Search in sources :

Example 6 with RedoableOp

use of com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class RedoPlayer method scanLog.

     * Scans a redo log file.  An op that is neither committed nor aborted is
     * added to mOpsMap.  These are the ops that need to be reattempted during
     * crash recovery.  If redoCommitted is true, an op is reattempted as soon
     * as its COMMIT entry is encountered.  This case is for replaying the logs
     * during mailbox restore.
     * @param logfile
     * @param redoCommitted
     * @param mboxIDsMap If not null, restrict replay of log entries to
     *                   mailboxes whose IDs are given by the key set of the
     *                   map.  Replay is done against mailboxes whose IDs are
     *                   given by the value set of the map.  Thus, it is
     *                   possible to replay operations from one mailbox in
     *                   a different mailbox.
     * @param startTime  Only process ops whose prepare time is at or later than
     *                   this time.
     * @param endTime    Only process ops whose commit time is before (but not
     *                   at) this time.
     * @param ignoreCommitsAtOrAfter Ops that were committed at or after this timestamp are ignored.
     *                               They will not be replayed even when redoCommitted=true.  They will
     *                               be considered uncommitted, and thus will become eligible for replay
     *                               during crash recovery.  For uses other than crash recovery, pass
     *                               Long.MAX_VALUE to not ignore any committed ops.
     * @throws IOException
private void scanLog(File logfile, boolean redoCommitted, Map<Integer, Integer> mboxIDsMap, long startTime, long endTime, long ignoreCommitsAtOrAfter) throws IOException, ServiceException {
    FileLogReader logReader = new FileLogReader(logfile, mWritable);;
    long lastPosition = 0;
    // Read all ops in redo log, discarding those with commit/abort entries.
    try {
        RedoableOp op = null;
        while ((op = logReader.getNextOp()) != null) {
            lastPosition = logReader.position();
            if (ZimbraLog.redolog.isDebugEnabled())
                ZimbraLog.redolog.debug("Read: " + op);
            processOp(op, redoCommitted, mboxIDsMap, startTime, endTime, ignoreCommitsAtOrAfter);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // The IOException could be a real I/O problem or it could mean
        // there was a server crash previously and there were half-written
        // log entries.  We can't really tell which case it is, so just
        // assume the second case and truncate the file after the last
        // successfully read item.
        ZimbraLog.redolog.warn("IOException while reading redolog file", e);
        long size = logReader.getSize();
        if (lastPosition < size) {
            long diff = size - lastPosition;
            String msg = "There were " + diff + " bytes of junk data at the end of " + logfile.getAbsolutePath() + ".";
            if (mWritable) {
                ZimbraLog.redolog.warn(msg + "  File will be truncated to " + lastPosition + " bytes.");
            } else
    } finally {
Also used : RedoableOp(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp) IOException( FileLogReader(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileLogReader)

Example 7 with RedoableOp

use of com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class RedoLogVerify method scanLog.

