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Example 6 with VBD

use of com.xensource.xenapi.VBD in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixResourceBase method startvmfailhandle.

protected void startvmfailhandle(final Connection conn, final VM vm, final List<Ternary<SR, VDI, VolumeVO>> mounts) {
    if (vm != null) {
        try {
            if (vm.getPowerState(conn) == VmPowerState.RUNNING) {
                try {
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    final String msg = "VM hardshutdown failed due to " + e.toString();
                    s_logger.warn(msg, e);
            if (vm.getPowerState(conn) == VmPowerState.HALTED) {
                try {
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    final String msg = "VM destroy failed due to " + e.toString();
                    s_logger.warn(msg, e);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final String msg = "VM getPowerState failed due to " + e.toString();
            s_logger.warn(msg, e);
    if (mounts != null) {
        for (final Ternary<SR, VDI, VolumeVO> mount : mounts) {
            final VDI vdi = mount.second();
            Set<VBD> vbds = null;
            try {
                vbds = vdi.getVBDs(conn);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                final String msg = "VDI getVBDS failed due to " + e.toString();
                s_logger.warn(msg, e);
            for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
                try {
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    final String msg = "VBD destroy failed due to " + e.toString();
                    s_logger.warn(msg, e);
Also used : VolumeVO( VBD(com.xensource.xenapi.VBD) VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) CloudRuntimeException( IOException( URISyntaxException( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) InternalErrorException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) MalformedURLException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) SR(com.xensource.xenapi.SR)

Example 7 with VBD

use of com.xensource.xenapi.VBD in project cloudstack by apache.

the class XenServer610Resource method getUpdatedVolumePathsOfMigratedVm.

public List<VolumeObjectTO> getUpdatedVolumePathsOfMigratedVm(final Connection connection, final VM migratedVm, final DiskTO[] volumes) throws CloudRuntimeException {
    final List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeToList = new ArrayList<VolumeObjectTO>();
    try {
        // Volume paths would have changed. Return that information.
        final Set<VBD> vbds = migratedVm.getVBDs(connection);
        final Map<String, VDI> deviceIdToVdiMap = new HashMap<String, VDI>();
        // get vdi:vbdr to a map
        for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
            final VBD.Record vbdr = vbd.getRecord(connection);
            if (vbdr.type == Types.VbdType.DISK) {
                final VDI vdi = vbdr.VDI;
                deviceIdToVdiMap.put(vbdr.userdevice, vdi);
        for (final DiskTO volumeTo : volumes) {
            if (volumeTo.getType() != Volume.Type.ISO) {
                final VolumeObjectTO vol = (VolumeObjectTO) volumeTo.getData();
                final Long deviceId = volumeTo.getDiskSeq();
                final VDI vdi = deviceIdToVdiMap.get(deviceId.toString());
                final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.error("Unable to get the updated VDI paths of the migrated vm " + e.toString(), e);
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to get the updated VDI paths of the migrated vm " + e.toString(), e);
    return volumeToList;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) CloudRuntimeException( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) CloudRuntimeException( VolumeObjectTO( VBD(com.xensource.xenapi.VBD) VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) DiskTO(

Example 8 with VBD

use of com.xensource.xenapi.VBD in project cloudstack by apache.

the class XenServer56FP1FenceCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final FenceCommand command, final XenServer56Resource xenServer56) {
    final Connection conn = xenServer56.getConnection();
    try {
        final Boolean alive = xenServer56.checkHeartbeat(command.getHostGuid());
        if (alive == null) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to check heartbeat,  so unable to fence");
            return new FenceAnswer(command, false, "Failed to check heartbeat, so unable to fence");
        if (alive) {
            s_logger.debug("Heart beat is still going so unable to fence");
            return new FenceAnswer(command, false, "Heartbeat is still going on unable to fence");
        final Set<VM> vms = VM.getByNameLabel(conn, command.getVmName());
        for (final VM vm : vms) {
            final Set<VDI> vdis = new HashSet<VDI>();
            final Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
            for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
                final VDI vdi = vbd.getVDI(conn);
                if (!xenServer56.isRefNull(vdi)) {
  "Fence command for VM " + command.getVmName());
            for (final VDI vdi : vdis) {
                final Map<String, String> smConfig = vdi.getSmConfig(conn);
                for (final String key : smConfig.keySet()) {
                    if (key.startsWith("host_")) {
                        vdi.removeFromSmConfig(conn, key);
        return new FenceAnswer(command);
    } catch (final XmlRpcException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to fence", e);
        return new FenceAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage());
    } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to fence", e);
        return new FenceAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to fence", e);
        return new FenceAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage());
Also used : Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) FenceAnswer( XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) VM(com.xensource.xenapi.VM) VBD(com.xensource.xenapi.VBD) VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 9 with VBD

