Search in sources :

Example 6 with GenericResponse

use of datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.

the class LookupUUIDUtil method validateUUIDTerm.

     * Validate the specified token as a UUID lookup term, either as a LUCENE-formatted field/value or a UIDQuery field/value. Tokens missing the appropriate
     * delimiter are ignored and return with a null UUIDType.
     * @param uuidTypeValueTerm A token to evaluate as a possible UUID field/value term
     * @param logicName The existing assigned query logic name, if any
     * @return A valid UUIDType, or null if the specified token is obviously not a UUID field/value term
private UUIDType validateUUIDTerm(final String possibleUUIDTerm, final String logicName) {
    // Declare the return value
    final UUIDType matchingUuidType;
    // Check for the expected type/value delimiter (i.e., UUIDType:UUID)
    if (possibleUUIDTerm.contains(UUID_TERM_DELIMITER)) {
        final String[] splitPair = possibleUUIDTerm.split(UUID_TERM_DELIMITER);
        final String uuidType = splitPair[0].trim().toUpperCase();
        final String uuid;
        if (splitPair.length > 1) {
            uuid = splitPair[1].trim();
        } else {
            uuid = null;
        // Get the matching UUID type
        matchingUuidType = this.uuidTypes.get(uuidType.toUpperCase());
        // Validate UUID type
        if (null == matchingUuidType) {
            final String message = "Invalid type '" + uuidType + "' for UUID " + uuid + " not supported with the LuceneToJexlUUIDQueryParser";
            final GenericResponse<String> errorReponse = new GenericResponse<>();
            throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(message), errorReponse);
        } else // Validate the UUID value
        if ((null == uuid) || uuid.isEmpty()) {
            final String message = "Undefined UUID using type '" + uuidType + "' not supported with the LuceneToJexlUUIDQueryParser";
            final GenericResponse<String> errorReponse = new GenericResponse<>();
            throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(message), errorReponse);
        } else // Reject conflicting logic name
        if ((null != logicName) && !logicName.equals(matchingUuidType.getDefinedView())) {
            final String message = "Multiple UUID types '" + logicName + "' and '" + matchingUuidType.getDefinedView() + "' not " + " supported within the same lookup request";
            final GenericResponse<String> errorReponse = new GenericResponse<>();
            throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(message), errorReponse);
    } else {
        matchingUuidType = null;
    return matchingUuidType;
Also used : GenericResponse(datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse) UUIDType( DatawaveWebApplicationException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.DatawaveWebApplicationException)

Example 7 with GenericResponse

use of datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.

the class LookupUUIDUtil method validateLookupCriteria.

