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Example 36 with Path

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class SubCollectionFetchQueryBuilderTest method testSubCollectionFetchWithJoinFilter.

public void testSubCollectionFetchWithJoinFilter() {
    Author author = new Author();
    Book book = new Book();
    List<Path.PathElement> publisherNamePath = Arrays.asList(new Path.PathElement(Book.class, Publisher.class, PUBLISHER), new Path.PathElement(Publisher.class, String.class, NAME));
    FilterPredicate publisherNamePredicate = new InPredicate(new Path(publisherNamePath), PUB1);
    EntityProjection entityProjection = EntityProjection.builder().type(Book.class).filterExpression(publisherNamePredicate).build();
    Relationship relationshipProjection = Relationship.builder().name(BOOKS).projection(entityProjection).build();
    RelationshipImpl relationship = new RelationshipImpl(ClassType.of(Author.class), author, relationshipProjection);
    SubCollectionFetchQueryBuilder builder = new SubCollectionFetchQueryBuilder(relationship, dictionary, new TestSessionWrapper());
    TestQueryWrapper query = (TestQueryWrapper);
    String expected = "SELECT example_Book FROM example.Author example_Author__fetch " + "JOIN example_Author__fetch.books example_Book " + "LEFT JOIN example_Book.publisher example_Book_publisher  " + "WHERE IN (:books_publisher_name_XXX) AND example_Author__fetch=:example_Author__fetch ";
    String actual = query.getQueryText();
    actual = actual.replaceFirst(":publisher_name_\\w+_\\w+", ":books_publisher_name_XXX");
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
Also used : Path( EntityProjection( SubCollectionFetchQueryBuilder( Publisher(example.Publisher) InPredicate( RelationshipImpl( Book(example.Book) Relationship( Author(example.Author) FilterPredicate( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 37 with Path

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class FilterTranslatorTest method testHQLQueryVisitor.

public void testHQLQueryVisitor() throws Exception {
    List<Path.PathElement> p0Path = Arrays.asList(new Path.PathElement(Book.class, Author.class, "authors"));
    FilterPredicate p0 = new NotEmptyPredicate(new Path(p0Path));
    List<Path.PathElement> p1Path = Arrays.asList(new Path.PathElement(Book.class, Author.class, "authors"), new Path.PathElement(Author.class, String.class, "name"));
    FilterPredicate p1 = new InPredicate(new Path(p1Path), "foo", "bar");
    List<Path.PathElement> p2Path = Arrays.asList(new Path.PathElement(Book.class, String.class, "name"));
    FilterPredicate p2 = new InPredicate(new Path(p2Path), "blah");
    List<Path.PathElement> p3Path = Arrays.asList(new Path.PathElement(Book.class, String.class, "genre"));
    FilterPredicate p3 = new InPredicate(new Path(p3Path), "scifi");
    OrFilterExpression or = new OrFilterExpression(p2, p3);
    AndFilterExpression and1 = new AndFilterExpression(p0, p1);
    AndFilterExpression and2 = new AndFilterExpression(or, and1);
    NotFilterExpression not = new NotFilterExpression(and2);
    FilterTranslator filterOp = new FilterTranslator(dictionary);
    String query = filterOp.apply(not, false);
    query = query.trim().replaceAll(" +", " ");
    String p1Params = p1.getParameters().stream().map(FilterPredicate.FilterParameter::getPlaceholder).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
    String p2Params = p2.getParameters().stream().map(FilterPredicate.FilterParameter::getPlaceholder).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
    String p3Params = p3.getParameters().stream().map(FilterPredicate.FilterParameter::getPlaceholder).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
    String expected = "NOT (((name IN (" + p2Params + ") OR genre IN (" + p3Params + ")) " + "AND (authors IS NOT EMPTY AND IN (" + p1Params + "))))";
    assertEquals(expected, query);
Also used : Path( OrFilterExpression( InPredicate( NotFilterExpression( Book(example.Book) Author(example.Author) FilterPredicate( NotEmptyPredicate( AndFilterExpression( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 38 with Path

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class SearchDataTransaction method canSort.

 * Returns whether or not Lucene can be used to sort the query.
 * @param sorting The elide sorting clause
 * @param entityClass The entity being sorted.
 * @return true if Lucene can sort.  False otherwise.
private boolean canSort(Sorting sorting, Type<?> entityClass) {
    for (Map.Entry<Path, Sorting.SortOrder> entry : sorting.getSortingPaths().entrySet()) {
        Path path = entry.getKey();
        if (path.getPathElements().size() != 1) {
            return false;
        Path.PathElement last = path.lastElement().get();
        String fieldName = last.getFieldName();
        if (dictionary.getAttributeOrRelationAnnotation(entityClass, SortableField.class, fieldName) == null) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : Path( SortableField( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 39 with Path

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class QueryTranslator method extractOrderBy.

 * Given a list of columns to sort on, constructs an ORDER BY clause in SQL.
 * @param sortClauses The list of sort columns and their sort order (ascending or descending).
 * @return A SQL expression
private String extractOrderBy(Map<Path, Sorting.SortOrder> sortClauses, Query query) {
    if (sortClauses.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    return " ORDER BY " + sortClauses.entrySet().stream().map((entry) -> {
        Path path = entry.getKey();
        Sorting.SortOrder order = entry.getValue();
        Path.PathElement last = path.lastElement().get();
        SQLColumnProjection projection = fieldToColumnProjection(query, last.getAlias());
        String orderByClause = (query.getColumnProjections().contains(projection) && dialect.useAliasForOrderByClause()) ? applyQuotes(projection.getSafeAlias()) : projection.toSQL(query, metaDataStore);
        return orderByClause + (order.equals(Sorting.SortOrder.desc) ? " DESC" : " ASC");
Also used : Path( Sorting(

Example 40 with Path

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class HasMemberJPQLGenerator method generate.

public String generate(FilterPredicate predicate, Function<Path, String> aliasGenerator) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(predicate.getParameters().size() == 1);
    String notMember = negated ? "NOT " : "";
    if (!FilterPredicate.toManyInPath(dictionary, predicate.getPath())) {
        return String.format("%s %sMEMBER OF %s", predicate.getParameters().get(0).getPlaceholder(), notMember, aliasGenerator.apply(predicate.getPath()));
    Path path = predicate.getPath();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(!(path.lastElement().get().getType() instanceof Collection));
    // = :authors_name_7c02839c_0)
    return String.format("%sEXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s = %s AND %s = %s)", notMember, getFromClause(path), getInnerQueryIdField(path), getOuterQueryIdField(path, aliasGenerator), getInnerFilterFieldReference(path), predicate.getParameters().get(0).getPlaceholder());
Also used : Path( Collection(java.util.Collection)


Path ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)67 FilterPredicate ( FilterExpression ( AndFilterExpression ( Query ( OrFilterExpression ( SQLUnitTest ( SQLTable ( InPredicate ( Book (example.Book)29 Day ( Date (java.util.Date)19 Argument ( EntityProjection ( GameRevenue (example.GameRevenue)14 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)14 Author (example.Author)12 Publisher (example.Publisher)9 Sorting (