use of ddf.catalog.resource.impl.ResourceImpl in project ddf by codice.
the class CswEndpoint method queryProductById.
private CswRecordCollection queryProductById(String id, String rangeValue) throws CswException, UnsupportedQueryException {
final ResourceRequestById resourceRequest = new ResourceRequestById(id);
long bytesToSkip = getRange(rangeValue);
if (bytesToSkip > 0) {
LOGGER.debug("Bytes to skip: {}", String.valueOf(bytesToSkip));
resourceRequest.getProperties().put(CswConstants.BYTES_TO_SKIP, bytesToSkip);
ResourceResponse resourceResponse;
try {
resourceResponse = framework.getLocalResource(resourceRequest);
} catch (IOException | ResourceNotFoundException | ResourceNotSupportedException e) {
throw new CswException(String.format(ERROR_ID_PRODUCT_RETRIEVAL, id), e);
Resource resource = resourceResponse.getResource();
MimeType mimeType = resource.getMimeType();
if (mimeType == null) {
try {
mimeType = new MimeType(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
resource = new ResourceImpl(resource.getInputStream(), mimeType, resource.getName());
} catch (MimeTypeParseException e) {
throw new CswException(String.format("Could not create mime type upon null mimeType, for mime %s.", MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM), e);
CswRecordCollection cswRecordCollection = new CswRecordCollection();
LOGGER.debug("{} successfully retrieved product for ID: {}", id);
return cswRecordCollection;
use of ddf.catalog.resource.impl.ResourceImpl in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method retrieveResource.
public ResourceResponse retrieveResource(URI uri, Map<String, Serializable> arguments) throws IOException, ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceNotSupportedException {
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("<html><script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.replace(\"");
Resource resource = new ResourceImpl(IOUtils.toInputStream(strBuilder.toString()), MediaType.TEXT_HTML, getId() + " Resource");
return new ResourceResponseImpl(resource);
use of ddf.catalog.resource.impl.ResourceImpl in project ddf by codice.
the class ReliableResourceDownloader method setupDownload.
public ResourceResponse setupDownload(Metacard metacard, DownloadStatusInfo downloadStatusInfo) {
Resource resource = resourceResponse.getResource();
MimeType mimeType = resource.getMimeType();
String resourceName = resource.getName();
countingFbos = new CountingOutputStream(fbos);
streamReadByClient = new ReliableResourceInputStream(fbos, countingFbos, downloadState, downloadIdentifier, resourceResponse);
this.metacard = metacard;
// Create new ResourceResponse to return that will encapsulate the
// ReliableResourceInputStream that will be read by the client simultaneously as the product
// is cached to disk (if caching is enabled)
ResourceImpl newResource = new ResourceImpl(streamReadByClient, mimeType, resourceName);
resourceResponse = new ResourceResponseImpl(resourceResponse.getRequest(), resourceResponse.getProperties(), newResource);
// Get handle to retrieved product's InputStream
resourceInputStream = resource.getInputStream();
eventListener.setDownloadMap(downloadIdentifier, resourceResponse);
downloadStatusInfo.addDownloadInfo(downloadIdentifier, this, resourceResponse);
if (downloaderConfig.isCacheEnabled()) {
CacheKey keyMaker = null;
String key = null;
try {
keyMaker = new CacheKey(metacard, resourceResponse.getRequest());
key = keyMaker.generateKey();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Cannot create cache key for resource with metacard ID = {}", metacard.getId());
return resourceResponse;
if (!resourceCache.isPending(key)) {
// Fully qualified path to cache file that will be written to.
// Example:
// <INSTALL-DIR>/data/product-cache/<source-id>-<metacard-id>
// <INSTALL-DIR>/data/product-cache/ddf.distribution-abc123
filePath = FilenameUtils.concat(resourceCache.getProductCacheDirectory(), key);
if (filePath == null) {"Unable to create cache for cache directory {} and key {} - no caching will be done.", resourceCache.getProductCacheDirectory(), key);
return resourceResponse;
reliableResource = new ReliableResource(key, filePath, mimeType, resourceName, metacard);
try {
fos = FileUtils.openOutputStream(new File(filePath));
doCaching = true;
} catch (IOException e) {"Unable to open cache file {} - no caching will be done.", filePath);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Cache key {} is already pending caching", key);
return resourceResponse;
use of ddf.catalog.resource.impl.ResourceImpl in project ddf by codice.
the class GetRecordsMessageBodyReader method readFrom.
