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Example 26 with DefParser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class RpcServerTest method createResponse.

public ConfigResponse createResponse() {
    SimpletypesConfig.Builder builder = new SimpletypesConfig.Builder();
    SimpletypesConfig responseConfig = new SimpletypesConfig(builder);
    ConfigPayload responsePayload = ConfigPayload.fromInstance(responseConfig);
    InnerCNode targetDef = new DefParser(SimpletypesConfig.CONFIG_DEF_NAME, new StringReader(Joiner.on("\n").join(SimpletypesConfig.CONFIG_DEF_SCHEMA))).getTree();
    return SlimeConfigResponse.fromConfigPayload(responsePayload, targetDef, 3l, ConfigUtils.getMd5(responsePayload));
Also used : SimpletypesConfig( InnerCNode( StringReader( DefParser(

Example 27 with DefParser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class FilesApplicationPackage method addAllDefsFromConfigDir.

private void addAllDefsFromConfigDir(Map<ConfigDefinitionKey, UnparsedConfigDefinition> defs, File configDefsDir) {
    if (!configDefsDir.isDirectory())
    log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Getting all config definitions from '" + configDefsDir + "'");
    for (File def : configDefsDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {

        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            // TODO: Fix
            return name.matches(".*\\.def");
    })) {
        log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Processing config definition '" + def + "'");
        String[] nv = def.getName().split("\\.def");
        ConfigDefinitionKey key;
        try {
            key = ConfigUtils.createConfigDefinitionKeyFromDefFile(def);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO: Fix
        if (key.getNamespace().isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config definition '" + def + "' has no namespace");
        if (defs.containsKey(key)) {
            if (nv[0].contains(".")) {
                log.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Two config definitions found for the same name and namespace: " + key + ". The file '" + def + "' will take precedence");
            } else {
                log.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Two config definitions found for the same name and namespace: " + key + ". Skipping '" + def + "', as it does not contain namespace in filename");
                // skip
        defs.put(key, new UnparsedConfigDefinition() {

            public ConfigDefinition parse() {
                DefParser parser = new DefParser(key.getName(), retrieveConfigDefReader(def));
                return ConfigDefinitionBuilder.createConfigDefinition(parser.getTree());

            public String getUnparsedContent() {
                return readConfigDefinition(def);
Also used : UnparsedConfigDefinition( UnparsedConfigDefinition( ConfigDefinition( ConfigDefinitionKey( DefParser( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) ApplicationFile(

Example 28 with DefParser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class HttpConfigResponseTest method require_that_response_is_created_from_config.

public void require_that_response_is_created_from_config() throws IOException {
    final long generation = 1L;
    ConfigPayload payload = ConfigPayload.fromInstance(new SimpletypesConfig(new SimpletypesConfig.Builder()));
    // TODO: Hope to be able to remove this mess soon.
    DefParser dParser = new DefParser(SimpletypesConfig.getDefName(), new StringReader(StringUtilities.implode(SimpletypesConfig.CONFIG_DEF_SCHEMA, "\n")));
    InnerCNode targetDef = dParser.getTree();
    ConfigResponse configResponse = SlimeConfigResponse.fromConfigPayload(payload, targetDef, generation, "mymd5");
    HttpConfigResponse response = HttpConfigResponse.createFromConfig(configResponse);
    assertThat(SessionHandlerTest.getRenderedString(response), is("{\"boolval\":false,\"doubleval\":0.0,\"enumval\":\"VAL1\",\"intval\":0,\"longval\":0,\"stringval\":\"s\"}"));
Also used : SimpletypesConfig( InnerCNode( ConfigPayload( StringReader( SlimeConfigResponse( ConfigResponse( DefParser( Test(org.junit.Test)


DefParser ( StringReader ( InnerCNode ( Test (org.junit.Test)20 ByteArrayOutputStream ( Cursor ( Slime ( Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)5 ConfigDefinition ( ConfigDefinitionKey ( ConfigPayload ( SimpletypesConfig ( UnparsedConfigDefinition ( SimpletypesConfig ( File ( ApplicationFile ( CNode ( JavaClassBuilder ( Utf8Array ( ConfigPayloadBuilder (