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Example 11 with MotanServiceException

use of in project motan by weibocom.

the class NettyChannel method open.

public synchronized boolean open() {
    if (isAvailable()) {
        LoggerUtil.warn("the channel already open, local: " + localAddress + " remote: " + remoteAddress + " url: " + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri());
        return true;
    try {
        ChannelFuture channleFuture = nettyClient.getBootstrap().connect(new InetSocketAddress(nettyClient.getUrl().getHost(), nettyClient.getUrl().getPort()));
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int timeout = nettyClient.getUrl().getIntParameter(URLParamType.connectTimeout.getName(), URLParamType.connectTimeout.getIntValue());
        if (timeout <= 0) {
            throw new MotanFrameworkException("NettyClient init Error: timeout(" + timeout + ") <= 0 is forbid.", MotanErrorMsgConstant.FRAMEWORK_INIT_ERROR);
        // 不去依赖于connectTimeout
        boolean result = channleFuture.awaitUninterruptibly(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        boolean success = channleFuture.isSuccess();
        if (result && success) {
            channel = channleFuture.getChannel();
            if (channel.getLocalAddress() != null && channel.getLocalAddress() instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
                localAddress = (InetSocketAddress) channel.getLocalAddress();
            state = ChannelState.ALIVE;
            return true;
        boolean connected = false;
        if (channleFuture.getChannel() != null) {
            connected = channleFuture.getChannel().isConnected();
        if (channleFuture.getCause() != null) {
            throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel failed to connect to server, url: " + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri() + ", result: " + result + ", success: " + success + ", connected: " + connected, channleFuture.getCause());
        } else {
            throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel connect to server timeout url: " + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri() + ", cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + ", result: " + result + ", success: " + success + ", connected: " + connected);
    } catch (MotanServiceException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel failed to connect to server, url: " + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!state.isAliveState()) {
Also used : ChannelFuture( MotanFrameworkException( InetSocketAddress( MotanServiceException( MotanServiceException( MotanFrameworkException( TransportException(

Example 12 with MotanServiceException

use of in project motan by weibocom.

the class NettyClient method request.

	 * 请求remote service
	 * <pre>
	 * 		1)  get connection from pool
	 * 		2)  async requset
	 * 		3)  return connection to pool
	 * 		4)  check if async return response, true: return ResponseFuture;  false: return result
	 * </pre>
	 * @param request
	 * @param async
	 * @return
	 * @throws TransportException
private Response request(Request request, boolean async) throws TransportException {
    Channel channel = null;
    Response response = null;
    try {
        // return channel or throw exception(timeout or connection_fail)
        channel = borrowObject();
        if (channel == null) {
            LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient borrowObject null: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request));
            return null;
        // async request
        response = channel.request(request);
        // return channel to pool
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e);
        //TODO 对特定的异常回收channel
        if (e instanceof MotanAbstractException) {
            throw (MotanAbstractException) e;
        } else {
            throw new MotanServiceException("NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e);
    // aysnc or sync result
    response = asyncResponse(response, async);
    return response;
Also used : DefaultResponse( Response( MotanAbstractException( Channel( MotanServiceException( MotanFrameworkException( MotanServiceException( MotanAbstractException( TransportException(

Example 13 with MotanServiceException

use of in project motan by weibocom.

the class NettyResponseFuture method timeoutSoCancel.

private void timeoutSoCancel() {
    this.processTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime;
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (!isDoing()) {
        state = FutureState.CANCELLED;
        exception = new MotanServiceException("NettyResponseFuture request timeout: serverPort=" + channel.getUrl().getServerPortStr() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request) + " cost=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime), MotanErrorMsgConstant.SERVICE_TIMEOUT);
Also used : MotanServiceException(

Example 14 with MotanServiceException

use of in project motan by weibocom.

the class NettyChannelHandler method processRequest.

	 * <pre>
	 *  request process: 主要来自于client的请求,需要使用threadPoolExecutor进行处理,避免service message处理比较慢导致iothread被阻塞
	 * </pre>
	 * @param ctx
	 * @param e
private void processRequest(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) {
    final Request request = (Request) e.getMessage();
    request.setAttachment(, NetUtils.getHostName(ctx.getChannel().getRemoteAddress()));
    final long processStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // 使用线程池方式处理
    try {
        threadPoolExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    processRequest(ctx, request, processStartTime);
                } finally {
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException rejectException) {
        DefaultResponse response = new DefaultResponse();
        response.setException(new MotanServiceException("process thread pool is full, reject", MotanErrorMsgConstant.SERVICE_REJECT));
        response.setProcessTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - processStartTime);
        LoggerUtil.debug("process thread pool is full, reject, active={} poolSize={} corePoolSize={} maxPoolSize={} taskCount={} requestId={}", threadPoolExecutor.getActiveCount(), threadPoolExecutor.getPoolSize(), threadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize(), threadPoolExecutor.getMaximumPoolSize(), threadPoolExecutor.getTaskCount(), request.getRequestId());
Also used : DefaultResponse( Request( MotanServiceException( RejectedExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException)

Example 15 with MotanServiceException

use of in project motan by weibocom.

the class NettyDecoder method decode.

protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel channel, ChannelBuffer buffer) throws Exception {
    if (buffer.readableBytes() <= MotanConstants.NETTY_HEADER) {
        return null;
    short type = buffer.readShort();
    if (type != MotanConstants.NETTY_MAGIC_TYPE) {
        throw new MotanFrameworkException("NettyDecoder transport header not support, type: " + type);
    byte messageType = (byte) buffer.readShort();
    long requestId = buffer.readLong();
    int dataLength = buffer.readInt();
    // FIXME 如果dataLength过大,可能导致问题
    if (buffer.readableBytes() < dataLength) {
        return null;
    if (maxContentLength > 0 && dataLength > maxContentLength) {
        LoggerUtil.warn("NettyDecoder transport data content length over of limit, size: {}  > {}. remote={} local={}", dataLength, maxContentLength, ctx.getChannel().getRemoteAddress(), ctx.getChannel().getLocalAddress());
        Exception e = new MotanServiceException("NettyDecoder transport data content length over of limit, size: " + dataLength + " > " + maxContentLength);
        if (messageType == MotanConstants.FLAG_REQUEST) {
            Response response = buildExceptionResponse(requestId, e);
            throw e;
        } else {
            throw e;
    byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
    try {
        String remoteIp = getRemoteIp(channel);
        return codec.decode(client, remoteIp, data);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (messageType == MotanConstants.FLAG_REQUEST) {
            Response resonse = buildExceptionResponse(requestId, e);
            return null;
        } else {
            Response resonse = buildExceptionResponse(requestId, e);
            return resonse;
Also used : DefaultResponse( Response( MotanFrameworkException( MotanServiceException( MotanServiceException( MotanFrameworkException(


MotanServiceException ( Response ( URL ( DefaultResponse ( Request ( MotanFrameworkException ( Expectations (org.jmock.Expectations)6 IHello ( DefaultRequest ( Referer ( MotanBizException ( TransportException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 IWorld ( RegistryService ( ChannelFuture ( Test (org.junit.Test)2 Cluster ( MotanAbstractException (