public boolean scanLog(File logfile) throws IOException {
    boolean good = false;
    FileLogReader logReader = new FileLogReader(logfile, false);;
    if (!mParams.quiet) {
        FileHeader header = logReader.getHeader();
    boolean hasMailboxIdsFilter = !mParams.mboxIds.isEmpty();
    RedoableOp op = null;
    long lastPosition = 0;
    long lastOpStartOffset = 0;
    try {
        while ((op = logReader.getNextOp()) != null) {
            lastOpStartOffset = logReader.getLastOpStartOffset();
            lastPosition = logReader.position();
            if (hasMailboxIdsFilter) {
                int mboxId = op.getMailboxId();
                if (op instanceof StoreIncomingBlob) {
                    List<Integer> list = ((StoreIncomingBlob) op).getMailboxIdList();
                    if (list != null) {
                        boolean match = false;
                        for (Integer mid : list) {
                            if (mParams.mboxIds.contains(mid)) {
                                match = true;
                        if (!match)
                // If list==null, it's a store incoming blob op targeted at unknown set of mailboxes.
                // It applies to our filtered mailboxes.
                } else if (!mParams.mboxIds.contains(mboxId)) {
            if (!mParams.quiet) {
                printOp(mOut, op, mParams.hideOffset, lastOpStartOffset, lastPosition - lastOpStartOffset);
                if (mParams.showBlob) {
                    InputStream dataStream = op.getAdditionalDataStream();
                    if (dataStream != null) {
                        mOut.println("<START OF BLOB>");
                        ByteUtil.copy(dataStream, true, mOut, false);
                        mOut.println("<END OF BLOB>");
        good = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // The IOException could be a real I/O problem or it could mean
        // there was a server crash previously and there were half-written
        // log entries.
        mOut.printf("Error while parsing data starting at offset 0x%08x", lastPosition);
        long size = logReader.getSize();
        long diff = size - lastPosition;
        mOut.printf("%d bytes remaining in the file", diff);
        if (op != null) {
            mOut.println("Last suceessfully parsed redo op:");
            printOp(mOut, op, false, lastOpStartOffset, lastPosition - lastOpStartOffset);
        // hexdump data around the bad bytes
        int bytesPerLine = 16;
        int linesBefore = 10;
        int linesAfter = 10;
        long startPos = Math.max(lastPosition - (lastPosition % bytesPerLine) - linesBefore * bytesPerLine, 0);
        int count = (int) Math.min((linesBefore + linesAfter + 1) * bytesPerLine, lastPosition - startPos + diff);
        RandomAccessFile raf = null;
        try {
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(logfile, "r");
            byte[] buf = new byte[count];
  , 0, count);
            mOut.printf("Data near error offset %08x:", lastPosition);
            hexdump(mOut, buf, 0, count, startPos, lastPosition);
        } catch (IOException eh) {
            mOut.println("Error opening log file " + logfile.getAbsolutePath() + " for hexdump");
        } finally {
            if (raf != null)
        throw e;
    } finally {
    return good;
Also used : RandomAccessFile( RedoableOp(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp) StoreIncomingBlob(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.StoreIncomingBlob) InputStream( IOException( FileHeader(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileHeader) FileLogReader(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileLogReader)

Example 8 with RedoableOp

use of com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Mailbox method endTransaction.

     * Be very careful when changing code in this method.  The order of almost
     * every line of code is important to ensure correct redo logging and crash
     * recovery.
     * @param success true to commit the transaction, false to rollback
     * @throws ServiceException error
protected void endTransaction(boolean success) throws ServiceException {
    assert !Thread.holdsLock(this) : "Use MailboxLock";
    if (lock.isUnlocked()) {
        ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("transaction canceled because of lock failure");
        assert (!success);
    // blob and index to delete
    PendingDelete deletes = null;
    // blob to delete for failure cases
    List<Object> rollbackDeletes = null;
    try {
        if (!currentChange().isActive()) {
            // would like to throw here, but it might cover another
            // exception...
            ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("cannot end a transaction when not inside a transaction", new Exception());