use of com.xensource.xenapi.VBD in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixMigrateCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final MigrateCommand command, final CitrixResourceBase citrixResourceBase) {
    final Connection conn = citrixResourceBase.getConnection();
    final String vmName = command.getVmName();
    final String dstHostIpAddr = command.getDestinationIp();
    try {
        final Set<VM> vms = VM.getByNameLabel(conn, vmName);
        final Set<Host> hosts = Host.getAll(conn);
        Host dsthost = null;
        if (hosts != null) {
            for (final Host host : hosts) {
                if (host.getAddress(conn).equals(dstHostIpAddr)) {
                    dsthost = host;
        if (dsthost == null) {
            final String msg = "Migration failed due to unable to find host " + dstHostIpAddr + " in XenServer pool " + citrixResourceBase.getHost().getPool();
            return new MigrateAnswer(command, false, msg, null);
        for (final VM vm : vms) {
            final Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
            for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
                final VBD.Record vbdRec = vbd.getRecord(conn);
                if (vbdRec.type.equals(Types.VbdType.CD) && !vbdRec.empty) {
                    // for config drive vbd destroy the vbd.
                    if (!vbdRec.userdevice.equals(citrixResourceBase._attachIsoDeviceNum)) {
                        if (vbdRec.currentlyAttached) {
            citrixResourceBase.migrateVM(conn, dsthost, vm, vmName);
            vm.setAffinity(conn, dsthost);
        // Attach the config drive iso device to VM
        if (!citrixResourceBase.attachConfigDriveToMigratedVm(conn, vmName, dstHostIpAddr)) {
            s_logger.debug("Config drive ISO attach failed after migration for vm " + vmName);
        return new MigrateAnswer(command, true, "migration succeeded", null);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
        return new MigrateAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage(), null);
Also used : MigrateAnswer( VM(com.xensource.xenapi.VM) Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) VBD(com.xensource.xenapi.VBD) Host(com.xensource.xenapi.Host)

Example 10 with VBD

use of com.xensource.xenapi.VBD in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CitrixAttachIsoCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final AttachIsoCommand command, final CitrixResourceBase citrixResourceBase) {
    final Connection conn = citrixResourceBase.getConnection();
    final boolean attach = command.isAttach();
    final String vmName = command.getVmName();
    final String isoURL = command.getIsoPath();
    String errorMsg;
    if (attach) {
        errorMsg = "Failed to attach ISO";
    } else {
        errorMsg = "Failed to detach ISO";
    try {
        if (attach) {
            VBD isoVBD = null;
            // Find the VM
            final VM vm = citrixResourceBase.getVM(conn, vmName);
            // Find the ISO VDI
            final VDI isoVDI = citrixResourceBase.getIsoVDIByURL(conn, vmName, isoURL);
            // Find the VM's CD-ROM VBD
            final Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
            for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
                final String userDevice = vbd.getUserdevice(conn);
                final Types.VbdType type = vbd.getType(conn);
                if (userDevice.equals("3") && type == Types.VbdType.CD) {
                    isoVBD = vbd;
            if (isoVBD == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find CD-ROM VBD for VM: " + vmName);
            } else {
                // If an ISO is already inserted, eject it
                if (isoVBD.getEmpty(conn) == false) {
                // Insert the new ISO
                isoVBD.insert(conn, isoVDI);
            return new Answer(command);
        } else {
            // Find the VM
            final VM vm = citrixResourceBase.getVM(conn, vmName);
            final String vmUUID = vm.getUuid(conn);
            // Find the ISO VDI
            final VDI isoVDI = citrixResourceBase.getIsoVDIByURL(conn, vmName, isoURL);
            final SR sr = isoVDI.getSR(conn);
            // Look up all VBDs for this VDI
            final Set<VBD> vbds = isoVDI.getVBDs(conn);
            // the ISO from it
            for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
                final VM vbdVM = vbd.getVM(conn);
                final String vbdVmUUID = vbdVM.getUuid(conn);
                if (vbdVmUUID.equals(vmUUID)) {
                    // If an ISO is already inserted, eject it
                    if (!vbd.getEmpty(conn)) {
            if (!sr.getNameLabel(conn).startsWith("XenServer Tools")) {
                citrixResourceBase.removeSR(conn, sr);
            return new Answer(command);
    } catch (final XenAPIException e) {
        s_logger.warn(errorMsg + ": " + e.toString(), e);
        return new Answer(command, false, e.toString());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.warn(errorMsg + ": " + e.toString(), e);
        return new Answer(command, false, e.getMessage());
Also used : Types(com.xensource.xenapi.Types) Connection(com.xensource.xenapi.Connection) XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) CloudRuntimeException( XenAPIException(com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException) Answer( CloudRuntimeException( VM(com.xensource.xenapi.VM) VBD(com.xensource.xenapi.VBD) VDI(com.xensource.xenapi.VDI) SR(com.xensource.xenapi.SR)


VBD (com.xensource.xenapi.VBD)21 VDI (com.xensource.xenapi.VDI)17 VM (com.xensource.xenapi.VM)15 CloudRuntimeException ( Connection (com.xensource.xenapi.Connection)12 XenAPIException (com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException)12 XmlRpcException (org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException)12 InternalErrorException ( SR (com.xensource.xenapi.SR)7 DiskTO ( Types (com.xensource.xenapi.Types)5 DataTO ( IOException ( MalformedURLException ( URISyntaxException ( TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)4 ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)4 ParserConfigurationException (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)4 VolumeObjectTO ( Answer (