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Example 6 with Include

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class CanPaginateVisitorTest method testFalseUserAndOperationExpression.

public void testFalseUserAndOperationExpression() throws Exception {
    @Include(rootLevel = false)
    class Book {

        private long id;

        @ReadPermission(expression = "False User Check AND In Memory Check")
        private String title;
    EntityDictionary dictionary = TestDictionary.getTestDictionary(checkMappings);
    RequestScope scope = mock(RequestScope.class);
    assertTrue(CanPaginateVisitor.canPaginate(ClassType.of(Book.class), dictionary, scope, new HashSet<>()));
Also used : Entity(javax.persistence.Entity) Include( EntityDictionary( RequestScope( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 7 with Include

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class CanPaginateVisitorTest method testMultipleFieldsPagination.

public void testMultipleFieldsPagination() throws Exception {
    @Include(rootLevel = false)
    @ReadPermission(expression = "In Memory Check")
    class Book {

        private long id;

        @ReadPermission(expression = "Filter Expression Check")
        private String title;

        @ReadPermission(expression = "Filter Expression Check")
        private Date publicationDate;
    EntityDictionary dictionary = TestDictionary.getTestDictionary(checkMappings);
    RequestScope scope = mock(RequestScope.class);
    assertTrue(CanPaginateVisitor.canPaginate(ClassType.of(Book.class), dictionary, scope, new HashSet<>()));
Also used : Entity(javax.persistence.Entity) Include( ReadPermission( EntityDictionary( RequestScope( Date(java.util.Date) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 8 with Include

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class PermissionExecutorTest method testSuccessfulRunAtCommitCheck.

public void testSuccessfulRunAtCommitCheck() throws Exception {
    @Include(rootLevel = false)
    @UpdatePermission(expression = "sampleCommit")
    class Model implements SampleOperationModel {
    PersistentResource resource = newResource(new Model(), Model.class, false);
    RequestScope requestScope = resource.getRequestScope();
    // Because the check is runAtCommit, the check is DEFERRED.
    assertEquals(ExpressionResult.DEFERRED, requestScope.getPermissionExecutor().checkPermission(UpdatePermission.class, resource, ALL_FIELDS));
Also used : Entity(javax.persistence.Entity) PersistentResource( Include( RequestScope( UpdatePermission( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 9 with Include

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class PermissionExpressionBuilderTest method testSpecificFieldExpressionText.

public void testSpecificFieldExpressionText() {
    @Include(rootLevel = false)
    @UpdatePermission(expression = "user has no access")
    class Model {

        private long id;

        @UpdatePermission(expression = "user has all access OR user has no access")
        private int foo;
    PersistentResource resource = newResource(new Model(), Model.class);
    ChangeSpec changes = new ChangeSpec(resource, "foo", 1, 2);
    Expression expression = builder.buildSpecificFieldExpressions(resource, UpdatePermission.class, "foo", changes);
    assertEquals("UPDATE PERMISSION WAS INVOKED ON PersistentResource{type=model, id=0} WITH CHANGES ChangeSpec { " + "resource=PersistentResource{type=model, id=0}, field=foo, original=1, modified=2} " + "FOR EXPRESSION [FIELD(((user has all access " + "\u001B[34mWAS UNEVALUATED\u001B[m)) OR ((user has no access " + "\u001B[34mWAS UNEVALUATED\u001B[m)))]", expression.toString());
    assertEquals("UPDATE PERMISSION WAS INVOKED ON PersistentResource{type=model, id=0} WITH CHANGES ChangeSpec { " + "resource=PersistentResource{type=model, id=0}, field=foo, original=1, modified=2} " + "FOR EXPRESSION [FIELD(((user has all access " + "\u001B[32mPASSED\u001B[m)) OR ((user has no access " + "\u001B[34mWAS UNEVALUATED\u001B[m)))]", expression.toString());
Also used : Entity(javax.persistence.Entity) PersistentResource( ChangeSpec( Expression( Include( UpdatePermission( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 10 with Include

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class PermissionExecutorTest method testPassAnySpecificFieldAwareFailOperationSuccessCommit.

public void testPassAnySpecificFieldAwareFailOperationSuccessCommit() {
    @Include(rootLevel = false)
    @UpdatePermission(expression = "Prefab.Role.None AND passingOp")
    class Model {

        public Long id;

        @UpdatePermission(expression = "Prefab.Role.None OR passingOp")
        public String field = "some data";
    PersistentResource resource = newResource(new Model(), Model.class, true);
    RequestScope requestScope = resource.getRequestScope();
    assertEquals(ExpressionResult.DEFERRED, requestScope.getPermissionExecutor().checkSpecificFieldPermissions(resource, null, UpdatePermission.class, "field"));
Also used : Entity(javax.persistence.Entity) PersistentResource( Include( RequestScope( UpdatePermission( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


Include ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)41 Entity (javax.persistence.Entity)37 RequestScope ( EntityDictionary ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)17 PersistentResource ( UpdatePermission ( ReadPermission ( Annotation (java.lang.annotation.Annotation)4 Date (java.util.Date)4 ApiVersion ( NO_VERSION ( FromTable ( Arrays (java.util.Arrays)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Exclude ( AggregationStorePermissionExecutor ( Expression ( TableMeta (