use of com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapProvisioning method deleteXMPPComponent.
public void deleteXMPPComponent(XMPPComponent comp) throws ServiceException {
String zimbraId = comp.getId();
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
LdapXMPPComponent l = (LdapXMPPComponent) get(, zimbraId);
try {
zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapServerType.MASTER, LdapUsage.DELETE_XMPPCOMPONENT);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to purge XMPPComponent : " + zimbraId, e);
} finally {
use of com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapProvisioning method getNamesForIds.
public Map<String, String> getNamesForIds(Set<String> ids, EntryType type) throws ServiceException {
final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
Set<String> unresolvedIds;
NamedEntry entry;
final String nameAttr;
final EntryType entryType = type;
String base;
String objectClass;
switch(entryType) {
case account:
unresolvedIds = new HashSet<String>();
for (String id : ids) {
entry = accountCache.getById(id);
if (entry != null)
result.put(id, entry.getName());
nameAttr = Provisioning.A_zimbraMailDeliveryAddress;
base = mDIT.mailBranchBaseDN();
objectClass = AttributeClass.OC_zimbraAccount;
case group:
unresolvedIds = ids;
// see dnToEmail
nameAttr = Provisioning.A_uid;
base = mDIT.mailBranchBaseDN();
objectClass = AttributeClass.OC_zimbraDistributionList;
case cos:
unresolvedIds = new HashSet<String>();
for (String id : ids) {
entry = cosCache.getById(id);
if (entry != null)
result.put(id, entry.getName());
nameAttr = Provisioning.A_cn;
base = mDIT.cosBaseDN();
objectClass = AttributeClass.OC_zimbraCOS;
case domain:
unresolvedIds = new HashSet<String>();
for (String id : ids) {
entry = getFromCache(, id, GetFromDomainCacheOption.POSITIVE);
if (entry != null)
result.put(id, entry.getName());
nameAttr = Provisioning.A_zimbraDomainName;
base = mDIT.domainBaseDN();
objectClass = AttributeClass.OC_zimbraDomain;
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unsupported entry type for getNamesForIds" +, null);
// we are done if all ids can be resolved in our cache
if (unresolvedIds.size() == 0)
return result;
SearchLdapVisitor visitor = new SearchLdapVisitor() {
public void visit(String dn, Map<String, Object> attrs, IAttributes ldapAttrs) {
String id = (String) attrs.get(Provisioning.A_zimbraId);
String name = null;
try {
switch(entryType) {
case account:
name = ldapAttrs.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailDeliveryAddress);
if (name == null)
name = mDIT.dnToEmail(dn, ldapAttrs);
case group:
name = mDIT.dnToEmail(dn, ldapAttrs);
case cos:
name = ldapAttrs.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_cn);
case domain:
name = ldapAttrs.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_zimbraDomainName);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
name = null;
if (name != null)
result.put(id, name);
String[] returnAttrs = new String[] { Provisioning.A_zimbraId, nameAttr };
searchNamesForIds(unresolvedIds, base, objectClass, returnAttrs, visitor);
return result;
use of com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapProvisioning method createAccount.
private Account createAccount(String emailAddress, String password, Map<String, Object> acctAttrs, SpecialAttrs specialAttrs, String[] additionalObjectClasses, boolean restoring, Map<String, Object> origAttrs) throws ServiceException {
String uuid = specialAttrs.getZimbraId();
String baseDn = specialAttrs.getLdapBaseDn();
emailAddress = emailAddress.toLowerCase().trim();
String[] parts = emailAddress.split("@");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("must be valid email address: " + emailAddress, null);
String localPart = parts[0];
String domain = parts[1];
domain = IDNUtil.toAsciiDomainName(domain);
emailAddress = localPart + "@" + domain;
if (restoring) {
validate(ProvisioningValidator.CREATE_ACCOUNT, emailAddress, additionalObjectClasses, origAttrs);
validate(ProvisioningValidator.CREATE_ACCOUNT_CHECK_DOMAIN_COS_AND_FEATURE, emailAddress, origAttrs);
} else {
validate(ProvisioningValidator.CREATE_ACCOUNT, emailAddress, additionalObjectClasses, acctAttrs);
validate(ProvisioningValidator.CREATE_ACCOUNT_CHECK_DOMAIN_COS_AND_FEATURE, emailAddress, acctAttrs);
if (acctAttrs == null) {
acctAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CallbackContext callbackContext = new CallbackContext(CallbackContext.Op.CREATE);
AttributeManager.getInstance().preModify(acctAttrs, null, callbackContext, true);
Account acct = null;
String dn = null;
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
try {
zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapServerType.MASTER, LdapUsage.CREATE_ACCOUNT);
Domain d = getDomainByAsciiName(domain, zlc);
if (d == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(domain);
if (!d.isLocal()) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("domain type must be local", null);
ZMutableEntry entry = LdapClient.createMutableEntry();
for (int i = 0; i < sInvalidAccountCreateModifyAttrs.length; i++) {
String a = sInvalidAccountCreateModifyAttrs[i];
if (entry.hasAttribute(a))
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("invalid attribute for CreateAccount: " + a, null);
Set<String> ocs;
if (additionalObjectClasses == null) {
// We are creating a pure account object, get all object classes for account.
