use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class AuthorshipManagerBlImpl method convertAuthorToAuthorWithAttributes.
private Author convertAuthorToAuthorWithAttributes(Author author) {
try {
if (session == null) {
session = perun.getPerunSession(new PerunPrincipal("perunCabinet", ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_NAME_INTERNAL, ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_INTERNAL), new PerunClient());
User user = perun.getUsersManagerBl().getUserById(session, author.getId());
Attribute a = perun.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(session, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":preferredMail");
Attribute b = perun.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(session, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":organization");
author.setAttributes(Arrays.asList(a, b));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Unable to get attributes for {}: {}", author, ex);
return author;
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class EventExecServiceResolverImpl method parseEvent.
public Map<Facility, Set<ExecService>> parseEvent(String event) throws InvalidEventMessageException, ServiceNotExistsException, InternalErrorException, PrivilegeException {"I am going to process event:" + event);
* Expected string format as on:
* /wiki/PerunEngineDispatcherController event|x|[timestamp][Event
* header][Event data]
String eventParsingPattern = "^\\[([a-zA-Z0-9+: ]+)\\]\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\[(.*)\\]$";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(eventParsingPattern);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(event);
boolean matchFound = matcher.find();
if (matchFound) {
log.debug("Message format matched ok...");
// NOT USED ANYMORE: not applicable in dispatcher
// String thisEngineID =;
// // This should indeed match the current Engine instance ID, so
// let's compare it...
// if (Integer.parseInt(thisEngineID) != Integer.parseInt((String)
// propertiesBean.get(""))) {
// throw new InvalidEventMessageException("Wrong Engine ID. Was:" +
// thisEngineID + ", Expected:" +
// propertiesBean.get(""));
// }
// // Not being used at the moment.
// String timeStamp =;
// Header should provide information regarding the target facility.
String eventHeader =;
// We expect the string to contain something like this:
// ???
// String headerParsingPattern = ".*\\=([0-9]+).*";
// Pattern headerPattern = Pattern.compile(headerParsingPattern);
// Matcher headerMatcher = headerPattern.matcher(eventHeader);
* boolean headerMatchFound = headerMatcher.find();
* if(!headerMatchFound) { throw new InvalidEventMessageException(
* "Invalid event header. It does not contain the expected"
* ); } int facilityId = Integer.parseInt(;
* PerunSession perunSession =
* engineManager.getPerunSession(propertiesBean
* .getProperty("perun.principal")); Facility facility = null; try {
* facility = facilitiesManager.getFacilityById(perunSession,
* facilityId); } catch (FacilityNotExistsException e) { throw new
* InvalidEventMessageException
* ("Facility with ID "+facilityId+"does not exist.", e); } catch
* (InternalErrorException e) { throw new
* InvalidEventMessageException("Unknown error...", e); } catch
* (PrivilegeException e) { throw new
* InvalidEventMessageException("Principal "
* +propertiesBean.getProperty
* ("perun.principal")+" is not allowed to access that facility. ",
* e); }
// Data should provide information regarding the target ExecService
// (Processing rule).
String eventData =;
log.debug("Event data to be parsed:" + eventData);
// GET All Beans (only PerunBeans) from message
List<PerunBean> listOfBeans = new ArrayList<PerunBean>();
listOfBeans = AuditParser.parseLog(eventData);
// Prepare variables
AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition = null;
Attribute attribute = null;
Facility facility = null;
Resource resource = null;
Group group = null;
User user = null;
Member member = null;
Service service = null;
Host host = null;
// etc. ?