        if (!currentChange().endChange()) {
        ServiceException exception = null;
        if (success) {
            List<IndexItemEntry> indexItems = currentChange().indexItems;
            if (!indexItems.isEmpty()) {
                assert (currentChange().writeChange);
                //TODO: See bug 15072 - we need to clear mCurrentChange.indexItems (it is stored in a temporary) here,
                // just in case item.reindex() recurses into a new transaction...
                currentChange().indexItems = new ArrayList<IndexItemEntry>();
            // update mailbox size, folder unread/message counts
            try {
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                exception = e;
                success = false;
        DbConnection conn = currentChange().conn;
        // transaction, so no redo cleanup is necessary.
        if (!success) {
            rollbackDeletes = rollbackCache(currentChange());
            if (exception != null) {
                throw exception;
        RedoableOp redoRecorder = currentChange().recorder;
        boolean needRedo = needRedo(currentChange().octxt, redoRecorder);
        // Log the change redo record for main transaction.
        if (redoRecorder != null && needRedo) {
        boolean dbCommitSuccess = false;
        try {
            // Commit the main transaction in database.
            if (conn != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    // Any exception during database commit is a disaster
                    // because we don't know if the change is committed or
                    // not.  Force the server to abort.  Next restart will
                    // redo the operation to ensure the change is made and
                    // committed.  (bug 2121)
                    Zimbra.halt("Unable to commit database transaction.  Forcing server to abort.", t);
            dbCommitSuccess = true;
        } finally {
            if (!dbCommitSuccess) {
                // recovery will try to redo the operation.
                if (needRedo) {
                    if (redoRecorder != null) {
                rollbackDeletes = rollbackCache(currentChange());
        if (needRedo) {
            // case would result in a redo error, and the second case would index the wrong value.
            if (redoRecorder != null) {
                if (currentChange().dirty != null && !currentChange().dirty.changedTypes.isEmpty()) {
                    // if an "all accounts" waitset is active, and this change has an appropriate type,
                    // then we'll need to set a commit-callback
                    AllAccountsRedoCommitCallback cb = AllAccountsRedoCommitCallback.getRedoCallbackIfNecessary(getAccountId(), currentChange().dirty.changedTypes);
                    if (cb != null) {
        boolean changeMade = currentChange().changeId != MailboxChange.NO_CHANGE;
        // keep a reference for cleanup
        deletes = currentChange().deletes;
        // deletes outside the lock
        // We are finally done with database and redo commits. Cache update
        // comes last.
        // down in its call stack.
        if (changeMade) {
    } finally {
        // entail a blocking network operation
        if (deletes != null) {
            if (!deletes.indexIds.isEmpty()) {
                // delete any index entries associated with items deleted from db
            if (deletes.blobs != null) {
                // delete any blobs associated with items deleted from db/index
                StoreManager sm = StoreManager.getInstance();
                for (MailboxBlob blob : deletes.blobs) {
        if (rollbackDeletes != null) {
            StoreManager sm = StoreManager.getInstance();
            for (Object obj : rollbackDeletes) {
                if (obj instanceof MailboxBlob) {
                    sm.quietDelete((MailboxBlob) obj);
                } else if (obj instanceof Blob) {
                    sm.quietDelete((Blob) obj);
Also used : StoreIncomingBlob(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.StoreIncomingBlob) StagedBlob( MailboxBlob( Blob( MailboxBlob( AllAccountsRedoCommitCallback(com.zimbra.cs.session.AllAccountsRedoCommitCallback) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) IOException( NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) MessageChannelException(com.zimbra.cs.iochannel.MessageChannelException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) UnsupportedEncodingException( DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection) StoreManager( AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) RedoableOp(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp) PendingDelete(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem.PendingDelete)

