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Example 11 with DBException

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class MongoDbClient method init.

   * Initialize any state for this DB. Called once per DB instance; there is one
   * DB instance per client thread.
public void init() throws DBException {
    synchronized (INCLUDE) {
        if (mongoClient != null) {
        Properties props = getProperties();
        // Set insert batchsize, default 1 - to be YCSB-original equivalent
        batchSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("batchsize", "1"));
        // Set is inserts are done as upserts. Defaults to false.
        useUpsert = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("mongodb.upsert", "false"));
        // Just use the standard connection format URL
        // to configure the client.
        String url = props.getProperty("mongodb.url", null);
        boolean defaultedUrl = false;
        if (url == null) {
            defaultedUrl = true;
            url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/ycsb?w=1";
        url = OptionsSupport.updateUrl(url, props);
        if (!url.startsWith("mongodb://")) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid URL: '" + url + "'. Must be of the form " + "'mongodb://<host1>:<port1>,<host2>:<port2>/database?options'. " + "");
        try {
            MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(url);
            String uriDb = uri.getDatabase();
            if (!defaultedUrl && (uriDb != null) && !uriDb.isEmpty() && !"admin".equals(uriDb)) {
                databaseName = uriDb;
            } else {
                // If no database is specified in URI, use "ycsb"
                databaseName = "ycsb";
            readPreference = uri.getOptions().getReadPreference();
            writeConcern = uri.getOptions().getWriteConcern();
            mongoClient = new MongoClient(uri);
            database = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName).withReadPreference(readPreference).withWriteConcern(writeConcern);
            System.out.println("mongo client connection created with " + url);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            System.err.println("Could not initialize MongoDB connection pool for Loader: " + e1.toString());
Also used : MongoClient(com.mongodb.MongoClient) MongoClientURI(com.mongodb.MongoClientURI) Properties(java.util.Properties) DBException(

Example 12 with DBException

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class KuduYCSBClient method init.

public void init() throws DBException {
    String tableName = getProperties().getProperty(TABLENAME_PROPERTY, TABLENAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT);
    initClient(tableName, getProperties());
    this.session = client.newSession();
    if (getProperties().getProperty(SYNC_OPS_OPT) != null && getProperties().getProperty(SYNC_OPS_OPT).equals("false")) {
    } else {
    try {
        this.kuduTable = client.openTable(tableName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DBException("Could not open a table because of:", e);
Also used : DBException( DBException( TimeoutException(com.stumbleupon.async.TimeoutException)

Example 13 with DBException

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class JdbcDBClient method init.

public void init() throws DBException {
    if (initialized) {
        System.err.println("Client connection already initialized.");
    props = getProperties();
    String urls = props.getProperty(CONNECTION_URL, DEFAULT_PROP);
    String user = props.getProperty(CONNECTION_USER, DEFAULT_PROP);
    String passwd = props.getProperty(CONNECTION_PASSWD, DEFAULT_PROP);
    String driver = props.getProperty(DRIVER_CLASS);
    this.jdbcFetchSize = getIntProperty(props, JDBC_FETCH_SIZE);
    this.batchSize = getIntProperty(props, DB_BATCH_SIZE);
    this.autoCommit = getBoolProperty(props, JDBC_AUTO_COMMIT, true);
    this.batchUpdates = getBoolProperty(props, JDBC_BATCH_UPDATES, false);
    try {
        if (driver != null) {
        int shardCount = 0;
        conns = new ArrayList<Connection>(3);
        final String[] urlArr = urls.split(",");
        for (String url : urlArr) {
            System.out.println("Adding shard node URL: " + url);
            Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
            // Since there is no explicit commit method in the DB interface, all
            // operations should auto commit, except when explicitly told not to
            // (this is necessary in cases such as for PostgreSQL when running a
            // scan workload with fetchSize)
        System.out.println("Using shards: " + shardCount + ", batchSize:" + batchSize + ", fetchSize: " + jdbcFetchSize);
        cachedStatements = new ConcurrentHashMap<StatementType, PreparedStatement>();
        this.dbFlavor = DBFlavor.fromJdbcUrl(urlArr[0]);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        System.err.println("Error in initializing the JDBS driver: " + e);
        throw new DBException(e);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        System.err.println("Error in database operation: " + e);
        throw new DBException(e);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        System.err.println("Invalid value for fieldcount property. " + e);
        throw new DBException(e);
    initialized = true;
Also used : DBException(

Example 14 with DBException

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class S3Client method init.

