use of com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDistListACL method testMilterExternalDomainSendToDL.
* "edom" GranteeType testing. Check that a sender whose address has a domain which matches the
* external domain will be able to send to the DL
public void testMilterExternalDomainSendToDL() throws Exception {
DistributionList dl = prov.createDistributionList(listAddress, new HashMap<String, Object>());
String user1email = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME);
prov.grantRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EXT_DOMAIN.getCode(),, "example.test", null, /* secret */
RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);"DL name %s ID %s", dl.getName(), dl.getId());
Group group = prov.getGroupBasic(, listAddress);
Assert.assertNotNull("Unable to find Group object for DL by name", group);
Assert.assertTrue("pete@example.test should be able to send to DL (in domain example.test)", accessMgr.canDo("pete@example.test", group, User.R_sendToDistList, false));
Assert.assertFalse(String.format("%s should NOT be able to send to DL (in domain example.test)", user1email), accessMgr.canDo(user1email, group, User.R_sendToDistList, false));
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDistListACL method testMilterEmailSendToDL.
* "email" GranteeType testing.
* Sender must match the configured email address - address can be internal, dl, guest etc
public void testMilterEmailSendToDL() throws Exception {
DistributionList dl = prov.createDistributionList(listAddress, new HashMap<String, Object>());
String guestName = "fred@example.test";
prov.grantRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, guestName, null, /* secret */
RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
prov.createDistributionList(listAddress2, new HashMap<String, Object>());
prov.grantRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, listAddress2, null, /* secret */
RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
String user1email = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME);
String user2email = TestUtil.getAddress(USER_NAME2);
prov.grantRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, user1email, null, /* secret */
RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, guestName, guestName, true);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, "pete@example.test", guestName, false);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, "FreD@example.test", guestName, true);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, listAddress2, listAddress2, true);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, listAddress, listAddress2, false);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, user1email.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), user1email, true);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, user2email, user1email, false);
prov.revokeRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, guestName, RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
prov.revokeRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, listAddress2, RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
prov.revokeRight("dl",, listAddress, GranteeType.GT_EMAIL.getCode(),, user1email, RightConsts.RT_sendToDistList, (RightModifier) null);
doCheckSentToDistListEmailRight(dl, user2email, "no grants in place", true);
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class GrantRights method handleACE.
* @param eACE
* @param zsc
* @param granting true if granting, false if revoking
* @return
* @throws ServiceException
static ZimbraACE handleACE(Element eACE, ZimbraSoapContext zsc, boolean granting) throws ServiceException {
* Interface and parameter checking style was modeled after FolderAction,
* not admin Grant/RevokeRight
Right right = RightManager.getInstance().getUserRight(eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_RIGHT));
GranteeType gtype = GranteeType.fromCode(eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_GRANT_TYPE));
String zid = eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ZIMBRA_ID, null);
boolean deny = eACE.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_DENY, false);
boolean checkGranteeType = eACE.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_CHECK_GRANTEE_TYPE, false);
String secret = null;
NamedEntry nentry = null;
if (gtype == GranteeType.GT_AUTHUSER) {
zid = GuestAccount.GUID_AUTHUSER;
} else if (gtype == GranteeType.GT_PUBLIC) {
zid = GuestAccount.GUID_PUBLIC;
} else if (gtype == GranteeType.GT_GUEST) {
zid = eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_DISPLAY);
if (zid == null || zid.indexOf('@') < 0)
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("invalid guest id or password", null);
// make sure they didn't accidentally specify "guest" instead of "usr"
try {
nentry = lookupGranteeByName(zid, GranteeType.GT_USER, zsc);
zid = nentry.getId();
gtype = nentry instanceof DistributionList ? GranteeType.GT_GROUP : GranteeType.GT_USER;
} catch (ServiceException e) {
// this is the normal path, where lookupGranteeByName throws account.NO_SUCH_USER
secret = eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_PASSWORD);
} else if (gtype == GranteeType.GT_KEY) {
zid = eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_DISPLAY);
// unlike guest, we do not require the display name to be an email address
if (zid == null || zid.indexOf('@') < 0)
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("invalid guest id or key", null);
// unlike guest, we do not fixup grantee type for key grantees if they specify an internal user
// get the optional accesskey
secret = eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ACCESSKEY, null);
} else if (zid != null) {
nentry = lookupGranteeByZimbraId(zid, gtype, granting);
} else {
nentry = lookupGranteeByName(eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_DISPLAY), gtype, zsc);
zid = nentry.getId();
// make sure they didn't accidentally specify "usr" instead of "grp"
if (gtype == GranteeType.GT_USER && nentry instanceof Group) {
if (checkGranteeType) {
throw AccountServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST(eACE.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_DISPLAY) + " is not a valid grantee for grantee type '" + gtype.getCode() + "'.", null);
} else {
gtype = GranteeType.GT_GROUP;
RightModifier rightModifier = null;
if (deny)
rightModifier = RightModifier.RM_DENY;
return new ZimbraACE(zid, gtype, right, rightModifier, secret);
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestProvAlias method testRemoveAlias_entryNotExist_aliasNotExist.
