Search in sources :

Example 21 with ZAttendee

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ToXML method encodeInviteComponent.

public static Element encodeInviteComponent(Element parent, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, OperationContext octxt, CalendarItem calItem, /* may be null */
ItemId calId, /* may be null */
Invite invite, int fields, boolean neuter) throws ServiceException {
    boolean allFields = true;
    if (fields != NOTIFY_FIELDS) {
        allFields = false;
        if (!needToOutput(fields, Change.INVITE)) {
            return parent;
    Element e = parent.addElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT);
    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_METHOD, invite.getMethod());
    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_COMPONENT_NUM, invite.getComponentNum());
    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_RSVP, invite.getRsvp());
    boolean allowPrivateAccess = calItem != null ? allowPrivateAccess(octxt, calItem) : true;
    if (allFields) {
        if (invite.isPublic() || allowPrivateAccess) {
            String priority = invite.getPriority();
            if (priority != null) {
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_PRIORITY, priority);
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, invite.getName());
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_LOCATION, invite.getLocation());
            List<String> categories = invite.getCategories();
            if (categories != null) {
                for (String cat : categories) {
            List<String> comments = invite.getComments();
            if (comments != null) {
                for (String cmt : comments) {
            List<String> contacts = invite.getContacts();
            if (contacts != null) {
                for (String contact : contacts) {
            Geo geo = invite.getGeo();
            if (geo != null) {
            // Percent Complete (VTODO)
            if (invite.isTodo()) {
                String pct = invite.getPercentComplete();
                if (pct != null)
                    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TASK_PERCENT_COMPLETE, pct);
                long completed = invite.getCompleted();
                if (completed != 0) {
                    ParsedDateTime c = ParsedDateTime.fromUTCTime(completed);
                    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TASK_COMPLETED, c.getDateTimePartString());
            // Attendee(s)
            List<ZAttendee> attendees = invite.getAttendees();
            for (ZAttendee at : attendees) {
            // Alarms
            Iterator<Alarm> alarmsIter = invite.alarmsIterator();
            while (alarmsIter.hasNext()) {
                Alarm alarm =;
            // x-prop
            encodeXProps(e, invite.xpropsIterator());
            // fragment
            String fragment = invite.getFragment();
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fragment)) {
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_FRAG, fragment, Element.Disposition.CONTENT);
            if (!invite.hasBlobPart()) {
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_NO_BLOB, true);
            // Description (plain and html)
            String desc = invite.getDescription();
            if (desc != null) {
                Element descElem = e.addElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_DESCRIPTION);
            String descHtml = invite.getDescriptionHtml();
            BrowserDefang defanger = DefangFactory.getDefanger(MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_HTML);
            if (descHtml != null) {
                try {
                    descHtml = StringUtil.stripControlCharacters(descHtml);
                    descHtml = defanger.defang(descHtml, neuter);
                    Element descHtmlElem = e.addElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_DESC_HTML);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    ZimbraLog.calendar.warn("Unable to defang HTML for SetAppointmentRequest", ex);
            if (invite.isEvent()) {
                if (calItem != null && calItem instanceof Appointment) {
                    Instance inst = Instance.fromInvite(calItem.getId(), invite);
                    Appointment appt = (Appointment) calItem;