Example 9 with RedoableOp

use of com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Mailbox method snapshotCounts.

void snapshotCounts() throws ServiceException {
    // for write ops, update the "new messages" count in the DB appropriately
    OperationContext octxt = currentChange().octxt;
    RedoableOp player = currentChange().getRedoPlayer();
    RedoableOp recorder = currentChange().recorder;
    if (recorder != null && (player == null || (octxt != null && !octxt.isRedo()))) {
        assert (currentChange().writeChange);
        boolean isNewMessage = recorder.getOperation() == MailboxOperation.CreateMessage;
        if (isNewMessage) {
            CreateMessage cm = (CreateMessage) recorder;
            if (cm.getFolderId() == ID_FOLDER_SPAM || cm.getFolderId() == ID_FOLDER_TRASH) {
                isNewMessage = false;
            } else if ((cm.getFlags() & NON_DELIVERY_FLAGS) != 0) {
                isNewMessage = false;
            } else if (octxt != null && octxt.getSession() != null && !octxt.isDelegatedRequest(this)) {
                isNewMessage = false;
            if (isNewMessage) {
                String folderList = getAccount().getPrefMailFoldersCheckedForNewMsgIndicator();
                if (folderList != null) {
                    String[] folderIds = folderList.split(",");
                    isNewMessage = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < folderIds.length; i++) {
                        if (cm.getFolderId() == Integer.parseInt(folderIds[i])) {
                            isNewMessage = true;
        if (isNewMessage) {
            currentChange().recent = mData.recentMessages + 1;
        } else if (octxt != null && mData.recentMessages != 0) {
            Session s = octxt.getSession();
            if (s instanceof SoapSession || (s instanceof SoapSession.DelegateSession && ((SoapSession.DelegateSession) s).getParentSession().isOfflineSoapSession())) {
                currentChange().recent = 0;
    if (currentChange().isMailboxRowDirty(mData)) {
        assert (currentChange().writeChange);
        if (currentChange().recent != MailboxChange.NO_CHANGE) {
            ZimbraLog.mailbox.debug("setting recent count to %d", currentChange().recent);
    boolean foldersTagsDirty = false;
    if (currentChange().dirty != null && currentChange().dirty.hasNotifications()) {
        assert (currentChange().writeChange);
        if (currentChange().dirty.created != null) {
            for (MailItem item : currentChange().dirty.created.values()) {
                if (item instanceof Folder) {
                    foldersTagsDirty = true;
                    if (item.getSize() != 0) {
                        ((Folder) item).saveFolderCounts(false);
                } else if (item instanceof Tag) {
                    foldersTagsDirty = true;
                    if (item.isUnread()) {
                        ((Tag) item).saveTagCounts();
        if (currentChange().dirty.modified != null) {
            for (Change change : currentChange().dirty.modified.values()) {
                if (change.what instanceof Folder) {
                    foldersTagsDirty = true;
                    if ((change.why & (Change.UNREAD | Change.SIZE)) != 0) {
                        ((Folder) change.what).saveFolderCounts(false);
                } else if (change.what instanceof Tag) {
                    foldersTagsDirty = true;
                    if ((change.why & Change.UNREAD | Change.SIZE) != 0) {
                        ((Tag) change.what).saveTagCounts();
                } else if ((change.what instanceof MailItem)) {
                    if (change.what instanceof Conversation) {
                        uncache((MailItem) change.what);
                    } else {
                        cache((MailItem) change.what);
        if (currentChange().dirty.deleted != null) {
            for (Change change : currentChange().dirty.deleted.values()) {
                if (change.what instanceof Folder || change.what instanceof Tag) {
                    foldersTagsDirty = true;
        if (foldersTagsDirty) {
    if (DebugConfig.checkMailboxCacheConsistency && currentChange().dirty != null && currentChange().dirty.hasNotifications()) {
        if (currentChange().dirty.created != null) {
            for (MailItem item : currentChange().dirty.created.values()) {
                DbMailItem.consistencyCheck(item, item.mData, item.encodeMetadata().toString());
        if (currentChange().dirty.modified != null) {
            for (Change change : currentChange().dirty.modified.values()) {
                if (change.what instanceof MailItem) {
                    MailItem item = (MailItem) change.what;
                    DbMailItem.consistencyCheck(item, item.mData, item.encodeMetadata().toString());
Also used : Change(com.zimbra.cs.session.PendingModifications.Change) CreateFolder(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateFolder) ZFolder(com.zimbra.client.ZFolder) RefreshMountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RefreshMountpoint) TargetConstraint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem.TargetConstraint) CreateMountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateMountpoint) DbMailItem(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbMailItem) SoapSession(com.zimbra.cs.session.SoapSession) RedoableOp(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp) CreateMessage(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateMessage) AlterItemTag(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.AlterItemTag) CreateTag(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CreateTag) DbTag(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbTag) DbSession(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbSession) Session(com.zimbra.cs.session.Session) SoapSession(com.zimbra.cs.session.SoapSession)

Example 10 with RedoableOp

use of com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Message method processInvitesAfterCreate.

