use of cyclops.futurestream.LazyReact in project cyclops by aol.
the class LazySeqAgronaTest method zipFastSlow.
public void zipFastSlow() {
FutureStream<Integer> s;
Queue q = new Queue();
LazyReact.parallelBuilder().generate(() -> sleep(100)).then(it -> q.add("100")).runThread(new Thread());
new LazyReact().of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).zip( -> System.out.println(it)).collect(Collectors.toList());
use of cyclops.futurestream.LazyReact in project cyclops by aol.
the class LazySeqAgronaTest method shouldZipInfiniteWithFiniteSeq.
public void shouldZipInfiniteWithFiniteSeq() throws Exception {
// <-- MEMORY LEAK!- no auto-closing yet, so writes infinetely to it's async queue
final FutureStream<Integer> units = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(1, n -> n + 1);
final ReactiveSeq<Integer> hundreds = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(100, n -> n + 100).limit(5);
final ReactiveSeq<String> zipped =, (n, p) -> n + ": " + p);
assertThat(zipped.limit(5).join(), equalTo(of("1: 100", "2: 200", "3: 300", "4: 400", "5: 500").join()));
use of cyclops.futurestream.LazyReact in project cyclops by aol.
the class FilesExamplesTest method test.
public void test() throws IOException {
LazyReact react = new LazyReact(100, 110);
react.fromStream(Files.walk(Paths.get("."))).map(d -> {
throw new RuntimeException("hello");
}).map(Object::toString).recover(e -> "hello world").forEach(System.out::println);
use of cyclops.futurestream.LazyReact in project cyclops by aol.
the class LazySeqTest method shouldZipFiniteWithInfiniteSeq.
public void shouldZipFiniteWithInfiniteSeq() throws Exception {
final ReactiveSeq<Integer> units = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(1, n -> n + 1).limit(5);
// <-- MEMORY LEAK! - no auto-closing yet, so writes infinetely to it's async queue
final FutureStream<Integer> hundreds = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(100, n -> n + 100);
final ReactiveSeq<String> zipped =, (n, p) -> n + ": " + p);
assertThat(zipped.limit(5).join(), equalTo(of("1: 100", "2: 200", "3: 300", "4: 400", "5: 500").join()));
use of cyclops.futurestream.LazyReact in project cyclops by aol.
the class LazySeqTest method shouldZipInfiniteWithFiniteSeq.
public void shouldZipInfiniteWithFiniteSeq() throws Exception {
// <-- MEMORY LEAK!- no auto-closing yet, so writes infinetely to it's async queue
final FutureStream<Integer> units = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(1, n -> n + 1);
final ReactiveSeq<Integer> hundreds = new LazyReact(ThreadPools.getCommonFreeThread()).iterate(100, n -> n + 100).limit(5);
final ReactiveSeq<String> zipped =, (n, p) -> n + ": " + p);
assertThat(zipped.limit(5).join(), equalTo(of("1: 100", "2: 200", "3: 300", "4: 400", "5: 500").join()));