                    e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_APPT_FREEBUSY_ACTUAL, appt.getEffectiveFreeBusyActual(invite, inst));
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_APPT_FREEBUSY, invite.getFreeBusy());
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_APPT_TRANSPARENCY, invite.getTransparency());
            // Organizer
            if (invite.hasOrganizer()) {
                ZOrganizer org = invite.getOrganizer();
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_URL, invite.getUrl());
        if (invite.isOrganizer()) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_ISORG, true);
        boolean isRecurring = false;
        e.addAttribute("x_uid", invite.getUid());
        e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_UID, invite.getUid());
        e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_SEQUENCE, invite.getSeqNo());
        e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_DATETIME, invite.getDTStamp());
        String itemId = null;
        if (calId != null) {
            itemId = calId.toString(ifmt);
        } else if (calItem != null) {
            itemId = ifmt.formatItemId(calItem);
        if ((itemId != null) && !("0".equals(itemId))) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_ID, /* calItemId */
            if (invite.isEvent()) {
                // for backward compat
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_APPT_ID_DEPRECATE_ME, /* apptId */
            if (calItem != null) {
                ItemId ciFolderId = new ItemId(calItem.getMailbox(), calItem.getFolderId());
                e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_ITEM_FOLDER, /* ciFolder */
        Recurrence.IRecurrence recur = invite.getRecurrence();
        if (recur != null) {
            isRecurring = true;
            Element recurElt = e.addElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_RECUR);
        e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_STATUS, invite.getStatus());
        e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_CLASS, invite.getClassProp());
        boolean allDay = invite.isAllDayEvent();
        boolean isException = invite.hasRecurId();
        if (isException) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_IS_EXCEPTION, true);
            RecurId rid = invite.getRecurId();
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_RECURRENCE_ID_Z, rid.getDtZ());
            encodeRecurId(e, rid, allDay);
        boolean forceUTC = DebugConfig.calendarForceUTC && !isRecurring && !isException && !allDay;
        ParsedDateTime dtStart = invite.getStartTime();
        if (dtStart != null) {
            encodeDtStart(e, dtStart, allDay, forceUTC);
        ParsedDateTime dtEnd = invite.getEndTime();
        if (dtEnd != null) {
            encodeDtEnd(e, dtEnd, allDay, invite.isTodo(), forceUTC);
        ParsedDuration dur = invite.getDuration();
        if (dur != null) {
        if (allDay) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_ALLDAY, true);
        if (invite.isDraft()) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_DRAFT, true);
        if (invite.isNeverSent()) {
            e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_NEVER_SENT, true);
    return e;
Also used : Appointment(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Appointment) Recurrence(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Recurrence) IRecurrence(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Recurrence.IRecurrence) Instance(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem.Instance) IRecurrence(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Recurrence.IRecurrence) ParsedDuration(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDuration) Element(com.zimbra.common.soap.Element) ZOrganizer(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZOrganizer) BrowserDefang(com.zimbra.cs.html.BrowserDefang) RecurId(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.RecurId) IOException( ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) Geo(com.zimbra.common.calendar.Geo) ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee) Alarm(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Alarm) ParsedDateTime(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDateTime)