     * This has to be done as a separate step, after the MailItem has been added, because of foreign key constraints on
     * the CalendarItems table.
private void processInvitesAfterCreate(String method, int folderId, boolean applyToCalendar, ParsedMessage pm, List<Invite> invites) throws ServiceException {
    if (pm == null) {
        throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("null ParsedMessage while processing invite in message " + mId, null);
    Account acct = getAccount();
    AccountAddressMatcher acctMatcher = new AccountAddressMatcher(acct);
    OperationContext octxt = getMailbox().getOperationContext();
    ProcessInvitesStatus status = new ProcessInvitesStatus(acct, pm);
    boolean isOrganizerMethod = Invite.isOrganizerMethod(method);
    if (isOrganizerMethod && !invites.isEmpty() && status.intendedForMe) {
        // Check if the sender is allowed to invite this user.  Only do this for invite-type methods,
        // the check because they are not organizer-to-attendee methods.
        String senderEmail;
        Account senderAcct = null;
        boolean onBehalfOf = false;
        boolean canInvite;
        AccessManager accessMgr = AccessManager.getInstance();
        if (octxt != null && octxt.getAuthenticatedUser() != null) {
            onBehalfOf = octxt.isDelegatedRequest(getMailbox());
            senderAcct = octxt.getAuthenticatedUser();
            senderEmail = senderAcct.getName();
            canInvite = accessMgr.canDo(senderAcct, acct, User.R_invite, octxt.isUsingAdminPrivileges());
        } else {
            senderEmail = pm.getSenderEmail(false);
            if (senderEmail != null) {
                senderAcct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, senderEmail);
            canInvite = accessMgr.canDo(senderEmail, acct, User.R_invite, false);
        if (!canInvite) {
            Invite invite = invites.get(0);
            CalendarMailSender.handleInviteAutoDeclinedNotification(octxt, getMailbox(), acct, senderEmail, senderAcct, onBehalfOf, applyToCalendar, getId(), invite);
            String inviteSender = senderEmail != null ? senderEmail : "unknown sender";
  "Calendar invite from %s to %s is not allowed", inviteSender, acct.getName());
            // Turn off auto-add.  We still have to run through the code below to save the invite's
            // data in message's metadata.
            status.autoAddNew = false;
    // Override CLASS property if preference says to mark everything as private.
    PrefCalendarApptVisibility prefClass = acct.getPrefCalendarApptVisibility();
    boolean forcePrivateClass = prefClass != null && !prefClass.equals(PrefCalendarApptVisibility.public_);
    // Ignore alarms set by organizer.
    boolean allowOrganizerAlarm = DebugConfig.calendarAllowOrganizerSpecifiedAlarms;
    if (calendarItemInfos == null) {
        calendarItemInfos = new ArrayList<CalendarItemInfo>();
    // properties.
    if (invites.size() > 1) {
        boolean hasSeries = false;
        ZOrganizer seriesOrganizer = null;
        boolean seriesIsOrganizer = false;
        List<ZAttendee> seriesAttendees = null;
        ParsedDateTime seriesDtStart = null;
        // Get organizer and attendees from series VEVENT.
        for (Invite inv : invites) {
            if (!inv.hasRecurId()) {
                hasSeries = true;
                seriesOrganizer = inv.getOrganizer();
                seriesIsOrganizer = inv.isOrganizer();
                seriesAttendees = inv.getAttendees();
                seriesDtStart = inv.getStartTime();
        if (hasSeries) {
            for (Invite inv : invites) {
                RecurId rid = inv.getRecurId();
                if (rid != null) {
                    if (seriesOrganizer != null && !inv.hasOrganizer()) {
                        // exception instance to have no attendee.
                        if (!inv.hasOtherAttendees() && seriesAttendees != null) {
                            for (ZAttendee at : seriesAttendees) {
                    if (!inv.isAllDayEvent() && seriesDtStart != null) {
                        // Exchange can send invalid RECURRENCE-ID with HHMMSS set to 000000.  Detect it and fix it up
                        // by copying the time from series DTSTART.
                        ParsedDateTime ridDt = rid.getDt();
                        if (ridDt != null && ridDt.hasZeroTime() && !seriesDtStart.hasZeroTime() && ridDt.sameTimeZone(seriesDtStart)) {
                            ParsedDateTime fixedDt = seriesDtStart.cloneWithNewDate(ridDt);
                            RecurId fixedRid = new RecurId(fixedDt, rid.getRange());
                            ZimbraLog.calendar.debug("Fixed up invalid RECURRENCE-ID with zero time; before=[%s], after=[%s]", rid, fixedRid);
                    // Exception instance invites shouldn't point to the same MIME part in the appointment blob
                    // as the series invite.  If they do, we will lose the series attachment when a new exception
                    // instance update is received.
    // used to check if any invite is non-public
    boolean publicInvites = true;
    status.calItemFolderId = invites.size() > 0 && invites.get(0).isTodo() ? Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TASKS : Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_CALENDAR;
    CalendarItem firstCalItem = null;
    Set<String> calUidsSeen = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Invite cur : invites) {
        if (!cur.isPublic()) {
            publicInvites = false;
        // it's the correct organizer.