for (PerunBean pb : listOfBeans) {
if (pb instanceof AttributeDefinition && pb instanceof Attribute) {
attribute = (Attribute) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Facility) {
facility = (Facility) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Resource) {
resource = (Resource) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Group) {
group = (Group) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof User) {
user = (User) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Member) {
member = (Member) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Service) {
service = (Service) pb;
} else if (pb instanceof Host) {
host = (Host) pb;
// If there is any attribute, so create AttributeDefinition
if (attribute != null) {
attributeDefinition = new AttributeDefinition(attribute);
log.debug("Attribute found in event. {}.", attributeDefinition);
List<Facility> facilitiesResolvedFromEvent = new ArrayList<Facility>();
List<Resource> resourcesResolvedFromEvent = new ArrayList<Resource>();
List<Service> servicesResolvedFromEvent = new ArrayList<Service>();
// =============== Resolve facilities from event======================
PerunSession perunSession = perun.getPerunSession(new PerunPrincipal(dispatcherPropertiesBean.getProperty(""), dispatcherPropertiesBean.getProperty("perun.principal.extSourceName"), dispatcherPropertiesBean.getProperty("perun.principal.extSourceType")), new PerunClient());
// Try to find FACILITY in event
if (facility != null) {
try {
log.debug("Facility found in event. {}.", facility);
resourcesResolvedFromEvent.addAll(perun.getFacilitiesManager().getAssignedResources(perunSession, facility));
} catch (FacilityNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing facility found while resolving event. id={}", facility.getId());
} else {
// Try to find RESOURCE in event
if (resource != null) {
} else {
// Try to find GROUP in event
if (group != null) {
try {
resourcesResolvedFromEvent = perun.getResourcesManager().getAssignedResources(perunSession, group);
} catch (GroupNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing group found while resolving event. id={}", group.getId());
} else {
// try to find USER in event
if (user != null) {
try {
resourcesResolvedFromEvent = perun.getUsersManager().getAllowedResources(perunSession, user);
} catch (UserNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing user found while resolving event. id={}", user.getId());
} else {
// try to find MEMBER in event
if (member != null) {
try {
resourcesResolvedFromEvent = perun.getResourcesManager().getAllowedResources(perunSession, member);
} catch (MemberNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing member found while resolving event. id={}", member.getId());
} else {
// try to find HOST in event
if (host != null) {
try {
log.debug("Host found in {}.", host.getId());
facility = perun.getFacilitiesManager().getFacilityForHost(perunSession, host);
resourcesResolvedFromEvent.addAll(perun.getFacilitiesManager().getAssignedResources(perunSession, facility));
} catch (FacilityNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Host on non-existing facility found while resolving event. Host id={}", host.getId());
} catch (HostNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing host found while resolving event. id={}", host.getId());
} else {
log.warn("No match found for this event. Event={}", event);
// TODO resolve more than one service
if (service != null) {
//List<Pair<List<ExecService>, Facility>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<List<ExecService>, Facility>>();
Map<Facility, Set<ExecService>> result = new HashMap<Facility, Set<ExecService>>();
for (Resource r : resourcesResolvedFromEvent) {
Facility facilityResolvedFromEvent;
List<Service> servicesResolvedFromResource;
try {
facilityResolvedFromEvent = perun.getResourcesManager().getFacility(perunSession, r);
servicesResolvedFromResource = perun.getResourcesManager().getAssignedServices(perunSession, r);
// process only services resolved from event if any
if (!servicesResolvedFromEvent.isEmpty())
} catch (ResourceNotExistsException ex) {
log.debug("Non-existing resource found while resolving event. Resource={}", r);
// skip to next resource
for (Service s : servicesResolvedFromResource) {
// TODO: Optimize with an SQL query...
List<ExecService> execServicesGenAndSend = generalServiceManager.listExecServices(perunSession, s.getId());
List<ExecService> execServices = new ArrayList<ExecService>();
for (ExecService execService : execServicesGenAndSend) {
if (execService.getExecServiceType().equals(ExecServiceType.SEND)) {
if (attributeDefinition != null) {
// remove from future processing services
// which don't require the found attribute
// TODO (CHECKME) This method can raise
// ServiceNotExistsException. Is it ok? Or it must be
// catch?
List<AttributeDefinition> serviceRequiredAttributes = perun.getAttributesManager().getRequiredAttributesDefinition(perunSession, s);
if (!serviceRequiredAttributes.contains(attributeDefinition))
if (!result.containsKey(facilityResolvedFromEvent)) {
result.put(facilityResolvedFromEvent, new HashSet<ExecService>(execServices));
} else {
}"I am going to return " + result.size() + " facilities.");
return result;
} else {
throw new InvalidEventMessageException("Message[" + event + "]");
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class AbstractTest method setUpSess.
public void setUpSess() throws Exception {
final PerunPrincipal pp = new PerunPrincipal("perunTests", ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_NAME_INTERNAL, ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_INTERNAL);
sess = perun.getPerunSession(pp, new PerunClient());