Example 22 with ZAttendee

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Appointment method processPartStat.

protected String processPartStat(Invite invite, MimeMessage mmInv, boolean forCreate, String defaultPartStat) throws ServiceException {
    Mailbox mbox = getMailbox();
    OperationContext octxt = mbox.getOperationContext();
    CreateCalendarItemPlayer player = octxt != null ? (CreateCalendarItemPlayer) octxt.getPlayer() : null;
    long opTime = octxt != null ? octxt.getTimestamp() : System.currentTimeMillis();
    Account account = getMailbox().getAccount();
    boolean onBehalfOf = false;
    Account authAcct = account;
    if (octxt != null) {
        Account authuser = octxt.getAuthenticatedUser();
        if (authuser != null) {
            onBehalfOf = !account.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(authuser.getId());
            if (onBehalfOf)
                authAcct = authuser;
    boolean asAdmin = octxt != null ? octxt.isUsingAdminPrivileges() : false;
    boolean allowPrivateAccess = allowPrivateAccess(authAcct, asAdmin);
    String partStat = defaultPartStat;
    if (player != null) {
        String p = player.getCalendarItemPartStat();
        if (p != null)
            partStat = p;
    // See if we have RSVP=FALSE for the attendee.  Let's assume RSVP was requested unless it is
    // explicitly set to FALSE.
    boolean rsvpRequested = true;
    ZAttendee attendee = invite.getMatchingAttendee(account);
    if (attendee != null) {
        Boolean rsvp = attendee.getRsvp();
        if (rsvp != null)
            rsvpRequested = rsvp.booleanValue();
    RedoLogProvider redoProvider = RedoLogProvider.getInstance();
    // Don't send reply emails if we're not on master (in redo-driven master/replica setup).
    // Don't send reply emails if we're replaying redo for reasons other than crash recovery.
    // In other words, we DO want to send emails during crash recovery, because we're completing
    // an interrupted transaction.  But we don't send emails during redo reply phase of restore.
    // Also don't send emails for cancel invites.  (Organizer doesn't expect reply for cancels.)
    // And don't send emails for task requests.
    // Don't send reply emails from a system account. (e.g. archiving, galsync, ham/spam)
    boolean needReplyEmail = rsvpRequested && redoProvider.isMaster() && (player == null || redoProvider.getRedoLogManager().getInCrashRecovery()) && invite.hasOrganizer() && !invite.isCancel() && !invite.isTodo() && !account.isIsSystemResource();
    if (invite.isOrganizer()) {
        // Organizer always accepts.
        partStat = IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED;
    } else if (account instanceof CalendarResource && octxt == null) {
        // Auto accept/decline processing should only occur during email delivery.  In particular,
        // don't do it if we're here during ics import.  We're in email delivery if octxt == null.
        // (There needs to be a better way to determine that...)
        boolean replySent = false;
        CalendarResource resource = (CalendarResource) account;
        Locale lc;
        Account organizer = invite.getOrganizerAccount();
        if (organizer != null)
            lc = organizer.getLocale();
            lc = resource.getLocale();
        if (resource.autoAcceptDecline() || resource.autoDeclineIfBusy() || resource.autoDeclineRecurring()) {
            boolean replyListUpdated = false;
            // If auto-accept is enabled, assume it'll be accepted until it gets declined.
            if (resource.autoAcceptDecline())
                partStat = IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED;
            if (isRecurring() && resource.autoDeclineRecurring()) {
                // Decline because resource is configured to decline all recurring appointments.
                partStat = IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_DECLINED;
                if (needReplyEmail) {
                    String reason = L10nUtil.getMessage(MsgKey.calendarResourceDeclineReasonRecurring, lc);
                    Invite replyInv = makeReplyInvite(account, authAcct, lc, onBehalfOf, allowPrivateAccess, invite, invite.getRecurId(), CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE);
                    CalendarMailSender.sendResourceAutoReply(octxt, mbox, true, CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE, false, reason + "\r\n", this, invite, new Invite[] { replyInv }, mmInv);
                    replySent = true;
            } else if (resource.autoDeclineIfBusy()) {
                // Auto decline is enabled.  Let's check for conflicts.
                int maxNumConflicts = resource.getMaxNumConflictsAllowed();
                int maxPctConflicts = resource.getMaxPercentConflictsAllowed();
                ConflictCheckResult checkResult = checkAvailability(opTime, invite, maxNumConflicts, maxPctConflicts);
                if (checkResult != null) {
                    List<Conflict> conflicts = checkResult.getConflicts();
                    if (conflicts.size() > 0) {
                        if (invite.isRecurrence() && !checkResult.tooManyConflicts()) {
                            // There are some conflicts, but within resource's allowed limit.
                            if (resource.autoAcceptDecline()) {
                                // Let's accept partially.  (Accept the series and decline conflicting instances.)
                                List<Invite> replyInvites = new ArrayList<Invite>();
                                // the REPLY for the ACCEPT of recurrence series
                                Invite acceptInv = makeReplyInvite(account, authAcct, lc, onBehalfOf, allowPrivateAccess, invite, invite.getRecurId(), CalendarMailSender.VERB_ACCEPT);
                                for (Conflict conflict : conflicts) {
                                    Instance inst = conflict.getInstance();