// If restoring, only add zimbra default object classes, do not add extra
// ones configured. After createAccount, the restore code will issue a
// modifyAttrs call and all object classes in the backed up account will be
// in the attr map passed to modifyAttrs.
ocs = LdapObjectClass.getAccountObjectClasses(this, restoring);
} else {
// We are creating a "subclass" of account (e.g. calendar resource), get just the
// zimbra default object classes for account, then add extra object classes needed
// by the subclass. All object classes needed by the subclass (calendar resource)
// were figured out in the createCalendarResource method: including the zimbra
// default (zimbracalendarResource) and any extra ones configured via
// globalconfig.zimbraCalendarResourceExtraObjectClass.
// It doesn't matter if the additionalObjectClasses already contains object classes
// added by the getAccountObjectClasses(this, true). When additional object classes
// are added to the set, duplicated once will only appear once.
// The "restoring" flag is ignored in this path.
// When restoring a calendar a resource, the restoring code:
// - always calls createAccount, not createCalendarResource
// - always pass null for additionalObjectClasses
// - like restoring an account, it will call modifyAttrs after the
// entry is created, any object classes in the backed up data
// will be in the attr map passed to modifyAttrs.
ocs = LdapObjectClass.getAccountObjectClasses(this, true);
for (int i = 0; i < additionalObjectClasses.length; i++) ocs.add(additionalObjectClasses[i]);
boolean skipCountingLicenseQuota = false;
/* bug 48226
* Check if any of the OCs in the backup is a structural OC that subclasses
* our default OC (defined in ZIMBRA_DEFAULT_PERSON_OC).
* If so, add that OC now while creating the account, because it cannot be modified later.
if (restoring && origAttrs != null) {
Object ocsInBackupObj = origAttrs.get(A_objectClass);
String[] ocsInBackup = StringUtil.toStringArray(ocsInBackupObj);
String mostSpecificOC = LdapObjectClassHierarchy.getMostSpecificOC(this, ocsInBackup, LdapObjectClass.ZIMBRA_DEFAULT_PERSON_OC);
if (!LdapObjectClass.ZIMBRA_DEFAULT_PERSON_OC.equalsIgnoreCase(mostSpecificOC)) {
//calendar resource doesn't count against license quota
if (origAttrs.get(A_zimbraCalResType) != null) {
skipCountingLicenseQuota = true;
if (origAttrs.get(A_zimbraIsSystemResource) != null) {
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraIsSystemResource, "TRUE");
skipCountingLicenseQuota = true;
if (origAttrs.get(A_zimbraIsExternalVirtualAccount) != null) {
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraIsExternalVirtualAccount, "TRUE");
skipCountingLicenseQuota = true;
entry.addAttr(A_objectClass, ocs);
String zimbraIdStr;
if (uuid == null) {
zimbraIdStr = LdapUtil.generateUUID();
} else {
zimbraIdStr = uuid;
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraId, zimbraIdStr);
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraCreateTimestamp, LdapDateUtil.toGeneralizedTime(new Date()));
// default account status is active
if (!entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraAccountStatus)) {
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraAccountStatus, Provisioning.ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE);
Cos cos = null;
String cosId = entry.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_zimbraCOSId);
if (cosId != null) {
cos = lookupCos(cosId, zlc);
if (!cos.getId().equals(cosId)) {
cosId = cos.getId();
entry.setAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraCOSId, cosId);
} else {
String domainCosId = domain != null ? isExternalVirtualAccount(entry) ? d.getDomainDefaultExternalUserCOSId() : d.getDomainDefaultCOSId() : null;
if (domainCosId != null) {
cos = get(, domainCosId);
if (cos == null) {
cos = getCosByName(isExternalVirtualAccount(entry) ? Provisioning.DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_COS_NAME : Provisioning.DEFAULT_COS_NAME, zlc);
boolean hasMailTransport = entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailTransport);
// zimbraMailHost(and zimbraMailTransport) if it is not specified
if (!hasMailTransport) {
addMailHost(entry, cos, true);
// set all the mail-related attrs if zimbraMailHost or zimbraMailTransport was specified
if (entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailHost) || entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailTransport)) {
// default mail status is enabled
if (!entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailStatus)) {
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraMailStatus, MAIL_STATUS_ENABLED);
// default account mail delivery address is email address
if (!entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailDeliveryAddress)) {
entry.setAttr(A_zimbraMailDeliveryAddress, emailAddress);
} else {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("missing " + Provisioning.A_zimbraMailHost + " or " + Provisioning.A_zimbraMailTransport + " for CreateAccount: " + emailAddress, null);
// amivisAccount requires the mail attr, so we always add it
entry.setAttr(A_mail, emailAddress);
// required for ZIMBRA_DEFAULT_PERSON_OC class
if (!entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_cn)) {
String displayName = entry.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_displayName);
if (displayName != null) {
entry.setAttr(A_cn, displayName);
} else {
entry.setAttr(A_cn, localPart);
