use of core.mino.MinoShifter in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class HarddropReachableThreadLocal method initialValue.
protected HarddropReachable initialValue() {
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
return new HarddropReachable(minoFactory, minoShifter, maxY);
use of core.mino.MinoShifter in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class SetupEntryPoint method run.
public void run() throws FinderException {
output("# Setup Field");
// Setup init field
Field initField = settings.getInitField();
// Setup need filled field
Field needFilledField = settings.getNeedFilledField();
// Setup not filled field
Field notFilledField = settings.getNotFilledField();
// Setup max height
int maxHeight = settings.getMaxHeight();
// Setup reserved blocks
BlockField reservedBlocks = settings.getReservedBlock();
if (settings.isReserved()) {
for (int y = maxHeight - 1; 0 <= y; y--) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
if (reservedBlocks.getBlock(x, y) != null)
builder.append(reservedBlocks.getBlock(x, y).getName());
else if (!initField.isEmpty(x, y))
else if (!needFilledField.isEmpty(x, y))
else if (!notFilledField.isEmpty(x, y))
} else {
for (int y = maxHeight - 1; 0 <= y; y--) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
if (!initField.isEmpty(x, y))
else if (!needFilledField.isEmpty(x, y))
else if (!notFilledField.isEmpty(x, y))
// Setup min depth
// 最低でも必要なミノ数
int minDepth = Verify.minDepth(needFilledField);
// ========================================
// Output user-defined
DropType dropType = settings.getDropType();
output("# Initialize / User-defined");
output("Max height: " + maxHeight);
output("Drop: " +;
output("Searching patterns:");
// Setup patterns
List<String> patterns = settings.getPatterns();
PatternGenerator generator = Verify.patterns(patterns, minDepth);
// Output patterns
for (String pattern : patterns) output(" " + pattern);
// Setup output file
MyFile base = new MyFile(settings.getOutputBaseFilePath());
// ========================================
// Setup core
output("# Initialize / System");
int core = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
// Output system-defined
output("Version = " + FinderConstant.VERSION);
output("Available processors = " + core);
output("Need Pieces = " + minDepth);
// ========================================
output("# Search");
output(" -> Stopwatch start");
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStartedStopwatch();
// Initialize
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
ColorConverter colorConverter = new ColorConverter();
SizedBit sizedBit = decideSizedBitSolutionWidth(maxHeight);
TaskResultHelper taskResultHelper = new BasicMinoPackingHelper();
SolutionFilter solutionFilter = new ForPathSolutionFilter(generator, maxHeight);
ThreadLocal<BuildUpStream> buildUpStreamThreadLocal = createBuildUpStreamThreadLocal(dropType, maxHeight);
OneFumenParser fumenParser = new OneFumenParser(minoFactory, colorConverter);
// ミノリストの作成
long deleteKeyMask = getDeleteKeyMask(notFilledField, maxHeight);
SeparableMinos separableMinos = SeparableMinos.createSeparableMinos(minoFactory, minoShifter, sizedBit, deleteKeyMask);
// 絶対に置かないブロック
List<InOutPairField> inOutPairFields = InOutPairField.createInOutPairFields(sizedBit, notFilledField);
// 絶対に置く必要があるブロック
ArrayList<BasicSolutions> basicSolutions = new ArrayList<>();
List<ColumnField> needFillFields = InOutPairField.createInnerFields(sizedBit, needFilledField);
Field freeze = needFilledField.freeze(sizedBit.getHeight());
for (ColumnField innerField : needFillFields) {
// 最小限の部分だけを抽出する
Field freeze1 = freeze.freeze(sizedBit.getHeight());
for (int y = 0; y < sizedBit.getHeight(); y++) {
int width = sizedBit.getWidth();
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) freeze1.removeBlock(x, y);
for (int x = width + 3; x < 10; x++) freeze1.removeBlock(x, y);
OnDemandBasicSolutions solutions = new OnDemandBasicSolutions(separableMinos, sizedBit, innerField.getBoard(0), freeze1);
// 探索
SetupPackSearcher searcher = new SetupPackSearcher(inOutPairFields, basicSolutions, sizedBit, solutionFilter, taskResultHelper, needFillFields);
List<Result> results = getResults(initField, sizedBit, buildUpStreamThreadLocal, searcher);
output(" Found solution = " + results.size());
output(" -> Stopwatch stop : " + stopwatch.toMessage(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
// ========================================
output("# Output file");
HTMLBuilder<FieldHTMLColumn> htmlBuilder = new HTMLBuilder<>("Setup result");
results.parallelStream().forEach(result -> {
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = result.getMemento().getSeparableMinoStream(sizedBit.getWidth()).map(SeparableMino::toMinoOperationWithKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
Field allField = initField.freeze(maxHeight);
Operations operations = OperationTransform.parseToOperations(allField, operationWithKeys, sizedBit.getHeight());
List<? extends Operation> operationList = operations.getOperations();
for (Operation operation : operationList) {
Mino mino = minoFactory.create(operation.getPiece(), operation.getRotate());
int x = operation.getX();
int y = operation.getY();
allField.put(mino, x, y);
// 譜面の作成
String encode = fumenParser.parse(operationWithKeys, initField, maxHeight);
String name =;
String link = String.format("<a href='' target='_blank'>%s</a>", encode, name);
String line = String.format("<div>%s</div>", link);
htmlBuilder.addColumn(new FieldHTMLColumn(allField, maxHeight), line);
ArrayList<FieldHTMLColumn> columns = new ArrayList<>(htmlBuilder.getRegisteredColumns());
try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = base.newBufferedWriter()) {
for (String line : htmlBuilder.toList(columns, true)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FinderExecuteException(e);
// ========================================
output("# Finalize");
use of core.mino.MinoShifter in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class OperationTransformTest method randomParse.
