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Example 26 with ZProperty

use of com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ForwardCalendarItem method setDescProps.

private static void setDescProps(ZVCalendar cal, String descPlain, String descHtml) {
    for (Iterator<ZComponent> compIter = cal.getComponentIterator(); compIter.hasNext(); ) {
        ZComponent comp =;
        ICalTok compName = ICalTok.lookup(comp.getName());
        if (ICalTok.VEVENT.equals(compName) || ICalTok.VTODO.equals(compName)) {
            // Remove existing DESCRIPTION and X-ALT-DESC properties.
            for (Iterator<ZProperty> propIter = comp.getPropertyIterator(); propIter.hasNext(); ) {
                ZProperty prop =;
                ICalTok tok = prop.getToken();
                if (ICalTok.DESCRIPTION.equals(tok) || ICalTok.X_ALT_DESC.equals(tok))
            if (descPlain != null && descPlain.length() > 0) {
                comp.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.DESCRIPTION, descPlain));
            if (descHtml != null && descHtml.length() > 0) {
                ZProperty prop = new ZProperty(ICalTok.X_ALT_DESC, descHtml);
                prop.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.FMTTYPE, MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_HTML));
            // only update the first component (comps are ordered correctly)
Also used : ZComponent(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZComponent) ZProperty(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty) ZParameter(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZParameter) ICalTok(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok)

Example 27 with ZProperty

use of com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ForwardCalendarItem method setSentByAndAttendees.

private static void setSentByAndAttendees(ZVCalendar cal, String sentBy, Address[] rcpts) throws ServiceException {
    // Set SENT-BY to sender's email address in ORGANIZER property of all VEVENT/VTODO components.
    // Required by Outlook.
    // Also, remove existing ATTENDEEs and add ATTENDEE lines for forwardees.
    String sentByAddr = "mailto:" + sentBy;
    for (Iterator<ZComponent> compIter = cal.getComponentIterator(); compIter.hasNext(); ) {
        ZComponent comp =;
        ICalTok compName = ICalTok.lookup(comp.getName());
        if (ICalTok.VEVENT.equals(compName) || ICalTok.VTODO.equals(compName)) {
            // Remove existing ATTENDEEs and X-MS-OLK-SENDER.
            for (Iterator<ZProperty> propIter = comp.getPropertyIterator(); propIter.hasNext(); ) {
                ZProperty prop =;
                if (ICalTok.ATTENDEE.equals(prop.getToken()) || "X-MS-OLK-SENDER".equalsIgnoreCase(prop.getName()))
            // SENT-BY
            ZProperty orgProp = comp.getProperty(ICalTok.ORGANIZER);
            if (orgProp != null) {
                ZParameter sentByParam = orgProp.getParameter(ICalTok.SENT_BY);
                if (sentByParam != null) {
                } else {
                    sentByParam = new ZParameter(ICalTok.SENT_BY, sentByAddr);
                // Set X-MS-OLK-SENDER, another Outlook special.
                ZProperty xMsOlkSender = new ZProperty("X-MS-OLK-SENDER");
            // ATTENDEEs
            if (rcpts == null)
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("Missing forwardees", null);
            for (Address r : rcpts) {
                InternetAddress rcpt = (InternetAddress) r;
                String email = "mailto:" + rcpt.getAddress();
                ZProperty att = new ZProperty(ICalTok.ATTENDEE, email);
                String name = rcpt.getPersonal();
                if (name != null && name.length() > 0)
                    att.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.CN, name));
                att.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.PARTSTAT, ICalTok.NEEDS_ACTION.toString()));
                att.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.RSVP, "TRUE"));
Also used : ZComponent(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZComponent) InternetAddress(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress) JavaMailInternetAddress(com.zimbra.common.mime.shim.JavaMailInternetAddress) Address(javax.mail.Address) InternetAddress(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress) JavaMailInternetAddress(com.zimbra.common.mime.shim.JavaMailInternetAddress) ZProperty(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty) ZParameter(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZParameter) ICalTok(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok)

Example 28 with ZProperty

use of com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ICalTimeZone method newToVTimeZone.

