use of dagger.internal.TestingLoader in project dagger by square.
the class SetBindingTest method validateSetBinding.
public void validateSetBinding() {
class TestEntryPoint {
Set<String> strings;
@Module(injects = TestEntryPoint.class)
class TestModule {
@Provides(type = SET)
String provideString1() {
return "string1";
@Provides(type = SET)
String provideString2() {
return "string2";
ObjectGraph graph = ObjectGraph.createWith(new TestingLoader(), new TestModule());
use of dagger.internal.TestingLoader in project dagger by square.
the class SetBindingTest method validateLibraryModules.
public void validateLibraryModules() {
class TestEntryPoint {
@Module(library = true)
class SetModule {
@Provides(type = SET)
public String provideString() {
return "";
@Module(injects = TestEntryPoint.class, includes = SetModule.class)
class TestModule {
ObjectGraph graph = ObjectGraph.createWith(new TestingLoader(), new TestModule(), new SetModule());
use of dagger.internal.TestingLoader in project dagger by square.
the class ThreadSafetyTest method concurrentSingletonAccess.
public void concurrentSingletonAccess() throws Exception {
final List<Future<Long>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Long>>();
final ObjectGraph graph = ObjectGraph.createWith(new TestingLoader(), new LatchingModule(latch));
for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++) {
futures.add(es.submit(new Callable<Long>() {
public Long call() {
return graph.get(Long.class);
for (Future<Long> future : futures) {
assertThat(future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).named("Lock failure - count should never increment").isEqualTo(0);
use of dagger.internal.TestingLoader in project dagger by square.
the class UnusedProviderTest method unusedSetValuesBinding.
public void unusedSetValuesBinding() throws Exception {
class TestModule {
@Provides(type = Provides.Type.SET_VALUES)
Set<String> provideA() {
throw new AssertionError();
ObjectGraph graph = ObjectGraph.createWith(new TestingLoader(), new TestModule());
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
use of dagger.internal.TestingLoader in project dagger by square.
the class UnusedProviderTest method whenLibraryModulePlussedToNecessaryModule_shouldNotFailOnUnusedLibraryModule.
public void whenLibraryModulePlussedToNecessaryModule_shouldNotFailOnUnusedLibraryModule() throws Exception {
class EntryPoint {
class BagOfMoney {
@Module(injects = EntryPoint.class, library = true)
class ExampleLibraryModule {
BagOfMoney providesMoney() {
return new BagOfMoney();
@Module(injects = EntryPoint.class)
class TestModule {
ObjectGraph graph = ObjectGraph.createWith(new TestingLoader(), new TestModule());
graph = ExampleLibraryModule());