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the class ConsumerImpl method redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages.
public void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(Set<MessageIdImpl> messageIds) {
if (conf.getSubscriptionType() != SubscriptionType.Shared) {
// We cannot redeliver single messages if subscription type is not Shared
ClientCnx cnx = cnx();
if (isConnected() && cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion() >= ProtocolVersion.v2.getNumber()) {
int messagesFromQueue = removeExpiredMessagesFromQueue(messageIds);
Iterable<List<MessageIdImpl>> batches = Iterables.partition(messageIds, MAX_REDELIVER_UNACKNOWLEDGED);
MessageIdData.Builder builder = MessageIdData.newBuilder();
batches.forEach(ids -> {
List<MessageIdData> messageIdDatas = -> {
ByteBuf cmd = Commands.newRedeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(consumerId, messageIdDatas);
cnx.ctx().writeAndFlush(cmd, cnx.ctx().voidPromise());
if (messagesFromQueue > 0) {
increaseAvailablePermits(cnx, messagesFromQueue);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] [{}] Redeliver unacked messages and increase {} permits", subscription, topic, consumerName, messagesFromQueue);
if (cnx == null || (getState() == State.Connecting)) {
log.warn("[{}] Client Connection needs to be establised for redelivery of unacknowledged messages", this);
} else {
log.warn("[{}] Reconnecting the client to redeliver the messages.", this);
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the class MessageIdTest method testChecksumVersionComptability.
* Verifies: different versions of broker-deployment (one broker understands Checksum and other
* doesn't in that case remove checksum before sending to broker-2)
* client first produce message with checksum and then retries to send message due to connection unavailable. But this time, if
* broker doesn't understand checksum: then client should remove checksum from the message before sending to broker.
* 1. stop broker
* 2. client compute checksum and add into message
* 3. produce 2 messages and corrupt 1 message
* 4. start broker with lower version (which doesn't support checksum)
* 5. client reconnects to broker and due to incompatibility of version: removes checksum from message
* 6. broker doesn't do checksum validation and persist message
* 7. client receives ack
* @throws Exception
public void testChecksumVersionComptability() throws Exception {
final String topicName = "persistent://prop/use/ns-abc/topic1";
// 1. producer connect
ProducerImpl prod = (ProducerImpl) pulsarClient.createProducer(topicName);
ProducerImpl producer = spy(prod);
// return higher version compare to broker : so, it forces client-producer to remove checksum from payload
doReturn(producer.brokerChecksumSupportedVersion() + 1).when(producer).brokerChecksumSupportedVersion();
doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> prod.getState()).when(producer).getState();
doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> prod.getClientCnx()).when(producer).getClientCnx();
doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> prod.cnx()).when(producer).cnx();
Consumer consumer = pulsarClient.subscribe(topicName, "my-sub");
// Stop the broker, and publishes messages. Messages are accumulated in the producer queue and they're checksums
// would have already been computed. If we change the message content at that point, it should result in a
// checksum validation error
// stop timer to auto-reconnect as let spy-Producer connect to broker manually so, spy-producer object can get
// mock-value from brokerChecksumSupportedVersion
((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient).timer().stop();
ClientCnx mockClientCnx = spy(new ClientCnx((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient));
doReturn(producer.brokerChecksumSupportedVersion() - 1).when(mockClientCnx).getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion();
Message msg1 = MessageBuilder.create().setContent("message-1".getBytes()).build();
CompletableFuture<MessageId> future1 = producer.sendAsync(msg1);
Message msg2 = MessageBuilder.create().setContent("message-2".getBytes()).build();
CompletableFuture<MessageId> future2 = producer.sendAsync(msg2);
// corrupt the message
// new content would be 'message-3'
msg2.getData()[msg2.getData().length - 1] = '3';
// Restart the broker to have the messages published
// grab broker connection with mocked producer which has higher version compare to broker
try {
// it should not fail: as due to unsupported version of broker: client removes checksum and broker should
// ignore the checksum validation
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Broker shouldn't verify checksum for corrupted message and it shouldn't fail");
((ConsumerImpl) consumer).grabCnx();
// We should only receive msg1
Message msg = consumer.receive(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(new String(msg.getData()), "message-1");
msg = consumer.receive(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(new String(msg.getData()), "message-3");
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the class MessageIdTest method testCorruptMessageRemove.
