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Example 16 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZMSImpl method putTenancyResourceGroup.

public TenancyResourceGroup putTenancyResourceGroup(ResourceContext ctx, String tenantDomain, String provider, String resourceGroup, String auditRef, TenancyResourceGroup detail) {
    final String caller = "puttenancyresourcegroup";
    if (readOnlyMode) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Server in Maintenance Read-Only mode. Please try your request later", caller);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(tenantDomain, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, caller);
    // the fully qualified service name to provision on
    validate(provider, TYPE_SERVICE_NAME, caller);
    validate(resourceGroup, TYPE_COMPOUND_NAME, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    tenantDomain = tenantDomain.toLowerCase();
    provider = provider.toLowerCase();
    resourceGroup = resourceGroup.toLowerCase();
    metric.increment(ZMSConsts.HTTP_REQUEST, tenantDomain);
    metric.increment(caller, tenantDomain);
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming("puttenancyresourcegroup_timing", tenantDomain);
    // verify that request is properly authenticated for this request
    verifyAuthorizedServiceOperation(((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal().getAuthorizedService(), caller);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("putTenancyResourceGroup: tenant domain(" + tenantDomain + ") resourceGroup(" + resourceGroup + ")");
    // provider service domain
    String provSvcDomain = providerServiceDomain(provider);
    // provider service name
    String provSvcName = providerServiceName(provider);
    ServiceIdentity ent = dbService.getServiceIdentity(provSvcDomain, provSvcName);
    if (ent == null) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Unable to retrieve service=" + provider, caller);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("serviceIdentity: provider=" + ent);
    String url = ent.getProviderEndpoint();
    if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Cannot put tenancy resource group on provider service=" + provider + " -- not a provider service", caller);
    Principal tenantAdmin = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    TenantResourceGroup tenantResourceGroup = new TenantResourceGroup();
    TenantResourceGroup tenantWithRoles = null;
    try {
        ProviderClient prov = getProviderClient(url, tenantAdmin);
        tenantWithRoles = prov.putTenantResourceGroup(provSvcName, tenantDomain, resourceGroup, auditRef, tenantResourceGroup);
    } catch ( ex) {
        throw ZMSUtils.error(ex.getCode(), ex.getMessage(), caller);
    if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"---- result of provider.putTenantResourceGroup: " + tenantWithRoles);
    List<String> providerRoles = tenantWithRoles.getRoles();
    if (providerRoles == null || providerRoles.isEmpty()) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Provider Controller did not return any roles to provision", caller);
    // we're going to create a separate role for each one of tenant roles returned
    // based on its action and set the caller as a member in each role
    dbService.executePutProviderRoles(ctx, tenantDomain, provSvcDomain, provSvcName, resourceGroup, providerRoles, auditRef, caller);
    if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"---- END put Tenant Resource Group -> " + detail);
    return null;
Also used : ProviderClient( TenantResourceGroup( SimplePrincipal( Principal(

Example 17 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZMSImpl method postUserDomain.

public Domain postUserDomain(ResourceContext ctx, String name, String auditRef, UserDomain detail) {
    final String caller = "postuserdomain";
    if (readOnlyMode) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Server in Maintenance Read-Only mode. Please try your request later", caller);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(detail, TYPE_USER_DOMAIN, caller);
    validate(name, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    metric.increment(ZMSConsts.HTTP_REQUEST, name);
    metric.increment(caller, name);
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming("postuserdomain_timing", name);
    if (detail.getName().indexOf('_') != -1 && !isSysAdminUser(((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal())) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Domain name cannot contain underscores", caller);
    // verify that request is properly authenticated for this request
    Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    verifyAuthorizedServiceOperation(principal.getAuthorizedService(), caller);
    if (!name.equals(detail.getName())) {
        throw ZMSUtils.forbiddenError("postUserDomain: Request and detail domain names do not match", caller);
    // we're dealing with user's top level domain so the parent is going
    // to be the home domain and the admin of the domain is the user
    List<String> adminUsers = new ArrayList<>();
    adminUsers.add(userDomainPrefix + principal.getName());
    List<String> solutionTemplates = null;
    DomainTemplateList templates = detail.getTemplates();
    if (templates != null) {
        solutionTemplates = templates.getTemplateNames();
        validateSolutionTemplates(solutionTemplates, caller);
    Domain domain = createSubDomain(ctx, homeDomain, getUserDomainName(detail.getName()), detail.getDescription(), detail.getOrg(), detail.getAuditEnabled(), adminUsers, detail.getAccount(), 0, detail.getApplicationId(), solutionTemplates, auditRef, caller);
    return domain;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AthenzDomain( SimplePrincipal( Principal(

Example 18 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZMSImpl method deleteTenancyResourceGroup.