private AbstractUUIDLookupCriteria validateLookupCriteria(final AbstractUUIDLookupCriteria criteria, boolean validateUUIDTerms) {
    // Initialize the validated logic name, which is only necessary for UUID lookup and
    // OK to be a null value when paging through content results.
    String logicName = null;
    // Conditionally validate UUID type/value pairs
    if (validateUUIDTerms) {
        // Get the unvalidated LUCENE query for UUID lookup
        final String unvalidatedQuery = criteria.getRawQueryString();
        // Initialize the counter for validating against the maximum number of allowed UUIDs
        int uuidPairCount = 0;
        int eventTypeCountForContentLookup = 0;
        // Reformat the query into a tokenizable series of UUID type/value pairs
        String tokenizablePairs;
        if (null != unvalidatedQuery) {
            tokenizablePairs = unvalidatedQuery;
            // Replace grouping characters with whitespace
            tokenizablePairs = tokenizablePairs.replaceAll(REGEX_GROUPING_CHARS, SPACE);
            // Remove most, but not all, non-word characters
            tokenizablePairs = tokenizablePairs.replaceAll(REGEX_NONWORD_CHARS, EMPTY_STRING);
            // Remove OR operators
            tokenizablePairs = tokenizablePairs.replaceAll(REGEX_OR_OPERATOR, SPACE);
        } else {
            tokenizablePairs = EMPTY_STRING;
        // Validate each UUID type and value
        final String[] uuidTypeValuePairs = tokenizablePairs.split(REGEX_WHITESPACE_CHARS);
        for (final String potentialUUIDTerm : uuidTypeValuePairs) {
            // Validate the "potential" UUID term. It's potential because it could be an OR operator
            // or some other query syntax that would be validated with more scrutiny once the query
            // executor is invoked.
            final UUIDType uuidType = this.validateUUIDTerm(potentialUUIDTerm.trim(), logicName);
            if (null != uuidType) {
                // Assign the query logic name if undefined
                if (null == logicName) {
                    logicName = uuidType.getDefinedView();
                // Increment the UUID type/value count
                // Increment the counter for specialized "event" UUID types in the case of content lookups
                if (criteria.isContentLookup() && EVENT_TYPE_NAME.equals(uuidType.getFieldName())) {
        // Validate at least one UUID was specified in the query string
        if (null == logicName) {
            final String message = "Undefined UUID types not supported with the LuceneToJexlUUIDQueryParser";
            final GenericResponse<String> errorReponse = new GenericResponse<>();
            throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(message), errorReponse);
        // Validate the number of specified UUIDs did not exceed the upper limit, if any
        if ((this.maxAllowedBatchLookupUUIDs > 0) && (uuidPairCount > this.maxAllowedBatchLookupUUIDs)) {
            final String message = "The " + uuidPairCount + " specified UUIDs exceed the maximum number of " + this.maxAllowedBatchLookupUUIDs + " allowed for a given lookup request";
            final GenericResponse<String> errorReponse = new GenericResponse<>();
            throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(message), errorReponse);
        // Set the flag if we know we're dealing with an all-event UID lookup that has not exceeded the max page size
        if ((eventTypeCountForContentLookup > 0) && (uuidPairCount == eventTypeCountForContentLookup) && (uuidPairCount <= Integer.parseInt(criteria.getQueryParameters().getFirst(QueryParameters.QUERY_PAGESIZE)))) {
    // Set the query logic
    criteria.getQueryParameters().put(QueryParameters.QUERY_LOGIC_NAME, Collections.singletonList(logicName));
    List<String> paramList = criteria.getQueryParameters().remove(QueryParameters.QUERY_PARAMS);
    String params = null;
    if (paramList != null && !paramList.isEmpty()) {
        params = paramList.get(0);
    // Add Lucene syntax to the parameters, except during a call for next content
    if (!(criteria instanceof NextContentCriteria)) {
        params = params + PARAM_LUCENE_QUERY_SYNTAX;
    // Conditionally add content.lookup syntax to parameters to indicate content lookup during "next" calls
    if (criteria.isContentLookup() && !criteria.isAllEventLookup()) {
        params = params + ';' + PARAM_CONTENT_LOOKUP + ':' + true;
    criteria.getQueryParameters().putSingle(QueryParameters.QUERY_PARAMS, params);
    // All is well, so return the validated criteria
    return criteria;
Also used : GenericResponse(datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse) UUIDType( DatawaveWebApplicationException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.DatawaveWebApplicationException)

Example 8 with GenericResponse

use of datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.

the class MapReduceBean method restart.