public ZComponent newToVTimeZone() {
    ZComponent vtz = new ZComponent(ICalTok.VTIMEZONE);
    vtz.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZID, getID()));
    if (mDayToStdDtStart != null) {
        ZComponent standard = new ZComponent(ICalTok.STANDARD);
        standard.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.DTSTART, mDayToStdDtStart));
        standard.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZOFFSETTO, timeToTzOffsetString(mStandardOffset)));
        standard.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZOFFSETFROM, timeToTzOffsetString(mDaylightOffset)));
        if (mDayToStdRule != null)
            standard.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.RRULE, mDayToStdRule));
        if (mStandardTzname != null)
            standard.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZNAME, mStandardTzname));
    if (mStdToDayDtStart != null && (mStandardOffset != mDaylightOffset || mDayToStdDtStart == null)) {
        ZComponent daylight = new ZComponent(ICalTok.DAYLIGHT);
        daylight.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.DTSTART, mStdToDayDtStart));
        daylight.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZOFFSETTO, timeToTzOffsetString(mDaylightOffset)));
        daylight.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZOFFSETFROM, timeToTzOffsetString(mStandardOffset)));
        if (mStdToDayRule != null)
            daylight.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.RRULE, mStdToDayRule));
        if (mDaylightTzname != null)
            daylight.addProperty(new ZProperty(ICalTok.TZNAME, mDaylightTzname));
    return vtz;
Also used : ZComponent(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZComponent) ZProperty(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty)

Example 29 with ZProperty

use of com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Geo method toZProperty.

public ZProperty toZProperty() {
    ZProperty prop = new ZProperty(ICalTok.GEO);
    prop.setValue(mLatitude + ";" + mLongitude);
    return prop;
Also used : ZProperty(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty)

Example 30 with ZProperty

use of com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Message method getInfoForAssociatedCalendarItem.

