use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Resource in project perun by CESNET.
the class Utils method generateAllGroupsToWriter.
* Method generate all Groups to the text for using in LDIF.
* Write all these information to writer in perunInitializer object.
* @param perunInitializer need to be loaded to get all needed dependencies
* @throws InternalErrorException if some problem with initializer or objects in perun-core
* @throws IOException if some problem with writer
public static void generateAllGroupsToWriter(PerunInitializer perunInitializer) throws InternalErrorException, IOException {
//Load basic variables
if (perunInitializer == null)
throw new InternalErrorException("PerunInitializer must be loaded before using in generating methods!");
PerunSession perunSession = perunInitializer.getPerunSession();
PerunBl perun = perunInitializer.getPerunBl();
BufferedWriter writer = perunInitializer.getOutputWriter();
//First get all vos
List<Vo> vos = perun.getVosManagerBl().getVos(perunSession);
//Then from all vos get all assigned groups and generate data about them to the writer
for (Vo vo : vos) {
List<Group> groups;
groups = perun.getGroupsManagerBl().getGroups(perunSession, vo);
for (Group group : groups) {
String dn = "dn: ";
String oc1 = "objectclass: top";
String oc3 = "objectclass: perunGroup";
String cn = "cn: ";
String perunVoId = "perunVoId: ";
String parentGroup = "perunParentGroup: ";
String parentGroupId = "perunParentGroupId: ";
String perunGroupId = "perunGroupId: ";
String owner = "owner: ";
String description = "description: ";
String perunUniqueGroupName = "perunUniqueGroupName: ";
List<Member> members;
members = perun.getGroupsManagerBl().getGroupMembers(perunSession, group, Status.VALID);
perunGroupId += String.valueOf(group.getId());
perunVoId += String.valueOf(group.getVoId());
dn += "perunGroupId=" + group.getId() + ",perunVoId=" + group.getVoId() + ",dc=perun,dc=cesnet,dc=cz";
cn += group.getName();
perunUniqueGroupName += vo.getShortName() + ":" + group.getName();
if (group.getDescription() != null)
description += group.getDescription();
if (group.getParentGroupId() != null) {
parentGroupId += group.getParentGroupId();
parentGroup += "perunGroupId=" + group.getParentGroupId() + ",perunVoId=" + group.getVoId() + ",dc=perun,dc=cesnet,dc=cz";
List<Member> admins = new ArrayList<>();
writer.write(dn + '\n');
writer.write(oc1 + '\n');
writer.write(oc3 + '\n');
writer.write(cn + '\n');
writer.write(perunUniqueGroupName + '\n');
writer.write(perunGroupId + '\n');
writer.write(perunVoId + '\n');
if (group.getDescription() != null)
writer.write(description + '\n');
if (group.getParentGroupId() != null) {
writer.write(parentGroupId + '\n');
writer.write(parentGroup + '\n');
//ADD Group Members
for (Member m : members) {
writer.write("uniqueMember: " + "perunUserId=" + m.getUserId() + ",ou=People,dc=perun,dc=cesnet,dc=cz");
//ADD resources which group is assigned to
List<Resource> associatedResources;
associatedResources = perun.getResourcesManagerBl().getAssignedResources(perunSession, group);
for (Resource r : associatedResources) {
writer.write("assignedToResourceId: " + r.getId());
//FOR NOW No groups has owner
writer.write(owner + '\n');
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Resource in project perun by CESNET.
the class Utils method generateAllResourcesToWriter.
* Method generate all Resources to the text for using in LDIF.
* Write all these information to writer in perunInitializer object.
