use of com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.error.ConnectionException in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class WindowUpdateMarshaller method unmarshal.
public AbstractHttp2Frame unmarshal(Http2MementoImpl state, DataWrapper payload) {
FrameHeaderData frameHeaderData = state.getFrameHeaderData();
int streamId = frameHeaderData.getStreamId();
if (state.getFrameHeaderData().getPayloadLength() != 4)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.FRAME_SIZE_INCORRECT, streamId, "window update size not 4 and instead is=" + state.getFrameHeaderData().getPayloadLength());
WindowUpdateFrame frame = new WindowUpdateFrame();
super.unmarshalFrame(state, frame);
ByteBuffer payloadByteBuffer = bufferPool.createWithDataWrapper(payload);
if (frame.getWindowSizeIncrement() == 0)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.WINDOW_SIZE_INVALID, streamId, "Window size increment cannot be 0 per http/2 spec and was");
return frame;
use of com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.error.ConnectionException in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class HeadersMarshaller method unmarshal.
public AbstractHttp2Frame unmarshal(Http2MementoImpl state, DataWrapper framePayloadData) {
HeadersFrame frame = new HeadersFrame();
super.unmarshalFrame(state, frame);
byte flagsByte = state.getFrameHeaderData().getFlagsByte();
frame.setEndOfStream((flagsByte & 0x1) == 0x1);
frame.setEndHeaders((flagsByte & 0x4) == 0x4);
boolean isPadded = (flagsByte & 0x8) == 0x8;
PriorityDetails priorityDetails = null;
if ((flagsByte & 0x20) == 0x20) {
priorityDetails = new PriorityDetails();
DataSplit padSplit = PaddingUtil.extractPayloadAndPadding(isPadded, framePayloadData, frame.getStreamId());
DataWrapper paddingStripped = padSplit.getPayload();
if (priorityDetails != null) {
//1 bit Exclusive flag, 31 bits stream dependency, and 8 bits weight = 5 bytes....
List<? extends DataWrapper> split = dataGen.split(paddingStripped, 5);
ByteBuffer preludeBytes = bufferPool.createWithDataWrapper(split.get(0));
int firstInt = preludeBytes.getInt();
priorityDetails.setStreamDependencyIsExclusive((firstInt >>> 31) == 0x1);
int streamDependency = firstInt & 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (streamDependency == frame.getStreamId()) {
// Can't depend on self
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.BAD_STREAM_DEPENDENCY, streamDependency, "stream id=" + streamDependency + " depends on itself");
priorityDetails.setWeight((short) (preludeBytes.get() & 0xFF));
} else {
if (frame.getStreamId() == 0)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.INVALID_STREAM_ID, frame.getStreamId(), "headers frame had invalid stream id=" + frame.getStreamId());
return frame;
use of com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.error.ConnectionException in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class HeadersMarshaller method marshal.
public DataWrapper marshal(Http2Frame frame) {
HeadersFrame castFrame = (HeadersFrame) frame;
if (frame.getStreamId() == 0)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.INVALID_STREAM_ID, frame.getStreamId(), "Headers frame cannot be streamId 0");
int paddingSize = castFrame.getPadding().getReadableSize();
byte value = 0x0;
if (castFrame.isEndOfStream())
value |= 0x1;
if (castFrame.isEndHeaders())
value |= 0x4;
if (paddingSize > 0)
value |= 0x8;
if (castFrame.isPriority())
value |= 0x20;
DataWrapper preludeDW;
PriorityDetails priorityDetails = castFrame.getPriorityDetails();
if (priorityDetails != null) {
preludeDW = PriorityMarshaller.marshalPriorityDetails(bufferPool, priorityDetails, frame);
} else {
preludeDW = dataGen.emptyWrapper();
DataWrapper unpadded = dataGen.chainDataWrappers(preludeDW, castFrame.getHeaderFragment());
DataWrapper payload = PaddingUtil.padDataIfNeeded(unpadded, castFrame.getPadding());
return super.marshalFrame(frame, value, payload);
use of com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.error.ConnectionException in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class PingMarshaller method unmarshal.
public AbstractHttp2Frame unmarshal(Http2MementoImpl state, DataWrapper framePayloadData) {
FrameHeaderData frameHeaderData = state.getFrameHeaderData();
int streamId = frameHeaderData.getStreamId();
if (state.getFrameHeaderData().getPayloadLength() != 8)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.FRAME_SIZE_INCORRECT, streamId, "ping size not 8 and instead is=" + state.getFrameHeaderData().getPayloadLength());
else if (streamId != 0)
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.INVALID_STREAM_ID, streamId, "streamId on ping needs to be 0 but was=" + streamId);
//TODO: Verify this, previous code looks like connectionlevel = false but shouldn't this be true
PingFrame frame = new PingFrame();
super.unmarshalFrame(state, frame);
byte flags = state.getFrameHeaderData().getFlagsByte();
frame.setIsPingResponse((flags & 0x1) == 0x1);
ByteBuffer payloadByteBuffer = bufferPool.createWithDataWrapper(framePayloadData);
if (frame.getStreamId() != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PingFrame can never be any other stream id except 0 which is already set");
return frame;
use of com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.error.ConnectionException in project webpieces by deanhiller.
the class Level6LocalFlowControl method fireDataToClient.
public CompletableFuture<Void> fireDataToClient(Stream stream, StreamMsg payload) {
if (!(payload instanceof DataFrame))
return notifyListener.sendPieceToApp(stream, payload);
DataFrame f = (DataFrame) payload;
long frameLength = f.getTransmitFrameLength();
if (frameLength > connectionLocalWindowSize) {
throw new ConnectionException(CancelReasonCode.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, logId, f.getStreamId(), "connectionLocalWindowSize too small=" + connectionLocalWindowSize + " frame len=" + frameLength + " for frame=" + f);
} else if (frameLength > stream.getLocalWindowSize()) {
throw new StreamException(CancelReasonCode.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, logId, f.getStreamId(), "connectionLocalWindowSize too small=" + connectionLocalWindowSize + " frame len=" + frameLength + " for frame=" + f);
totalSent += frameLength;
connectionLocalWindowSize -= frameLength;
stream.incrementLocalWindow(-frameLength);"received framelen=" + frameLength + " newConnectionWindowSize=" + connectionLocalWindowSize + " streamSize=" + stream.getLocalWindowSize() + " totalSent=" + totalSent);
return notifyListener.sendPieceToApp(stream, payload).thenApply(c -> updateFlowControl(frameLength, stream));