use of com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZimbraAuthProviderForOAuth method authToken.
protected AuthToken authToken(HttpServletRequest req, boolean isAdminReq) throws AuthProviderException, AuthTokenException {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("authToken(HttpServletRequest req, boolean isAdminReq) is requested.");
if (isAdminReq) {
return null;
String origUrl = req.getHeader("X-Zimbra-Orig-Url");
OAuthMessage oAuthMessage;
if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(origUrl)) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("request.getRequestURL(): " + req.getRequestURL());
oAuthMessage = OAuthServlet.getMessage(req, null);
} else {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("X-Zimbra-Orig-Url: " + origUrl);
oAuthMessage = OAuthServlet.getMessage(req, origUrl);
String accessToken;
try {
accessToken = oAuthMessage.getToken();
} catch (IOException e) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("Error in getting OAuth token from request", e);
throw AuthProviderException.FAILURE(e.getMessage());
if (accessToken == null) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("no need for further oauth processing");
throw AuthProviderException.NO_AUTH_DATA();
Account account;
try {
account = Provisioning.getInstance().getAccountByForeignPrincipal("oAuthAccessToken:" + accessToken);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.warn("Error in getting account using OAuth access token", e);
throw AuthProviderException.FAILURE(e.getMessage());
if (account == null) {
throw AuthProviderException.FAILURE("Could not identify account corresponding to the OAuth request");
OAuthAccessor accessor = null;
String[] accessors = account.getOAuthAccessor();
for (String val : accessors) {
if (val.startsWith(accessToken)) {
try {
accessor = new OAuthAccessorSerializer().deserialize(val.substring(accessToken.length() + 2));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw AuthProviderException.FAILURE("Error in deserializing OAuth accessor");
if (accessor == null)
throw new AuthTokenException("invalid OAuth token");
try {
OAuthServiceProvider.VALIDATOR.validateMessage(oAuthMessage, accessor);
} catch (OAuthProblemException e) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : e.getParameters().entrySet()) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue());
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("Exception in validating OAuth token", e);
throw new AuthTokenException("Exception in validating OAuth token", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
ZimbraLog.extensions.debug("Exception in validating OAuth token", e);
throw new AuthTokenException("Exception in validating OAuth token", e);
return AuthProvider.getAuthToken(account);
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZimbraOAuthProvider method authToken.
protected AuthToken authToken(Element authTokenElem, Account acct) throws AuthProviderException, AuthTokenException {
ZAuthToken zAuthToken;
try {
zAuthToken = new ZAuthToken(authTokenElem, false);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw AuthProviderException.FAILURE(e.getMessage());
if (ZIMBRA_OAUTH_PROVIDER.equals(zAuthToken.getType())) {
Map<String, String> attrs = zAuthToken.getAttrs();
// TODO: no validation of access_token in IronMaiden D4!!!
String accessToken = attrs.get(OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) {
throw new AuthTokenException("no oauth access token");
return authToken(acct);
} else {
throw AuthProviderException.NO_AUTH_DATA();
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class CsrfUtilTest method testDecodeValidCsrfToken.
public final void testDecodeValidCsrfToken() {
try {
Account acct = Provisioning.getInstance().getAccountByName("");
AuthToken authToken = new ZimbraAuthToken(acct);
String csrfToken = CsrfUtil.generateCsrfToken(acct.getId(), AUTH_TOKEN_EXPR, CSRFTOKEN_SALT, authToken);
Pair<String, String> tokenParts = CsrfUtil.parseCsrfToken(csrfToken);
assertEquals("0", tokenParts.getSecond());
} catch (ServiceException | AuthTokenException e) {
fail("Should not throw exception.");
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class OAuthServiceProvider method markAsAuthorized.
* Mark OAuth consumer as authorized and update accessor properties.
