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Example 11 with WeightedSet

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class JsonReaderTestCase method testAssignToWeightedSet.

public final void testAssignToWeightedSet() throws IOException {
    DocumentUpdate doc = parseUpdate("{\"update\": \"id:unittest:testset::whee\"," + " \"fields\": { " + "\"actualset\": {" + " \"assign\": {" + " \"person\": 37," + " \"another person\": 41}}}}");
    FieldUpdate x = doc.getFieldUpdate("actualset");
    assertEquals(1, x.size());
    AssignValueUpdate assign = (AssignValueUpdate) x.getValueUpdate(0);
    WeightedSet<?> w = (WeightedSet<?>) assign.getValue();
    assertEquals(2, w.size());
    assertEquals(new Integer(37), w.get(new StringFieldValue("person")));
    assertEquals(new Integer(41), w.get(new StringFieldValue("another person")));
Also used : DocumentUpdate( StringFieldValue( FieldUpdate( AssignValueUpdate( WeightedSet( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with WeightedSet

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class ForEachExpression method doExecute.

protected void doExecute(final ExecutionContext ctx) {
    FieldValue input = ctx.getValue();
    if (input instanceof Array || input instanceof WeightedSet) {
        FieldValue next = new MyConverter(ctx, exp).convert(input);
        if (next == null) {
            VerificationContext vctx = new VerificationContext(ctx);
            next = vctx.getValue().createFieldValue();
    } else if (input instanceof Struct) {
        ctx.setValue(new MyConverter(ctx, exp).convert(input));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected Array, Struct or WeightedSet input, got " + input.getDataType().getName() + ".");
Also used : Array( FieldValue( WeightedSet( Struct(

Example 13 with WeightedSet

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class AddRemoveCreator method createAddsOrRemoves.

// yes, this suppresswarnings ugliness is by intention, the code relies on
// the contracts in the builders
@SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static void createAddsOrRemoves(TokenBuffer buffer, Field field, FieldUpdate update, boolean isRemove) {
    FieldValue container = field.getDataType().createFieldValue();
    FieldUpdate singleUpdate;
    int initNesting = buffer.nesting();
    Preconditions.checkState(buffer.currentToken().isStructStart(), "Expected start of composite, got %s", buffer.currentToken());
    if (container instanceof CollectionFieldValue) {;
        DataType valueType = ((CollectionFieldValue) container).getDataType().getNestedType();
        if (container instanceof WeightedSet) {
            // these are objects with string keys (which are the nested
            // types) and values which are the weight
            WeightedSet weightedSet = (WeightedSet) container;
            fillWeightedSetUpdate(buffer, initNesting, valueType, weightedSet);
            if (isRemove) {
                singleUpdate = FieldUpdate.createRemoveAll(field, weightedSet);
            } else {
                singleUpdate = FieldUpdate.createAddAll(field, weightedSet);
        } else {
            List<FieldValue> arrayContents = new ArrayList<>();
            ArrayReader.fillArrayUpdate(buffer, initNesting, valueType, arrayContents);
            if (buffer.currentToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Expected END_ARRAY. Got '" + buffer.currentToken() + "'.");
            if (isRemove) {
                singleUpdate = FieldUpdate.createRemoveAll(field, arrayContents);
            } else {
                singleUpdate = FieldUpdate.createAddAll(field, arrayContents);
    } else {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trying to add or remove from a field of a type the reader does not know how to handle: " + container.getClass().getName());
Also used : FieldUpdate( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CollectionFieldValue( DataType( CollectionFieldValue( FieldValue( WeightedSet(

Example 14 with WeightedSet

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class CompositeReader method populateComposite.