* @param perunInitializer need to be loaded to get all needed dependencies
* @throws InternalErrorException if some problem with initializer or objects in perun-core
* @throws IOException if some problem with writer
public static void generateAllResourcesToWriter(PerunInitializer perunInitializer) throws InternalErrorException, IOException {
//Load basic variables
if (perunInitializer == null)
throw new InternalErrorException("PerunInitializer must be loaded before using in generating methods!");
PerunSession perunSession = perunInitializer.getPerunSession();
PerunBl perun = perunInitializer.getPerunBl();
BufferedWriter writer = perunInitializer.getOutputWriter();
//first get all Vos
List<Vo> vos = perun.getVosManagerBl().getVos(perunSession);
//Then from every Vo get all assigned resources and write their data to the writer
for (Vo vo : vos) {
List<Resource> resources;
resources = perun.getResourcesManagerBl().getResources(perunSession, vo);
for (Resource resource : resources) {
//Read facility attribute entityID and write it for the resource if exists
Facility facility = null;
try {
facility = perun.getFacilitiesManagerBl().getFacilityById(perunSession, resource.getFacilityId());
} catch (FacilityNotExistsException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Can't found facility of this resource " + resource, ex);
Attribute entityIDAttr = null;
try {
entityIDAttr = perun.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(perunSession, facility, AttributesManager.NS_FACILITY_ATTR_DEF + ":entityID");
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException | WrongAttributeAssignmentException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Problem with loading entityID attribute of facility " + facility, ex);
String dn = "dn: ";
String oc1 = "objectclass: top";
String oc3 = "objectclass: perunResource";
String cn = "cn: ";
String perunVoId = "perunVoId: ";
String perunFacilityId = "perunFacilityId: ";
String perunResourceId = "perunResourceId: ";
String description = "description: ";
String entityID = "entityID: ";
perunVoId += String.valueOf(resource.getVoId());
perunFacilityId += String.valueOf(resource.getFacilityId());
perunResourceId += String.valueOf(resource.getId());
dn += "perunResourceId=" + resource.getId() + ",perunVoId=" + resource.getVoId() + ",dc=perun,dc=cesnet,dc=cz";
cn += resource.getName();
String descriptionValue = resource.getDescription();
if (descriptionValue != null) {
if (descriptionValue.matches("^[ ]*$"))
descriptionValue = null;
writer.write(dn + '\n');
writer.write(oc1 + '\n');
writer.write(oc3 + '\n');
writer.write(cn + '\n');
writer.write(perunResourceId + '\n');
if (descriptionValue != null)
writer.write(description + descriptionValue + '\n');
writer.write(perunVoId + '\n');
writer.write(perunFacilityId + '\n');
if (entityIDAttr.getValue() != null)
writer.write(entityID + (String) entityIDAttr.getValue() + '\n');
//ADD resources which group is assigned to
List<Group> associatedGroups = perun.getResourcesManagerBl().getAssignedGroups(perunSession, resource);
for (Group g : associatedGroups) {
writer.write("assignedGroupId: " + g.getId());
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Resource in project perun by CESNET.
the class urn_perun_member_resource_attribute_def_virt_isBanned method resolveVirtualAttributeValueChange.
public List<String> resolveVirtualAttributeValueChange(PerunSessionImpl perunSession, String message) throws InternalErrorException, WrongReferenceAttributeValueException, AttributeNotExistsException, WrongAttributeAssignmentException {
List<String> resolvingMessages = new ArrayList<>();
if (message == null)
return resolvingMessages;
Matcher banModificationMatcher = banModification.matcher(message);
List<Pair<Resource, Member>> listOfAffectedObjects = new ArrayList<>();
String operationType = "";
if (banModificationMatcher.find()) {
try {
String banType =;
operationType =;
int firstHolderId = Integer.valueOf(;
int secondHolderId = Integer.valueOf(;
if (operationType.equals(OPERATION_UPDATED)) {
operationType = OPERATION_SET;
} else if (!operationType.equals(OPERATION_SET) && !operationType.equals(OPERATION_REMOVED)) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Type of operation '" + operationType + "' is unknown by module.");
if (banType.equals(BanOnResource.class.getSimpleName())) {
Member member = perunSession.getPerunBl().getMembersManagerBl().getMemberById(perunSession, firstHolderId);
Resource resource = perunSession.getPerunBl().getResourcesManagerBl().getResourceById(perunSession, secondHolderId);
listOfAffectedObjects.add(new Pair(resource, member));
} else if (banType.equals(BanOnFacility.class.getSimpleName())) {
User user = perunSession.getPerunBl().getUsersManagerBl().getUserById(perunSession, firstHolderId);
Facility facility = perunSession.getPerunBl().getFacilitiesManagerBl().getFacilityById(perunSession, secondHolderId);
listOfAffectedObjects = getAffectedMemberResourceObjects(perunSession, user, facility);
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException("Type of ban '" + banType + "' is unkown by module.");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Can't resolve virtual attribute value change for " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " module because of exception.", e);
//return empty array, do not throw exception because it can create problems
return new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair<Resource, Member> affectedObjects : listOfAffectedObjects) {
try {
Attribute attrVirtMemberResourceIsBanned = perunSession.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(perunSession, affectedObjects.getLeft(), affectedObjects.getRight(), AttributesManager.NS_MEMBER_RESOURCE_ATTR_VIRT + ":isBanned");
resolvingMessages.add(attrVirtMemberResourceIsBanned.serializeToString() + " " + operationType + " for " + affectedObjects.getLeft().serializeToString() + " and " + affectedObjects.getRight().serializeToString());
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException ex) {
//This means that attribute isBanned not exists at all so we can skip this process"Virtual attribute {} not exists.", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
return resolvingMessages;
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Resource in project perun by CESNET.
