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Example 16 with JsonApiDocument

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class Elide method patch.

 * Handle PATCH.
 * @param baseUrlEndPoint base URL with prefix endpoint
 * @param contentType the content type
 * @param accept the accept
 * @param path the path
 * @param jsonApiDocument the json api document
 * @param queryParams the query params
 * @param requestHeaders the request headers
 * @param opaqueUser the opaque user
 * @param apiVersion the API version
 * @param requestId the request ID
 * @return Elide response object
public ElideResponse patch(String baseUrlEndPoint, String contentType, String accept, String path, String jsonApiDocument, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders, User opaqueUser, String apiVersion, UUID requestId) {
    Handler<DataStoreTransaction, User, HandlerResult> handler;
    if (JsonApiPatch.isPatchExtension(contentType) && JsonApiPatch.isPatchExtension(accept)) {
        handler = (tx, user) -> {
            PatchRequestScope requestScope = new PatchRequestScope(baseUrlEndPoint, path, apiVersion, tx, user, requestId, queryParams, requestHeaders, elideSettings);
            try {
                Supplier<Pair<Integer, JsonNode>> responder = JsonApiPatch.processJsonPatch(dataStore, path, jsonApiDocument, requestScope);
                return new HandlerResult(requestScope, responder);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                return new HandlerResult(requestScope, e);
    } else {
        handler = (tx, user) -> {
            JsonApiDocument jsonApiDoc = mapper.readJsonApiDocument(jsonApiDocument);
            RequestScope requestScope = new RequestScope(baseUrlEndPoint, path, apiVersion, jsonApiDoc, tx, user, queryParams, requestHeaders, requestId, elideSettings);
            requestScope.setEntityProjection(new EntityProjectionMaker(elideSettings.getDictionary(), requestScope).parsePath(path));
            BaseVisitor visitor = new PatchVisitor(requestScope);
            return visit(path, requestScope, visitor);
    return handleRequest(false, opaqueUser, dataStore::beginTransaction, requestId, handler);
Also used : PatchRequestScope( User( JsonApiDocument( PatchVisitor( EntityProjectionMaker( PatchRequestScope( RequestScope( BaseVisitor( DataStoreTransaction( Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair)

Example 17 with JsonApiDocument

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class Elide method post.

 * Handle POST.
 * @param baseUrlEndPoint base URL with prefix endpoint
 * @param path the path
 * @param jsonApiDocument the json api document
 * @param queryParams the query params
 * @param requestHeaders the request headers
 * @param opaqueUser the opaque user
 * @param apiVersion the API version
 * @param requestId the request ID
 * @return Elide response object
public ElideResponse post(String baseUrlEndPoint, String path, String jsonApiDocument, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders, User opaqueUser, String apiVersion, UUID requestId) {
    return handleRequest(false, opaqueUser, dataStore::beginTransaction, requestId, (tx, user) -> {
        JsonApiDocument jsonApiDoc = mapper.readJsonApiDocument(jsonApiDocument);
        RequestScope requestScope = new RequestScope(baseUrlEndPoint, path, apiVersion, jsonApiDoc, tx, user, queryParams, requestHeaders, requestId, elideSettings);
        requestScope.setEntityProjection(new EntityProjectionMaker(elideSettings.getDictionary(), requestScope).parsePath(path));
        BaseVisitor visitor = new PostVisitor(requestScope);
        return visit(path, requestScope, visitor);
Also used : JsonApiDocument( BaseVisitor( EntityProjectionMaker( PatchRequestScope( RequestScope( PostVisitor(

Example 18 with JsonApiDocument

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class Elide method delete.

 * Handle DELETE.
 * @param baseUrlEndPoint base URL with prefix endpoint
 * @param path the path
 * @param jsonApiDocument the json api document
 * @param queryParams the query params
 * @param requestHeaders the request headers
 * @param opaqueUser the opaque user
 * @param apiVersion the API version
 * @param requestId the request ID
 * @return Elide response object
public ElideResponse delete(String baseUrlEndPoint, String path, String jsonApiDocument, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders, User opaqueUser, String apiVersion, UUID requestId) {
    return handleRequest(false, opaqueUser, dataStore::beginTransaction, requestId, (tx, user) -> {
        JsonApiDocument jsonApiDoc = StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonApiDocument) ? new JsonApiDocument() : mapper.readJsonApiDocument(jsonApiDocument);
        RequestScope requestScope = new RequestScope(baseUrlEndPoint, path, apiVersion, jsonApiDoc, tx, user, queryParams, requestHeaders, requestId, elideSettings);
        requestScope.setEntityProjection(new EntityProjectionMaker(elideSettings.getDictionary(), requestScope).parsePath(path));
        BaseVisitor visitor = new DeleteVisitor(requestScope);
        return visit(path, requestScope, visitor);
Also used : JsonApiDocument( BaseVisitor( EntityProjectionMaker( PatchRequestScope( RequestScope( DeleteVisitor(

Example 19 with JsonApiDocument

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class AsyncAPICancelRunnable method cancelAsyncAPI.

