use of in project bullet-core by yahoo.
the class AdditiveTumblingTest method setup.
private void setup() {
strategy = new MockStrategy();
config = new BulletConfig();
addMetadata(config, ALL_METADATA);
use of in project bullet-core by yahoo.
the class BasicTest method setup.
private void setup() {
config = new BulletConfig();
strategy = new MockStrategy();
use of in project bullet-core by yahoo.
the class ReactiveTest method setup.
private void setup() {
strategy = new MockStrategy();
config = new BulletConfig();
addMetadata(config, ALL_METADATA);
use of in project bullet-core by yahoo.
the class TumblingTest method setup.
private void setup() {
strategy = new MockStrategy();
config = new BulletConfig();
addMetadata(config, ALL_METADATA);
use of in project bullet-core by yahoo.
the class AggregationTest method testToString.
public void testToString() {
Aggregation aggregation = new Aggregation();
aggregation.configure(new BulletConfig());
Assert.assertEquals(aggregation.toString(), "{size: 500, type: RAW, fields: null, attributes: null}");
Assert.assertEquals(aggregation.toString(), "{size: 500, type: COUNT_DISTINCT, fields: null, attributes: null}");
aggregation.setFields(singletonMap("field", "newName"));
Assert.assertEquals(aggregation.toString(), "{size: 500, type: COUNT_DISTINCT, " + "fields: {field=newName}, attributes: null}");
aggregation.setAttributes(singletonMap("foo", asList(1, 2, 3)));
Assert.assertEquals(aggregation.toString(), "{size: 500, type: COUNT_DISTINCT, " + "fields: {field=newName}, attributes: {foo=[1, 2, 3]}}");