// D
public void testRemoveAlias_entryNotExist_aliasNotExist() throws Exception {
String testName = getTestName();
// create the domain
String domainName = "EN-AN" + "." + BASE_DOMAIN_NAME;
domainName = domainName.toLowerCase();
Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Domain domain = prov.createDomain(domainName, attrs);
// create the account
String acctName = getEmail("acct-1", domainName);
Account acct = prov.createAccount(acctName, PASSWORD, new HashMap<String, Object>());
// add an alias to the account
String aliasName = getEmail("alias-1", domainName);
prov.addAlias(acct, aliasName);
// create 2 DLs
String dl1Name = getEmail("dl-1", domainName);
DistributionList dl1 = prov.createDistributionList(dl1Name, new HashMap<String, Object>());
String dl2Name = getEmail("dl-2", domainName);
DistributionList dl2 = prov.createDistributionList(dl2Name, new HashMap<String, Object>());
// add the alias to the two DLs
prov.addMembers(dl1, new String[] { aliasName });
prov.addMembers(dl2, new String[] { aliasName });
// now, hack it to delete the alias entry
List<NamedEntry> aliases = searchAliasesInDomain(domain);
assertEquals(aliases.size(), 1);
LdapEntry ldapAlias = (LdapEntry) aliases.get(0);
String aliasDn = ldapAlias.getDN();
((LdapProv) prov).getHelper().deleteEntry(aliasDn, LdapUsage.UNITTEST);
Account nonExistingAcct = null;
// remove the alias
// we should *not* get a NO_SUCH_ALIAS exception
prov.removeAlias(nonExistingAcct, aliasName);
// reload all entries
Set<String> values;
// ensure the alias is still on the account's mail/zimbraMailAlias attrs
values = acct.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_mail);
values = acct.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailAlias);
// ensure the alias is removed from all the DLs
values = dl1.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailForwardingAddress);
values = dl2.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailForwardingAddress);
// ensure the alias entry is removed (should have been removed when we hacked to unbind it)
List<NamedEntry> aliases = searchAliasesInDomain(domain);
assertEquals(aliases.size(), 0);
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestProvAlias method testRemoveAlias_entryNotExist_aliasExist_aliasPointToNonExistEntry.
// C - alias points to a non-existing entry
public void testRemoveAlias_entryNotExist_aliasExist_aliasPointToNonExistEntry() throws Exception {
String testName = getTestName();
// create the domain
String domainName = "EN-AE-aliasPointToNonExistEntry" + "." + BASE_DOMAIN_NAME;
domainName = domainName.toLowerCase();
Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Domain domain = prov.createDomain(domainName, attrs);
// create the account
String acctName = getEmail("acct-1", domainName);
Account acct = prov.createAccount(acctName, PASSWORD, new HashMap<String, Object>());
// add an alias to the account
String aliasName = getEmail("alias-1", domainName);
prov.addAlias(acct, aliasName);
// create 2 DLs
String dl1Name = getEmail("dl-1", domainName);
DistributionList dl1 = prov.createDistributionList(dl1Name, new HashMap<String, Object>());
String dl2Name = getEmail("dl-2", domainName);
DistributionList dl2 = prov.createDistributionList(dl2Name, new HashMap<String, Object>());
// add the alias to the two DLs
prov.addMembers(dl1, new String[] { aliasName });
prov.addMembers(dl2, new String[] { aliasName });
// now, hack it so the alias points to a non-existing entry
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
attributes.put(Provisioning.A_zimbraAliasTargetId, LdapUtil.generateUUID());
List<NamedEntry> aliases = searchAliasesInDomain(domain);
assertEquals(aliases.size(), 1);
LdapEntry ldapAlias = (LdapEntry) aliases.get(0);
((LdapProv) prov).getHelper().modifyEntry(ldapAlias.getDN(), attributes, (Entry) ldapAlias, LdapUsage.UNITTEST);
Account nonExistingAcct = null;
// remove the alias, on a "not found" account, and the alias is pointing to a non-existing entry
// we should *not* get the NO_SUCH_ALIAS exception
prov.removeAlias(nonExistingAcct, aliasName);
// reload all entries
Set<String> values;
// ensure the alias is still on the account's mail/zimbraMailAlias attrs
// because there is no ref to this account so there is no way to remove them
// (note, to remove them, A - aliasPointToNonExistEntry is the test for this)
values = acct.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_mail);
values = acct.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailAlias);
// ensure the alias is removed from all the DLs
values = dl1.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailForwardingAddress);
values = dl2.getMultiAttrSet(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailForwardingAddress);
// ensure the alias entry is removed
List<NamedEntry> aliases = searchAliasesInDomain(domain);
assertEquals(aliases.size(), 0);