        if (!cur.hasOrganizer() && cur.hasOtherAttendees()) {
            String fromEmail = pm.getSenderEmail(true);
            if (fromEmail != null) {
                boolean dangerousSender = false;
                // Is sender == recipient?  If so, clear attendees.
                if (status.intendedForAddress != null) {
                    if (status.intendedForAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(fromEmail)) {
              "Got malformed invite without organizer.  Clearing attendees to prevent inadvertent cancels.");
                        dangerousSender = true;
                } else if (acctMatcher.matches(fromEmail)) {
          "Got malformed invite without organizer.  Clearing attendees to prevent inadvertent cancels.");
                    dangerousSender = true;
                if (!dangerousSender) {
                    if (isOrganizerMethod = Invite.isOrganizerMethod(method)) {
                        // For organizer-originated methods, use email sender as default organizer.
                        ZOrganizer org = new ZOrganizer(fromEmail, null);
                        String senderEmail = pm.getSenderEmail(false);
                        if (senderEmail != null && !senderEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(fromEmail))
              "Got malformed invite that lists attendees without specifying an organizer.  " + "Defaulting organizer to: " + org.toString());
                    } else {
                        // For attendee-originated methods, look up organizer from appointment on calendar.
                        // If appointment is not found, fall back to the intended-for address, then finally to self.
                        ZOrganizer org = null;
                        CalendarItem ci = mMailbox.getCalendarItemByUid(octxt, cur.getUid());
                        if (ci != null) {
                            Invite inv = ci.getInvite(cur.getRecurId());
                            if (inv == null) {
                                inv = ci.getDefaultInviteOrNull();
                            if (inv != null) {
                                org = inv.getOrganizer();
                        if (org == null) {
                            if (status.intendedForAddress != null) {
                                org = new ZOrganizer(status.intendedForAddress, null);
                            } else {
                                org = new ZOrganizer(acct.getName(), null);
              "Got malformed reply missing organizer.  Defaulting to " + org.toString());
        status.initAddRevisionSetting(cur.getUid(), calUidsSeen);
        // other than BUSY.  And don't allow transparent meetings.  This will prevent double booking in the future.
        if (cur.isEvent() && (acct instanceof CalendarResource)) {
        if (forcePrivateClass) {
        ICalTok methodTok = Invite.lookupMethod(method);
        // Discard alarms set by organizer.  Add a new one based on attendee's preferences.
        if (!allowOrganizerAlarm) {
            // only for non-cancel/non-declinecounter VEVENTs
            if (cur.isEvent() && isOrganizerMethod && !cur.isCancel() && !ICalTok.DECLINECOUNTER.equals(methodTok))
                Invite.setDefaultAlarm(cur, acct);
        getInfoForAssociatedCalendarItem(acct, cur, method, pm, applyToCalendar, status);
        if (firstCalItem == null) {
            firstCalItem = status.calItem;
    if (status.updatedMetadata) {
    // Don't forward from a system account. (e.g. archiving, galsync, ham/spam)
    if (applyToCalendar && !status.isForwardedInvite && status.intendedForMe && folderId != Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_SENT && !invites.isEmpty() && !acct.isIsSystemResource()) {
        // Don't do the forwarding during redo playback.
        RedoableOp redoPlayer = octxt != null ? octxt.getPlayer() : null;
        RedoLogProvider redoProvider = RedoLogProvider.getInstance();
        boolean needToForward = redoProvider.isMaster() && (redoPlayer == null || redoProvider.getRedoLogManager().getInCrashRecovery());
        if (needToForward) {
            String[] forwardTo = null;
            if (isOrganizerMethod) {
                forwardTo = acct.getPrefCalendarForwardInvitesTo();
            } else {
                // not the users listed in the zimbraPrefCalendarForwardInvitesTo preference.
                if (firstCalItem != null) {
                    Invite invCalItem = firstCalItem.getInvite(invites.get(0).getRecurId());
                    if (invCalItem == null)
                        invCalItem = firstCalItem.getDefaultInviteOrNull();
                    if (invCalItem != null && invCalItem.isOrganizer()) {
                        ZOrganizer org = invCalItem.getOrganizer();
                        if (org.hasSentBy()) {
                            forwardTo = new String[] { org.getSentBy() };
            Account senderAcct = null;
            String senderEmail = pm.getSenderEmail(false);
            if (senderEmail != null)
                senderAcct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, senderEmail);
            if (forwardTo != null && forwardTo.length > 0) {
                // recipients to receive unfiltered message
                List<String> rcptsUnfiltered = new ArrayList<String>();
                // recipients to receive message filtered to remove private data
                List<String> rcptsFiltered = new ArrayList<String>();
                Folder calFolder = null;
                try {
