use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.ExtSource in project perun by CESNET.
the class DummyPasswordManagerModule method validatePassword.
public void validatePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, User user) throws InvalidLoginException {
log.debug("validatePassword(userLogin={})", userLogin);
if (user == null) {
user = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getModulesUtilsBl().getUserByLoginInNamespace(sess, userLogin, "dummy");
if (user == null) {
log.warn("No user was found by login '{}' in {} namespace.", userLogin, "dummy");
} else {
// set extSources and extSource related attributes
ExtSource extSource;
try {
extSource = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "https://dummy");
} catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException e) {
extSource = new ExtSource("https://dummy", ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_IDP);
try {
extSource = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getExtSourcesManagerBl().createExtSource(sess, extSource, null);
} catch (ExtSourceExistsException e1) {
log.warn("impossible or race condition", e1);
UserExtSource ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "@dummy");
try {
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.ExtSource in project perun by CESNET.
the class EinfraPasswordManagerModule method validatePassword.
public void validatePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, User user) throws InvalidLoginException {
if (user == null) {
user = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getModulesUtilsBl().getUserByLoginInNamespace(sess, userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
if (user == null) {
log.warn("No user was found by login '{}' in {} namespace.", userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
} else {
PerunBl perunBl = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun());
// FIXME - find out more convenient place and support other namespaces
try {
Attribute attribute = perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":lastPwdChangeTimestamp:einfra");
LocalDateTime now =;
String value = now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().setAttribute(sess, user, attribute);
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException ignore) {
// not supported by namespace
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Unable to set last password change timestamp for {} in {}", userLogin, actualLoginNamespace, ex);
// set extSources and extSource related attributes
try {
List<String> kerberosLogins = new ArrayList<>();
// Set META and EINFRA userExtSources
ExtSource extSource = perunBl.getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "META");
UserExtSource ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "@META");
try {
perunBl.getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
extSource = perunBl.getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "EINFRA");
ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "@EINFRA");
try {
perunBl.getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
extSource = perunBl.getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "");
ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "");
try {
perunBl.getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
// Store E-INFRA IdP UES
extSource = perunBl.getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "");
ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "");
try {
perunBl.getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
extSource = perunBl.getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "");
ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "");
try {
perunBl.getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
// Store also Kerberos logins
Attribute kerberosLoginsAttr = perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + "kerberosLogins");
if (kerberosLoginsAttr != null && kerberosLoginsAttr.getValue() != null) {
boolean someChange = false;
if (!kerberosLogins.contains(userLogin + "@EINFRA")) {
kerberosLogins.add(userLogin + "@EINFRA");
someChange = true;
if (!kerberosLogins.contains(userLogin + "@META")) {
kerberosLogins.add(userLogin + "@META");
someChange = true;
if (someChange && kerberosLoginsAttr != null) {
perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().setAttribute(sess, user, kerberosLoginsAttr);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException | AttributeNotExistsException | ExtSourceNotExistsException | WrongAttributeValueException | WrongReferenceAttributeValueException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
// validate password
super.validatePassword(sess, userLogin, user);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.ExtSource in project perun by CESNET.
the class IcsmuniczPasswordManagerModule method validatePassword.
public void validatePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, User user) throws InvalidLoginException {
if (user == null) {
user = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getModulesUtilsBl().getUserByLoginInNamespace(sess, userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
if (user == null) {
log.warn("No user was found by login '{}' in {} namespace.", userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
} else {
// set extSources and extSource related attributes
try {
List<String> kerberosLogins = new ArrayList<>();
ExtSource extSource = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "ICS.MUNI.CZ");
UserExtSource ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "@ICS.MUNI.CZ");
try {
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
// Store also Kerberos logins
Attribute kerberosLoginsAttr = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + "kerberosLogins");
if (kerberosLoginsAttr != null && kerberosLoginsAttr.getValue() != null) {
kerberosLogins.addAll((List<String>) kerberosLoginsAttr.getValue());
if (!kerberosLogins.contains(userLogin + "@ICS.MUNI.CZ") && kerberosLoginsAttr != null) {
kerberosLogins.add(userLogin + "@ICS.MUNI.CZ");
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getAttributesManagerBl().setAttribute(sess, user, kerberosLoginsAttr);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException | AttributeNotExistsException | ExtSourceNotExistsException | WrongAttributeValueException | WrongReferenceAttributeValueException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
// validate password
super.validatePassword(sess, userLogin, user);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.ExtSource in project perun by CESNET.
the class SitolaPasswordManagerModule method validatePassword.
public void validatePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, User user) throws InvalidLoginException {
if (user == null) {
user = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getModulesUtilsBl().getUserByLoginInNamespace(sess, userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
if (user == null) {
log.warn("No user was found by login '{}' in {} namespace.", userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
} else {
// set extSources and extSource related attributes
try {
List<String> kerberosLogins = new ArrayList<>();
ExtSource extSource = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "SITOLA.FI.MUNI.CZ");
UserExtSource ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin + "@SITOLA.FI.MUNI.CZ");
try {
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
// Store also Kerberos logins
Attribute kerberosLoginsAttr = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + "kerberosLogins");
if (kerberosLoginsAttr != null && kerberosLoginsAttr.getValue() != null) {
kerberosLogins.addAll((List<String>) kerberosLoginsAttr.getValue());
if (!kerberosLogins.contains(userLogin + "@SITOLA.FI.MUNI.CZ") && kerberosLoginsAttr != null) {
kerberosLogins.add(userLogin + "@SITOLA.FI.MUNI.CZ");
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getAttributesManagerBl().setAttribute(sess, user, kerberosLoginsAttr);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException | AttributeNotExistsException | ExtSourceNotExistsException | WrongAttributeValueException | WrongReferenceAttributeValueException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
// validate password
super.validatePassword(sess, userLogin, user);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.ExtSource in project perun by CESNET.
the class VsupPasswordManagerModule method validatePassword.
public void validatePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, User user) throws InvalidLoginException {
if (user == null) {
user = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getModulesUtilsBl().getUserByLoginInNamespace(sess, userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
if (user == null) {
log.warn("No user was found by login '{}' in {} namespace.", userLogin, actualLoginNamespace);
} else {
// set extSources and extSource related attributes
try {
// Add UES in their ActiveDirectory to access Perun by it
ExtSource extSource = ((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getExtSourcesManagerBl().getExtSourceByName(sess, "AD");
UserExtSource ues = new UserExtSource(extSource, userLogin);
try {
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getUsersManagerBl().addUserExtSource(sess, user, ues);
} catch (UserExtSourceExistsException ex) {
// this is OK
} catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
// validate password
super.validatePassword(sess, userLogin, user);