use of common.tetfu.common.ColorType in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class AllFigGenerator method updateField.
public void updateField(ColoredField field, Mino mino, int x, int y) {
ColoredField freeze = field.freeze(field.getMaxHeight());
if (mino != null)
freeze.putMino(mino, x, y);
int heightBlock = setting.getFieldHeightBlock();
int widthBlock = setting.getFieldWidthBlock();
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < heightBlock; yIndex++) {
boolean isFilledLine = freeze.isFilledLine(yIndex);
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < widthBlock; xIndex++) {
ColorType type = field.getColorType(xIndex, yIndex);
FigColor figColor = FigColor.parse(type);
Color color = getColor(figColor, isFilledLine);
Rectangle rectangle = positionDecider.getInField(xIndex, yIndex);
use of common.tetfu.common.ColorType in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class AllFigGenerator method drawMino.
private void drawMino(Piece piece, Rectangle rectangle) {
if (piece == null)
ColorType colorType = colorConverter.parseToColorType(piece);
FigColor figColor = FigColor.parse(colorType);
Color color = getColor(figColor, true);
Mino mino = minoFactory.create(piece, Rotate.Spawn);
int maxX = mino.getMaxX();
int minX = mino.getMinX();
double mx = (maxX - minX + 1) / 2.0 + minX;
int minY = -mino.getMaxY();
int maxY = -mino.getMinY();
double my = (maxY - minY + 1) / 2.0 + minY;
int nextBlockSize = setting.getNextBlockSize();
int nextBlockMargin = setting.getNextBlockMargin();
int size = nextBlockSize + nextBlockMargin;
double centerX = rectangle.getX() + rectangle.getWidth() / 2.0;
double centerY = rectangle.getY() + rectangle.getHeight() / 2.0;
for (int[] position : mino.getPositions()) {
int x = (int) (centerX + (position[0] - mx) * size + nextBlockMargin / 2.0);
int y = (int) (centerY - (position[1] + my) * size + nextBlockMargin / 2.0);
graphics.fillRect(x, y, nextBlockSize, nextBlockSize);
use of common.tetfu.common.ColorType in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class NoHoldFigGenerator method drawMino.
private void drawMino(Piece piece, Rectangle rectangle) {
if (piece == null)
ColorType colorType = colorConverter.parseToColorType(piece);
FigColor figColor = FigColor.parse(colorType);
Color color = getColor(figColor, true);
Mino mino = minoFactory.create(piece, Rotate.Spawn);
int maxX = mino.getMaxX();
int minX = mino.getMinX();
double mx = (maxX - minX + 1) / 2.0 + minX;
int minY = -mino.getMaxY();
int maxY = -mino.getMinY();
double my = (maxY - minY + 1) / 2.0 + minY;
int nextBlockSize = setting.getNextBlockSize();
int nextBlockMargin = setting.getNextBlockMargin();
int size = nextBlockSize + nextBlockMargin;
double centerX = rectangle.getX() + rectangle.getWidth() / 2.0;
double centerY = rectangle.getY() + rectangle.getHeight() / 2.0;
for (int[] position : mino.getPositions()) {
int x = (int) (centerX + (position[0] - mx) * size + nextBlockMargin / 2.0);
int y = (int) (centerY - (position[1] + my) * size + nextBlockMargin / 2.0);
graphics.fillRect(x, y, nextBlockSize, nextBlockSize);
use of common.tetfu.common.ColorType in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class PngWriter method write.
public void write(List<TetfuPage> tetfuPages) throws IOException {
int page = startPageIndex + 1;
for (TetfuPage tetfuPage : tetfuPages) {
String path = String.format("%s_%03d.png", prefix, page);
// リセット
// 現在のミノを取得
ColorType colorType = tetfuPage.getColorType();
Rotate rotate = tetfuPage.getRotate();
Mino mino = ColorType.isMinoBlock(colorType) ? minoFactory.create(colorConverter.parseToBlock(colorType), rotate) : null;
int x = tetfuPage.getX();
int y = tetfuPage.getY();
// フィールドの更新
ColoredField field = tetfuPage.getField();
figGenerator.updateField(field, mino, x, y);
// ミノを置くかチェック
if (ColorType.isMinoBlock(colorType)) {
// 現在のミノの更新
figGenerator.updateMino(colorType, rotate, x, y);
// bagの更新
Piece piece = colorConverter.parseToBlock(colorType);
// ネクストの更新
// ホールドの更新
// 画像の生成
BufferedImage image = figGenerator.fix();
// 画像の出力
ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File(path));
use of common.tetfu.common.ColorType in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class ActionEncoder method coordinate_to_int.
private int coordinate_to_int(TetfuElement element) {
int x = element.getX();
int y = element.getY();
ColorType type = element.getColorType();
Rotate rotate = element.getRotate();
if (!ColorType.isMinoBlock(type)) {
x = 0;
y = 22;
} else if (type == ColorType.O && rotate == Rotate.Left) {
x -= 1;
y -= 1;
} else if (type == ColorType.O && rotate == Rotate.Reverse)
x -= 1;
else if (type == ColorType.O && rotate == Rotate.Spawn)
y += 1;
else if (type == ColorType.I && rotate == Rotate.Reverse)
x -= 1;
else if (type == ColorType.I && rotate == Rotate.Left)
y += 1;
else if (type == ColorType.S && rotate == Rotate.Spawn)
y += 1;
else if (type == ColorType.S && rotate == Rotate.Right)
x += 1;
else if (type == ColorType.Z && rotate == Rotate.Spawn)
y += 1;
else if (type == ColorType.Z && rotate == Rotate.Left)
x -= 1;
return (TETFU_FIELD_TOP - y - 1) * TETFU_FIELD_WIDTH + x;