                    calFolder = getMailbox().getFolderById(status.calItemFolderId);
                } catch (NoSuchItemException e) {
                    ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("No such calendar folder (" + status.calItemFolderId + ") during invite auto-forwarding");
                for (String fwd : forwardTo) {
                    if (fwd != null) {
                        fwd = fwd.trim();
                    if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(fwd)) {
                    // Prevent forwarding to self.
                    if (acctMatcher.matches(fwd))
                    // Don't forward back to the sender.  It's redundant and confusing.
                    Account rcptAcct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, fwd);
                    boolean rcptIsSender = false;
                    if (rcptAcct != null) {
                        if (senderAcct != null) {
                            rcptIsSender = rcptAcct.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(senderAcct.getId());
                        } else {
                            rcptIsSender = AccountUtil.addressMatchesAccount(rcptAcct, senderEmail);
                    } else {
                        if (senderAcct != null) {
                            rcptIsSender = AccountUtil.addressMatchesAccount(senderAcct, fwd);
                        } else {
                            rcptIsSender = fwd.equalsIgnoreCase(senderEmail);
                    if (rcptIsSender) {
              "Not auto-forwarding to " + fwd + " because it is the sender of this message");
                    if (publicInvites) {
                    } else {
                        boolean allowed = false;
                        if (calFolder != null && rcptAcct != null) {
                            allowed = calFolder.canAccess(ACL.RIGHT_PRIVATE, rcptAcct, false);
                        if (allowed) {
                        } else if (acct instanceof CalendarResource) {
                            // Forward filtered invite from calendar resource accounts only.  Don't forward filtered
                            // invite from regular user account because the forwardee won't be able to accept/decline
                            // due to permission error.
                if (!rcptsUnfiltered.isEmpty() || !rcptsFiltered.isEmpty()) {
                    MimeMessage mmOrig = pm.getMimeMessage();
                    if (mmOrig != null) {
                        String origSender = pm.getSenderEmail(false);
                        String forwarder = AccountUtil.getCanonicalAddress(acct);
                        if (!rcptsUnfiltered.isEmpty()) {
                            MimeMessage mm = CalendarMailSender.createForwardedInviteMessage(mmOrig, origSender, forwarder, rcptsUnfiltered.toArray(new String[0]));
                            if (mm != null) {
                                ItemId origMsgId = new ItemId(getMailbox(), getId());
                                CalendarMailSender.sendInviteAutoForwardMessage(octxt, getMailbox(), origMsgId, mm);
                        if (!rcptsFiltered.isEmpty()) {
                            MimeMessage mm = CalendarMailSender.createForwardedPrivateInviteMessage(acct, acct.getLocale(), method, invites, origSender, forwarder, rcptsFiltered.toArray(new String[0]));
                            if (mm != null) {
                                ItemId origMsgId = new ItemId(getMailbox(), getId());
                                CalendarMailSender.sendInviteAutoForwardMessage(octxt, getMailbox(), origMsgId, mm);
Also used : AccessManager(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccessManager) Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RecurId(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.RecurId) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) ICalTok(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok) RedoableOp(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp) RedoLogProvider(com.zimbra.cs.redolog.RedoLogProvider) ZMimeMessage(com.zimbra.common.zmime.ZMimeMessage) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) ParsedDateTime(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ParsedDateTime) CalendarResource(com.zimbra.cs.account.CalendarResource) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ZOrganizer(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZOrganizer) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) PrefCalendarApptVisibility(com.zimbra.common.account.ZAttrProvisioning.PrefCalendarApptVisibility) AccountAddressMatcher(com.zimbra.cs.util.AccountUtil.AccountAddressMatcher) ZAttendee(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.ZAttendee) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)


RedoableOp (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.RedoableOp)14 IOException ( Checkpoint (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.Checkpoint)5 File ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)3 FileLogReader (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileLogReader)3 CommitTxn (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.CommitTxn)3 StoreIncomingBlob (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.op.StoreIncomingBlob)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 NoSuchItemException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException)2 RedoLogProvider (com.zimbra.cs.redolog.RedoLogProvider)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)2 ConcurrentMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap)2