  * Initialize any state for the storage.
  * Called once per S3 instance; If the client is not null it is re-used.
public void init() throws DBException {
    final int count = INIT_COUNT.incrementAndGet();
    synchronized (S3Client.class) {
        Properties propsCL = getProperties();
        int recordcount = Integer.parseInt(propsCL.getProperty("recordcount"));
        int operationcount = Integer.parseInt(propsCL.getProperty("operationcount"));
        int numberOfOperations = 0;
        if (recordcount > 0) {
            if (recordcount > operationcount) {
                numberOfOperations = recordcount;
            } else {
                numberOfOperations = operationcount;
        } else {
            numberOfOperations = operationcount;
        if (count <= numberOfOperations) {
            String accessKeyId = null;
            String secretKey = null;
            String endPoint = null;
            String region = null;
            String maxErrorRetry = null;
            String maxConnections = null;
            String protocol = null;
            BasicAWSCredentials s3Credentials;
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig;
            if (s3Client != null) {
                System.out.println("Reusing the same client");
            try {
                InputStream propFile = S3Client.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");
                Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
                accessKeyId = props.getProperty("s3.accessKeyId");
                if (accessKeyId == null) {
                    accessKeyId = propsCL.getProperty("s3.accessKeyId");
                secretKey = props.getProperty("s3.secretKey");
                if (secretKey == null) {
                    secretKey = propsCL.getProperty("s3.secretKey");
                endPoint = props.getProperty("s3.endPoint");
                if (endPoint == null) {
                    endPoint = propsCL.getProperty("s3.endPoint", "");
                region = props.getProperty("s3.region");
                if (region == null) {
                    region = propsCL.getProperty("s3.region", "us-east-1");
                maxErrorRetry = props.getProperty("s3.maxErrorRetry");
                if (maxErrorRetry == null) {
                    maxErrorRetry = propsCL.getProperty("s3.maxErrorRetry", "15");
                maxConnections = props.getProperty("s3.maxConnections");
                if (maxConnections == null) {
                    maxConnections = propsCL.getProperty("s3.maxConnections");
                protocol = props.getProperty("s3.protocol");
                if (protocol == null) {
                    protocol = propsCL.getProperty("s3.protocol", "HTTPS");
                sse = props.getProperty("s3.sse");
                if (sse == null) {
                    sse = propsCL.getProperty("s3.sse", "false");
                String ssec = props.getProperty("s3.ssec");
                if (ssec == null) {
                    ssec = propsCL.getProperty("s3.ssec", null);
                } else {
                    ssecKey = new SSECustomerKey(ssec);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("The file properties doesn't exist " + e.toString());
            try {
                System.out.println("Inizializing the S3 connection");
                s3Credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKeyId, secretKey);
                clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration();
                if (protocol.equals("HTTP")) {
                } else {
                if (maxConnections != null) {
                s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(s3Credentials, clientConfig);
                System.out.println("Connection successfully initialized");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Could not connect to S3 storage: " + e.toString());
                throw new DBException(e);
        } else {
            System.err.println("The number of threads must be less or equal than the operations");
            throw new DBException(new Error("The number of threads must be less or equal than the operations"));
Also used : DBException( SSECustomerKey( AmazonS3Client( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( AmazonS3Client( Properties(java.util.Properties) ClientConfiguration(com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration) DBException(

Example 15 with DBException

use of in project YCSB by brianfrankcooper.

the class RadosClient method init.

public void init() throws DBException {
    Properties props = getProperties();
    String configfile = props.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY);
    if (configfile == null) {
        configfile = CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT;
    String id = props.getProperty(ID_PROPERTY);
    if (id == null) {
        id = ID_DEFAULT;
    String pool = props.getProperty(POOL_PROPERTY);
    if (pool == null) {
        pool = POOL_DEFAULT;
    // try {
    // } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
    //   throw new DBException("RADOS library is not loaded.");
    // }
    rados = new Rados(id);
    try {
        rados.confReadFile(new File(configfile));
        ioctx = rados.ioCtxCreate(pool);
    } catch (RadosException e) {
        throw new DBException(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());
    isInited = true;
Also used : DBException( Rados(com.ceph.rados.Rados) RadosException(com.ceph.rados.exceptions.RadosException) Properties(java.util.Properties) File(


DBException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)15 IOException ( TimeoutException (com.stumbleupon.async.TimeoutException)2 Measurements ( AerospikeException (com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException)1 ClientPolicy (com.aerospike.client.policy.ClientPolicy)1 MongoClientConfiguration (com.allanbank.mongodb.MongoClientConfiguration)1 MongoDbUri (com.allanbank.mongodb.MongoDbUri)1 ClientConfiguration (com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration)1 AmazonS3Client ( SSECustomerKey ( ArangoConfigure (com.arangodb.ArangoConfigure)1 ArangoDBException (com.arangodb.ArangoDBException)1 ArangoDriver (com.arangodb.ArangoDriver)1 ArangoException (com.arangodb.ArangoException)1 ArangoHost (com.arangodb.ArangoHost)1 MapBuilder (com.arangodb.util.MapBuilder)1 VPackBuilder (com.arangodb.velocypack.VPackBuilder)1 Rados (com.ceph.rados.Rados)1