the class urn_perun_resource_attribute_def_def_fairshareGroupName method checkAttributeValue.
public void checkAttributeValue(PerunSessionImpl perunSession, Resource resource, Attribute attribute) throws InternalErrorException, WrongAttributeValueException, WrongReferenceAttributeValueException, WrongAttributeAssignmentException {
//Null is ok, it means this resource is not fairshare group
if (attribute.getValue() == null) {
String gName = (String) attribute.getValue();
//Test if gName matchers regex
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(gName);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new WrongAttributeValueException(attribute, resource, "Wrong format of group fairshare name. Max length is 12, only letters are allowed.");
//On facility must be fairshare group name unique (between all resources of this facility)
Facility facility = perunSession.getPerunBl().getResourcesManagerBl().getFacility(perunSession, resource);
List<Resource> facilityResources = perunSession.getPerunBl().getFacilitiesManagerBl().getAssignedResources(perunSession, facility);
List<String> resourcesFairshareGroupNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Resource res : facilityResources) {
try {
Attribute resFairshareName = perunSession.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(perunSession, res, attribute.getName());
if (resFairshareName.getValue() == null)
resourcesFairshareGroupNames.add((String) resFairshareName.getValue());
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException ex) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException(ex);
if (resourcesFairshareGroupNames.contains(gName))
throw new WrongAttributeValueException(attribute, resource, "This name is already taken (not unique). Choose another one.");
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Resource in project perun by CESNET.
the class urn_perun_user_facility_attribute_def_virt_shell method getAttributeValue.
public Attribute getAttributeValue(PerunSessionImpl sess, Facility facility, User user, AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition) throws InternalErrorException {
Attribute attr = new Attribute(attributeDefinition);
try {
Attribute attribute = sess.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, facility, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_FACILITY_ATTR_DEF + ":shell");
if (attribute.getValue() != null) {
Utils.copyAttributeToVirtualAttributeWithValue(attribute, attr);
return attr;
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException | AttributeNotExistsException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
try {
Attribute facilityShells = sess.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, facility, AttributesManager.NS_FACILITY_ATTR_DEF + ":shells");
Attribute userPrefferedShells = (sess.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":preferredShells"));
List<Resource> resources = sess.getPerunBl().getUsersManagerBl().getAllowedResources(sess, facility, user);
Set<String> resourcesShells = new HashSet<String>();
for (Resource resource : resources) {
List<String> resourcesShellsForTest = (List<String>) sess.getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, resource, AttributesManager.NS_RESOURCE_ATTR_DEF + ":shells").getValue();
if (resourcesShellsForTest != null)
if (userPrefferedShells.getValue() != null) {
for (String pShell : (List<String>) userPrefferedShells.getValue()) {
if (resourcesShells.contains(pShell)) {
Utils.copyAttributeToViAttributeWithoutValue(userPrefferedShells, attr);
return attr;
if (facilityShells.getValue() != null) {
for (String fShell : (List<String>) facilityShells.getValue()) {
if (resourcesShells.contains(fShell)) {
Utils.copyAttributeToViAttributeWithoutValue(facilityShells, attr);
return attr;
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException | WrongAttributeAssignmentException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
return attr;