void randomParse() throws Exception {
// Initialize
Randoms randoms = new Randoms();
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
// Define size
int height = 4;
int basicWidth = 3;
SizedBit sizedBit = new SizedBit(basicWidth, height);
SeparableMinos separableMinos = SeparableMinos.createSeparableMinos(minoFactory, minoShifter, sizedBit);
// Create basic solutions
TaskResultHelper taskResultHelper = new Field4x10MinoPackingHelper();
LockedReachableThreadLocal lockedReachableThreadLocal = new LockedReachableThreadLocal(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
Predicate<ColumnField> memorizedPredicate = (columnField) -> true;
OnDemandBasicSolutions basicSolutions = new OnDemandBasicSolutions(separableMinos, sizedBit, memorizedPredicate);
for (int count = 0; count < 100; count++) {
// Create field
int numOfMinos = randoms.nextInt(6, 10);
Field field = randoms.field(height, numOfMinos);
// Search
List<InOutPairField> inOutPairFields = InOutPairField.createInOutPairFields(basicWidth, height, field);
SolutionFilter solutionFilter = new SRSValidSolutionFilter(field, lockedReachableThreadLocal, sizedBit);
PerfectPackSearcher searcher = new PerfectPackSearcher(inOutPairFields, basicSolutions, sizedBit, solutionFilter, taskResultHelper);
Optional<Result> resultOptional = searcher.findAny();
OperationWithKeyComparator<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeyComparator = new OperationWithKeyComparator<>();
ListComparator<MinoOperationWithKey> comparator = new ListComparator<>(operationWithKeyComparator);
BuildUpStream buildUpStream = new BuildUpStream(lockedReachableThreadLocal.get(), height);
// If found solution
resultOptional.ifPresent(result -> {
List<MinoOperationWithKey> list = result.getMemento().getSeparableMinoStream(basicWidth).map(SeparableMino::toMinoOperationWithKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
Optional<List<MinoOperationWithKey>> validOption = buildUpStream.existsValidBuildPattern(field, list).findAny();
validOption.ifPresent(operationWithKeys -> {
Operations operations = OperationTransform.parseToOperations(field, operationWithKeys, height);
List<MinoOperationWithKey> actual = OperationTransform.parseToOperationWithKeys(field, operations, minoFactory, height);
assertThat(, actual)).as("%s%n%s%n %s", FieldView.toString(field, height), OperationWithKeyInterpreter.parseToString(operationWithKeys), OperationWithKeyInterpreter.parseToString(actual)).isEqualTo(0);
use of core.mino.MinoShifter in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class BuildUpStreamTest method buildUp2.
void buildUp2() {
// Create LockedReachable
int height = 4;
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
LockedReachable reachable = new LockedReachable(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
// Create OperationWithKey List
Field field = FieldFactory.createField("" + "____XXXXXX" + "____XXXXXX" + "____XXXXXX" + "____XXXXXX");
Operations operations = OperationInterpreter.parseToOperations("J,R,0,1;O,0,1,0;L,L,3,1;I,0,1,0");
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = OperationTransform.parseToOperationWithKeys(field, operations, minoFactory, height);
// Create Pieces
Set<String> valid = new BuildUpStream(reachable, height).existsValidBuildPattern(field, operationWithKeys).map(op ->;
// Assertion
assertThat(valid).hasSize(16).doesNotContain("IJOL", "IJLO", "IOJL", "IOLJ", "ILOJ", // starts I
"ILJO").doesNotContain("OIJL", // starts OI
"OILJ").contains("OJLI", "OJIL", "JOIL", "JLIO", "LOJI", "LIOJ");
use of core.mino.MinoShifter in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class BuildUpTest method cansBuildRandomLongByCheck.
void cansBuildRandomLongByCheck() {
Randoms randoms = new Randoms();
// Create field
int height = 4;
// Initialize
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
PerfectValidator validator = new PerfectValidator();
CheckerUsingHold<Action> checker = new CheckerUsingHold<>(minoFactory, validator);
Candidate<Action> candidate = new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
LockedReachable reachable = new LockedReachable(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
for (int count = 0; count < 100; count++) {
// Pickup solution from checker
int numOfMinos = randoms.nextIntClosed(7, 10);
Field field = randoms.field(height, numOfMinos);
List<Piece> pieces = randoms.blocks(numOfMinos);
boolean check = checker.check(field, pieces, candidate, height, numOfMinos);
if (check) {
Stream<Operation> operationStream = ResultHelper.createOperationStream(checker.getResult());
Operations operations = new Operations(operationStream);
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = OperationTransform.parseToOperationWithKeys(field, operations, minoFactory, height);
assertThat(BuildUp.cansBuild(field, operationWithKeys, height, reachable)).as(FieldView.toString(field) + pieces).isTrue();