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Example 76 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest.

// this method will be removed and replaced with call to postInstanceRefreshInformation
public Identity postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest(ResourceContext ctx, String domain, String service, OSTKInstanceRefreshRequest req) {
    final String caller = "postostkinstancerefreshrequest";
    final String callerTiming = "postostkinstancerefreshrequest_timing";
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: " + req);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(domain, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, caller);
    validate(service, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, caller);
    validate(req, TYPE_OSTK_INSTANCE_REFRESH_REQUEST, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    domain = domain.toLowerCase();
    service = service.toLowerCase();
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming(callerTiming, domain);
    metric.increment(HTTP_REQUEST, domain);
    metric.increment(caller, domain);
    // make sure the credentials match to whatever the request is
    Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    String principalName = domain + "." + service;
    if (!principalName.equals(principal.getFullName())) {
        throw requestError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: Principal mismatch: " + principalName + " vs. " + principal.getFullName(), caller, domain);
    Authority authority = principal.getAuthority();
    if (!(authority instanceof CertificateAuthority)) {
        throw requestError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: Unsupported authority for TLS Certs: " + authority.toString(), caller, domain);
    X509Certificate cert = principal.getX509Certificate();
    X509CertRecord x509CertRecord = instanceCertManager.getX509CertRecord("ostk", cert);
    if (x509CertRecord == null) {
        throw forbiddenError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: Unable to find certificate record", caller, domain);
    // validate that the cn and public key (if required) match to
    // the provided details
    PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq = Crypto.getPKCS10CertRequest(req.getCsr());
    if (certReq == null) {
        throw requestError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: unable to parse PKCS10 certificate request", caller, domain);
    if (!ZTSUtils.verifyCertificateRequest(certReq, domain, service, x509CertRecord)) {
        throw requestError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: invalid CSR - cn mismatch", caller, domain);
    // now we need to make sure the serial number for the certificate
    // matches to what we had issued previously. If we have a mismatch
    // then we're going to revoke this instance as it has been possibly
    // compromised
    String serialNumber = cert.getSerialNumber().toString();
    if (x509CertRecord.getCurrentSerial().equals(serialNumber)) {
        // update the record to mark current as previous
        // and we'll update the current set with our existing
        // details
    } else if (!x509CertRecord.getPrevSerial().equals(serialNumber)) {
        // we have a mismatch for both current and previous serial
        // numbers so we're going to revoke it
        LOGGER.error("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: Revoking certificate refresh for cn: {} " + "instance id: {}, current serial: {}, previous serial: {}, cert serial: {}", principalName, x509CertRecord.getInstanceId(), x509CertRecord.getCurrentSerial(), x509CertRecord.getPrevSerial(), serialNumber);
        throw forbiddenError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: Certificate revoked", caller, domain);
    // generate identity with the certificate
    Identity identity = ZTSUtils.generateIdentity(certSigner, req.getCsr(), principalName, null, 0);
    if (identity == null) {
        throw serverError("Unable to generate identity", caller, domain);
    // need to update our cert record with new certificate details
    X509Certificate newCert = Crypto.loadX509Certificate(identity.getCertificate());
    x509CertRecord.setCurrentTime(new Date());
    if (!instanceCertManager.updateX509CertRecord(x509CertRecord)) {
        throw serverError("postOSTKInstanceRefreshRequest: unable to update cert db", caller, domain);
    return identity;
Also used : PKCS10CertificationRequest(org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest) Authority( CertificateAuthority( CertificateAuthority( SimplePrincipal( Principal( X509Certificate( X509CertRecord( Date(java.util.Date)

Example 77 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method postInstanceRefreshInformation.