 * This method cancels queries based on threshold.
 * @param type AsyncAPI Type Implementation.
protected <T extends AsyncAPI> void cancelAsyncAPI(Class<T> type) {
    try {
        TransactionRegistry transactionRegistry = elide.getTransactionRegistry();
        Map<UUID, DataStoreTransaction> runningTransactionMap = transactionRegistry.getRunningTransactions();
        // Running transaction UUIDs
        Set<UUID> runningTransactionUUIDs = runningTransactionMap.keySet();
        // Construct filter expression
        PathElement statusPathElement = new PathElement(type, QueryStatus.class, "status");
        FilterExpression fltStatusExpression = new InPredicate(statusPathElement, QueryStatus.CANCELLED, QueryStatus.PROCESSING, QueryStatus.QUEUED);
        Iterable<T> asyncAPIIterable = asyncAPIDao.loadAsyncAPIByFilter(fltStatusExpression, type);
        // Active AsyncAPI UUIDs
        Set<UUID> asyncTransactionUUIDs =, false).filter(query -> query.getStatus() == QueryStatus.CANCELLED || TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(Math.abs(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).getTime() - query.getCreatedOn().getTime()), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) > maxRunTimeSeconds).map(query -> UUID.fromString(query.getRequestId())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        // AsyncAPI UUIDs that have active transactions
        Set<UUID> queryUUIDsToCancel = Sets.intersection(runningTransactionUUIDs, asyncTransactionUUIDs);
        // AsyncAPI IDs that need to be cancelled
        Set<String> queryIDsToCancel = ->, false).filter(query -> query.getRequestId().equals(uuid.toString())).map(T::getId).findFirst().orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        // Cancel Transactions -> {
            DataStoreTransaction runningTransaction = transactionRegistry.getRunningTransaction(uuid);
            if (runningTransaction != null) {
                JsonApiDocument jsonApiDoc = new JsonApiDocument();
                MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
                RequestScope scope = new RequestScope("", "query", NO_VERSION, jsonApiDoc, runningTransaction, null, queryParams, Collections.emptyMap(), uuid, elide.getElideSettings());
        // Change queryStatus for cancelled queries
        if (!queryIDsToCancel.isEmpty()) {
            PathElement idPathElement = new PathElement(type, String.class, "id");
            FilterExpression fltIdExpression = new InPredicate(idPathElement, queryIDsToCancel);
            asyncAPIDao.updateStatusAsyncAPIByFilter(fltIdExpression, QueryStatus.CANCEL_COMPLETE, type);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception in scheduled cancellation: {}", e.toString());
Also used : TransactionRegistry( JsonApiDocument( Date(java.util.Date) AsyncAPIDAO( Map(java.util.Map) NO_VERSION( StreamSupport( AsyncAPI( FilterExpression( QueryStatus( RequestScope( Elide( DataStoreTransaction( InPredicate( AsyncQuery( Set(java.util.Set) UUID(java.util.UUID) Collectors( MultivaluedHashMap( Sets( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) MultivaluedMap( Slf4j(lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j) Data(lombok.Data) AllArgsConstructor(lombok.AllArgsConstructor) PathElement( Collections(java.util.Collections) JsonApiDocument( TransactionRegistry( InPredicate( RequestScope( Date(java.util.Date) MultivaluedHashMap( PathElement( DataStoreTransaction( UUID(java.util.UUID) FilterExpression(

Example 20 with JsonApiDocument

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class DefaultAsyncAPIDAO method executeInTransaction.

 * This method creates a transaction from the datastore, performs the DB action using
 * a generic functional interface and closes the transaction.
 * @param dataStore Elide datastore retrieved from Elide object
 * @param action Functional interface to perform DB action
 * @return Object Returns Entity Object (AsyncAPIResult or AsyncResult)
protected Object executeInTransaction(DataStore dataStore, Transactional action) {
    Object result = null;
    try (DataStoreTransaction tx = dataStore.beginTransaction()) {
        JsonApiDocument jsonApiDoc = new JsonApiDocument();
        MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
        RequestScope scope = new RequestScope("", "query", NO_VERSION, jsonApiDoc, tx, null, queryParams, Collections.emptyMap(), UUID.randomUUID(), elideSettings);
        result = action.execute(tx, scope);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("IOException: {}", e.toString());
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return result;
Also used : MultivaluedHashMap( JsonApiDocument( DataStoreTransaction( IOException( RequestScope(


JsonApiDocument ( Resource ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)26 PersistentResource ( RequestScope ( MultivaluedHashMap ( Data ( IOException ( TestRequestScope ( Parent (example.Parent)6 InvalidEntityBodyException ( EntityProjectionMaker ( PatchRequestScope ( Relationship ( BaseVisitor ( Child (example.Child)4 DataStoreTransaction ( JsonApiMapper ( DocumentProcessor ( IncludedProcessor (