use of com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.ClientName in project enunciate by stoicflame.
the class WebFault method getClientSimpleName.
* The simple name for client-side code generation.
* @return The simple name for client-side code generation.
public String getClientSimpleName() {
String clientSimpleName = getSimpleName().toString();
ClientName clientName = getAnnotation(ClientName.class);
if (clientName != null) {
clientSimpleName = clientName.value();
return clientSimpleName;
use of com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.ClientName in project enunciate by stoicflame.
the class WildcardMember method getClientSimpleName.
* The simple name for client-side code generation.
* @return The simple name for client-side code generation.
public String getClientSimpleName() {
String clientSimpleName = getSimpleName().toString();
ClientName clientName = getAnnotation(ClientName.class);
if (clientName != null) {
clientSimpleName = clientName.value();
return clientSimpleName;
use of com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.ClientName in project enunciate by stoicflame.
the class ClientClassnameForMethod method convert.
public String convert(TypeElement declaration) throws TemplateModelException {
String fqn = declaration.getQualifiedName().toString();
if (classConversions.containsKey(fqn)) {
return classConversions.get(fqn);
} else if (isCollection(declaration)) {
return "xmlNode";
AdapterType adapterType = JAXBUtil.findAdapterType(declaration, this.jaxbContext);
if (adapterType != null) {
return convert(adapterType.getAdaptingType());
if (declaration.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS) {
DecoratedTypeMirror superType = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(declaration.getSuperclass(), this.context.getProcessingEnvironment());
if (superType != null && superType.isInstanceOf(JAXBElement.class.getName())) {
// for client conversions, we're going to generalize subclasses of JAXBElement to JAXBElement
return convert(superType);
String convertedPackage = convertPackage(this.context.getProcessingEnvironment().getElementUtils().getPackageOf(declaration));
ClientName specifiedName = declaration.getAnnotation(ClientName.class);
String simpleName = specifiedName == null ? declaration.getSimpleName().toString() : specifiedName.value();
return convertedPackage + getPackageSeparator() + simpleName;
use of com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.ClientName in project enunciate by stoicflame.
the class RootElementDeclaration method getClientSimpleName.
* The simple name for client-side code generation.
* @return The simple name for client-side code generation.
public String getClientSimpleName() {
String clientSimpleName = getSimpleName().toString();
ClientName clientName = getAnnotation(ClientName.class);
if (clientName != null) {
clientSimpleName = clientName.value();
return clientSimpleName;
use of com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.ClientName in project enunciate by stoicflame.
the class TypeDefinition method getClientSimpleName.
* The simple name for client-side code generation.
* @return The simple name for client-side code generation.
public String getClientSimpleName() {
String clientSimpleName = getSimpleName().toString();
ClientName clientName = getAnnotation(ClientName.class);
if (clientName != null) {
clientSimpleName = clientName.value();
return clientSimpleName;