public static synchronized void markAsAuthorized(OAuthAccessor accessor, String userId, String zauthtoken) throws OAuthException {
accessor.setProperty("user", userId);
accessor.setProperty("authorized", Boolean.TRUE);
accessor.setProperty("ZM_AUTH_TOKEN", zauthtoken);
AuthToken zimbraAuthToken;
try {
zimbraAuthToken = ZimbraAuthToken.getAuthToken(zauthtoken);
final Account account = zimbraAuthToken.getAccount();
setAccountPropertiesForAccessor(account, accessor);
} catch (AuthTokenException | UnsupportedEncodingException | ServiceException e) {
throw new OAuthException(e);
accessor.consumer.setProperty("approved_on", Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class Auth method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
AuthToken at = null;
Account acct = null;
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
boolean csrfSupport = request.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_CSRF_SUPPORT, false);
String name = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.E_NAME, null);
Element acctEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_ACCOUNT);
//only perform auth-token authentication if other credentials are not provided
if (name == null && acctEl == null) {
//get an auth token from cookie
at = zsc.getAuthToken();
if (at == null) {
//if auth token is not in the cookie check for auth token in SOAP
Element authTokenEl = request.getOptionalElement(AdminConstants.E_AUTH_TOKEN);
if (authTokenEl != null) {
try {
at = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(request, new HashMap<String, Object>());
} catch (AuthTokenException e) {
throw ServiceException.AUTH_REQUIRED();
if (at == null) {
//neither login credentials nor valid auth token could be retrieved
throw ServiceException.AUTH_REQUIRED();
com.zimbra.cs.service.account.Auth.addAccountToLogContextByAuthToken(prov, at);
if (at.isExpired())
throw ServiceException.AUTH_EXPIRED();
if (!at.isRegistered())
throw ServiceException.AUTH_EXPIRED("authtoken is invalid");
// make sure that the authenticated account is active and has not been deleted/disabled since the last request
acct = prov.get(, at.getAccountId(), at);
if (acct == null || !acct.getAccountStatus(prov).equals(Provisioning.ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE))
throw ServiceException.AUTH_EXPIRED();
// make sure the authenticated account is an admin account
} else {
* only one of
* <name>...</name>
* or
* <account by="name|id|foreignPrincipal">...</account>
* can/must be specified
if (name != null && acctEl != null)
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("only one of <name> or <account> can be specified", null);
if (name == null && acctEl == null)
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("missing <name> or <account>", null);
String password = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.E_PASSWORD);
String twoFactorCode = request.getAttribute(AccountConstants.E_TWO_FACTOR_CODE, null);
Element virtualHostEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_VIRTUAL_HOST);
String virtualHost = virtualHostEl == null ? null : virtualHostEl.getText().toLowerCase();
String valuePassedIn;
AccountBy by;
String value;
if (name != null) {
valuePassedIn = name;
by =;
} else {
valuePassedIn = acctEl.getText();
String byStr = acctEl.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_BY,;
by = AccountBy.fromString(byStr);
value = valuePassedIn;
try {
if (by == && value.indexOf("@") == -1) {
// first try to get by adminName, which resolves the account under cn=admins,cn=zimbra
// and does not need a domain
acct = prov.get(AccountBy.adminName, value, zsc.getAuthToken());
// not found, try applying virtual host name
if (acct == null) {
if (virtualHost != null) {
Domain d = prov.get(Key.DomainBy.virtualHostname, virtualHost);
if (d != null)
value = value + "@" + d.getName();
if (acct == null)
acct = prov.get(by, value);
if (acct == null)
throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED(value, valuePassedIn, "account not found");
AccountUtil.addAccountToLogContext(prov, acct.getId(), ZimbraLog.C_NAME, ZimbraLog.C_ID, null); String[] { "cmd", "AdminAuth", "account", value }));
Map<String, Object> authCtxt = new HashMap<String, Object>();
authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_ORIGINATING_CLIENT_IP, context.get(SoapEngine.ORIG_REQUEST_IP));
authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_REMOTE_IP, context.get(SoapEngine.SOAP_REQUEST_IP));
authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_ACCOUNT_NAME_PASSEDIN, valuePassedIn);
authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_USER_AGENT, zsc.getUserAgent());
authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_AS_ADMIN, Boolean.TRUE);
prov.authAccount(acct, password, AuthContext.Protocol.soap, authCtxt);
TwoFactorAuth twoFactorAuth = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTwoFactorAuth(acct);
boolean usingTwoFactorAuth = twoFactorAuth.twoFactorAuthEnabled();
if (usingTwoFactorAuth) {
if (twoFactorCode != null) {
AuthMech authedByMech = (AuthMech) authCtxt.get(AuthContext.AC_AUTHED_BY_MECH);
at = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(acct, true, authedByMech);
} catch (ServiceException se) { String[] { "cmd", "AdminAuth", "account", value, "error", se.getMessage() }));
throw se;
if (at != null) {
ServletRequest httpReq = (ServletRequest) context.get(SoapServlet.SERVLET_REQUEST);
httpReq.setAttribute(CsrfFilter.AUTH_TOKEN, at);
return doResponse(request, at, zsc, context, acct, csrfSupport);