement2 == null) {
statement2 = writableDb.compileStatement("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + Field.SERVERID + "=? WHERE " + Field.LOCALID + "=?");
statement2.bindLong(1, info.serverId);
statement2.bindLong(2, info.localId);
} else {
if (statement1 == null) {
statement1 = writableDb.compileStatement("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + Field.SERVERID + "=?," + Field.USERID + "=? WHERE " + Field.LOCALID + "=?");
statement1.bindLong(1, info.serverId);
statement1.bindLong(2, info.userId);
statement1.bindLong(3, info.localId);
} catch (SQLiteConstraintException e) {
// server ID is not unique
ContactIdInfo contactInfo = new ContactIdInfo();
contactInfo.localId = info.localId;
contactInfo.serverId = info.serverId;
if (!fetchLocalIDFromServerID(writableDb, contactInfo)) {
return ServiceStatus.ERROR_DATABASE_CORRUPT;
} catch (SQLException e) {
LogUtils.logE("ContactsTable.syncSetServerIds() SQLException - " + "Unable to update contact server Ids", e);
return ServiceStatus.ERROR_DATABASE_CORRUPT;
} finally {
if (statement1 != null) {
statement1 = null;
if (statement2 != null) {
statement2 = null;
return ServiceStatus.SUCCESS;