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Example 61 with XenAPIException

use of com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixRebootCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final RebootCommand command, final CitrixResourceBase citrixResourceBase) {
    final Connection conn = citrixResourceBase.getConnection();
    s_logger.debug("7. The VM " + command.getVmName() + " is in Starting state");
    try {
        Set<VM> vms = null;
        try {
            vms = VM.getByNameLabel(conn, command.getVmName());
        } catch (final XenAPIException e0) {
            s_logger.debug("getByNameLabel failed " + e0.toString());
            return new RebootAnswer(command, "getByNameLabel failed " + e0.toString(), false);
        } catch (final Exception e0) {
            s_logger.debug("getByNameLabel failed " + e0.getMessage());
            return new RebootAnswer(command, "getByNameLabel failed", false);
        for (final VM vm : vms) {
            try {
                citrixResourceBase.rebootVM(conn, vm, vm.getNameLabel(conn));
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                final String msg = e.toString();
                s_logger.warn(msg, e);
                return new RebootAnswer(command, msg, false);
        return new RebootAnswer(command, "reboot succeeded", true);
    } finally {
        s_logger.debug("8. The VM " + command.getVmName() + " is in Running state");
Also used : VM(com.xensource.xenapi.VM) Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) RebootAnswer( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException)

Example 62 with XenAPIException

use of com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixOvsSetTagAndFlowCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final OvsSetTagAndFlowCommand command, final CitrixResourceBase citrixResourceBase) {
    final Connection conn = citrixResourceBase.getConnection();
    try {
        final Network nw = citrixResourceBase.setupvSwitchNetwork(conn);
        final String bridge = nw.getBridge(conn);
             * If VM is domainRouter, this will try to set flow and tag on its
             * none guest network nic. don't worry, it will fail silently at
             * host plugin side
        final String result = citrixResourceBase.callHostPlugin(conn, "ovsgre", "ovs_set_tag_and_flow", "bridge", bridge, "vmName", command.getVmName(), "tag", command.getTag(), "vlans", command.getVlans(), "seqno", command.getSeqNo());
        s_logger.debug("set flow for " + command.getVmName() + " " + result);
        if (result != null && result.equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS")) {
            return new OvsSetTagAndFlowAnswer(command, true, result);
        } else {
            return new OvsSetTagAndFlowAnswer(command, false, result);
    } catch (final BadServerResponse e) {
        s_logger.error("Failed to set tag and flow", e);
    } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
        s_logger.error("Failed to set tag and flow", e);
    } catch (final XmlRpcException e) {
        s_logger.error("Failed to set tag and flow", e);
    return new OvsSetTagAndFlowAnswer(command, false, "EXCEPTION");
Also used : BadServerResponse(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.BadServerResponse) Network(com.xensource.xenapi.Network) Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) OvsSetTagAndFlowAnswer( XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException)

Example 63 with XenAPIException

use of com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class XenServerResourceNewBase method initialize.

public StartupCommand[] initialize() throws IllegalArgumentException {
    final StartupCommand[] cmds = super.initialize();
    final Connection conn = getConnection();
    Pool pool;
    try {
        pool = Pool.getByUuid(conn, _host.getPool());
        final Pool.Record poolr = pool.getRecord(conn);
        final Host.Record masterRecord = poolr.master.getRecord(conn);
        if (_host.getUuid().equals(masterRecord.uuid)) {
            _listener = new VmEventListener(true);
        // TODO disable event listener for now. Wait until everything else is ready
        // _listener.start();
        } else {
            _listener = new VmEventListener(false);
    } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to determine who is the master", e);
    } catch (final XmlRpcException e) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to determine who is the master", e);
    return cmds;
Also used : StartupCommand( CloudRuntimeException( Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) Pool(com.xensource.xenapi.Pool) Host(com.xensource.xenapi.Host) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException)

Example 64 with XenAPIException

use of com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixResourceBase method mount.

protected VDI mount(final Connection conn, final String vmName, final DiskTO volume) throws XmlRpcException, XenAPIException {
    final DataTO data = volume.getData();
    final Volume.Type type = volume.getType();
    if (type == Volume.Type.ISO) {
        final TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO) data;
        final DataStoreTO store = iso.getDataStore();
        if (store == null) {
            // It's a fake iso
            return null;
        // corer case, xenserver pv driver iso
        final String templateName = iso.getName();
        if (templateName.startsWith("xs-tools")) {
            try {
                final Set<VDI> vdis = VDI.getByNameLabel(conn, templateName);
                if (vdis.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Could not find ISO with URL: " + templateName);
                return vdis.iterator().next();
            } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to get pv iso: " + templateName + " due to " + e.toString());
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to get pv iso: " + templateName + " due to " + e.toString());
        if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("only support mount iso on nfs");
        final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) store;
        final String isoPath = nfsStore.getUrl() + File.separator + iso.getPath();
        final int index = isoPath.lastIndexOf("/");
        final String mountpoint = isoPath.substring(0, index);
        URI uri;
        try {
            uri = new URI(mountpoint);
        } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Incorrect uri " + mountpoint, e);
        final SR isoSr = createIsoSRbyURI(conn, uri, vmName, false);
        final String isoname = isoPath.substring(index + 1);
        final VDI isoVdi = getVDIbyLocationandSR(conn, isoname, isoSr);
        if (isoVdi == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find ISO " + isoPath);
        return isoVdi;
    } else {
        final VolumeObjectTO vol = (VolumeObjectTO) data;
        return VDI.getByUuid(conn, vol.getPath());
Also used : DataStoreTO( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) URISyntaxException( NfsTO( URI( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) CloudRuntimeException( IOException( URISyntaxException( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) InternalErrorException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) MalformedURLException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) DataTO( Volume( CloudRuntimeException( VolumeObjectTO( VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) TemplateObjectTO( SR(com.xensource.xenapi.SR)

Example 65 with XenAPIException

use of com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixResourceBase method getVDIbyLocationandSR.

protected VDI getVDIbyLocationandSR(final Connection conn, final String loc, final SR sr) {
    try {
        final Set<VDI> vdis = sr.getVDIs(conn);
        for (final VDI vdi : vdis) {
            if (vdi.getLocation(conn).startsWith(loc)) {
                return vdi;
        final String msg = "can not getVDIbyLocationandSR " + loc;
        return null;
    } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
        final String msg = "getVDIbyLocationandSR exception " + loc + " due to " + e.toString();
        s_logger.warn(msg, e);
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg, e);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        final String msg = "getVDIbyLocationandSR exception " + loc + " due to " + e.getMessage();
        s_logger.warn(msg, e);
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg, e);
Also used : CloudRuntimeException( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) CloudRuntimeException( IOException( URISyntaxException( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) InternalErrorException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) MalformedURLException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)


XenAPIException (com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException)101 XmlRpcException (org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException)93 Connection (com.xensource.xenapi.Connection)56 CloudRuntimeException ( Answer ( InternalErrorException ( SR (com.xensource.xenapi.SR)30 Host (com.xensource.xenapi.Host)29 Network (com.xensource.xenapi.Network)27 BadServerResponse (com.xensource.xenapi.Types.BadServerResponse)26 VDI (com.xensource.xenapi.VDI)25 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)25 AttachAnswer ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)22 XsLocalNetwork ( MalformedURLException ( URISyntaxException ( TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)21