use of com.webpieces.http2.api.dto.highlevel.Http2Request in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class TestS5x1StreamStates method testSection5_1_1TooLowStreamIdAfterHighStreamId.
* The identifier of a newly established stream MUST be numerically
* greater than all streams that the initiating endpoint has opened
* or reserved. This governs streams that are opened using a HEADERS
* frame and streams that are reserved using PUSH_PROMISE. An endpoint
* that receives an unexpected stream identifier MUST respond with
* a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
* This is in conflict with another part of the spec!!!!! and so we pretend
* the stream is closed(as in all likely hood, the stream was closed)!!!
* and do not shutdown the whole connection for a case like this.
* The part it is in conflict with is closed state and receiving messages
* in closed state. The only way to resolve conflict would be to KEEP around
* state that a connection is closed. SORRY, the connection is closed so we
* clean up all memory!!!
public void testSection5_1_1TooLowStreamIdAfterHighStreamId() {
MockStreamWriter mockWriter = new MockStreamWriter();
XFuture<StreamWriter> futA = XFuture.completedFuture(mockWriter);
MockStreamRef mockStream = new MockStreamRef(futA);
Http2Request request1 = Http2Requests.createRequest(5, true);
Http2Request request = Http2Requests.createRequest(3, true);
// WE DO NOT DO THIS which spec wants(or another test we have starts failing)
// we leave this here in case you want to comment back in and debug that.
// //no request comes in
// Assert.assertEquals(0, mockListener.getNumRequestsThatCameIn());
// //cancel the first stream since whole connection is going down.
// Assert.assertEquals(1, mockListener.getNumCancelsThatCameIn());
// //remote receives goAway
// GoAwayFrame goAway = (GoAwayFrame) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear();
// Assert.assertEquals(Http2ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, goAway.getKnownErrorCode());
// DataWrapper debugData = goAway.getDebugData();
// String msg = debugData.createStringFromUtf8(0, debugData.getReadableSize());
// Assert.assertTrue(msg.contains("Bad stream id. Event stream ids not allowed in requests to a server frame="));
// Assert.assertTrue(mockChannel.isClosed());
// no request comes in
Assert.assertEquals(0, mockListener.getNumRequestsThatCameIn());
// we do not close the channel
// our existing streams stays valid and open
// remote receives goAway
RstStreamFrame frame = (RstStreamFrame) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear();
Assert.assertEquals(Http2ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED, frame.getKnownErrorCode());
use of com.webpieces.http2.api.dto.highlevel.Http2Request in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class TestBasicHttp2Server method testBasicIntegration.
public void testBasicIntegration() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
MockStreamWriter mockSw = new MockStreamWriter();
MockStreamWriter mockSw2 = new MockStreamWriter();
Http2Request request1 = Http2Requests.createRequest(1, true);
Http2Request request2 = Http2Requests.createRequest(3, true);
PassedIn requestAndStream1 = mockListener.getSingleRequest();
PassedIn requestAndStream2 = mockListener.getSingleRequest();
// each stream given to webapp is a unique one....
Assert.assertTrue( !=;
Assert.assertEquals(request1, requestAndStream1.request);
Assert.assertEquals(request2, requestAndStream2.request);
Assert.assertEquals(1, request1.getStreamId());
Assert.assertEquals(3, request2.getStreamId());
Http2Response resp2 = Http2Requests.createResponse(request2.getStreamId());
XFuture<StreamWriter> future =;
Http2Response frame2 = (Http2Response) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear();
Assert.assertEquals(resp2, frame2);
Http2Response resp1 = Http2Requests.createResponse(request1.getStreamId());
XFuture<StreamWriter> future1 =;
Http2Response frame1 = (Http2Response) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear();
Assert.assertEquals(resp1, frame1);
use of com.webpieces.http2.api.dto.highlevel.Http2Request in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class TestS4FrameSizeAndHeaders method testSection4_2FrameTooLarge.