// required for ZIMBRA_DEFAULT_PERSON_OC class
if (!entry.hasAttribute(Provisioning.A_sn)) {
entry.setAttr(A_sn, localPart);
entry.setAttr(A_uid, localPart);
String entryPassword = entry.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_userPassword);
if (entryPassword != null) {
//password is a hash i.e. from autoprov; do not set with modify password
password = null;
} else if (password != null) {
//user entered
checkPasswordStrength(password, null, cos, entry);
entry.setAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraPasswordModifiedTime, LdapDateUtil.toGeneralizedTime(new Date()));
String ucPassword = entry.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_zimbraUCPassword);
if (ucPassword != null) {
String encryptedPassword = Account.encrypytUCPassword(entry.getAttrString(Provisioning.A_zimbraId), ucPassword);
entry.setAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraUCPassword, encryptedPassword);
dn = mDIT.accountDNCreate(baseDn, entry.getAttributes(), localPart, domain);
acct = getAccountById(zimbraIdStr, zlc, true);
if (acct == null) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to get account after creating LDAP account entry: " + emailAddress + ", check ldap log for possible error", null);
AttributeManager.getInstance().postModify(acctAttrs, acct, callbackContext);
removeExternalAddrsFromAllDynamicGroups(acct.getAllAddrsSet(), zlc);
validate(ProvisioningValidator.CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCEEDED, emailAddress, acct, skipCountingLicenseQuota);
if (password != null) {
setLdapPassword(acct, zlc, password);
return acct;
} catch (LdapEntryAlreadyExistException e) {
throw AccountServiceException.ACCOUNT_EXISTS(emailAddress, dn, e);
} catch (LdapException e) {
throw e;
} catch (AccountServiceException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to create account: " + emailAddress, e);
} finally {
if (!restoring && acct != null) {
for (PostCreateAccountListener listener : ProvisioningExt.getPostCreateAccountListeners()) {
if (listener.enabled()) {
use of com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapProvisioning method removeDynamicGroupMembers.
private void removeDynamicGroupMembers(LdapDynamicGroup group, String[] members, boolean externalOnly) throws ServiceException {
if (group.isMembershipDefinedByCustomURL()) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST(String.format("cannot remove members from dynamic group '%s' with custom memberURL", group.getName()), null);
String groupId = group.getId();
List<Account> accts = new ArrayList<Account>();
List<String> externalAddrs = new ArrayList<String>();
HashSet<String> failed = new HashSet<String>();
// check for errors, and put valid accts to the queue
for (String member : members) {
String memberName = member.toLowerCase();
boolean isBadAddr = false;
try {
memberName = IDNUtil.toAsciiEmail(memberName);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
// if the addr is not a valid email address, maybe they want to
// remove a bogus addr that somehow got in, just let it through.
memberName = member;
isBadAddr = true;
// always add all addrs to "externalAddrs".
if (!externalOnly) {
Account acct = isBadAddr ? null : get(, member);
if (acct != null) {
Set<String> memberOf = acct.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMemberOf);
if (memberOf.contains(groupId)) {
} else {
// else the addr is not in the group, throw exception
if (!failed.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<String> iter = failed.iterator();
while (true) {
if (!iter.hasNext())
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_MEMBER(group.getName(), sb.toString());
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
try {
zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapServerType.MASTER, LdapUsage.REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER);
* remove internal members
for (Account acct : accts) {
Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
attrs.put("-" + Provisioning.A_zimbraMemberOf, groupId);
modifyLdapAttrs(acct, zlc, attrs);
* remove external members on the static unit
LdapDynamicGroup.StaticUnit staticUnit = group.getStaticUnit();
Set<String> existingAddrs = staticUnit.getMembersSet();
List<String> addrsToRemove = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String addr : externalAddrs) {
if (existingAddrs.contains(addr)) {
if (!addrsToRemove.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, String[]> attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
attrs.put("-" + LdapDynamicGroup.StaticUnit.MEMBER_ATTR, addrsToRemove.toArray(new String[addrsToRemove.size()]));
modifyLdapAttrs(staticUnit, zlc, attrs);
} finally {
use of com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapProvisioning method getIdentitiesByQuery.
private List<Identity> getIdentitiesByQuery(LdapEntry entry, ZLdapFilter filter, ZLdapContext initZlc) throws ServiceException {
List<Identity> result = new ArrayList<Identity>();
try {
String base = entry.getDN();
ZSearchResultEnumeration ne = helper.searchDir(base, filter, ZSearchControls.SEARCH_CTLS_SUBTREE(), initZlc, LdapServerType.REPLICA);
while (ne.hasMore()) {
ZSearchResultEntry sr =;
result.add(new LdapIdentity((Account) entry, sr.getDN(), sr.getAttributes(), this));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to lookup identity via query: " + filter.toFilterString() + " message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return result;