// TODO createComposite is extremely similar to add/remove, refactor
// yes, this suppresswarnings ugliness is by intention, the code relies on the contracts in the builders
@SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "rawtypes" })
public static void populateComposite(TokenBuffer buffer, FieldValue fieldValue) {
    JsonToken token = buffer.currentToken();
    if ((token != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) && (token != JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected '[' or '{'. Got '" + token + "'.");
    if (fieldValue instanceof CollectionFieldValue) {
        DataType valueType = ((CollectionFieldValue) fieldValue).getDataType().getNestedType();
        if (fieldValue instanceof WeightedSet) {
            fillWeightedSet(buffer, valueType, (WeightedSet) fieldValue);
        } else {
            fillArray(buffer, (CollectionFieldValue) fieldValue, valueType);
    } else if (fieldValue instanceof MapFieldValue) {
        MapReader.fillMap(buffer, (MapFieldValue) fieldValue);
    } else if (fieldValue instanceof StructuredFieldValue) {
        StructReader.fillStruct(buffer, (StructuredFieldValue) fieldValue);
    } else if (fieldValue instanceof TensorFieldValue) {
        TensorReader.fillTensor(buffer, (TensorFieldValue) fieldValue);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Has created a composite field" + " value the reader does not know how to handle: " + fieldValue.getClass().getName() + " This is a bug. token = " + token);
Also used : MapFieldValue( TensorFieldValue( StructuredFieldValue( CollectionFieldValue( DataType( JsonToken(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken) WeightedSet( WeightedSetReader.fillWeightedSet(

Example 15 with WeightedSet

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentTestCase method validateCppDocNotMap.

public void validateCppDocNotMap(Document doc) throws IOException {
    // in practice to validate v6 serialization
    assertEquals("doc:serializetest:", doc.getId().toString());
    assertEquals(new IntegerFieldValue(5), doc.getFieldValue("intfield"));
    assertEquals(new FloatFieldValue((float) -9.23), doc.getFieldValue("floatfield"));
    assertEquals(new StringFieldValue("This is a string."), doc.getFieldValue("stringfield"));
    assertEquals(new LongFieldValue(398420092938472983L), doc.getFieldValue("longfield"));
    assertEquals(new DoubleFieldValue(98374532.398820d), doc.getFieldValue("doublefield"));
    assertEquals(new StringFieldValue(""), doc.getFieldValue("urifield"));
    // NOTE: The value really is unsigned 254, which becomes signed -2:
    assertEquals(new ByteFieldValue(-2), doc.getFieldValue("bytefield"));
    ByteBuffer raw = ByteBuffer.wrap("RAW DATA".getBytes());
    assertEquals(new Raw(raw), doc.getFieldValue("rawfield"));
    Document docindoc = (Document) doc.getFieldValue("docfield");
    assertEquals(docMan.getDocumentType("docindoc"), docindoc.getDataType());
    assertEquals(new DocumentId("doc:docindoc:http://embedded"), docindoc.getId());
    Array<FloatFieldValue> array = (Array<FloatFieldValue>) doc.getFieldValue("arrayoffloatfield");
    assertEquals(new FloatFieldValue(1.0f), array.get(0));
    assertEquals(new FloatFieldValue(2.0f), array.get(1));
    WeightedSet<StringFieldValue> wset = (WeightedSet<StringFieldValue>) doc.getFieldValue("wsfield");
    assertEquals(new Integer(50), wset.get(new StringFieldValue("Weighted 0")));
    assertEquals(new Integer(199), wset.get(new StringFieldValue("Weighted 1")));
Also used : DoubleFieldValue( IntegerFieldValue( Raw( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) GrowableByteBuffer( FloatFieldValue( Array( StringFieldValue( LongFieldValue( ByteFieldValue( WeightedSet(


WeightedSet ( StringFieldValue ( FieldValue ( IntegerFieldValue ( Array ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 ByteFieldValue ( DoubleFieldValue ( FloatFieldValue ( LongFieldValue ( MapFieldValue ( Raw ( GrowableByteBuffer ( DataType ( WeightedSetDataType ( CollectionFieldValue ( Struct ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)3 TensorFieldValue ( FieldUpdate (