use of ddf.catalog.plugin.PluginExecutionException in project ddf by codice.
the class Checksum method runChecksum.
private void runChecksum(List<ContentItem> contentItems) throws PluginExecutionException {
for (ContentItem contentItem : contentItems) {
try (InputStream inputStream = contentItem.getInputStream()) {
//calculate checksum so that it can be added as an attribute on metacard
String checksumAlgorithm = checksumProvider.getChecksumAlgorithm();
String checksumValue;
try {
checksumValue = checksumProvider.calculateChecksum(inputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException("Error calculating checksum", e);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException("Unsupported algorithm", e);
addChecksumAttributes(contentItem.getMetacard(), checksumAlgorithm, checksumValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException("Unable to retrieve input stream for content item", e);
use of ddf.catalog.plugin.PluginExecutionException in project ddf by codice.
the class ExceptionsTest method testPluginExecutionException.
public void testPluginExecutionException() {
PluginExecutionException pee = new PluginExecutionException();
pee = new PluginExecutionException(msg);
assertEquals(pee.getMessage(), msg);
pee = new PluginExecutionException(testCause);
assertEquals(pee.getCause(), testCause);
pee = new PluginExecutionException(msg, testCause);
assertEquals(pee.getMessage(), msg);
assertEquals(pee.getCause(), testCause);
use of ddf.catalog.plugin.PluginExecutionException in project ddf by codice.
the class CachingFederationStrategyTest method testCatchPluginExecutionException.
public void testCatchPluginExecutionException() throws Exception {
PreFederatedQueryPlugin mockPlug = mock(PreFederatedQueryPlugin.class);
PreFederatedQueryPlugin mockPlug2 = mock(PreFederatedQueryPlugin.class);
when(mockPlug.process(any(Source.class), any(QueryRequest.class))).thenThrow(new PluginExecutionException());
strategy = new CachingFederationStrategy(queryExecutor, Arrays.asList(mockPlug, mockPlug2), new ArrayList<>(), cache, cacheExecutor, mock(ValidationQueryFactory.class), new CacheQueryFactory(new GeotoolsFilterBuilder()));
QueryRequest fedQueryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(mockQuery, properties);
strategy.federate(Arrays.asList(mock(Source.class)), fedQueryRequest);
verify(mockPlug).process(any(Source.class), any(QueryRequest.class));
verify(mockPlug2).process(any(Source.class), any(QueryRequest.class));
use of ddf.catalog.plugin.PluginExecutionException in project ddf by codice.
the class DummyPreQueryPlugin method process.
public QueryRequest process(QueryRequest input) throws PluginExecutionException, StopProcessingException {
String methodName = "process";
LOGGER.trace(ENTERING, methodName);
QueryRequest newQueryRequest = input;
if (input != null) {
Query query = input.getQuery();
if (query != null) {
FilterDelegate<Filter> delegate = new CopyFilterDelegate(filterBuilder);
try {
// Make a defensive copy of the original filter (just in case anyone else
// expects
// it to remain unmodified)
Filter copiedFilter = filterAdapter.adapt(query, delegate);
// Define the extra query clause(s) to add to the copied filter
// This will create a filter with a search phrase of:
// ((("schematypesearch") and ("test" and ("ISAF" or "CAN"))))
Filter contextualFilter = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).like().text("test");
Filter releasableToFilter1 = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).like().text("ISAF");
Filter releasableToFilter2 = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).like().text("CAN");
Filter orFilter = filterBuilder.anyOf(releasableToFilter1, releasableToFilter2);
Filter extraFilter = filterBuilder.allOf(contextualFilter, orFilter);
// AND this PreQueryPlugin's extra query clause(s) to the copied filter
Filter modifiedFilter = filterBuilder.allOf(copiedFilter, extraFilter);
// Create a new QueryRequest using the modified filter and the attributes from
// the original query
QueryImpl newQuery = new QueryImpl(modifiedFilter, query.getStartIndex(), query.getPageSize(), query.getSortBy(), query.requestsTotalResultsCount(), query.getTimeoutMillis());
newQueryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(newQuery, input.isEnterprise(), input.getSourceIds(), input.getProperties());
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException(e);
LOGGER.trace(EXITING, methodName);
return newQueryRequest;
use of ddf.catalog.plugin.PluginExecutionException in project ddf by codice.
the class DummyPreSubscriptionPlugin method process.
public Subscription process(Subscription input) throws PluginExecutionException {
String methodName = "process";
LOGGER.trace(ENTERING, methodName);
Subscription newSubscription = input;
if (input != null) {
FilterDelegate<Filter> delegate = new CopyFilterDelegate(filterBuilder);
try {
// Make a defensive copy of the original filter (just in case anyone else expects
// it to remain unmodified)
Filter copiedFilter = filterAdapter.adapt(input, delegate);
// Define the extra query clause(s) to add to the copied filter
Filter extraFilter = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).like().text("CAN");
// AND the extra query clause(s) to the copied filter
Filter modifiedFilter = filterBuilder.allOf(copiedFilter, extraFilter);
// Create a new subscription with the modified filter
newSubscription = new SubscriptionImpl(modifiedFilter, input.getDeliveryMethod(), input.getSourceIds(), input.isEnterprise());
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
throw new PluginExecutionException(e);
LOGGER.trace(EXITING, methodName);
return newSubscription;