                                    InviteInfo invInfo = inst.getInviteInfo();
                                    Invite inv = getInvite(invInfo.getMsgId(), invInfo.getComponentId());
                                    RecurId rid = inst.makeRecurId(inv);
                                    // Record the decline status in reply list.
                                    getReplyList().modifyPartStat(resource, rid, null, resource.getName(), null, null, IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_DECLINED, false, invite.getSeqNo(), opTime);
                                    replyListUpdated = true;
                                    // Make REPLY VEVENT for the declined instance.
                                    Invite replyInv = makeReplyInvite(account, authAcct, lc, onBehalfOf, allowPrivateAccess, inv, rid, CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE);
                                if (needReplyEmail) {
                                    ICalTimeZone tz = chooseReplyTZ(invite);
                                    // Send one email to accept the series.
                                    String declinedInstances = getDeclinedTimesString(octxt, mbox, conflicts, invite.isAllDayEvent(), tz, lc);
                                    String msg = L10nUtil.getMessage(MsgKey.calendarResourceDeclinedInstances, lc) + "\r\n\r\n" + declinedInstances;
                                    CalendarMailSender.sendResourceAutoReply(octxt, mbox, true, CalendarMailSender.VERB_ACCEPT, true, msg, this, invite, new Invite[] { acceptInv }, mmInv);
                                    // Send another email to decline instances, all in one email.
                                    String conflictingTimes = getBusyTimesString(octxt, mbox, conflicts, tz, lc, false);
                                    msg = L10nUtil.getMessage(MsgKey.calendarResourceDeclinedInstances, lc) + "\r\n\r\n" + declinedInstances + "\r\n" + L10nUtil.getMessage(MsgKey.calendarResourceDeclineReasonConflict, lc) + "\r\n\r\n" + conflictingTimes;
                                    CalendarMailSender.sendResourceAutoReply(octxt, mbox, true, CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE, true, msg, this, invite, replyInvites.toArray(new Invite[0]), mmInv);
                                    replySent = true;
                            } else {
                            // Auto-accept is not enabled.  Auto-decline is enabled, but there weren't
                            // enough conflicting instances to decline outright.  So we just stay
                            // silent and let the human admin deal with it.  This case is rather
                            // ambiguous, and can be avoided by configuring the resource to allow
                            // zero conflicting instance.
                        } else {
                            // Too many conflicts.  Decline outright.
                            partStat = IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_DECLINED;
                            if (needReplyEmail) {
                                ICalTimeZone tz = chooseReplyTZ(invite);
                                String msg = L10nUtil.getMessage(MsgKey.calendarResourceDeclineReasonConflict, lc) + "\r\n\r\n" + getBusyTimesString(octxt, mbox, conflicts, tz, lc, checkResult.hasMoreConflicts());
                                Invite replyInv = makeReplyInvite(account, authAcct, lc, onBehalfOf, allowPrivateAccess, invite, invite.getRecurId(), CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE);
                                CalendarMailSender.sendResourceAutoReply(octxt, mbox, true, CalendarMailSender.VERB_DECLINE, false, msg, this, invite, new Invite[] { replyInv }, mmInv);
                                replySent = true;
            if (!replySent && IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED.equals(partStat)) {
                if (needReplyEmail) {
                    Invite replyInv = makeReplyInvite(account, authAcct, lc, onBehalfOf, allowPrivateAccess, invite, invite.getRecurId(), CalendarMailSender.VERB_ACCEPT);
                    CalendarMailSender.sendResourceAutoReply(octxt, mbox, true, CalendarMailSender.VERB_ACCEPT, false, null, this, invite, new Invite[] { replyInv }, mmInv);
            // Record the final outcome in the replies list.
            if (IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_NEEDS_ACTION.equals(partStat)) {
                getReplyList().modifyPartStat(resource, invite.getRecurId(), null, resource.getName(), null, null, partStat, false, invite.getSeqNo(), opTime);
                replyListUpdated = true;
            if (forCreate && replyListUpdated)
    CreateCalendarItemRecorder recorder = (CreateCalendarItemRecorder) mbox.getRedoRecorder();
    invite.updateMyPartStat(account, partStat);
    if (forCreate) {
        Invite defaultInvite = getDefaultInviteOrNull();
        if (defaultInvite != null && !defaultInvite.equals(invite) && !partStat.equals(defaultInvite.getPartStat())) {
            defaultInvite.updateMyPartStat(account, partStat);
    return partStat;
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) InviteInfo(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.InviteInfo) FBInstance(com.zimbra.cs.fb.FreeBusy.FBInstance) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RecurId(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.RecurId) CreateCalendarItemPlayer(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateCalendarItemPlayer) CreateCalendarItemRecorder(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateCalendarItemRecorder) RedoLogProvider(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.RedoLogProvider) ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee) CalendarResource(com.zimbra.cs.account.CalendarResource) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite) ICalTimeZone(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ICalTimeZone)