* Verifies: if message is corrupted before sending to broker and if broker gives checksum error: then
* 1. Client-Producer recomputes checksum with modified data
* 2. Retry message-send again
* 3. Broker verifies checksum
* 4. client receives send-ack success
* @throws Exception
public void testCorruptMessageRemove() throws Exception {
final String topicName = "persistent://prop/use/ns-abc/retry-topic";
ProducerConfiguration config = new ProducerConfiguration();
config.setSendTimeout(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
// 1. producer connect
Producer prod = pulsarClient.createProducer(topicName, config);
ProducerImpl producer = spy((ProducerImpl) prod);
Field producerIdField = ProducerImpl.class.getDeclaredField("producerId");
long producerId = (long) producerIdField.get(producer);
// registered spy ProducerImpl
producer.cnx().registerProducer(producerId, producer);
Consumer consumer = pulsarClient.subscribe(topicName, "my-sub");
// 2. Stop the broker, and publishes messages. Messages are accumulated in the producer queue and they're
// checksums
// would have already been computed. If we change the message content at that point, it should result in a
// checksum validation error
// enable checksum at producer
Message msg = MessageBuilder.create().setContent("message-1".getBytes()).build();
CompletableFuture<MessageId> future = producer.sendAsync(msg);
// 3. corrupt the message
// new content would be 'message-3'
msg.getData()[msg.getData().length - 1] = '2';
// 4. Restart the broker to have the messages published
try {
fail("send message should have failed with checksum excetion");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof PulsarClientException.ChecksumException) {
//ok (callback should get checksum exception as message was modified and corrupt)
} else {
fail("Callback should have only failed with ChecksumException", e);
// 5. Verify
// (5.1) Verify: producer's recoverChecksumError and updateChecksum invoked
verify(producer, times(1)).recoverChecksumError(any(), anyLong());
verify(producer, times(1)).verifyLocalBufferIsNotCorrupted(any());
* (5.3) verify: ProducerImpl.verifyLocalBufferIsNotCorrupted() => validates if message
* is corrupt
MessageImpl msg2 = (MessageImpl) MessageBuilder.create().setContent("message-1".getBytes()).build();
ByteBuf payload = msg2.getDataBuffer();
Builder metadataBuilder = ((MessageImpl) msg).getMessageBuilder();
MessageMetadata msgMetadata = metadataBuilder.setProducerName("test").setSequenceId(1).setPublishTime(10L).build();
ByteBuf cmd = Commands.newSend(producerId, 1, 1, ChecksumType.Crc32c, msgMetadata, payload);
// (a) create OpSendMsg with message-data : "message-1"
OpSendMsg op = OpSendMsg.create(((MessageImpl) msg), cmd, 1, null);
// a.verify: as message is not corrupt: no need to update checksum
// (b) corrupt message
// new content would be 'message-2'
msg2.getData()[msg2.getData().length - 1] = '2';
// b. verify: as message is corrupt: update checksum
assertEquals(producer.getPendingQueueSize(), 0);
// [2] test-recoverChecksumError functionality
MessageImpl msg1 = (MessageImpl) MessageBuilder.create().setContent("message-1".getBytes()).build();
future = producer.sendAsync(msg1);
ClientCnx cnx = spy(new ClientCnx((PulsarClientImpl) pulsarClient) {
String exc = "broker is already stopped";
// when client-try to recover checksum by resending to broker: throw exception as broker is stopped
doThrow(new IllegalStateException(exc)).when(cnx).ctx();
try {
producer.recoverChecksumError(cnx, 1);
fail("it should call : resendMessages() => which should throw above mocked exception");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
assertEquals(exc, e.getMessage());
// clean reference of mocked producer
producer = null;
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the class PulsarSpout method fail.
public void fail(Object msgId) {
if (msgId instanceof Message) {
Message msg = (Message) msgId;
MessageId id = msg.getMessageId();
LOG.warn("[{}] Error processing message {}", spoutId, id);
// Since the message processing failed, we put it in the failed messages queue if there are more retries
// remaining for the message
MessageRetries messageRetries = pendingMessageRetries.computeIfAbsent(id, (k) -> new MessageRetries());
if ((failedRetriesTimeoutNano < 0 || (messageRetries.getTimeStamp() + failedRetriesTimeoutNano) > System.nanoTime()) && (maxFailedRetries < 0 || messageRetries.numRetries < maxFailedRetries)) {
// since we can retry again, we increment retry count and put it in the queue"[{}] Putting message {} in the retry queue", spoutId, id);
pendingMessageRetries.putIfAbsent(id, messageRetries);
} else {
LOG.warn("[{}] Number of retries limit reached, dropping the message {}", spoutId, id);
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the class MessageIdSerialization method testProtobufSerialization2.
void testProtobufSerialization2() throws Exception {
MessageId id = new MessageIdImpl(1, 2, -1);
byte[] serializedId = id.toByteArray();
assertEquals(MessageId.fromByteArray(serializedId), id);