public TenancyResourceGroup deleteTenancyResourceGroup(ResourceContext ctx, String tenantDomain, String provider, String resourceGroup, String auditRef) {
    final String caller = "deletetenancyresourcegroup";
    if (readOnlyMode) {
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError("Server in Maintenance Read-Only mode. Please try your request later", caller);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), caller);
    validate(tenantDomain, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, caller);
    // fully qualified provider's service name
    validate(provider, TYPE_SERVICE_NAME, caller);
    validate(resourceGroup, TYPE_COMPOUND_NAME, caller);
    // for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
    // all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
    // policy, service, etc name)
    tenantDomain = tenantDomain.toLowerCase();
    provider = provider.toLowerCase();
    resourceGroup = resourceGroup.toLowerCase();
    metric.increment(ZMSConsts.HTTP_REQUEST, tenantDomain);
    metric.increment(caller, tenantDomain);
    Object timerMetric = metric.startTiming("deletetenancyresourcegroup_timing", tenantDomain);
    // verify that request is properly authenticated for this request
    verifyAuthorizedServiceOperation(((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal().getAuthorizedService(), caller);
    // for delete tenant resource group operation we're going to go through
    // the steps of lookup up provider's service object and make sure it has
    // an endpoint configured and we can talk to it and request the tenant
    // resource group to be deleted. if any of these operations fail, we're not
    // going to reject the request but rather continue on and do the local cleanup.
    // However, at the end we're going to return an exception with an error message
    // stating exactly what failed so the administrator can go ahead and contact
    // the provider manually, if necessary, to complete the delete tenancy
    // resource group process
    String errorMessage = null;
    // before local clean-up, we're going to contact the provider at their
    // configured endpoint and request the tenant resource group to be deleted.
    String provSvcDomain = providerServiceDomain(provider);
    String provSvcName = providerServiceName(provider);
    ServiceIdentity provSvcId = dbService.getServiceIdentity(provSvcDomain, provSvcName);
    if (provSvcId == null) {
        errorMessage = "service does not exist";
    } else {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("provider serviceIdentity(" + provSvcId + ")");
        String url = provSvcId.getProviderEndpoint();
        if (url == null) {
            errorMessage = "service does not have endpoint configured";
        } else {
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "Tenant will contact provider at endpoint: " + url);
            try {
                Principal tenantAdmin = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
                ProviderClient prov = getProviderClient(url, tenantAdmin);
                prov.deleteTenantResourceGroup(provSvcName, tenantDomain, resourceGroup, auditRef);
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                errorMessage = "failed to delete tenant resource group. Error: " + exc.getMessage();
    // now clean-up local domain roles and policies for this tenant
    dbService.executeDeleteTenancy(ctx, tenantDomain, provSvcDomain, provSvcName, resourceGroup, auditRef, caller);
    if (errorMessage != null) {
        final String tenantCleanupMsg = "Tenant cleanup in(" + tenantDomain + "): ";
        throw ZMSUtils.requestError(tenantCleanupMsg + "completed successfully. However, there " + "was an error when contacting the Provider Service: " + provider + ":" + errorMessage + ". Please contact the Provider administrator directly " + "to complete this delete tenancy resource group request", caller);
    return null;
Also used : ProviderClient( SimplePrincipal( Principal( URISyntaxException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) IOException(

Example 19 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class HttpTest method testAuthorizedForbidden.

public void testAuthorizedForbidden() throws Exception {
    Authorizer authorizer = Mockito.mock(Authorizer.class);
    Principal principal = Mockito.mock(Principal.class);
    try {
        Http.authorize(authorizer, principal, "action", "resource", null);
    } catch (ResourceException expected) {
        assertEquals(expected.getCode(), 403);
Also used : Authorizer( Principal( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 20 with Principal

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSClientTest method testIsExpiredTokenAtLeastOneLimitIsNotNull.

public void testIsExpiredTokenAtLeastOneLimitIsNotNull() {
    Principal principal = SimplePrincipal.create("user_domain", "user", "v=S1;d=user_domain;n=user;s=sig", PRINCIPAL_AUTHORITY);
    ZTSClient client = new ZTSClient("http://localhost:4080/", principal);
    assertFalse(client.isExpiredToken(500, null, 600));
    assertFalse(client.isExpiredToken(500, 200, null));
    assertFalse(client.isExpiredToken(500, 200, 501));
Also used : SimplePrincipal( Principal( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


Principal ( SimplePrincipal ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)168 Authority ( PrincipalAuthority ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)35 SignedDomain ( BeforeTest (org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest)17 AthenzDomain ( SimpleServiceIdentityProvider ( AuditLogMsgBuilder ( IOException ( PrincipalToken ( HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)12 KeyStore ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( WebApplicationException ( X509Certificate ( ServiceIdentityProvider ( CertificateAuthority (