Example 23 with ZAttendee

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class CalendarItem method modifyPartStat.

     * Used when we're sending out a reply -- we add a "reply" record to this appointment/task...this
     * ends up affecting our "Effective PartStat" (ie if we ACCEPT a meeting, then our effective partstat
     * changes)
     * @param acctOrNull
     * @param recurId
     * @param cnStr
     * @param addressStr
     * @param cutypeStr
     * @param roleStr
     * @param partStatStr
     * @param rsvp
     * @param seqNo
     * @param dtStamp
     * @throws ServiceException
void modifyPartStat(Account acctOrNull, RecurId recurId, String cnStr, String addressStr, String cutypeStr, String roleStr, String partStatStr, Boolean needsReply, int seqNo, long dtStamp) throws ServiceException {
    mReplyList.modifyPartStat(acctOrNull, recurId, cnStr, addressStr, cutypeStr, roleStr, partStatStr, needsReply, seqNo, dtStamp);
    if (addressStr != null) {
        Invite inv = getInvite(recurId);
        if (inv != null) {
            ZAttendee at;
            if (acctOrNull != null)
                at = inv.getMatchingAttendee(acctOrNull);
                at = inv.getMatchingAttendee(addressStr);
            if (at != null)
Also used : ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)

Example 24 with ZAttendee

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class CalendarItem method getIndexDocuments.

protected List<IndexDocument> getIndexDocuments() throws TemporaryIndexingException {
    List<IndexDocument> toRet = new ArrayList<IndexDocument>();
    // when this method is called during commit of cancel operation.
    if (numInvites() < 1)
        return toRet;
    Invite defaultInvite = getDefaultInviteOrNull();
    String defaultLocation = "";
    if (defaultInvite != null && defaultInvite.getLocation() != null)
        defaultLocation = defaultInvite.getLocation();
    String defaultName = "";
    if (defaultInvite != null && defaultInvite.getName() != null)
        defaultName = defaultInvite.getName();
    String defaultOrganizer = "";
    if (defaultInvite != null && defaultInvite.getOrganizer() != null)
        defaultOrganizer = defaultInvite.getOrganizer().getIndexString();
    for (Invite inv : getInvites()) {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        List<String> toAddrs = new ArrayList<String>();
        // NAME (subject)
        String nameToUse = "";
        if (inv.getName() != null) {
            s.append(inv.getName()).append(' ');
            nameToUse = inv.getName();
        } else {
            s.append(defaultName).append(' ');
            nameToUse = defaultName;
        // ORGANIZER (from)
        String orgToUse = null;
        if (inv.getOrganizer() != null) {
            String thisInvOrg = inv.getOrganizer().getIndexString();
            if (thisInvOrg != null && thisInvOrg.length() > 0)
                orgToUse = thisInvOrg;
        if (orgToUse == null)
            orgToUse = defaultOrganizer;
        // ATTENDIES (TO)
        for (ZAttendee at : inv.getAttendees()) {
            try {
                s.append(at.getIndexString()).append(' ');
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
        s.append(' ');
        // LOCATION
        if (inv.getLocation() != null) {
            s.append(inv.getLocation()).append(' ');
        } else {
            s.append(defaultLocation).append(' ');
        // DESCRIPTION
        try {
            s.append(inv.getDescription()).append(' ');
        } catch (ServiceException ex) {
            if (ZimbraLog.index.isDebugEnabled()) {
                ZimbraLog.index.debug("Caught exception fetching description while indexing CalendarItem " + this.getId() + " skipping", ex);
        // COMMENTS
        List<String> comments = inv.getComments();
        if (comments != null && !comments.isEmpty()) {
            for (String comm : comments) {
                s.append(comm).append(' ');
        // CONTACTS
        List<String> contacts = inv.getContacts();
        if (contacts != null && !contacts.isEmpty()) {
            for (String contact : contacts) {
                s.append(contact).append(' ');
        // CATEGORIES
        List<String> categories = inv.getCategories();
        if (categories != null && !categories.isEmpty()) {
            for (String cat : categories) {
                s.append(cat).append(' ');
        MimeMessage mm = null;
        if (!inv.getDontIndexMimeMessage()) {
            try {
                mm = inv.getMimeMessage();
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                if (ZimbraLog.index.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    ZimbraLog.index.debug("Caught MessagingException for Invite " + inv.toString() + " while fetching MM during indexing of CalendarItem " + this.getId() + " skipping Invite", e);
        List<IndexDocument> docList = new ArrayList<IndexDocument>();
        if (mm == null) {
            // no blob!
            IndexDocument doc = new IndexDocument();
            // need to properly emulate an indexed Invite message here -- set the TOP partname
        } else {
            try {
                ParsedMessage pm = new ParsedMessage(mm, mMailbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
                if (pm.hasTemporaryAnalysisFailure())
                    throw new MailItem.TemporaryIndexingException();
                docList = pm.getLuceneDocuments();
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                if (ZimbraLog.index.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    ZimbraLog.index.debug("Caught MessagingException for Invite " + inv.toString() + " while indexing CalendarItem " + this.getId() + " skipping Invite", e);
        for (IndexDocument doc : docList) {
            // update the doc, overriding many of the fields with data from the appointment
            for (String to : toAddrs) {
                doc.addTo(new RFC822AddressTokenStream(to));
            doc.addFrom(new RFC822AddressTokenStream(orgToUse));
    // set the "public"/"private" flag in the index for this appointment
    FieldTokenStream fields = new FieldTokenStream(INDEX_FIELD_ITEM_CLASS, isPublic() ? "public" : "private");
    for (IndexDocument doc : toRet) {
    return toRet;
Also used : IndexDocument(com.zimbra.cs.index.IndexDocument) ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RFC822AddressTokenStream(com.zimbra.cs.index.analysis.RFC822AddressTokenStream) DbMailItem(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbMailItem) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) FixedMimeMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.Mime.FixedMimeMessage) ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee) FieldTokenStream(com.zimbra.cs.index.analysis.FieldTokenStream) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)