 * Kill any job running associated with the BulkResults id and start a new job.
 * @param jobId
 * @return {@code datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse<String>}
 * @RequestHeader X-ProxiedEntitiesChain use when proxying request for user by specifying a chain of DNs of the identities to proxy
 * @RequestHeader X-ProxiedIssuersChain required when using X-ProxiedEntitiesChain, specify one issuer DN per subject DN listed in X-ProxiedEntitiesChain
 * @ResponseHeader X-OperationTimeInMS time spent on the server performing the operation, does not account for network or result serialization
 * @HTTP 200 success
 * @HTTP 404 if jobId is invalid or cannot be found
 * @HTTP 500 error restarting the job
@Produces({ "application/xml", "text/xml", "application/json", "text/yaml", "text/x-yaml", "application/x-yaml", "application/x-protobuf", "application/x-protostuff" })"/{jobId}/restart")
public GenericResponse<String> restart(@PathParam("jobId") String jobId) {
    GenericResponse<String> response = new GenericResponse<>();
    // Find all potential running jobs
    MapReduceInfoResponseList list = mapReduceState.findById(jobId);
    // Should contain zero or one job
    if (list.getResults().isEmpty()) {
        NotFoundQueryException qe = new NotFoundQueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.NO_MAPREDUCE_OBJECT_MATCH);
        throw new NotFoundException(qe, response);
    } else if (list.getResults().size() > 1) {
        NotFoundQueryException qe = new NotFoundQueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.TOO_MANY_MAPREDUCE_OBJECT_MATCHES);
        throw new NotFoundException(qe, response);
    } else {
        MapReduceInfoResponse thisJob = list.getResults().get(0);
        // Call cancel for this job. This will kill any running jobs and remove the results directory
        // Now re-submit this job after adding the JOB_ID to the runtime parameters to signal that this job has been restarted
        String jobName = thisJob.getJobName();
        // Now call submit
        return submit(jobName, thisJob.getRuntimeParameters() + PARAMETER_SEPARATOR + JOB_ID + PARAMETER_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR + jobId);
Also used : GenericResponse(datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse) MapReduceInfoResponse( NotFoundException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.NotFoundException) MapReduceInfoResponseList( NotFoundQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.NotFoundQueryException) Produces( GZIP(org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.GZIP) PUT(

Example 9 with GenericResponse

use of datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.

the class MapReduceBean method ooziesubmit.

