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Example 31 with Request

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class FileDistributionImpl method startDownloadingFileReferences.

// Notifies config proxy which file references it should start downloading. It's OK if the call does not succeed,
// as downloading will then start synchronously when a service requests a file reference instead
private void startDownloadingFileReferences(String hostName, int port, Set<FileReference> fileReferences) {
    Target target = supervisor.connect(new Spec(hostName, port));
    double timeout = 0.1;
    Request request = new Request("filedistribution.setFileReferencesToDownload");
    request.parameters().add(new StringArray([]::new)));
    log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Executing " + request.methodName() + " against " + target.toString());
    target.invokeSync(request, timeout);
    if (request.isError() && request.errorCode() != ErrorCode.CONNECTION) {
        log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, request.methodName() + " failed: " + request.errorCode() + " (" + request.errorMessage() + ")");
Also used : Target( StringArray( Request( Spec(

Example 32 with Request

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class GetConfigProcessor method respond.

private void respond(JRTServerConfigRequest request) {
    final Request req = request.getRequest();
    if (req.isError()) {
        Level logLevel = (req.errorCode() == ErrorCode.APPLICATION_NOT_LOADED) ? LogLevel.DEBUG : LogLevel.INFO;
        log.log(logLevel, logPre + req.errorMessage());
Also used : Request( Level(java.util.logging.Level) LogLevel(

Example 33 with Request

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class SuperModelControllerTest method test_unknown_config_definition.

@Test(expected = UnknownConfigDefinitionException.class)
public void test_unknown_config_definition() {
    String md5 = "asdfasf";
    Request request = JRTClientConfigRequestV3.createWithParams(new ConfigKey<>("foo", "id", "bar", md5, null), DefContent.fromList(Collections.emptyList()), "fromHost", md5, 1, 1, Trace.createDummy(), CompressionType.UNCOMPRESSED, Optional.empty()).getRequest();
    JRTServerConfigRequestV3 v3Request = JRTServerConfigRequestV3.createFromRequest(request);
Also used : ConfigKey( Request( JRTServerConfigRequestV3( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 34 with Request

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class RpcClient method getDocsums.

public void getDocsums(List<FastHit> hits, NodeConnection node, CompressionType compression, int uncompressedLength, byte[] compressedSlime, Dispatcher.GetDocsumsResponseReceiver responseReceiver, double timeoutSeconds) {
    Request request = new Request("proton.getDocsums");
    request.parameters().add(new Int8Value(compression.getCode()));
    request.parameters().add(new Int32Value(uncompressedLength));
    request.parameters().add(new DataValue(compressedSlime));
    RpcNodeConnection rpcNode = ((RpcNodeConnection) node);
    rpcNode.invokeAsync(request, timeoutSeconds, new RpcResponseWaiter(rpcNode, responseReceiver));
Also used : DataValue( Request( Int8Value( Int32Value(

Example 35 with Request

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class Register method handleUpdate.

 * Invoked by the update task.
private void handleUpdate() {
    if (reqDone) {
        reqDone = false;
        boolean logOnSuccess = false;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (req.methodName().equals(UNREGISTER_METHOD_NAME)) {
                logOnSuccess = true;
                // Why is this remove() here and not in unregisterName? Because at that time there may be
                // an in-flight request for the registration of name, and in case handleUpdate() would
                // anyway have to have special code for handling a removed name, e.g. testing for name
                // being in names which is O(N).
            } else {
                final Boolean lastSucceeded = lastRegisterSucceeded.get(name);
                if (lastSucceeded == null || lastSucceeded != !req.isError()) {
                    logOnSuccess = true;
                    lastRegisterSucceeded.put(name, !req.isError());
        if (req.isError()) {
            if (req.errorCode() != ErrorCode.METHOD_FAILED) {
                log.log(Level.INFO, logMessagePrefix() + " failed, will disconnect: " + req.errorMessage() + " (code " + req.errorCode() + ")");
                target = null;
            } else {
                log.log(Level.WARNING, logMessagePrefix() + " failed: " + req.errorMessage());
        } else {
            log.log(logOnSuccess ? Level.INFO : Level.FINE, logMessagePrefix() + " completed successfully");
        req = null;
        name = null;
    if (req != null) {
        log.log(Level.FINEST, "req in progress");
        // current request still in progress
    if (target != null && !slobroks.contains(currSlobrok)) {
        log.log(Level.INFO, "RPC server " + mySpec + ": Slobrok server " + currSlobrok + " removed, will disconnect");
        target = null;
    if (target == null) {
        currSlobrok = slobroks.nextSlobrokSpec();
        if (currSlobrok == null) {
            double delay = backOff.get();
            Level level = backOff.shouldWarn(delay) ? Level.WARNING : Level.FINE;
            log.log(level, "RPC server " + mySpec + ": All Slobrok servers tried, will retry in " + delay + " seconds: " + slobroks);
        target = orb.connect(new Spec(currSlobrok));
        String namesString = null;
        final boolean logFine = log.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
        synchronized (this) {
            if (logFine) {
                // 'names' must only be accessed in a synchronized(this) block
                namesString = names.toString();
        if (logFine) {
            log.log(Level.FINE, "RPC server " + mySpec + ": Connect to Slobrok server " + currSlobrok + " and reregister all Slobrok names: " + namesString);
    synchronized (this) {
        if (unreg.size() > 0) {
            name = unreg.remove(unreg.size() - 1);
            req = new Request(UNREGISTER_METHOD_NAME);
        } else if (pending.size() > 0) {
            name = pending.remove(pending.size() - 1);
            req = new Request(REGISTER_METHOD_NAME);
        } else {
            log.log(Level.FINE, "RPC server " + mySpec + ": Reregister all Slobrok names in 30 seconds: " + names);
    req.parameters().add(new StringValue(name));
    req.parameters().add(new StringValue(mySpec));
    log.log(Level.FINE, logMessagePrefix() + " now");
    target.invokeAsync(req, 35.0, reqWait);
Also used : Request( Level(java.util.logging.Level) Spec( StringValue(


Request ( Test (org.junit.Test)18 Spec ( StringValue ( Target ( Supervisor ( Transport ( Int32Value ( NodeState ( ConfiguredNode ( Node ( DataValue ( Int8Value ( Distribution ( StringArray ( Values ( ClusterState ( RawConfig ( JRTServerConfigRequestV3 ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2