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Example 46 with CucumberFeature

use of cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature in project cucumber-jvm by cucumber.

the class ExecutionUnitRunnerTest method shouldPopulateRunnerStepsWithStepsUsedInStepDescriptions.

public void shouldPopulateRunnerStepsWithStepsUsedInStepDescriptions() throws Exception {
    CucumberFeature cucumberFeature = TestFeatureBuilder.feature("featurePath", "" + "Feature: feature name\n" + "  Background:\n" + "    Given background step\n" + "  Scenario:\n" + "    Then scenario name\n");
    ExecutionUnitRunner runner = new ExecutionUnitRunner(null, (CucumberScenario) cucumberFeature.getFeatureElements().get(0), createStandardJUnitReporter());
    // fish out the data from runner
    Description runnerDescription = runner.getDescription();
    Description backgroundStepDescription = runnerDescription.getChildren().get(0);
    Description scenarioStepDescription = runnerDescription.getChildren().get(1);
    Step runnerBackgroundStep = runner.getRunnerSteps().get(0);
    Step runnerScenarioStep = runner.getRunnerSteps().get(1);
    assertDescriptionHasStepAsUniqueId(backgroundStepDescription, runnerBackgroundStep);
    assertDescriptionHasStepAsUniqueId(scenarioStepDescription, runnerScenarioStep);
Also used : Description(org.junit.runner.Description) CucumberFeature(cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature) Step(gherkin.formatter.model.Step) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 47 with CucumberFeature

use of cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature in project cucumber-jvm by cucumber.

the class FeatureRunnerTest method should_call_formatter_for_scenario_outline_with_two_examples_table_and_background.

public void should_call_formatter_for_scenario_outline_with_two_examples_table_and_background() throws Throwable {
    CucumberFeature feature = TestFeatureBuilder.feature("path/test.feature", "" + "Feature: feature name\n" + "  Background: background\n" + "    Given first step\n" + "  Scenario Outline: scenario outline name\n" + "    When <x> step\n" + "    Then <y> step\n" + "    Examples: examples 1 name\n" + "      |   x    |   y   |\n" + "      | second | third |\n" + "      | second | third |\n" + "    Examples: examples 2 name\n" + "      |   x    |   y   |\n" + "      | second | third |\n");
    String formatterOutput = runFeatureWithFormatterSpy(feature);
    assertEquals("" + "uri\n" + "feature\n" + "  scenarioOutline\n" + "    step\n" + "    step\n" + "  examples\n" + "  startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "  background\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  scenario\n" + "    step\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "  startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "  background\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  scenario\n" + "    step\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "  examples\n" + "  startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "  background\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  scenario\n" + "    step\n" + "    step\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "    match\n" + "    result\n" + "  endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "eof\n", formatterOutput);
Also used : CucumberFeature(cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 48 with CucumberFeature

use of cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature in project cucumber-jvm by cucumber.

the class StepdefGeneratorTest method features.

private List<CucumberFeature> features() throws IOException {
    List<CucumberFeature> features = new ArrayList<CucumberFeature>();
    FeatureBuilder fb = new FeatureBuilder(features);
    fb.parse(new Resource() {

        public String getPath() {
            return "test.feature";

        public String getAbsolutePath() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public InputStream getInputStream() {
            try {
                return new ByteArrayInputStream(("" + "Feature: Test\n" + "  Scenario: Test\n" + "    Given I have 4 cukes in my belly\n" + "    And I have 3 bananas in my basket\n" + "    Given I have 42 cukes in my belly\n").getBytes("UTF-8"));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        public String getClassName(String extension) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    }, emptyList());
    return features;
Also used : FeatureBuilder(cucumber.runtime.FeatureBuilder) CucumberFeature(cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature) ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Resource( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 49 with CucumberFeature

use of cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature in project cucumber-jvm by cucumber.

the class CucumberPrettyFormatterTest method should_align_the_indentation_of_location_strings.

public void should_align_the_indentation_of_location_strings() throws Throwable {
    CucumberFeature feature = feature("path/test.feature", "Feature: feature name\n" + "  Scenario: scenario name\n" + "    Given first step\n" + "    When second step\n" + "    Then third step\n");
    Map<String, String> stepsToLocation = new HashMap<String, String>();
    stepsToLocation.put("first step", "path/");
    stepsToLocation.put("second step", "path/");
    stepsToLocation.put("third step", "path/");
    String formatterOutput = runFeatureWithPrettyFormatter(feature, stepsToLocation);
    assertThat(formatterOutput, containsString("  Scenario: scenario name # path/test.feature:2\n" + "    Given first step      # path/\n" + "    When second step      # path/\n" + "    Then third step       # path/\n"));
Also used : CucumberFeature(cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 50 with CucumberFeature

use of cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature in project cucumber-jvm by cucumber.

the class TestHelper method runFeaturesWithFormatter.

private static void runFeaturesWithFormatter(final List<CucumberFeature> features, final Map<String, Result> stepsToResult, final Map<String, String> stepsToLocation, final List<SimpleEntry<String, Result>> hooks, final long stepHookDuration, final Formatter formatter, final Reporter reporter) throws Throwable {
    final RuntimeOptions runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions("");
    final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    final ClasspathResourceLoader resourceLoader = new ClasspathResourceLoader(classLoader);
    final RuntimeGlue glue = createMockedRuntimeGlueThatMatchesTheSteps(stepsToResult, stepsToLocation, hooks);
    final Runtime runtime = new Runtime(resourceLoader, classLoader, asList(mock(Backend.class)), runtimeOptions, new StopWatch.Stub(stepHookDuration), glue);
    for (CucumberFeature feature : features) {, reporter, runtime);
Also used : CucumberFeature(cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature) ClasspathResourceLoader(


CucumberFeature (cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature)65 Test (org.junit.Test)53 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)33 Result (gherkin.formatter.model.Result)32 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 SimpleEntry (java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry)10 ClasspathResourceLoader ( Resource ( Formatter (gherkin.formatter.Formatter)5 Reporter (gherkin.formatter.Reporter)5 StepDefinitionReporter (cucumber.api.StepDefinitionReporter)4 CucumberTagStatement (cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberTagStatement)4 Step (gherkin.formatter.model.Step)4 CoreMatchers.containsString (org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString)4 Matchers.anyString (org.mockito.Matchers.anyString)4 CucumberJSONFormatter (cucumber.runtime.formatter.CucumberJSONFormatter)3 JSONFormatter (gherkin.formatter.JSONFormatter)3 Tag (gherkin.formatter.model.Tag)3 Description (org.junit.runner.Description)3 Scenario (cucumber.api.Scenario)2