use of com.zimbra.client.ZMessage in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestFilter method testNotifyAction.
public /**
* Tests the Zimbra-specifict 'notify' action format (not RFC compliant format)
* Note: please set 'zimbraSieveNotifyActionRFCCompliant' to FALSE.
void testNotifyAction() throws Exception {
if (mAvailableRFCCompliantNotify) {
fail("Unable to test because 'zimbraSieveNotifyActionRFCCompliant' is set to TRUE");
List<ZFilterRule> rules = new ArrayList<ZFilterRule>();
List<ZFilterCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<ZFilterCondition>();
List<ZFilterAction> actions = new ArrayList<ZFilterAction>();
conditions.add(new ZFilterCondition.ZTrueCondition());
// add an action to notify user2
actions.add(new ZFilterAction.ZNotifyAction(TestUtil.getAddress(REMOTE_USER_NAME), "${SUBJECT}", "From: ${FROM}, Message: ${BODY}"));
rules.add(new ZFilterRule("testNotifyAction", true, false, conditions, actions));
saveIncomingRules(mMbox, new ZFilterRules(rules));
String subject = NAME_PREFIX + " testNotifyAction";
String body = "Hi, How r u?";
String msg = new MessageBuilder().withFrom(REMOTE_USER_NAME).withSubject(subject).withBody(body).create();
// send msg to user1
TestUtil.addMessageLmtp(new String[] { USER_NAME }, REMOTE_USER_NAME, msg);
// check msg got filed into user1's mailbox
TestUtil.getMessage(mMbox, "in:inbox subject:\"" + subject + "\"");
// check notification msg from user1 in user2's mailbox, it should have the same subject
ZMessage zMessage = TestUtil.waitForMessage(TestUtil.getZMailbox(REMOTE_USER_NAME), "in:inbox subject:\"" + subject + "\"");
ZMessage.ZMimePart mimeStructure = zMessage.getMimeStructure();
String bodyContent = mimeStructure.getContent();
assertTrue("template vars should be replaced", !bodyContent.contains("${FROM}") && !bodyContent.contains("${BODY}"));
assertTrue(bodyContent.contains(TestUtil.getAddress(REMOTE_USER_NAME)) && bodyContent.contains(body));
// bug 65369
assertTrue(!mimeStructure.getContentType().contains("charset") || mimeStructure.getContentType().contains(MimeConstants.P_CHARSET_ASCII));
use of com.zimbra.client.ZMessage in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDraftCount method testMixedFolderCount.
public void testMixedFolderCount() throws Exception {
//some inbox messages
for (int i = 0; i < numMsgs; i++) {
TestUtil.addMessage(mbox, "test content " + i, "2");
//and some drafts, some of which have no recipients
for (int i = 0; i < numMsgs; i++) {
ZOutgoingMessage msg = new ZOutgoingMessage();
msg.setMessagePart(new MessagePart("text/plain", "test body " + i));
msg.setSubject("test message " + i);
List<ZEmailAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<ZEmailAddress>();
if (i % 2 == 0) {
addresses.add(new ZEmailAddress("testuser" + i, null, null, "t"));
ZMessage saved = mbox.saveDraft(msg, null, "6");
checkMessageCount("in:inbox OR in:drafts", numMsgs * 2);
deleteFromQuery("in:inbox OR in:drafts");
use of com.zimbra.client.ZMessage in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestFilter method testRedirectMailLoop.
* Confirms that the message gets delivered even when a mail loop occurs.
public void testRedirectMailLoop() throws Exception {
List<ZFilterCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<ZFilterCondition>();
List<ZFilterAction> actions = new ArrayList<ZFilterAction>();
List<ZFilterRule> rules = new ArrayList<ZFilterRule>();
// if subject contains "testRedirectMailLoop", redirect to user1
conditions.add(new ZHeaderCondition("subject", HeaderOp.CONTAINS, "testRedirectMailLoop"));
actions.add(new ZRedirectAction(TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME)));
rules.add(new ZFilterRule("testRedirectMailLoop", true, false, conditions, actions));
ZFilterRules zRules = new ZFilterRules(rules);
saveIncomingRules(mMbox, zRules);
// Add a message.
String subject = NAME_PREFIX + " testRedirectMailLoop";
TestUtil.addMessageLmtp(subject, USER_NAME, USER_NAME);
// Confirm that user1 received it.
ZMessage msg = TestUtil.waitForMessage(mMbox, "subject:\"" + subject + "\"");
byte[] content = TestUtil.getContent(mMbox, msg.getId()).getBytes();
MimeMessage mimeMsg = new MimeMessage(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
assertEquals(user1.getName(), mimeMsg.getHeader(FilterUtil.HEADER_FORWARDED));
use of com.zimbra.client.ZMessage in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestFilter method testBase64Subject.
* Confirms that a message with a base64-encoded subject can be filtered correctly
* (bug 11219).
public void testBase64Subject() throws Exception {
// if subject contains "Cortes de luz", tag with testBase64Subject and stop
List<ZFilterRule> rules = new ArrayList<ZFilterRule>();
List<ZFilterCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<ZFilterCondition>();
List<ZFilterAction> actions = new ArrayList<ZFilterAction>();
conditions.add(new ZHeaderCondition("subject", HeaderOp.CONTAINS, "Cortes de luz"));
actions.add(new ZTagAction(TAG1_NAME));
rules.add(new ZFilterRule("testBase64Subject", true, false, conditions, actions));
ZFilterRules zRules = new ZFilterRules(rules);
saveIncomingRules(mMbox, zRules);
String address = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME);
TestUtil.addMessageLmtp("=?UTF-8?B?W2l0dnNmLUluY2lkZW5jaWFzXVs0OTc3Ml0gW2luY2lkZW5jaWFzLXZpbGxhbnVldmFdIENvcnRlcyBkZSBsdXosIGTDrWEgMjUvMDkvMjAwNi4=?=", address, address);
List<ZMessage> messages =, "Cortes de luz");
assertEquals("Unexpected number of messages", 1, messages.size());
List<ZTag> tags = mMbox.getTags(messages.get(0).getTagIds());
assertEquals("Unexpected number of tags", 1, tags.size());
assertEquals("Tag didn't match", TAG1_NAME, tags.get(0).getName());
use of com.zimbra.client.ZMessage in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestTagFilterRules method testRenameTag.
* Verifies that filter rules are updated when a tag is renamed.
public void testRenameTag() throws Exception {
// Send message
String sender = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME);
String recipient = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME);
String subject = SUBJECT_PREFIX + "testRenameTag 1";
TestUtil.addMessageLmtp(subject, recipient, sender);
// Confirm that the original tag was applied
ZMessage msg = TestUtil.getMessage(mMbox, "tag:" + TAG_NAME);
TestUtil.verifyTag(mMbox, msg, TAG_NAME);
// Rename tag
mMbox.renameTag(mTag.getId(), NEW_TAG_NAME);
// Confirm filter rules were updated
ZTagAction action = (ZTagAction) mMbox.getIncomingFilterRules(true).getRules().get(0).getActions().get(0);
assertEquals("Tag name didn't change", NEW_TAG_NAME, action.getTagName());
// Send another message
subject = SUBJECT_PREFIX + " testRenameTag 2";
TestUtil.addMessageLmtp(subject, recipient, sender);
// Confirm that the new tag name is now applied to both messages
List<ZMessage> messages =, "tag:\"" + NEW_TAG_NAME + "\"");
assertEquals("Incorrect number of tagged messages", 2, messages.size());
for (ZMessage msg2 : messages) {
TestUtil.verifyTag(mMbox, msg2, NEW_TAG_NAME);