public InstanceIdentity postInstanceRefreshInformation(ResourceContext ctx, String provider, String domain, String service, String instanceId, InstanceRefreshInformation info) {
    final String caller = "postinstancerefreshinformation";
    final String callerTiming = "postinstancerefreshinformation_timing";
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(provider, TYPE_SERVICE_NAME, caller);
    validate(domain, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, caller);
    validate(service, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, caller);
    validate(instanceId, TYPE_PATH_ELEMENT, caller);
    validate(info, TYPE_INSTANCE_REFRESH_INFO, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    provider = provider.toLowerCase();
    domain = domain.toLowerCase();
    service = service.toLowerCase();
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming(callerTiming, domain);
    metric.increment(HTTP_REQUEST, domain);
    metric.increment(caller, domain);
    // before running any checks make sure it's coming from
    // an authorized ip address
    final String ipAddress = ServletRequestUtil.getRemoteAddress(ctx.request());
    if (!instanceCertManager.verifyInstanceCertIPAddress(ipAddress)) {
        throw forbiddenError("Unknown IP: " + ipAddress, caller, domain);
    // we are going to get two use cases here. client asking for:
    // * x509 cert (optionally with ssh certificate)
    // * only ssh certificate
    // both CSRs are marked as optional so we need to make sure
    // at least one of the CSRs is provided
    final String x509Csr = convertEmptyStringToNull(info.getCsr());
    final String sshCsr = convertEmptyStringToNull(info.getSsh());
    if (x509Csr == null && sshCsr == null) {
        throw requestError("no csr provided", caller, domain);
    // make sure the credentials match to whatever the request is
    Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    final String principalName = domain + "." + service;
    if (!principalName.equals(principal.getFullName())) {
        throw requestError("Principal mismatch: " + principalName + " vs. " + principal.getFullName(), caller, domain);
    Authority authority = principal.getAuthority();
    if (!(authority instanceof CertificateAuthority)) {
        throw requestError("Unsupported authority for TLS Certs: " + authority.toString(), caller, domain);
    // first we need to make sure that the provider has been
    // authorized in Athenz to bootstrap/launch instances
    Principal providerService = createPrincipalForName(provider);
    StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(256);
    if (!instanceCertManager.authorizeLaunch(providerService, domain, service, authorizer, errorMsg)) {
        throw forbiddenError(errorMsg.toString(), caller, domain);
    // extract our instance certificate record to make sure it
    // hasn't been revoked already
    X509CertRecord x509CertRecord = instanceCertManager.getX509CertRecord(provider, instanceId);
    if (x509CertRecord == null) {
        throw forbiddenError("Unable to find certificate record", caller, domain);
    if (!principalName.equals(x509CertRecord.getService())) {
        throw requestError("service name mismatch - csr: " + principalName + " cert db: " + x509CertRecord.getService(), caller, domain);
    InstanceIdentity identity = null;
    if (x509Csr != null) {
        identity = processProviderX509RefreshRequest(ctx, principal, domain, service, provider, providerService, instanceId, info, x509CertRecord, caller);
    } else {
        identity = processProviderSSHRefreshRequest(ctx, principal, domain, service, provider, instanceId, sshCsr, x509CertRecord, caller);
    return identity;
Also used : Authority( CertificateAuthority( CertificateAuthority( SimplePrincipal( Principal( X509CertRecord(

Example 78 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method getAuditLogMsgBuilder.

AuditLogMsgBuilder getAuditLogMsgBuilder(ResourceContext ctx, String domainName, String caller, String method) {
    AuditLogMsgBuilder msgBldr = auditLogger.getMsgBuilder();
    // get the where - which means where this server is running
    // get the 'who' and set it
    Principal princ = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    if (princ != null) {
        String unsignedCreds = princ.getUnsignedCredentials();
        if (unsignedCreds == null) {
        } else {
    // get the client IP
    return msgBldr;
Also used : AuditLogMsgBuilder( SimplePrincipal( Principal(

Example 79 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method postInstanceRegisterInformation.