* An endpoint MUST send an error code of FRAME_SIZE_ERROR if a frame
* exceeds the size defined in SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, exceeds any
* limit defined for the frame type, or is too small to contain
* mandatory frame data. A frame size error in a frame that could alter
* the state of the entire connection MUST be treated as a connection
* error (Section 5.4.1); this includes any frame carrying a header
* block (Section 4.3) (that is, HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE, and
* CONTINUATION), SETTINGS, and any frame with a stream identifier of 0.
* @throws TimeoutException
* @throws ExecutionException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void testSection4_2FrameTooLarge() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
MockStreamWriter mockWriter = new MockStreamWriter();
XFuture<StreamWriter> futA = XFuture.completedFuture(mockWriter);
MockStreamRef mockStream = new MockStreamRef(futA);
int streamId = 1;
PassedIn info = sendRequestToServer(streamId, false);
ResponseStream stream =;
Http2Request request = info.request;
// send data that goes with request
DataFrame dataFrame = new DataFrame(request.getStreamId(), false);
byte[] buf = new byte[localSettings.getMaxFrameSize() + 4];
// endOfStream=false
// remote receives goAway
GoAwayFrame goAway = (GoAwayFrame) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear();
Assert.assertEquals(Http2ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, goAway.getKnownErrorCode());
DataWrapper debugData = goAway.getDebugData();
String msg = debugData.createStringFromUtf8(0, debugData.getReadableSize());
Assert.assertEquals("ConnectionException: stream1:(EXCEEDED_MAX_FRAME_SIZE) Frame size=16389 was greater than max=16385", msg);
CancelReason failResp = mockStream.getCancelInfo();
ShutdownStream reset = (ShutdownStream) failResp;
Assert.assertEquals(CancelReasonCode.EXCEEDED_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, reset.getCause().getReasonCode());
// send response with request not complete but failed as well anyways
Http2Response response = Http2Requests.createResponse(request.getStreamId());
XFuture<StreamWriter> future = stream.process(response);
ConnectionClosedException intercept = (ConnectionClosedException) TestAssert.intercept(future);
Assert.assertTrue(intercept.getMessage().contains("Connection closed or closing"));
Assert.assertEquals(0, mockChannel.getFramesAndClear().size());
use of com.webpieces.http2.api.dto.highlevel.Http2Request in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class Layer2Http11Handler method processInitialPieceOfRequest.
private XFuture<Void> processInitialPieceOfRequest(FrontendSocketImpl socket, HttpRequest http1Req, Http2Request headers) {
int id = counter.getAndAdd(2);
PermitQueue permitQueue = socket.getPermitQueue();
return permitQueue.runRequest(() -> {
Http11StreamImpl currentStream = new Http11StreamImpl(id, socket, httpParser, permitQueue, http1Req, headers);
HttpStream streamHandle = httpListener.openStream(socket);
if (!headers.isEndOfStream()) {
// in this case, we are NOT at the end of the request so we must let the next piece of
// data run right after the request
// TODO(dhiller): Replace this section with futureUtil.trySuccessFinally
StreamRef streamRef = streamHandle.incomingRequest(headers, currentStream);
return streamRef.getWriter().thenApply(w -> {
// must release the permit so the next data piece(which may be cached) can come in
return null;
} else {
// in this case, since this is the END of the request, we cannot release the permit in the
// permit queue as we do not want to let the next request to start until the full response is
// sent back to the client
StreamRef streamRef = streamHandle.incomingRequest(headers, currentStream);
return streamRef.getWriter().thenApply(w -> null);
use of com.webpieces.http2.api.dto.highlevel.Http2Request in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class Http11StreamImpl method process.
public XFuture<StreamWriter> process(Http2Response headers) {
HttpResponse response = Http2ToHttp11.translateResponse(headers);
if (http2Request.getKnownMethod() == Http2Method.CONNECT) {
// bytes so we don't care about parsing anymore(ie. SSL or http)..
return write(response).thenApply(c -> new Http11ChunkedWriter(http1Req, http2Request));
} else if (headers.isEndOfStream()) {
return write(response).thenApply(w -> {
return new NoWritesWriter();
} else if (contentLengthGreaterThanZero(headers)) {
return write(response).thenApply(w -> new ContentLengthResponseWriter(headers));
return write(response).thenApply(c -> new Http11ChunkedWriter(http1Req, http2Request));