public CswRecordCollection readFrom(Class<CswRecordCollection> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders, InputStream inStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
CswRecordCollection cswRecords = null;
Map<String, Serializable> resourceProperties = new HashMap<>();
// Check if the server returned a Partial Content response (hopefully in response to a range header)
String contentRangeHeader = httpHeaders.getFirst(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contentRangeHeader)) {
contentRangeHeader = StringUtils.substringBetween(contentRangeHeader.toLowerCase(), "bytes ", "-");
long bytesSkipped = Long.parseLong(contentRangeHeader);
resourceProperties.put(BYTES_SKIPPED, Long.valueOf(bytesSkipped));
// If the following HTTP header exists and its value is true, the input stream will contain
// raw product data
String productRetrievalHeader = httpHeaders.getFirst(CswConstants.PRODUCT_RETRIEVAL_HTTP_HEADER);
if (productRetrievalHeader != null && productRetrievalHeader.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) {
String fileName = handleContentDispositionHeader(httpHeaders);
cswRecords = new CswRecordCollection();
cswRecords.setResource(new ResourceImpl(inStream, mediaType.toString(), fileName));
return cswRecords;
// Save original input stream for any exception message that might need to be
// created
String originalInputStream = IOUtils.toString(inStream, "UTF-8");
LOGGER.debug("Converting to CswRecordCollection: \n {}", originalInputStream);
// Re-create the input stream (since it has already been read for potential
// exception message creation)
inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(originalInputStream.getBytes("UTF-8"));
try {
HierarchicalStreamReader reader = new XppReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newPullParser());
cswRecords = (CswRecordCollection) xstream.unmarshal(reader, null, argumentHolder);
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Unable to create XmlPullParser, and cannot parse CSW Response.", e);
} catch (XStreamException e) {
// If an ExceptionReport is sent from the remote CSW site it will be sent with an
// JAX-RS "OK" status, hence the ErrorResponse exception mapper will not fire.
// Instead the ExceptionReport will come here and be treated like a GetRecords
// response, resulting in an XStreamException since ExceptionReport cannot be
// unmarshalled. So this catch clause is responsible for catching that XStream
// exception and creating a JAX-RS response containing the original stream
// (with the ExceptionReport) and rethrowing it as a WebApplicatioNException,
// which CXF will wrap as a ClientException that the CswSource catches, converts
// to a CswException, and logs.
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(originalInputStream.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(bis);
Response response =;
throw new WebApplicationException(e, response);
} finally {
return cswRecords;
use of ddf.catalog.resource.impl.ResourceImpl in project ddf by codice.
the class AbstractCswSource method retrieveResource.
public ResourceResponse retrieveResource(URI resourceUri, Map<String, Serializable> requestProperties) throws IOException, ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceNotSupportedException {
if (canRetrieveResourceById()) {
// If no resource reader was found, retrieve the product through a GetRecordById request
Serializable serializableId = null;
if (requestProperties != null) {
serializableId = requestProperties.get(Core.ID);
if (serializableId == null) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve resource because no metacard ID was found.");
String metacardId = serializableId.toString();
LOGGER.debug("Retrieving resource for ID : {}", metacardId);
Csw csw = factory.getClientForSubject((Subject) requestProperties.get(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT));
GetRecordByIdRequest getRecordByIdRequest = new GetRecordByIdRequest();
String rangeValue = "";
long requestedBytesToSkip = 0;
if (requestProperties.containsKey(CswConstants.BYTES_TO_SKIP)) {
requestedBytesToSkip = (Long) requestProperties.get(CswConstants.BYTES_TO_SKIP);
rangeValue = String.format("%s%s-", CswConstants.BYTES_EQUAL, requestProperties.get(CswConstants.BYTES_TO_SKIP).toString());
LOGGER.debug("Range: {}", rangeValue);
CswRecordCollection recordCollection;
try {
recordCollection = csw.getRecordById(getRecordByIdRequest, rangeValue);
Resource resource = recordCollection.getResource();
if (resource != null) {
long responseBytesSkipped = 0L;
if (recordCollection.getResourceProperties().get(BYTES_SKIPPED) != null) {
responseBytesSkipped = (Long) recordCollection.getResourceProperties().get(BYTES_SKIPPED);
alignStream(resource.getInputStream(), requestedBytesToSkip, responseBytesSkipped);
return new ResourceResponseImpl(new ResourceImpl(new BufferedInputStream(resource.getInputStream()), resource.getMimeTypeValue(), FilenameUtils.getName(resource.getName())));
} catch (CswException | IOException e) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(String.format(ERROR_ID_PRODUCT_RETRIEVAL, metacardId), e);
LOGGER.debug("Retrieving resource at : {}", resourceUri);
return resourceReader.retrieveResource(resourceUri, requestProperties);