 * Execute a Oozie workflow with the given workFlow name and runtime parameters
 * @param queryParameters
 * @return
@Produces({ "application/xml", "text/xml", "application/json", "text/yaml", "text/x-yaml", "application/x-yaml", "application/x-protobuf", "application/x-protostuff" })"/ooziesubmit")
public GenericResponse<String> ooziesubmit(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParameters) {
    GenericResponse<String> response = new GenericResponse<>();
    String workFlow = queryParameters.getFirst(OozieJobConstants.WORKFLOW_PARAM);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(workFlow)) {
        throw new BadRequestException(new IllegalArgumentException(OozieJobConstants.WORKFLOW_PARAM + " parameter missing"), response);
    String parameters = queryParameters.getFirst(OozieJobConstants.PARAMETERS);
    // Find out who/what called this method
    Principal p = ctx.getCallerPrincipal();
    String sid = null;
    String userDn = p.getName();
    DatawavePrincipal datawavePrincipal = null;
    if (p instanceof DatawavePrincipal) {
        datawavePrincipal = (DatawavePrincipal) p;
        sid = datawavePrincipal.getShortName();
    } else {
        QueryException qe = new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_PRINCIPAL_ERROR, MessageFormat.format("Class: {0}", p.getClass().getName()));
        throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(qe, response);
    OozieJobConfiguration job;
    try {
        MapReduceJobConfiguration mrConfig = this.mapReduceConfiguration.getConfiguration(workFlow);
        if (mrConfig instanceof OozieJobConfiguration) {
            job = (OozieJobConfiguration) mrConfig;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(workFlow + " not an Oozie job configuration");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        BadRequestQueryException qe = new BadRequestQueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.JOB_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, e);
        throw new BadRequestException(qe, response);
    if (job instanceof NeedCallerDetails) {
        ((NeedCallerDetails) job).setUserSid(sid);
        ((NeedCallerDetails) job).setPrincipal(p);
    // Ensure that the user has the required roles and has passed the required auths
    if (null != job.getRequiredRoles() || null != job.getRequiredAuths()) {
        try {
            canRunJob(datawavePrincipal, queryParameters, job.getRequiredRoles(), job.getRequiredAuths());
        } catch (UnauthorizedQueryException qe) {
            // user does not have all of the required roles or did not pass the required auths
            throw new UnauthorizedException(qe, response);
    String id = sid + "_" + UUID.randomUUID();
    OozieClient oozieClient = null;
    Properties oozieConf = null;
    try {
        oozieClient = new OozieClient((String) job.getJobConfigurationProperties().get(OozieJobConstants.OOZIE_CLIENT_PROP));
        oozieConf = oozieClient.createConfiguration();
        job.initializeOozieConfiguration(id, oozieConf, queryParameters);
        job.validateWorkflowParameter(oozieConf, mapReduceConfiguration);
    } catch (QueryException qe) {
        log.error(qe.getMessage(), qe);
        throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(qe, response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        response.addException(new QueryException(e.getMessage(), e));
        throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(e, response);
    } finally {
        // audit query here
        Auditor.AuditType auditType = job.getAuditType();
        log.trace("Audit type is: " +;
        if (!auditType.equals(Auditor.AuditType.NONE)) {
            try {
                queryParameters.putSingle(PrivateAuditConstants.USER_DN, userDn);
                queryParameters.putSingle(PrivateAuditConstants.COLUMN_VISIBILITY, marking.toColumnVisibilityString());
                List<String> selectors = job.getSelectors(queryParameters, oozieConf);
                if (selectors != null && !selectors.isEmpty()) {
                    queryParameters.put(PrivateAuditConstants.SELECTORS, selectors);
                // if the user didn't set an audit id, use the query id
                if (!queryParameters.containsKey(AuditParameters.AUDIT_ID)) {
                    queryParameters.putSingle(AuditParameters.AUDIT_ID, id);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                log.error("Error validating audit parameters", e);
                BadRequestQueryException qe = new BadRequestQueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, e);
                throw new BadRequestException(qe, response);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error auditing query", e);
                response.addMessage("Error auditing query - " + e.getMessage());
                throw new BadRequestException(e, response);
    // Submit the Oozie workflow.
    try {
        String jobID = null;
        try {
            jobID =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.OOZIE_JOB_START_ERROR, e);
        try {
            String jobResultstDir = oozieConf.getProperty(OozieJobConstants.OUT_DIR_PROP) + "/" + id;
            Path baseDir = new Path(this.mapReduceConfiguration.getMapReduceBaseDirectory());
            // Create a directory path for this job
            Path jobDir = new Path(baseDir, id);
            mapReduceState.create(id, job.getHdfsUri(), job.getJobTracker(), jobDir.toString(), jobID, jobResultstDir, parameters, workFlow);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            QueryException qe = new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.MAPREDUCE_STATE_PERSISTENCE_ERROR, e);
            try {
                // if we successfully kill the job, throw the original exception
                throw qe;
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // throw the exception from killing the job
                throw new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.MAPREDUCE_JOB_KILL_ERROR, e2);
    } catch (QueryException qe) {
        log.error(qe.getMessage(), qe);
        throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(qe, response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        QueryException qe = new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage());
        throw new DatawaveWebApplicationException(qe, response);
    return response;
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) GenericResponse(datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse) BadRequestQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.BadRequestQueryException) NeedCallerDetails( Properties(java.util.Properties) DatawavePrincipal( DatawaveWebApplicationException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.DatawaveWebApplicationException) WebApplicationException( NotFoundQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.NotFoundQueryException) IOException( QueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.QueryException) BadRequestException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.BadRequestException) NotFoundException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.NotFoundException) UnauthorizedQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.UnauthorizedQueryException) UnauthorizedException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.UnauthorizedException) BadRequestQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.BadRequestQueryException) UnauthorizedQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.UnauthorizedQueryException) Auditor(datawave.webservice.common.audit.Auditor) OozieClient(org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient) NotFoundQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.NotFoundQueryException) QueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.QueryException) UnauthorizedQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.UnauthorizedQueryException) BadRequestQueryException(datawave.webservice.query.exception.BadRequestQueryException) MapReduceJobConfiguration( UnauthorizedException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.UnauthorizedException) BadRequestException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.BadRequestException) DatawaveWebApplicationException(datawave.webservice.common.exception.DatawaveWebApplicationException) OozieJobConfiguration( Principal( ServerPrincipal( DatawavePrincipal( POST( Produces( GZIP(org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.GZIP)

Example 10 with GenericResponse

use of datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.

the class HealthBean method waitForQueryCompletion.

