Search in sources :

Example 46 with BucketId

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class BucketSelectorTestCase method assertBucket.

public void assertBucket(String expr, BucketId bucket) throws Exception {
    BucketIdFactory factory = new BucketIdFactory();
    BucketSelector selector = new BucketSelector(factory);
    Set<BucketId> buckets = selector.getBucketList(expr);
    assertEquals(1, buckets == null ? 0 : buckets.size());
    assertEquals(bucket, buckets.toArray()[0]);
Also used : BucketId( BucketIdFactory(

Example 47 with BucketId

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class BucketSelectorTestCase method testExpressions.

public void testExpressions() throws Exception {
    assertBucketCount("id = \"userdoc:ns:123:foobar\"", 1);
    assertBucketCount("id = \"userdoc:ns:123:foo*\"", 0);
    assertBucketCount("id == \"userdoc:ns:123:f?oo*\"", 1);
    assertBucketCount("id =~ \"userdoc:ns:123:foo*\"", 0);
    assertBucketCount("id =~ \"userdoc:ns:123:foo?\"", 0);
    assertBucketCount("id.user = 123", 1);
    assertBucketCount("id.user == 123", 1);
    assertBucketCount(" = \"\"", 1);
    assertBucketCount(" = \"\" or id.user=123", 2);
    assertBucketCount(" = \"\" and id.user=123", 0);
    assertBucketCount(" = \"\" and testdoctype1.hstringval=\"Doe\"", 1);
    assertBucketCount("not = \"\"", 0);
    assertBucketCount(" != \"\"", 0);
    assertBucketCount(" <= \"\"", 0);
    // Bucket 16:12312
    assertBucketCount("id.bucket = 0x4000000000003018", 1);
    // Bucket 16:600
    assertBucketCount("id.bucket == 0x4000000000000258", 1);
    assertBucketCount("searchcolumn.3 == 1", 21845);
    // Check that the correct buckets is found
    assertBucket("id.bucket = 0x4000000000003018", new BucketId(16, 12312));
    assertBucket("id.bucket == 0x4000000000000258", new BucketId(16, 600));
    assertBucket("id = \"userdoc:ns:123:foobar\"", new BucketId(0xeafff5320000007bL));
    assertBucket("id.user = 123", new BucketId(32, 123));
    assertBucket(" = \"\"", new BucketId(32, 0x035837189a1acd50L));
    // Check that overlapping works
    Set<BucketId> expected = new TreeSet<BucketId>();
    expected.add(new BucketId(32, 123));
    expected.add(new BucketId(16, 123));
    assertBuckets("id.user == 123 or id.bucket == 0x400000000000007b", expected);
Also used : TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) BucketId( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 48 with BucketId

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class BucketSelectorTestCase method assertBuckets.

public void assertBuckets(String expr, Set<BucketId> expected) throws Exception {
    BucketIdFactory factory = new BucketIdFactory();
    BucketSelector selector = new BucketSelector(factory);
    Set<BucketId> actual = new TreeSet<BucketId>(selector.getBucketList(expr));
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
Also used : TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) BucketId( BucketIdFactory(

Example 49 with BucketId

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class VisitorIterator method getNext.

 * @return The pair [superbucket, progress] that specifies the next iterable
 * bucket. When a superbucket is initially returned, the pair is equal to
 * that of [superbucket, 0], as there has been no progress into its sub-buckets
 * yet (if they exist).
 * Precondition: <code>hasNext() == true</code>
public BucketProgress getNext() {
    assert (progressToken.getDistributionBitCount() == bucketSource.getDistributionBitCount()) : "inconsistent distribution bit counts for progress and source";
    assert (hasNext());
    // the map too much
    if (progressToken.hasPending()) {
        // Find first pending bucket in token
        TreeMap<ProgressToken.BucketKeyWrapper, ProgressToken.BucketEntry> buckets = progressToken.getBuckets();
        ProgressToken.BucketEntry pending = null;
        BucketId superbucket = null;
        for (Map.Entry<ProgressToken.BucketKeyWrapper, ProgressToken.BucketEntry> entry : buckets.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getState() == ProgressToken.BucketState.BUCKET_PENDING) {
                pending = entry.getValue();
                superbucket = new BucketId(ProgressToken.keyToBucketId(entry.getKey().getKey()));
        assert (pending != null) : "getNext() called with inconsistent state";
        // Set bucket to active, since it's not awaiting an update
        progressToken.setActiveBucketCount(progressToken.getActiveBucketCount() + 1);
        progressToken.setPendingBucketCount(progressToken.getPendingBucketCount() - 1);
        return new BucketProgress(superbucket, pending.getProgress());
    } else {
        BucketProgress ret = bucketSource.getNext();
        progressToken.addBucket(ret.getSuperbucket(), ret.getProgress(), ProgressToken.BucketState.BUCKET_ACTIVE);
        return ret;
Also used : BucketId( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 50 with BucketId

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class VisitorIterator method createFromDocumentSelection.

 * Create a new <code>VisitorIterator</code> instance based on the given document
 * selection string.
 * @param documentSelection Document selection string used to create the
 * <code>VisitorIterator</code> instance. Depending on the characteristics of the
 * selection, the iterator may iterate over only a small subset of the buckets or
 * every bucket in the system. Both cases will be handled efficiently.
 * @param idFactory {@link BucketId} factory specifying the number of distribution bits
 * to use et al.
 * @param progress A unique {@link ProgressToken} instance which is used for maintaining the state
 * of the iterator. Can <em>not</em> be shared with other iterator instances at the same time.
 * If <code>progress</code> contains work done in an earlier iteration run, the iterator will pick
 * up from where it left off
 * @return A new <code>VisitorIterator</code> instance
 * @throws ParseException if <code>documentSelection</code> fails to properly parse
public static VisitorIterator createFromDocumentSelection(String documentSelection, BucketIdFactory idFactory, int distributionBitCount, ProgressToken progress) throws ParseException {
    BucketSelector bucketSel = new BucketSelector(idFactory);
    Set<BucketId> rawBuckets = bucketSel.getBucketList(documentSelection);
    BucketSource src;
    // bit-based range source
    if (rawBuckets == null) {
        // Range source
        src = new DistributionRangeBucketSource(distributionBitCount, progress);
    } else {
        // Explicit source
        src = new ExplicitBucketSource(rawBuckets, distributionBitCount, progress);
    return new VisitorIterator(progress, src);
Also used : BucketSelector( BucketId(


BucketId ( BucketIdFactory ( Test (org.junit.Test)24 ProgressToken ( VisitorIterator ( DocumentId ( ClusterState ( GetBucketListReply ( Error ( TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)5 MessageBusVisitorSession ( ParseException ( ( LoadType ( ( ( Result ( Route ( RouteSpec ( RoutingTable (