     * Update {@code status.calItem} and {@code calendarItemInfos}
private void getInfoForAssociatedCalendarItem(Account acct, Invite cur, String method, ParsedMessage pm, boolean applyToCalendar, ProcessInvitesStatus status) throws ServiceException {
    boolean calItemIsNew = false;
    boolean modifiedCalItem = false;
    boolean success = false;
    try {
        InviteChanges invChanges = null;
        // Look for organizer-provided change list.
        ZProperty changesProp = cur.getXProperty(ICalTok.X_ZIMBRA_CHANGES.toString());
        if (changesProp != null) {
            invChanges = new InviteChanges(changesProp.getValue());
            // Don't let the x-prop propagate further. This x-prop is used during transport only. Presence
            // of this x-prop in the appointment object can confuse clients.
        if (!(status.intendedForMe || status.intendedForCalendarIManage)) {
            // Not intended for me. Just save the invite detail in metadata.
            CalendarItemInfo info = new CalendarItemInfo(CalendarItemInfo.CALITEM_ID_NONE, cur.getComponentNum(), cur, invChanges);
            status.updatedMetadata = true;
            success = true;
        OperationContext octxt = getMailbox().getOperationContext();
        ICalTok methodTok = Invite.lookupMethod(method);
        AccountAddressMatcher acctMatcher = status.getAcctMatcher();
        if (status.intendedForCalendarIManage) {
            Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
            Account ownerAcct = prov.get(, calendarIntendedFor);
            com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.CalendarItemInfo cii = getMailbox().getRemoteCalItemByUID(ownerAcct, cur.getUid(), false, false);
            CalendarItemInfo info;
            if (cii == null) {
                info = new CalendarItemInfo(CalendarItemInfo.CALITEM_ID_NONE, cur.getComponentNum(), cur, invChanges);
            } else {
                int calItemId;
                String owner;
                try {
                    ItemId iid = new ItemId(cii.getId(), (String) null);
                    calItemId = iid.getId();
                    owner = iid.getAccountId();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    calItemId = CalendarItemInfo.CALITEM_ID_NONE;
                    owner = null;
                info = new CalendarItemInfo(calItemId, owner, cur.getComponentNum(), cur, invChanges);
            status.updatedMetadata = true;
            success = true;
        status.calItem = mMailbox.getCalendarItemByUid(octxt, cur.getUid());
        if (applyToCalendar && // replies are handled elsewhere (in Mailbox.addMessage())
        !ICalTok.REPLY.equals(methodTok) && !ICalTok.COUNTER.equals(methodTok) && !ICalTok.DECLINECOUNTER.equals(methodTok)) {
            if (status.calItem == null) {
                // Allow PUBLISH method as well depending on the preference.
                if (ICalTok.REQUEST.equals(methodTok) || (ICalTok.PUBLISH.equals(methodTok) && getAccount().getBooleanAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraPrefCalendarAllowPublishMethodInvite, false))) {
                    if (status.autoAddNew) {
                        if (mMailbox.getAccount().sameAccount(cur.getOrganizerAccount())) {
                            // Bug 100456 ZCO sends out invites before adding a calendar entry.  If server adds
                            // Calendar entry and ZCO sees that before creating its entry, ZCO gets confused.
                  "Mailbox %d Msg %d Don't create ORGANIZER calendar item for Invite %s", getMailboxId(), getId(), method);
                        } else {
                            int flags = 0;
                            // int flags = Flag.BITMASK_INDEXING_DEFERRED;
                            // mMailbox.incrementIndexDeferredCount(1);
                            int defaultFolder = cur.isTodo() ? Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TASKS : Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_CALENDAR;
                            status.calItem = mMailbox.createCalendarItem(defaultFolder, flags, null, cur.getUid(), pm, cur, null);
                            calItemIsNew = true;
                            status.calItemFolderId = status.calItem.getFolderId();
                } else {
          "Mailbox %d Message %d SKIPPING Invite %s b/c no CalendarItem could be found", getMailboxId(), getId(), method);
            } else {
                // bug 27887: Ignore when calendar request email somehow made a loop back to the
                // organizer address.  Necessary conditions are:
                // 1) This mailbox is currently organizer.
                // 2) ORGANIZER in the request is this mailbox.
                // 3) User/COS preference doesn't explicitly allow it. (bug 29777)
                // If ORGANIZER in the request is a different user this is an organizer change request,
                // which should be allowed to happen.
                boolean ignore = false;
                Invite defInv = status.calItem.getDefaultInviteOrNull();
                if (defInv != null && defInv.isOrganizer()) {
                    ZOrganizer org = cur.getOrganizer();
                    String orgAddress = org != null ? org.getAddress() : null;
                    if (acctMatcher.matches(orgAddress))
                        ignore = !acct.getBooleanAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraPrefCalendarAllowCancelEmailToSelf, false);
                if (ignore) {
          "Ignoring calendar request emailed from organizer to self, " + "possibly in a mail loop involving mailing lists and/or forwards; " + "calItemId=" + status.calItem.getId() + ", msgId=" + getId());
                } else {
                    // the calendar item in the folder it's currently in.
                    if (status.addRevision)
                    // If updating (but not canceling) an appointment in trash folder,
                    // use default calendar folder and discard all existing invites.
                    boolean discardExistingInvites = false;
                    int calFolderId = status.calItem.getFolderId();
                    if (!cur.isCancel() && status.calItem.inTrash()) {
                        discardExistingInvites = true;
                        if (status.calItem.getType() == MailItem.Type.TASK) {
                            calFolderId = Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TASKS;
                        } else {
                            calFolderId = Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_CALENDAR;
                    // against the current appointment data.
                    if (invChanges == null && !cur.isCancel()) {
                        Invite prev = status.calItem.getInvite(cur.getRecurId());
                        if (prev == null) {
                            // If incoming invite is a brand-new exception instance, we have to compare
                            // against the series data, but adjusted to the RECURRENCE-ID of the instance.
                            Invite series = status.calItem.getInvite(null);
                            if (series != null)
                                prev = series.makeInstanceInvite(cur.getRecurId().getDt());
                        if (prev != null)
                            invChanges = new InviteChanges(prev, cur);
                    modifiedCalItem = status.calItem.processNewInvite(pm, cur, calFolderId, discardExistingInvites);
                    status.calItemFolderId = calFolderId;
        int calItemId = status.calItem != null ? status.calItem.getId() : CalendarItemInfo.CALITEM_ID_NONE;
        CalendarItemInfo info = new CalendarItemInfo(calItemId, cur.getComponentNum(), cur, invChanges);
        status.updatedMetadata = true;
        if (status.calItem != null && (calItemIsNew || modifiedCalItem)) {
        success = true;
    } finally {
        if (!success && status.calItem != null) {
            // Error occurred and the calItem in memory may be out of sync with the database.
            // Uncache it here, because the error will be ignored by this method's caller.
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) InviteChanges(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.InviteChanges) ZOrganizer(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZOrganizer) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) Provisioning(com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning) MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) IOException( ICalTok(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok) AccountAddressMatcher(com.zimbra.cs.util.AccountUtil.AccountAddressMatcher) ZProperty(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)


ZProperty (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty)49 ZParameter (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZParameter)19 ZComponent (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZComponent)18 ParsedDateTime (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDateTime)13 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)10 ICalTok (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok)9 ZVCalendar (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZVCalendar)9 ICalTimeZone (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ICalTimeZone)8 Invite (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)8 ParsedDuration (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDuration)7 ZOrganizer (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZOrganizer)7 TimeZoneMap (com.zimbra.common.calendar.TimeZoneMap)6 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)6 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)6 IRecurrence (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Recurrence.IRecurrence)5 AccountAddressMatcher (com.zimbra.cs.util.AccountUtil.AccountAddressMatcher)5 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)4 IOException ( Geo (com.zimbra.common.calendar.Geo)3