 * This method initiates a shutdown. This will set internal state such that the {@link #health()} method will return a {@link Status#SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE}
 * error to prevent new queries from coming in. After that, it will wait up to {@code timeoutMinutes} for queries to complete before initiating a shutdown
 * of the web server.
 * <strong>NOTE:</strong> This method is restricted to users calling from the local host, or via the JMX interface.
 * TODO: Is there a way to "cancel" any requests that are waiting for an Accumulo connection? It would be nice if such requests could be rejected somehow
 * and the load balancer could automatically redirect to a different web server.
 * @param timeoutMinutes
 *            the number of minutes to wait for queries to complete before continuing with the shutdown operation anyway
 * @return a message indicating whether or not shutdown was attempted
public Response waitForQueryCompletion(@QueryParam("timeoutMinutes") @DefaultValue("75") int timeoutMinutes, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
    GenericResponse<String> response = new GenericResponse<>();
    // We're only allowed to call shutdown from the loopback interface.
    if (!"".equals(request.getRemoteAddr())) {
        LOG.error("Shutdown requested from {}. Denying access since the request was not from localhost.", request.getRemoteAddr());
        response.setResult("Shutdown calls must be made on the local host.");
        return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(response).build();
    LOG.warn("Shutdown requested from {}. Waiting up to {} minutes for queries to complete.", request.getRemoteAddr(), timeoutMinutes);
    // Wait for queries to complete
    long timeoutMillis = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(timeoutMinutes);
    shutdownInProgress = true;
    status = "drain";
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int connectionUsage;
    while ((connectionUsage = accumuloConnectionFactoryBean.getConnectionUsagePercent()) > 0) {
        long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
        if (delta > timeoutMillis) {
            LOG.warn("Timeout of {} minutes exceeded while waiting for queries to complete. Shutting down anyway.", timeoutMinutes);
        }"Connection usage is {}%. Waiting for queries to complete.", connectionUsage);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for queries to complete.");
    if (connectionUsage <= 0) {
        response.setResult("All queries completed. Shutting down.");
    } else {
        response.setResult("Gave up waiting for queries to complete. Shutting down with pool usage percentage of " + connectionUsage + ".");
    // Initiate a server shutdown using the management JMX bean
    try {
        MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
        ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName("");
        mBeanServer.invoke(objectName, "shutdown", new Object[] { false, 0, 0 }, new String[] { boolean.class.getName(), int.class.getName(), int.class.getName() });
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException | ReflectionException | InstanceNotFoundException | MBeanException e) {
        LOG.warn("Error shutting down: {}", e);
    return Response.ok().entity(response).build();
Also used : ReflectionException( MalformedObjectNameException( GenericResponse(datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse) InstanceNotFoundException( ObjectName( MBeanException( MBeanServer( Path( JmxManaged(org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.jmx.JmxManaged) GET(


GenericResponse (datawave.webservice.result.GenericResponse)25 DatawaveWebApplicationException (datawave.webservice.common.exception.DatawaveWebApplicationException)19 NotFoundQueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.NotFoundQueryException)16 QueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.QueryException)16 Produces ( UnauthorizedQueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.UnauthorizedQueryException)15 BadRequestQueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.BadRequestQueryException)14 IOException ( UnauthorizedException (datawave.webservice.common.exception.UnauthorizedException)12 NoResultsQueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.NoResultsQueryException)12 PreConditionFailedQueryException (datawave.webservice.query.exception.PreConditionFailedQueryException)12 Path ( WebApplicationException ( GZIP (org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.GZIP)11 Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)10 BadRequestException (datawave.webservice.common.exception.BadRequestException)10 NoResultsException (datawave.webservice.common.exception.NoResultsException)10 Interceptors (javax.interceptor.Interceptors)10 DatawavePrincipal ( Query (datawave.webservice.query.Query)9