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Example 6 with CallStack

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentProcessingHandlerForkTestCase method getCallStacks.

protected List<Pair<String, CallStack>> getCallStacks() {
    ArrayList<Pair<String, CallStack>> stacks = new ArrayList<>(5);
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(TOMANYALLINSAMEBUCKET, new CallStack().addLast(new OneToManyDocumentsAllInSameBucketProcessor())));
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(TOMANYSOMEINSAMEBUCKET, new CallStack().addLast(new OneToManyDocumentsSomeInSameBucketProcessor())));
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(TOMANY, new CallStack().addLast(new OneToManyDocumentsProcessor())));
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(TOONE, new CallStack().addLast(new OneToOneDocumentsProcessor())));
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(TOZERO, new CallStack().addLast(new OneToZeroDocumentsProcessor())));
    return stacks;
Also used : CallStack( Pair(

Example 7 with CallStack

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentProcessingHandlerTransformingMessagesTestCase method getCallStacks.

public List<Pair<String, CallStack>> getCallStacks() {
    CallStack stack = new CallStack();
    stack.addLast(new TransformingDocumentProcessor());
    ArrayList<Pair<String, CallStack>> stacks = new ArrayList<>(1);
    stacks.add(new Pair<>(FOOBAR, stack));
    return stacks;
Also used : CallStack( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pair(

Example 8 with CallStack

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentProcessingHandlerBasicTestCase method getCallStacks.

public List<Pair<String, CallStack>> getCallStacks() {
    CallStack stack = new CallStack();
    stack.addLast(new TestDocumentProcessor());
    ArrayList<Pair<String, CallStack>> stacks = new ArrayList<>(1);
    stacks.add(new Pair<>("foobar", stack));
    return stacks;
Also used : CallStack( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pair(

Example 9 with CallStack

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentProcessingTask method process.

 * Processes a single Processing, and fails the message if this processing fails.
 * @param executor the DocprocService to use for processing
private DocumentProcessor.Progress process(DocprocExecutor executor) {
    Iterator<Processing> iterator = processings.iterator();
    List<Tuple2<DocumentProcessor.Progress, Processing>> later = new ArrayList<>();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Processing processing =;
        if (requestContext.hasExpired()) {
            DocumentProcessor.Progress progress = DocumentProcessor.Progress.FAILED;
            final String location;
            if (processing != null) {
                final CallStack callStack = processing.callStack();
                if (callStack != null) {
                    final Call lastPopped = callStack.getLastPopped();
                    if (lastPopped != null) {
                        location = lastPopped.toString();
                    } else {
                        location = "empty call stack or no processors popped";
                } else {
                    location = "no call stack";
            } else {
                location = "no processing instance";
            String errorMsg = processing + " failed, " + location;
            log.log(Level.FINE, "Time is up for '" + errorMsg + "'.");
            requestContext.processingFailed(RequestContext.ErrorCode.ERROR_PROCESSING_FAILURE, "Time is up.");
            return progress;
        DocumentProcessor.Progress progress = DocumentProcessor.Progress.FAILED;
        try {
            progress = executor.process(processing);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logProcessingFailure(processing, e);
            return progress;
        if (DocumentProcessor.Progress.LATER.equals(progress)) {
            later.add(new Tuple2<>(progress, processing));
        } else if (DocumentProcessor.Progress.DONE.equals(progress)) {
        } else if (DocumentProcessor.Progress.FAILED.equals(progress)) {
            logProcessingFailure(processing, null);
            requestContext.processingFailed(RequestContext.ErrorCode.ERROR_PROCESSING_FAILURE, progress.getReason().orElse("Document processing failed."));
            return progress;
        } else if (DocumentProcessor.Progress.PERMANENT_FAILURE.equals(progress)) {
            logProcessingFailure(processing, null);
            requestContext.processingFailed(RequestContext.ErrorCode.ERROR_PROCESSING_FAILURE, progress.getReason().orElse("Document processing failed."));
            return progress;
    if (!later.isEmpty()) {
        // Outdated comment:
        // "if this was a multioperationmessage and more than one of the processings returned LATER,
        // return the one with the lowest timeout:"
        // As multioperation is removed this can probably be simplified?
        DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress shortestDelay = (DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress) later.get(0).first;
        for (Tuple2<DocumentProcessor.Progress, Processing> tuple : later) {
            // re-add the LATER one to processings
            // check to see if this one had a lower timeout than the previous one:
            if (((DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress) tuple.first).getDelay() < shortestDelay.getDelay()) {
                shortestDelay = (DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress) tuple.first;
        return shortestDelay;
    } else {
        return DocumentProcessor.Progress.DONE;
Also used : Call( DocumentProcessor( CallStack( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HandledProcessingException( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) Processing( Tuple2(


CallStack ( Pair ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 DocumentProcessor ( ComponentId ( ComponentRegistry ( Processing ( Tuple2 ( Container ( ContainerDocumentConfig ( MbusServerProvider ( SessionCache ( Call ( DocprocService ( HandledProcessingException ( DocumentProcessingHandler ( DocumentProcessingHandlerParameters ( DocumentProtocol ( FeedContext ( MessagePropertyProcessor (