Example 25 with ZAttendee

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class CalItemReminderService method scheduleNextReminders.

     * Schedules next reminders for the calendar item.
     * @param calItem
     * @param email
     * @param sms
static void scheduleNextReminders(CalendarItem calItem, boolean email, boolean sms) {
    try {
        CalendarItem.AlarmData alarmData = calItem.getNextEmailAlarm();
        if (alarmData == null)
        boolean emailAlarmExists = true;
        boolean smsAlarmExists = false;
        Alarm emailAlarm = alarmData.getAlarm();
        List<ZAttendee> recipients = emailAlarm.getAttendees();
        if (recipients != null && !recipients.isEmpty()) {
            emailAlarmExists = false;
            Account acct = calItem.getAccount();
            String defaultEmailAddress = acct.getPrefCalendarReminderEmail();
            String defaultDeviceAddress = acct.getCalendarReminderDeviceEmail();
            for (ZAttendee recipient : recipients) {
                if (recipient.getAddress().equals(defaultEmailAddress)) {
                    emailAlarmExists = true;
                if (recipient.getAddress().equals(defaultDeviceAddress)) {
                    smsAlarmExists = true;
        if (emailAlarmExists && email) {
            scheduleReminder(new CalItemEmailReminderTask(), calItem, alarmData);
        if (smsAlarmExists && sms) {
            scheduleReminder(new CalItemSmsReminderTask(), calItem, alarmData);
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        ZimbraLog.scheduler.error("Error in scheduling reminder task", e);
Also used : CalendarItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem) Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) Alarm(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Alarm) ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee)


ZAttendee (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee)29 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)16 Invite (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)15 Mailbox (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox)10 RecurId (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.RecurId)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 ParsedDateTime (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDateTime)8 ZOrganizer (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZOrganizer)7 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)6 MimeMessage (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage)6 ParsedDuration (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDuration)5 Provisioning (com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning)5 CalendarItem (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem)5 AccountAddressMatcher (com.zimbra.cs.util.AccountUtil.AccountAddressMatcher)5 ICalTimeZone (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ICalTimeZone)4 TimeZoneMap (com.zimbra.common.calendar.TimeZoneMap)4 ZProperty (com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ZProperty)4 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)4 CalendarResource (com.zimbra.cs.account.CalendarResource)4 Alarm (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Alarm)4