public void postInstanceRegisterInformation(ResourceContext ctx, InstanceRegisterInformation info, PostInstanceRegisterInformationResult instanceResult) {
    final String caller = "postinstanceregisterinformation";
    final String callerTiming = "postinstanceregisterinformation_timing";
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(info, TYPE_INSTANCE_REGISTER_INFO, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    final String domain = info.getDomain();
    final String service = info.getService();
    final String cn = domain + "." + service;
    ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).logPrincipal(cn);
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming(callerTiming, domain);
    metric.increment(HTTP_REQUEST, domain);
    metric.increment(caller, domain);
    // before running any checks make sure it's coming from
    // an authorized ip address
    final String ipAddress = ServletRequestUtil.getRemoteAddress(ctx.request());
    if (!instanceCertManager.verifyInstanceCertIPAddress(ipAddress)) {
        throw forbiddenError("Unknown IP: " + ipAddress, caller, domain);
    // run the authorization checks to make sure the provider has been
    // authorized to launch instances in Athenz and the service has
    // authorized this provider to launch its instances
    final String provider = info.getProvider();
    Principal providerService = createPrincipalForName(provider);
    StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(256);
    if (!instanceCertManager.authorizeLaunch(providerService, domain, service, authorizer, errorMsg)) {
        throw forbiddenError(errorMsg.toString(), caller, domain);
    // validate request/csr details
    X509CertRequest certReq = null;
    try {
        certReq = new X509CertRequest(info.getCsr());
    } catch (CryptoException ex) {
        throw requestError("unable to parse PKCS10 CSR: " + ex.getMessage(), caller, domain);
    if (!certReq.validate(providerService, domain, service, null, authorizer, errorMsg)) {
        throw requestError("CSR validation failed - " + errorMsg.toString(), caller, domain);
    final String certReqInstanceId = certReq.getInstanceId();
    // validate attestation data is included in the request
    InstanceProvider instanceProvider = instanceProviderManager.getProvider(provider);
    if (instanceProvider == null) {
        throw requestError("unable to get instance for provider: " + provider, caller, domain);
    InstanceConfirmation instance = generateInstanceConfirmObject(ctx, provider, domain, service, info.getAttestationData(), certReq);
    try {
        instance = instanceProvider.confirmInstance(instance);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw forbiddenError("unable to verify attestation data: " + ex.getMessage(), caller, domain);
    } finally {
    // determine what type of certificate the provider is authorizing
    // this instance to get - possible values are: server, client or
    // null (indicating both client and server). Additionally, we're
    // going to see if the provider wants to impose an expiry time
    // though the certificate signer might decide to ignore that
    // request and override it with its own value.
    String certUsage = null;
    int certExpiryTime = 0;
    boolean certRefreshAllowed = true;
    Map<String, String> instanceAttrs = instance.getAttributes();
    if (instanceAttrs != null) {
        certUsage = instanceAttrs.remove(ZTSConsts.ZTS_CERT_USAGE);
        final String expiryTime = instanceAttrs.remove(ZTSConsts.ZTS_CERT_EXPIRY_TIME);
        if (expiryTime != null && !expiryTime.isEmpty()) {
            certExpiryTime = Integer.parseInt(expiryTime);
        final String certRefreshState = instanceAttrs.remove(ZTSConsts.ZTS_CERT_REFRESH);
        if (certRefreshState != null && !certRefreshState.isEmpty()) {
            certRefreshAllowed = Boolean.parseBoolean(certRefreshState);
    // generate certificate for the instance
    InstanceIdentity identity = instanceCertManager.generateIdentity(info.getCsr(), cn, certUsage, certExpiryTime);
    if (identity == null) {
        throw serverError("unable to generate identity", caller, domain);
    // if we're asked then we should also generate a ssh
    // certificate for the instance as well
    instanceCertManager.generateSshIdentity(identity, info.getSsh(), ZTSConsts.ZTS_SSH_HOST);
    // set the other required attributes in the identity object
    X509Certificate newCert = Crypto.loadX509Certificate(identity.getX509Certificate());
    final String certSerial = newCert.getSerialNumber().toString();
    if (certRefreshAllowed) {
        X509CertRecord x509CertRecord = new X509CertRecord();
        x509CertRecord.setCurrentTime(new Date());
        if (!instanceCertManager.insertX509CertRecord(x509CertRecord)) {
            throw serverError("unable to update cert db", caller, domain);
    if (info.getToken() == Boolean.TRUE) {
        PrincipalToken svcToken = new PrincipalToken.Builder("S1", domain, service).expirationWindow(svcTokenTimeout).keyId(privateKeyId).host(serverHostName).ip(ServletRequestUtil.getRemoteAddress(ctx.request())).keyService(ZTSConsts.ZTS_SERVICE).build();
    // create our audit log entry
    AuditLogMsgBuilder msgBldr = getAuditLogMsgBuilder(ctx, domain, caller, HTTP_POST);
    StringBuilder auditLogDetails = new StringBuilder(512);
    auditLogDetails.append("Provider: ").append(provider).append(" Domain: ").append(domain).append(" Service: ").append(service).append(" InstanceId: ").append(certReqInstanceId).append(" Serial: ").append(certSerial);
    final String location = "/zts/v1/instance/" + provider + "/" + domain + "/" + service + "/" + certReqInstanceId;
    instanceResult.done(ResourceException.CREATED, identity, location);
Also used : InstanceConfirmation( AuditLogMsgBuilder( AuditLogMsgBuilder( PrincipalToken( UnsupportedEncodingException( CryptoException( X509Certificate( X509CertRecord( Date(java.util.Date) X509CertRequest( CryptoException( SimplePrincipal( Principal( InstanceProvider(

Example 80 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImplTest method testGetAWSTemporaryCredentialsForbidden.

public void testGetAWSTemporaryCredentialsForbidden() {
    Principal principal = SimplePrincipal.create("user_domain", "user102", "v=U1;d=user_domain;n=user102;s=signature", 0, null);
    CloudStore cloudStore = Mockito.mock(CloudStore.class);
    zts.cloudStore = cloudStore;
    SignedDomain signedDomain = createAwsSignedDomain("athenz.product", "1234");
    store.processDomain(signedDomain, false);
    try {
        zts.getAWSTemporaryCredentials(createResourceContext(principal), "athenz.product", "aws_role_name");
    } catch (ResourceException ex) {
        assertEquals(ex.getCode(), 403);
Also used : MockCloudStore( CloudStore( SignedDomain( SimplePrincipal( Principal( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


Principal ( SimplePrincipal ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)168 Authority ( PrincipalAuthority ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)35 SignedDomain ( BeforeTest (org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest)17 AthenzDomain ( SimpleServiceIdentityProvider ( PrincipalToken ( AuditLogMsgBuilder ( IOException ( HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)12 KeyStore ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( WebApplicationException ( X509Certificate ( ServiceIdentityProvider ( CertificateAuthority (